530+ Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences Solved MCQs


Legal theory of right was propounded by

A. mac iver
B. laski
C. hegel
D. barker
Answer» B. laski

. Which factor is necessary for the development of democratic institutions?

A. strong military forces
B. respect for individual rights
C. a one-party system
D. an agricultural economy
Answer» B. respect for individual rights

Which Act is considered the watch dog of Democracy?

A. the right to property act
B. right to live act
C. the right to information act
D. none of these
Answer» C. the right to information act

Who among the following described democracy as the ‘tyranny of the majority?

A. .james madison
B. john dunning
C. j rousseau
D. de tocqueville
Answer» D. de tocqueville

Conception of negative liberty emphasizes:

A. freedom of choice
B. autonomy
C. absence of interference
D. self determination
Answer» C. absence of interference

Participatory democracy calls for:

A. increasing the voter turnout in elections
B. greater and active engagement of citizens in government
C. greater involvement of the legislature in the business of legislature
D. active engagement of the representatives in the affairs of their constituencies
Answer» B. greater and active engagement of citizens in government

Who among the following was an advocate of behaviouralism and post behaviouralism?

A. leo strauss
B. david easton
C. george catlin
D. charles . e . merriam
Answer» B. david easton

............... is any of several related philosophical ideas regarding the associations between phenomena which can be described in terms of other simpler or more fundamental phenomena.

A. prediction ism
B. non reductionism
C. reductionism
D. deconstruction
Answer» C. reductionism

A belief that the whole of reality consists of a minimal number of parts is called

A. methodological reductionism
B. ontological reductionism
C. theory reductionism
D. non reductionism
Answer» B. ontological reductionism

The scientific attempt to provide explanation in terms of ever smaller entities is called

A. methodological reductionism
B. ontological reductionism
C. theory reductionism
D. non reductionism
Answer» A. methodological reductionism

The phenomena that can be explained completely in terms of relations between other more fundamental phenomena, are termed as

A. nothingness
B. epiphenomena
C. communication
D. deconstruction
Answer» B. epiphenomena

A contrast to reductionism is

A. holism
B. deconstruction
C. deduction
D. specialization
Answer» A. holism

This type of research "refers to the meanings, concepts definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and description of things" and not to their "counts or measures.". Which type?

A. qualitative research
B. quantitative research
C. positivism
D. empiricism
Answer» A. qualitative research

.................is the systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques.

A. qualitative research
B. quantitative research
C. hypothesis
D. experimental control
Answer» B. quantitative research

Quantitative research is generally, closely affiliated with ideas from 'the scientific method', which can include:

A. the generation of models, theories and hypotheses
B. the development of instruments and methods for measurement
C. experimental control and manipulation of variables
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Political science is a discipline

A. which does not subscribe to any values.
B. which provide value free analysis
C. meant to study values.
D. that cannot ignore values
Answer» D. that cannot ignore values

Which of the following combinations defines the scope of political science

A. state, governments, customs and culture.
B. sovereignty, government, market , political parties and social classes.
C. state, governments, laws, civil society and political parties.
D. state, values, government, decision making , political parties.
Answer» C. state, governments, laws, civil society and political parties.

Which of the following is not a traditional Approach to the study of political science?

A. comparison
B. historiography
C. simulation
D. legal institutions
Answer» B. historiography

Who is the celebrated author of ‘Law of the constitution’

A. a. v. dicey
B. herman finer
C. r. g. gettel
D. f. w willoughby
Answer» A. a. v. dicey

Who expressed the view that ‘equality is unnatural and undesirable’

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. hegal
D. hobbes
Answer» B. aristotle

The ground for distributive justice include

A. merit and desert
B. desert and need
C. merit and need
D. merit, desert and need
Answer» D. merit, desert and need

The Rawlsian notion of justice is

A. socialist
B. utilitarian
C. communitarian
D. liberal
Answer» C. communitarian

Who wrote the work ‘A Preface to Democratic Theory’

A. dahl
B. marx
C. easton
D. maciver
Answer» A. dahl

Who described elections as the heart of democracy?

A. lincoln
B. woodrow wilson
C. james bryce
D. joseph schumpter
Answer» D. joseph schumpter

Political science has taken a turn toward the social sciences in its studies of:

A. law and administration
B. the moral effects of government policies
C. work as a source of identity
D. the social impact of government on groups and individuals
Answer» D. the social impact of government on groups and individuals

To what domain did Rawls direct his views of justice?

A. political domain
B. medical domain
C. financial domain
D. private domain
Answer» A. political domain

Which one of the political thinker made valuable contribution to the growth of Scholasticism during the medieval times?

A. thomas acquinas
B. dante
C. machiavelli
D. karl marx
Answer» A. thomas acquinas

Which of these is a defining characteristic of democracy ?

A. that rulers govern the interests of the ruled
B. that rulers came from a wide range of social background
C. that rulers are accountable to the ruled on a regular basis
D. that the proceedings of the legislative body are televise
Answer» C. that rulers are accountable to the ruled on a regular basis

Direct democracy is the system in which:

A. citizens choose the representatives in free and fair elections
B. citizens are allowed to debate with their representatives in open public meetings
C. citizens represent themselves in the decision making process
D. senior political leaders are known as ‘’directors’
Answer» C. citizens represent themselves in the decision making process

In John Rawls’s theory, principles of justice are established by people who are affected by what?

A. a veil of ignorance
B. a state of nature
C. economic inequality
D. short sited self interest
Answer» A. a veil of ignorance

Who said the liberty consists in following the moral law

A. cole
B. spinoza
C. marks
D. barker
Answer» B. spinoza

According to individualists the people have maximum liberty if

A. the state performs maximum functions
B. the state performs minimum functions
C. the state is abolished
D. none of the above
Answer» B. the state performs minimum functions

Liberty in positive sense means

A. liberty granted under the law
B. liberty which people have enjoyed from earliest times
C. provision of conditions which are conducive to human development
D. provision of basic necessities of life to every member of society
Answer» C. provision of conditions which are conducive to human development

Who of the following was the chief exponent of natural liberty

A. rousseau
B. laski
C. mac iver
D. herbert spencer
Answer» A. rousseau

Which of the following does not fall within the purview of the political liberty?

A. right to vote
B. right to contest elections
C. right to criticize the government
D. right to move the court for the enforcement of rights
Answer» D. right to move the court for the enforcement of rights

The view that every state law enlarges individual freedom is associated with

A. marxists
B. idealists
C. syndicalist
D. individualist
Answer» B. idealists

Civil liberty stands for

A. freedom to pursue one’s desire
B. freedom to exercise discretion in one’s own domain
C. liberty to mass wealth
D. liberty to free action and immunity from interference
Answer» D. liberty to free action and immunity from interference

In their essence rights are:

A. legal injunctions
B. moral imperatives
C. conditions of law
D. aspects of social life
Answer» D. aspects of social life

The concept of liberty has developed mainly in modern times and is closely associated with the philosophy of:

A. utilitarianism
B. liberalism
C. individualism
D. none of the above
Answer» C. individualism

Democracy as an ideal can be achieved through:

A. political institution
B. transformation of the mode of production
C. inculcation of new values of human equality
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Democracy in its narrow sense means

A. rule by the many
B. a form of government
C. a type of state
D. an order of society
Answer» A. rule by the many

The nearest approach that one finds to direct democracy in some modern states in the form of

A. referendum
B. initiative
C. recall
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The subject that deals with man in relation to the State and Government is called

A. economics
B. history
C. political science
D. psychology
Answer» C. political science

Who defines Political Science as that part of social science which treats the foundations of the State and the principles of Government?

A. prof.harold laski
B. lasswell
C. garner
D. paul janet
Answer» D. paul janet

Which of the following statement is true?

A. no rights can be given to the man against the social interest
B. grant of rights is not concerned with social interest
C. rights can have anti-social character
D. none of the above
Answer» A. no rights can be given to the man against the social interest

_________is the earliest theory of rights

A. liberal individualist theory of natural rights
B. legal theory
C. welfare theory
D. none of the above
Answer» A. liberal individualist theory of natural rights

Which of the following is a Civil Right?

A. right to freedom of speech and expression
B. right to vote
C. right to become a member of parliament
D. right to association
Answer» A. right to freedom of speech and expression

The right to elect Member of parliament is a

A. political right
B. social right
C. religious right
D. moral right
Answer» A. political right

Who among the following philosophers considers liberty as Obedience to Law?

A. hegel
B. kant
C. spencer
D. green
Answer» A. hegel

Natural liberty is generally identified with

A. restricted freedom
B. limited freedom
C. unlimited and unrestricted freedom
D. none of the above
Answer» A. restricted freedom

Natural liberty implies

A. liberty enjoyed by man in the imaginary state of nature when civil society did not exist
B. the liberty which man enjoys in the society
C. the liberty which man enjoys in the state
D. absence of any type of liberty
Answer» C. the liberty which man enjoys in the state

‘Freedom is a product of free society’ means

A. it is in a free society that man has the opportunity to develops his real self.
B. true freedom is conceivable without a free society
C. freedom from exploitation
D. none of the above
Answer» A. it is in a free society that man has the opportunity to develops his real self.

The term “Justice” is derived from Latin word

A. justicia
B. justa
C. justitia
D. none of the above
Answer» C. justitia

The essential principle of modern justice is

A. judges should be part of executive
B. there should be independence of judiciary
C. the judges should be under the control of the head of the state
D. the judges should be under the control of the electorate
Answer» B. there should be independence of judiciary

What is meant by Economic justice

A. the state should follow the theory of free trade policy
B. state should not protect the economically weaker section of society
C. the state should eliminate social discrimination
D. the basic needs regarding food, clothing and shelter of every citizen are met.
Answer» D. the basic needs regarding food, clothing and shelter of every citizen are met.

The famous work by Kautilya

A. arthasastra
B. the prince
C. the republic
D. none of the above
Answer» A. arthasastra

Who evaluates public policy?

A. the media
B. academics
C. government officials
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Hobbes was a strong supporter of

A. aristocracy
B. democracy
C. absolute monarchy
D. republican system
Answer» C. absolute monarchy

According to Kautilya there are ______

A. four elements of state
B. five elements of state
C. six elements of state
D. seven elements of state
Answer» D. seven elements of state

Aristotle expressed views on revolution in his book (Politics) on the basis of the study of constitutions of

A. 58 greek city-states
B. 158 greek city-states
C. 98 greek city-states
D. unspecified number of city-states
Answer» B. 158 greek city-states

Rousseau authored,

A. social contract
B. republic
C. the prince
D. politics
Answer» A. social contract

Who wrote “The Political System”

A. almond
B. apter
C. lasswell
D. easton
Answer» D. easton

Who wrote the work “Representative Government”?

A. lowell
B. t.h. green
C. j.s. mill
D. laski
Answer» C. j.s. mill

Who wrote the work “The Prince”?

A. mac iver
B. locke
C. austin
D. machiavelli
Answer» D. machiavelli

Positivist Liberals are in favour of:

A. pushing the state out of economic field
B. doing away the state\s interference in the economic sphere
C. state regulation of the economic conditions in the interests of workers
D. state regulation to protect the interests of the capitalists
Answer» C. state regulation of the economic conditions in the interests of workers

The political thought of Rousseau is contained in

A. the social contract
B. emile
C. the confessions
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

The evolutionary approach where every stage of development is better than
its preceding

A. unilinear
B. multilinear
C. cyclical
D. universal
Answer» A. unilinear

Which of the following seeks to find explanations to unexplained social phenomena?

A. statistics
B. social sciences
C. social surveys
D. extra reading
Answer» B. social sciences

Research in Social Science areas equip us with

A. greater power of control over the social phenomena
B. greater power of control over the emotions of humans
C. control over the natural resources
D. control over the supernatural powers
Answer» A. greater power of control over the social phenomena

Now the natural world is studied by the methods of

A. science
B. action
C. belief
D. interpretation
Answer» A. science

In Renaissance human reason placed above

A. culture
B. faith
C. arts
D. literature
Answer» C. arts

The term ‘Social Sciences’ first appeared in the work of

A. william thompson
B. j. schumpeter
C. m.weber
D. harry johnson
Answer» A. william thompson

The period from about 1453 to the end of the 17th century was characterized by the rebirth and proliferation of

A. modern knowledge
B. ancient knowledge
C. modern thinking
D. ancient thinking
Answer» B. ancient knowledge

The period of Enlightenment was in

A. 1650 ce and 1700 ce
B. 1500 ce and 1550 ce
C. 1400 ce and 1450 ce
D. none of these
Answer» A. 1650 ce and 1700 ce

Which of the following is a simple household?

A. two or more parental families
B. one parental family and part of a parental family
C. part of one parental family and part of another parental family
D. a mother and her unmarried children
Answer» D. a mother and her unmarried children

‘Republic’ is the work of

A. socratese
B. aristotle
C. plato
D. none of these
Answer» C. plato

According to whom was the universe a machine made up of particles moving according to a mechanical law.

A. r.park
B. rousseau
C. hobbes
D. aristotle
Answer» C. hobbes

The master piece of Hobbes

A. leviathan
B. the elements of law
C. essay concerning human understanding
D. none of these
Answer» A. leviathan

’Leviathan’ was published in the year

A. 1640
B. 1650
C. 1621
D. 1651
Answer» D. 1651

Hobbes believed that the very principle of the universe is

A. the movement or motion
B. passion and imagination
C. critical thinking
D. observation
Answer» A. the movement or motion

Weber’s social research gives importance to......................

A. results
B. methods
C. rules
D. value of freedom
Answer» D. value of freedom

‘The Elements of Law’ was published in the year

A. 1650
B. 1640
C. 1630
D. 1651
Answer» A. 1650

Thomas Hobbes’ interest in philosophy was greatly stimulated by his discovery of the world of

A. sociology
B. mathematics
C. biology
D. astronomy
Answer» B. mathematics

The _________ approach talks about social change as a process occurring at
different levels
and proceeding in different directions.

A. unilinear
B. multilinear
C. cyclical
D. universal
Answer» B. multilinear

....................... is central to the procedures of scientific method

A. oral history
B. comparison
C. objectivity
D. customs
Answer» C. objectivity

The major task of the state is the preservation of the liberty, peace, safety and public good of the people- Who commented so?

A. hobbes
B. locke
C. rousseau
D. moynihan
Answer» B. locke

Rousseau believed that refer of society would only be possible if all members shared equally in the construction of

A. culture and belief
B. nature and behavior
C. pattern of life
D. laws for human’s common happiness
Answer» D. laws for human’s common happiness

Whose belief is that man’s original nature was corrupted by society and that
the only way man could become virtuous, moral being was to totally transform

A. rousseau
B. hobbes
C. john locke
D. montesquieu
Answer» A. rousseau

Rousseau’s focus was on the possibility of

A. social condition and situation
B. exchanging ideas
C. life experiences
D. drastic social change
Answer» D. drastic social change

Rousseau thought that society was formed as a result of

A. human interaction
B. faith and belief
C. give and take relationship of human beings
D. a contract among individuals
Answer» D. a contract among individuals

Research can give us sound guideline for the appropriate measure of

A. education
B. field work
C. data collection
D. reform and social welfare
Answer» D. reform and social welfare

Not only as a method to understand social reality around us, Social Sciences help us to

A. develop insights into the nature of human beings
B. understand the life style of human beings
C. develop insights into human being’s communication
D. find out the development of human beings
Answer» A. develop insights into the nature of human beings

Enlightenment thought laid the ground work for the development of

A. religious notions
B. speculations
C. social scientific thought
D. all the above
Answer» C. social scientific thought

The _____ approach analyses social change as a gradual development from simple to

A. evolutionary approach
B. dialectical approach
C. indological approach
D. structural approach
Answer» A. evolutionary approach

Social Sciences try to understand human behavior and its interaction with the environment and

A. society
B. community
C. social institutions
D. social phenomena
Answer» C. social institutions

Which approach examines social change in the context of Indian culture and philosophy?

A. evolutionary approach
B. functional approach
C. indological approach
D. structural approach
Answer» C. indological approach

The _____ approach analyses social change as a gradual development from
simple to complex

A. evolutionary approach
B. dialectical approach
C. indological approach
D. structural approach
Answer» A. evolutionary approach

” Man lives in a socio- economic and political world and thrives on its varied
relationships. It is inconceivable that the study of bare and isolated events on
any aspect of man’s life would yield any meaningful result”- Who stated so?

A. karl marx
B. karl mannheim
C. karl pearson
D. none of the above
Answer» C. karl pearson

Who among the following used dialectical approach to explain the emergence of nationalism in India

A. a.r.desai
B. m.n.srinivas
C. d.p.mukherjee
D. yogendra singh
Answer» A. a.r.desai

A recent trend in Social science research is

A. single disciplinary approach
B. interdisciplinary approach
C. direct observation method
D. field study
Answer» B. interdisciplinary approach
Question and answers in Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences, Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences multiple choice questions and answers, Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences, Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences MCQs with answers PDF download