Chapter: Planning

Identify the best definition of planning.

A. An integrated process in which plans are formulated, carried out and controlled
B. Devising ways of achieving the objectives of an organization.
C. Setting an organization’s objectives and the means of reaching them.
D. The core activity of planners and planning departments.
Answer» C. Setting an organization’s objectives and the means of reaching them.

The top management works on

A. Strategic Plan
B. Corporate Plan
C. Budgeting
D. Both A and B
Answer» A. Strategic Plan

What is the planning horizon?

A. The time ahead for which there is no information.
B. The time between making a plan and putting it into effect.
C. The maximum time for which managers can make plans.
D. The time period within which uncertainty is very low.
Answer» B. The time between making a plan and putting it into effect.

A strategic plan is also called ___________

A. Long term plan
B. Short term plan
C. Both A and B
D. None of above
Answer» A. Long term plan

The first step in the planning process is to

A. Set an objective
B. Evaluate alternatives
C. Determine strength and weaknesses
D. None of above
Answer» A. Set an objective

The decision making step, which consists of organization goals, predicting alternatives and communicating goals is called __________

A. Organization
B. Alternation
C. Planning
D. Valuing
Answer» C. Planning

MBO offers the basis for assessing the ---

A. Operations
B. performance
C. equality
D. None these
Answer» B. performance

MBO was developed by ----

A. Peter.F.Drucker
B. Chester Bernard
C. Fayol
D. None
Answer» A. Peter.F.Drucker

The process of MBO starts with -----

A. setting up of obligation
B. Fetron plan
C. Review
D. All
Answer» A. setting up of obligation

Organisational decisions are made by ------

A. Directors
B. Managers
C. Managing directors
D. None of these
Answer» B. Managers

Policies are flexible where as procedure are --------

A. specific
B. detailed
C. Rigid
D. All
Answer» C. Rigid

-----------is described as interpretative planning

A. Procedure
B. Strategy
C. Policies
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Strategy

--------------indicates the exact manner in which the integrated serious of activities will

A. Procedures
B. Planning
C. Organizing
D. Staffing
Answer» A. Procedures

Planning is --------------process

A. Directing
B. Thinking
C. Forecasting
D. None of these
Answer» B. Thinking

MBO offers the basis for assessing the -----------------

A. Techniques
B. Performance
C. Authority
D. Subject
Answer» B. Performance

Planning is...........

A. Pervasive
B. Futuristic
C. Continues
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Planning involves................

A. Future course of action
B. Review of past performance
C. Analysis of policies
D. All of these
Answer» A. Future course of action

Planning provides.............

A. Information to outsiders
B. Basis for recruitment and selections
C. Purpose and direction of all persons
D. None of these
Answer» C. Purpose and direction of all persons

Operational planning is undertaken at.................

A. Top level
B. lower level
C. middle level
D. All of these
Answer» B. lower level

Planning process began with

A. Setting objectives
B. Identity alternatives
C. Developing planning premise
D. Selecting alternatives
Answer» A. Setting objectives

It is a function of management which refers to the process of integrating the activities of different units of organization to achieve the organization goals. This is called

A. Actuating
B. Controlling
C. Co-ordination
D. Planning
Answer» C. Co-ordination

Planning is

A. Forward looking
B. Backward looking
C. Both forward and backward looking
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both forward and backward looking

Management by objective is

A. goal oriented
B. work oriented
C. budget oriented
D. none of the above
Answer» A. goal oriented

What is the full form of MBO?

A. Management By Opportunity
B. Method By opportunity
C. Management By Objectives
D. Method By Objective
Answer» C. Management By Objectives

Which among the following involves in planning process?

A. Selection of objective
B. Determine the way to achieve objective
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both A and B

Which among the following is a single use plan?

A. Objectives
B. Policies
C. Rules
D. Budget
Answer» D. Budget

__________ is the decision making body of an organization?

A. Decentralization
B. Administration
C. Functional organization
D. Leadership
Answer» B. Administration

The difference between annual and long-range plans versus a strategic plan is that the annual and long-range plans deal with the company’s current business and how to keep them going, while the strategic plan deals with:

A. Functional activities
B. Global activities
C. Tactical decisions.
D. Adapting the firm to take advantage of opportunities in its constantly changing environment.
Answer» D. Adapting the firm to take advantage of opportunities in its constantly changing environment.

The three types of plans usually prepared by companies include annual plans, strategic plans and ___________ plans.

A. Hourly
B. Long-range
C. Model
D. Psychological
Answer» B. Long-range

Planning encourages management to think systematically about what has happened, what is happening and ______________

A. When it is happening
B. What might happen
C. Should something happen
D. Should something stop
Answer» B. What might happen
Question and answers in Planning, Planning multiple choice questions and answers, Planning Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Planning, Planning MCQs with answers PDF download