310+ Reading Prose Solved MCQs


Boccaccio's Decameron is an example for......

A. frame story
B. novel
C. essay
D. novella
Answer» A. frame story

Who is referred to as the father of modern short story?

A. Edgar Allen Poe
B. Goethe
C. Montaigne
D. Dryden
Answer» A. Edgar Allen Poe

The action of the short story commences close to the.......

A. Climax
B. beginning
C. exposition
D. falling action
Answer» A. Climax

Medias res mean....

A. in the middle of the matter
B. towards the end
C. in the beginning
D. end
Answer» A. in the middle of the matter

When a short story conveys a specific moral or ethical perspective, it is called....

A. Parable
B. short story
C. essay
D. none of these
Answer» A. Parable

….......was used by religious leaders to enlighten and educate their followers

A. Fables
B. Latin stories
C. Indian fables
D. none of these
Answer» A. Fables

Fables are said to be invented by.....

A. Aesop
B. Goethe
C. Montaigne
D. Dryden
Answer» A. Aesop

Gesta Ramanorum is a collection of....

A. Roman anecdotes
B. Latin stories
C. Indian fables
D. none of these
Answer» A. Roman anecdotes

Novella is a …...

A. short novel
B. essay
C. prose
D. none of these
Answer» A. short novel

The first modern translation of 'Thousand and One Nights' was by....

A. Antoine Galland
B. Goethe
C. Montaigne
D. Dryden
Answer» A. Antoine Galland

Novella was introduced in Germany by.....

A. John Henry Newman
B. Goethe
C. Montaigne
D. Dryden
Answer» B. Goethe
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