530+ Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences Solved MCQs


…………..is the holistic "science of man," - a science of the totality of human existence.

A. Anthropology
B. Political Science
C. Economics
D. History
Answer» A. Anthropology

Who described socio-cultural anthropology as "the most scientific of the humanities, and the most humanistic of the sciences?"

A. Eric Wolf
B. Lionel Robbins
C. Auguste Comte
D. Adam Smith
Answer» A. Eric Wolf

The goal of ………….is to provide a holistic account of humans and human nature.

A. Anthropology
B. Economics
C. Political Science
D. Environmental Science
Answer» A. Anthropology

. ……………is a social science that seeks to analyze and describe the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth.

A. Economics
B. Anthropology
C. Political Science
D. Environmental Science
Answer» A. Economics

Who attempt to understand the earth in terms of physical and spatial relationships?

A. Geographers
B. Historians
C. Politicians
D. Sociologists
Answer» A. Geographers

…………..is the continuous, systematic narrative and research of past events as relating to the human species; as well as the study of all events in time, in relation to humanity.

A. Political Science
B. Economics
C. History
D. Environmental Science
Answer» C. History

What investigates the cognitive and social aspects of human language?

A. History
B. Syntax
C. Linguistics
D. Sociology
Answer» C. Linguistics

………….is the study of the rules that govern the structure of sentences.

A. Morphology
B. semantics
C. Syntax
D. Phonology
Answer» C. Syntax

………….. is the study of meaning.

A. semantics
B. Syntax
C. Morphology
D. Phonology
Answer» A. semantics

……………. is the study of the structure of words.

A. Morphology
B. Semantics
C. Phonology
D. Archaeology
Answer» A. Morphology

…………. is the study of speech sounds.

A. Phonetics
B. Syntax
C. Morphology
D. Semantics
Answer» A. Phonetics

…………… is the study of the abstract sound system of a particular language.

A. Phonology
B. Syntax
C. semantics
D. Morphology
Answer» A. Phonology

The Study of Administration was written by ……………

A. Woodrow Wilson
B. Max Weber
C. Georg Simmel
D. Comte
Answer» A. Woodrow Wilson

Sociology was originally established by ………………..

A. Ranke
B. Niebuhr
C. Auguste Comte
D. Adam Smith
Answer» C. Auguste Comte

Who is generally regarded as the "Father of Sociology”?

A. David Ricardo
B. Adam Smith
C. Alfred Marshall
D. Comte
Answer» D. Comte

………….is the craft of conveying news, descriptive material and comment via a widening spectrum of media.

A. Economics
B. social science
C. Library Science
D. Journalism
Answer» D. Journalism

The term "social science" first appeared in …………….

A. 1804
B. 1809
C. 1814
D. 1824
Answer» D. 1824

The Luddite movement in ……………..had disintegrated by 1817.

A. Italy
B. Germany
C. France
D. England
Answer» D. England

Until the publication of the …………..in 1833, the poor social conditions in Britain went largely ignored by the ruling classes.

A. Sadler Report
B. Hunter Commission Report
C. Health Act
D. Apprentices Act
Answer» A. Sadler Report

Health and Morals of Apprentices Act was passed in ……………..

A. 1702
B. 1765
C. 1789
D. 1802
Answer» D. 1802

………………… insisted that Women and young persons were to work no more than 10 hours per day.

A. Factory Act of 1847
B. Factory Act of 1833
C. Factory Act of 1844
D. Factory Act of 1850
Answer» A. Factory Act of 1847

………………….. Insisted that Women and young persons to work in factories only between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. or 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

A. Factory Act of 1850
B. Factory Act of 1856
C. Factory Act of 1833
D. Factory Act of 1844
Answer» A. Factory Act of 1850

……… Insisted that Children were only to work during the same hours as women and young persons.

A. Factory Act of 1853
B. Factory Act of 1833
C. Factory Act of 1844
D. Factory Act of 1850
Answer» A. Factory Act of 1853

The dissent and insubordination of the ……………workingmen reached its peak in the mid- 19th with Chartism, an ideology that called for political reform in the country.

A. English
B. German
C. French
D. Dutch
Answer» A. English

The People's Charter, a document was written in 1838 by……………

A. William Lovett
B. Gladstone
C. Disraeli
D. Robert Peel
Answer» A. William Lovett

……………….attempted to revive Chartism in 1840 by founding the National Charter Association.

A. Fergus O’Connor
B. Machiavelli
C. Thomas Hobbes
D. Robert Owen
Answer» A. Fergus O’Connor

……………………..Emphasized rationalism, importance of individual happiness.

A. Socialism
B. Communism
C. Concervatism
D. Liberalism bbbbbbbb
Answer» A. Socialism

……………………believed that human rights would be lost if government intervened

A. Liberals
B. Socialists
C. Communists
D. Conservatists
Answer» A. Liberals

…………………..reflected views of landed upper class.

A. The Syndicalism
B. Conservatism
C. Empiricism
D. Marxism
Answer» B. Conservatism

………………was a French-born aristocrat, renounced his title and supported the French Revolution.

A. Robert Owen
B. St-Simon
C. Karl Marx
D. John Locke
Answer» B. St-Simon

………………wished to establish "Phalanxes," self-sufficient communities where people would live according to their natural inclinations.

A. Karl Marx
B. Charles Fourier
C. August Comte
D. John Locke
Answer» B. Charles Fourier

…………….was an English-born entrepreneur turned socialist.

A. Karl Marx
B. Robert Owen
C. August Comte
D. Francis Bacon
Answer» B. Robert Owen

Who was called the "Father of British Socialism?

A. Karl Marx
B. Robert Owen
C. August Comte
D. Thomas Hobbes
Answer» B. Robert Owen

Karl Marx was a …………..-born academic and political philosopher

A. German
B. Spanish
C. French
D. British
Answer» A. German

In 1843 Marx went to ……………where he befriended Friedrich Engels.

A. Oxford
B. Paris
C. Cambridge
D. Bologna
Answer» B. Paris

Marx and Friedrich Engels published the …………….in 1848 which became the definitive text for socialism and communism.

A. Communist Manifesto
B. Das Capital
C. Utopia
D. ‘the Annals of Agriculture’
Answer» A. Communist Manifesto

In 1867, Marx produced………………, which linked economics to history.

A. Das Capital
B. Communist Manifesto
C. Utopia
D. ‘the Annals of Agriculture’
Answer» A. Das Capital

Arthur Young was an ……………..writer on agriculture and social economy

A. German
B. English
C. Portuguese
D. French
Answer» B. English

The year of the French Revolution was…………….

A. 1689
B. 1709
C. 1789
D. 1798
Answer» C. 1789

Who published a pamphlet ‘On the War in North America’?

A. August Comte
B. Robert Owen
C. Arthur Young
D. Thomas Hobbes
Answer» C. Arthur Young

In 1761 Arthur Young went to London and started a periodical work, entitled……………, which was dropped by the advice of Samuel Johnson.

A. The Universal Museum
B. Utopia
C. Socialism
D. Communism
Answer» A. The Universal Museum

Who engaged in various experiments, and embodied the results of them in ‘A Course of Experimental Agriculture’ (1770)?

A. John Locke
B. August Comte
C. Arthur Young
D. Thomas Hobbes
Answer» C. Arthur Young

Who published the Farmer's Letters to the People of England (1768)?

A. Thomas Hobbes
B. Robert Owen
C. Arthur Young
D. Francis Bacon
Answer» C. Arthur Young

Who was the author of ‘the Farmer's Calendar’?

A. Francis Bacon
B. August Comte
C. Arthur Young
D. Descartes
Answer» C. Arthur Young

Who wrote ‘Political Arithmetic’?

A. Thomas Hobbes
B. Robert Owen
C. Arthur Young
D. Francis Bacon
Answer» C. Arthur Young

Arthur Young published ‘the Annals of Agriculture’ in ……………..

A. 1784
B. 1794
C. 1854
D. 1884
Answer» A. 1784

Who published ‘the Annals of Agriculture’ in 1784?

A. Francis Bacon
B. August Comte
C. Arthur Young
D. Descartes
Answer» C. Arthur Young

Who was regarded as farmer George?

A. George I
B. George II
C. George III
D. George IV
Answer» C. George III

‘The Example of France a Warning to England’ was written by …………..

A. Francis Bacon
B. August Comte
C. John Locke
D. Arthur Young
Answer» D. Arthur Young

…………….in 1834 wrote The French Revolution: A History.

A. Francis Bacon
B. Thomas Hobbes
C. Descartes
D. Thomas Carlyle
Answer» D. Thomas Carlyle

George III belonged to the …………….dynasty.

A. Stuart
B. Bourbon
C. Hapsburg
D. Hanoverian
Answer» D. Hanoverian

Who wrote ‘The History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire’?

A. Francis Bacon
B. Robert Owen
C. Thomas Hobbes
D. Edward Gibbon
Answer» D. Edward Gibbon

In the Annual Register for 1772 Burke condemned the Partition of …………..

A. Russia
B. Portugal
C. England
D. Poland
Answer» D. Poland

………….wrote ‘the Reflections on the Revolution in France’.

A. Descartes
B. John Locke
C. Thomas Hobbes
D. Edmund Burke
Answer» D. Edmund Burke

……………is "the science of contextualization" often used in the field of social sciences— particularly in anthropology.

A. Enlightenment
B. History
C. Sociology
D. Ethnography
Answer» D. Ethnography

…………. study schooling, public health, rural and urban development, consumers and consumer goods, any human arena.

A. Historians
B. sociologists
C. Anthropologists
D. Ethnographers
Answer» D. Ethnographers

…………..is the study of humanity.

A. Economics
B. Sociology
C. Ethnography
D. Anthropology
Answer» D. Anthropology

……………..is the study of society.

A. Economics
B. Ethnography
C. Anthropology
D. Sociology
Answer» D. Sociology

…………colonialism, or imperialism, began in the 15th century with the "Age of Discovery", led by Portuguese.

A. European
B. African
C. Asian
D. Latin American
Answer» A. European

The end of the 18th and early 19th century saw the first era of …………..

A. Decolonization
B. colonization
C. Individualism
D. Cartesianism
Answer» A. Decolonization

…………are the priests and are considered to be the uppermost caste.

A. The Brahmans
B. Kshatriyas
C. Vaisyas
D. Sudras
Answer» A. The Brahmans

The Kshatriyas are the ………………….

A. Warriors
B. Priests
C. Business class
D. Working class
Answer» A. Warriors

………………are the business class.

A. Vaisyas
B. Brahmans
C. Kshatriyas
D. Sudras
Answer» A. Vaisyas

………………. are the working class

A. The Sudras
B. Kshatriyas
C. Vaisyas
D. Brahmans
Answer» A. The Sudras

India is mostly a patriarchal set-up, with the ……………..having control over the family unit.

A. Father
B. Mother
C. Sister
D. Son
Answer» A. Father

The Negrito has physical features similar to people of …………

A. America
B. Britiain
C. Africa
D. Holland
Answer» C. Africa

The Mongoloid have ……………….features.

A. Indian
B. French
C. Chinese
D. Dutch
Answer» C. Chinese

The Austroloids have features similar the aboriginals of ……………..

A. Australia
B. Austria
C. America
D. Spain
Answer» A. Australia

…………..depicts a ranking system of human groups based on hereditary and occupation.

A. Rationalization
B. The caste system
C. Secularization
D. Matrilineal
Answer» B. The caste system

Members of the highest priestly castes, the…………., are generally vegetarians

A. Brahmins
B. The Sudras
C. Kshatriyas
D. Vaisyas
Answer» A. Brahmins

High-ranking ……………however, typically consume no vegetarian diets, considered appropriate for their traditions of valor and physical strength.

A. Kshatriyas
B. Brahmins
C. Vaisyas
D. Sudras
Answer» A. Kshatriyas

Matrilineal societies are societies in which descent is traced through ………….rather than through fathers.

A. Fathers
B. Mothers
C. Sons
D. Sisters
Answer» B. Mothers

In …………..societies, property is often passed from mothers to daughters and the custom of matrilocal residence may be practiced.

A. Patrilineal
B. Matrilineal
C. Capitalist
D. Socialist
Answer» B. Matrilineal

In …………societies, the descendants of men are their sister's children and not their own, which belong to their mother's matrilineage.

A. Patrilineal
B. Matrilineal
C. Socialist
D. Capitalist
Answer» B. Matrilineal

…………is the festival that symbolizes the victory of good over evil, and lamps are lit as a sign of celebration and hope for mankind.

A. Diwali
B. Ganesh Chaturthi
C. Holi
D. Navaratri
Answer» A. Diwali

Diwali is the corruption of the Sanskrit word `Deepavali`, which means ………….

A. Rows of lights
B. Festival of colours
C. Festival of numbers
D. Festival of darkness
Answer» A. Rows of lights

Diwali usually falls in the month of …………………..

A. August-September
B. October-November
C. Jauary-February
D. April-May
Answer» B. October-November

Diwali is a …………festival.

A. two day
B. three day
C. five day
D. seven day
Answer» C. five day

…………..is celebrated to honour the return of Rama and Sita to their kingdom of Ayodhya, after fourteen years of exile.

A. Holi
B. Ganesh Chaturthi
C. Diwali
D. Navaratri
Answer» C. Diwali

The spectacular ……………Ganesh Chaturthi festival honors the birth of the beloved Hindu elephant-headed god, Lord Ganesha.

A. Three day
B. Five day
C. Eleven day
D. Nine day
Answer» C. Eleven day

The darkest hour is just before the dawn`; a saying which truly signifies the Indian festival called ……………

A. Holi
B. Ganesh Chaturthi
C. Navaratri
D. Onam
Answer» A. Holi

………….symbolizes dawn, light, life, a surge of energy.

A. onam
B. Ganesh Chaturthi
C. Holi
D. Navaratri
Answer» C. Holi

………………is a festival which begins at night suggests destruction of evil and a hope of good.

A. Navaratri
B. Ganesh Chaturthi
C. Holi
D. Onam
Answer» C. Holi

………….. is described beautifully in the 7th century play Ratnavali written by Harshdev.

A. Ganesh Chaturthi
B. Navaratri
C. Holi
D. Onam
Answer» C. Holi

………………is called Madanotsav by Mahakavi Kalidas.

A. Diwali
B. Ganesh Chaturthi
C. Holi
D. Onam
Answer» C. Holi

The Bhavbooti in his play `Maltic Madhav` stated that King happily celebrated ……………with his subjects.

A. Navaratri
B. Ganesh Chaturthi
C. Holi
D. Diwali
Answer» C. Holi

The first nine days of the festival are known as…………, and are filled with dance in honor of the Mother Goddess.

A. Diwali
B. Durga Puja
C. Navaratri
D. onam
Answer» C. Navaratri

………….is devoted to celebrating the defeat of the demon king Ravana by Lord Rama.

A. Navaratri
B. Krishna Janmashtami
C. Ganesh Chaturthi
D. Dussehra
Answer» D. Dussehra

Onam Pookalam starts from ……………star and ends on Onam.

A. Chathayam
B. pooradam
C. Uthradam
D. Atham
Answer» D. Atham

…………….is a harvest festival

A. Durga Puja
B. Ganesh Chaturthi
C. Navaratri
D. Onam
Answer» D. Onam

A grand meal is prepared on the day of Thiru Onam. It is on this day that ………..'s spirit visits Kerala.

A. Maveli
B. Krishnan
C. Raman
D. Vamanan
Answer» A. Maveli

Snake Boat Race or Vallamkali is the most astonishing sight from the panorama of ………….

A. Durga Puja
B. Ganesh Chaturthi
C. Navaratri
D. Onam
Answer» D. Onam

Thiruvathira kali is one of the main dances for ……………….

A. Onam
B. Ganesh Chaturthi
C. Navaratri
D. Durga Puja
Answer» D. Durga Puja

Kummattikkali is a spectacular folk art form, which is performed during the ………….season

A. Navaratri
B. Vishu
C. Ganesh Chaturthi
D. Onam
Answer» D. Onam

Pulikali is a colorful recreational folk art from the state of……………..

A. Karnataka
B. Andhra
C. Delhi
D. Kerala
Answer» D. Kerala

The enlightenment thinkers stressed the importance of …………….and rationality as the ways of organizing knowledge.

A. Reason
B. Deduction
C. Idealism
D. Romanticism
Answer» A. Reason

Thomas Hobbes was an …………………philosopher, who is credited to have established the foundation for modern political philosophy from the perspective of social contract theory.

A. Dutch
B. American
C. French
D. English
Answer» D. English

John Locke was a …………………philosopher.

A. British
B. French
C. Austrian
D. Italian
Answer» A. British

In 1689 …………..published his famous ‘two treatise on government’ in which he severely criticized the Divine Right theory of Kingship.

A. Locke
B. Francis Bacon
C. Descartes
D. Issac Newton
Answer» A. Locke

Charles I, the ruler of England was executed on …………….

A. 1549
B. 1639
C. 1649
D. 1659
Answer» C. 1649
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