90+ Emergence and Establishment of Islam Solved MCQs


The Moon-God of the pre-Islamic Arabs was

A. laat
B. wadd
C. uzza
D. hubal
Answer» D. hubal

Al-Hijāz means

A. the barrier
B. the rocky tract
C. the pilgrimage centre
D. the great desert
Answer» A. the barrier

The Holy Prophet was brought up by Halimah who belonged to

A. banu sa‘eed
B. banu as‘ad
C. banu su‘ād
D. banu sa‘d
Answer» D. banu sa‘d

Laylat al-Qadr means- night of

A. power
B. bounty
C. destiny
D. mercy
Answer» A. power

The battle of Qadisiyah took place during the caliphate of

A. mu ‘awiyah
B. uthman
C. ali
D. umar
Answer» D. umar

Imam Malik was a

A. mufassir
B. muhaddith
C. mutakallim
D. mu‘arrikh
Answer» B. muhaddith

The famous desert ‘Al-Rub’al-Khāli’ is located in

A. north of arabia
B. east of arabia
C. west of arabia
D. south of arabia
Answer» D. south of arabia

The battle of Jamal was fought between

A. bibi ayshah & hazrat ali
B. muawiyah & hazrat ali
C. hazrat ali & yazid
D. yazid & al-walid
Answer» A. bibi ayshah & hazrat ali

The battle of Badr was fought in the year

A. 632
B. 636
C. 624
D. 750
Answer» C. 624

The first revelation was received by the Prophet on

A. shab-i-qadr
B. shab-i-mi’raj
C. shab-i-barat
D. shab-i-noor
Answer» A. shab-i-qadr

The battle of Yarmuk was fought in the year

A. 636
B. 646
C. 656
D. 667
Answer» A. 636

Tarikh al-Rusul wal-Mulūk, was written by

A. al-tabari
B. al-razi
C. ibn sina
D. al-ghazzali
Answer» A. al-tabari

Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation at the age of

A. 35
B. 40
C. 45
D. 50
Answer» B. 40

The pact of Hudaybiah was signed by Prophet Muhammad in the year

A. 620
B. 625
C. 628
D. 630
Answer» C. 628

Caliph Abu Bakr took charge of the Caliphate in the year

A. 630
B. 632
C. 634
D. 640
Answer» B. 632

Caliph Ali shifted his capital from

A. najaf to medina
B. medina to karbala
C. mecca to medina
D. medina to kufa
Answer» D. medina to kufa

The term Jāhiliyah stands for

A. times of ignorance
B. computer age
C. healthy times
D. rainy season
Answer» A. times of ignorance

Al-Rub al-Khali is the name of

A. an ocean
B. a river
C. a capital
D. a desert
Answer» D. a desert

The Annual Fair of Ukaz in pre-Islamic Arabia was held at

A. mecca
B. madina
C. riyad
D. taif
Answer» D. taif

The Battle of Trench was fought in the year

A. 622 a.d.
B. 627 a.d.
C. 630 a
D. (d) 632 a.d
Answer» B. 627 a.d.

Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina in the year

A. 632 a.d.
B. 656 a.d.
C. 622 a
D. (d) 611 a.d
Answer» C. 622 a

Musailamathul Kadhaab was killed during the caliphate of

A. h. abu bakr
B. h. umar
C. h. uthman
D. h. ali
Answer» A. h. abu bakr

The battle of Siffin was fought between

A. h. ali and h. aisha
B. h. ali and h. mu‘awiyah
C. yazid and h. abdullah bin zubair
D. h. khalid bin walid and h. mu‘awiyah
Answer» B. h. ali and h. mu‘awiyah

Ibn Khaldun was born in

A. iraq
B. egypt
C. syria
D. tunisia
Answer» D. tunisia

Caliph Ali was assassinated by

A. abu lu’lu firoz
B. abdullah bin saba
C. abdullah wahab
D. abdul rahman bin muljim
Answer» D. abdul rahman bin muljim

Yathrib was the old name of

A. makkah
B. madinah
C. taif
D. juddah
Answer» B. madinah

Caliph Uthman was assassinated in the year

A. 642 a.d.
B. 648 a.d.
C. 651 a
D. (d) 656 a.d.
Answer» D. (d) 656 a.d.

Pre-Islamic Arabia excelled in the field of

A. architecture
B. poetry
C. prose
D. painting
Answer» B. poetry

Riddah war were fought during the caliphate of

A. mu‘āwiyah
B. abū bakr
C. walīd
D. uthman
Answer» B. abū bakr

Which event of the Prophet’s career has been called “Fat-hem-Mubīn” in the Qur’an ?

A. battle of badr
B. conquest of makkah
C. treaty of hudaibiyyah
D. battle of u. hud
Answer» B. conquest of makkah

The murderer of Hazrath Umar was

A. ibn muljam
B. abu lulu firoz
C. khurāsānī
D. none of the above
Answer» B. abu lulu firoz

The Muslim Commander of Qādisiyyah battle was

A. saa’d bin abi waqqās
B. usāmā bin zaid
C. khalid bin walīd
D. qutaibah bin muslim
Answer» A. saa’d bin abi waqqās

Who was the spokesman of Muslims in the Court of Negus ?

A. zaid bin thābit
B. jáfar bin abī t. ālib
C. ‘uthman bin ‘affan
D. ab– u hurairah
Answer» B. jáfar bin abī t. ālib

Who was the leader of Quraish in the battle of Uhd

A. abu jahal
B. uthbath
C. abusufyan
D. shaibath
Answer» C. abusufyan

Hijri Calendar was introduced by

A. abu bakr
B. mu‘āwiyah
C. al-khwarizmī
D. ‘umar
Answer» D. ‘umar

The Arabs are known as the

A. semites
B. hamites
C. aryans
D. none of the above
Answer» A. semites

The Prophet Muhammad received the first Quranic revelation in

A. taif
B. tabuk
C. cave of hira
D. cave of thaur
Answer» C. cave of hira

The capital of the first three Rashidun Caliphate was

A. makkah
B. madinah
C. kufa
D. basrah
Answer» B. madinah

The Caliph who known in the tittle of Amirul Muminin

A. abu bakr
B. umar
C. uthman
D. ali
Answer» A. abu bakr

The number of chapters in the Quran is

A. 111
B. 114
C. 116
D. 120
Answer» B. 114

Petra was the capital of

A. the nabataeans
B. the assyrians
C. the babylonians
D. none of the above
Answer» A. the nabataeans

Sihah-al- Sittah refers to

A. collections of the poems
B. collections of hadith
C. collections of arabic stories
D. collections of quranic verses
Answer» B. collections of hadith

Muqadhima written by

A. ibn hazm
B. ibn khaldun
C. jamaluddin afghani
D. al-masudi
Answer» B. ibn khaldun

The Battle of Yamamah was fought during the Caliphate of

A. abu bakr
B. umar bin al-khattab
C. uthman
D. ‘ali
Answer» A. abu bakr

Hadith means

A. life of the prophet
B. sayings and actions of the prophet
C. understanding islam through fiqh
D. none of the above
Answer» B. sayings and actions of the prophet

Hujjatullah-ul -Bālighah is written by

A. shaikh ahmad sirhindi
B. ibn taimiyah
C. hasan al-bannah
D. shah waliullah
Answer» D. shah waliullah

Imam Shafāi is associated with

A. jurisprudence
B. history
C. ilm ul kalam
D. tafsir
Answer» A. jurisprudence

The greatest Muslim Historiographer was

A. al-zamakhshari
B. al-ghazali
C. ibn khaldun
D. ibn nadeem
Answer» C. ibn khaldun

The battle of Uhd took place in the year

A. ad.621
B. ad.622
C. 625
D. ad.632
Answer» C. 625

Nahjul balagha is the Sayings of

A. abu bakr
B. umar bin al-khattab
C. uthman
D. hazrat ali
Answer» D. hazrat ali

Annual fair during jahiliyya days were held at

A. makkah
B. thaif
C. yathrib
D. ukkaz
Answer» D. ukkaz

who introduced idol worship in Arabian peninsula

A. imrul qais
B. amr ibn luhayyy
C. ibn sabah
D. abu jahal
Answer» B. amr ibn luhayyy

Hazrath Ali appointed as his representative for arbitration

A. amr bin as
B. abu musa al ashairi
C. muawiya
D. saad ibn abiwaqas
Answer» B. abu musa al ashairi

Sasanid General Rustum was killed in the battle of

A. qadisiyyah
B. badr
C. muatha
D. uhd
Answer» A. qadisiyyah

Grandfather of Prophet Muhammad was

A. abdul muthalib
B. abdu manaf
C. abu thalib
D. aboobacker
Answer» A. abdul muthalib

Who was the Leader of Muslims in the migration of Abssinia

A. jafar bin abuthalib
B. hazrath ali
C. hazrath hamza
D. hazrat uthman
Answer» A. jafar bin abuthalib

UNESCO declared the world heritage site in Saudi Arabia is

A. palmira
B. petra
C. kaaba
D. marib dam
Answer» D. marib dam

The last verse of Quran is revealed at

A. arafat
B. hira
C. madina
D. makkka
Answer» A. arafat

Who called Prophet Muhammed as the ‘Saviour of Humanity’

A. mn roy
B. gb shaw
C. pk hitti
D. anni besent
Answer» B. gb shaw

The treaty of ‘Eliya’ was signed by

A. abu bakr
B. umar bin al-khattab
C. uthman
D. hazrat ali
Answer» B. umar bin al-khattab

Who was the commander in chief of the muslim army during the period of Prophet Muhammad

A. jafar bin abuthalib
B. hazrath ali
C. hazrath hamza
D. usamah bin zaid
Answer» D. usamah bin zaid

The term jahiliyyah first occurred in

A. muallaqath
B. holy quran
C. hadeths
D. bible
Answer» B. holy quran

The first Majid established in Madinah was

A. masijd an -nabawi
B. masjidul quba
C. masjidul haram
D. baithul muqaddas
Answer» B. masjidul quba

Battle of Ahzab is also known as

A. badr
B. khandaq
C. jamal
D. uhd
Answer» B. khandaq

The supreme sovereign of Islamic Empire is

A. prophet
B. god
C. caliph
D. qadi
Answer» B. god

The farewell sermon is occurred at

A. maunt arafat
B. mount hira
C. mount sinai
D. madeenah
Answer» A. maunt arafat

Who is known as the mother of believers

A. khadeeja
B. hafsa
C. amina
D. ayisha
Answer» D. ayisha

Who was the first compiler of Holy Quran

A. jafar bin abuthalib
B. hazrath ali
C. zaid bin thabith
D. usamah bin zaid
Answer» C. zaid bin thabith

Persia was captured during the period of

A. abu bakr
B. umar bin al-khattab
C. uthman
D. hazrat ali
Answer» B. umar bin al-khattab

The first caliphate kingdom was established at

A. madinah
B. makkah
C. bagdad
D. kufa
Answer» A. madinah

The first civil war started in the history of Islam is at

A. jamal
B. siffin
C. karbala
D. khandaq
Answer» A. jamal

Who was the first believer in Islam

A. abu bakr
B. umar bin al-khattab
C. uthman
D. hazrat ali
Answer» A. abu bakr

Who was the governor of Syria under Uthman

A. jafar bin abuthalib
B. muawiya
C. zaid bin thabith
D. usamah bin zaid
Answer» B. muawiya

The consultative body under pious caliphate is known as

A. shura
B. ijma
C. qiyas
D. baithul mal
Answer» A. shura

The Muslim immigrants in Madinah is known as

A. ansar
B. sahaba
C. muhajir
D. mujahid
Answer» C. muhajir

The tax imposed on non-Muslims in an Islamic State is

A. jizya
B. kharaj
C. zakat
D. ibadah
Answer» A. jizya

The Nufud Desert is situated in

A. north of arabia
B. east of arabia
C. west of arabia
D. south of arabia
Answer» A. north of arabia

The farewell pilgrimage is happened in the year

A. 642 a.d.
B. 628 a.d.
C. 632 a
D. (d) 656 a.d.
Answer» C. 632 a

The ancient Dam referred in the Holy Quran is

A. aswan
B. marib
C. dathul imad
D. nile delta
Answer» B. marib

Who regarded as the pioneer of the Sirah and maghazi

A. urwa bin zubair
B. al baladuri
C. ibn saad
D. al masudi
Answer» A. urwa bin zubair

‘Seven Arabian Poem’ is written by

A. sir william jones
B. edward zaid
C. pk hitti
D. edward gibbon
Answer» A. sir william jones

The battle days of Arabs commonly known as

A. arabian nights
B. arab spring
C. ayyamul arab
D. arabian peninsula
Answer» C. ayyamul arab

‘Decline and fall of the Roman Empire’ is written by

A. toynbee
B. hegel
C. ibn khaldun
D. edward gibbon
Answer» D. edward gibbon

The author of ‘History of the Arabs’ is

A. pk hitti
B. ameer ali
C. ibn khaldun
D. edward zaid
Answer» A. pk hitti

Salmanul Farizi was a

A. thabi
B. sahabi
C. thabi thabi
D. muhajir
Answer» B. sahabi

The Caliph, who married two daughters of Prophet

A. abu bakr
B. umar bin al-khattab
C. uthman
D. hazrat ali
Answer» C. uthman

Who was the father of Bibi Hafsa

A. abu bakr
B. umar bin al-khattab
C. uthman
D. hazrat ali
Answer» B. umar bin al-khattab

Name of the clan of Prophet Muhammad

A. hashim
B. kinana
C. zahra
D. quraish
Answer» D. quraish

The Near East came to be called as Middle East after

A. renaissance
B. first world war
C. second world war
D. 1498ad
Answer» B. first world war

The period of Hazrat Ali’s caliphate is

A. 634 – 636
B. 632 – 634
C. 634 – 644
D. 656 – 661
Answer» D. 656 – 661

‘Bai’at al-Ridhwan’ took place in the year

A. 622 a.d.
B. 628 a.d.
C. 630 a
D. (d) 634 a.d
Answer» B. 628 a.d.

Which Surah of the Quran does not start with Bismillah ?

A. surah baqarah
B. surah anfal
C. surah taubah
D. surah al-maidah
Answer» C. surah taubah

The first to lose his office in Arab Spring was

A. hosni mubarak
B. gadhafi
C. sadham husain
D. zainul abideen bin ali
Answer» D. zainul abideen bin ali

The present President of Turkey

A. ahammed nejad
B. bashar al asad
C. rajab thayyip urdugan
D. imran khan
Answer» C. rajab thayyip urdugan

Sadham Hussain was killed on December 30

A. 2003
B. 2004
C. 2006
D. 1996
Answer» C. 2006

The Arab League was formed in the year

A. 1946
B. 1947
C. 1945
D. 1968
Answer» C. 1945

Prophet Muhammad was died at

A. madinah
B. makkah
C. bagdad
D. kufa
Answer» A. madinah

The period of Hazrat Aboobacker’s caliphate is

A. 634 – 636
B. 632 – 634
C. 634 – 644
D. 656 – 661
Answer» B. 632 – 634

Who was the companion of Prophet in the Hijra to Madina

A. abu bakr
B. umar bin al-khattab
C. zaid bin thabith
D. ali
Answer» A. abu bakr
  • Question and answers in Emergence and Establishment of Islam,
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