200+ Rural Sociology Solved MCQs


Which one of the following was not the function of the caste system

A. It provided continuity in society
B. It brought instability in the society
C. Society became disciplined
D. It provided Psychological security
Answer» B. It brought instability in the society

Which one of the following is not an unfavourable factor for caste system in India?

A. Education
B. Urbanization
C. Tribal culture
D. Social reforms
Answer» C. Tribal culture

Maximum social mobility is possible in

A. A caste-ridden society
B. A feudal society
C. A class based society
D. None of the above
Answer» C. A class based society

Social classes are divided on the basis of

A. Religion
B. Region
C. Education
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

Which one of the following is a significant factor responsible for the emergence of class in rural society?

A. Transformation from subsistence to market economy
B. New technology
C. Abolition of Intermediaries
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which one of the following is not the characteristic of a caste system?

A. It is based on hierarchical system
B. Religion has nothing to do with caste
C. Certain castes are purer than others
D. Interaction between castes is limited
Answer» B. Religion has nothing to do with caste

Traditional cultural features of caste have radically changed in rural India with regard to

A. connubial dimension
B. commensal dimension
C. ritual dimension
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

What is the layering of people into hierarchies called?

A. Social inequality
B. Social hierarchy
C. Social differentiation
D. Social stratification
Answer» D. Social stratification

What is social stratification based on individual’s achievement called?

A. Caste system
B. Class system
C. Estate system
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Class system

What is movement from one position to the other in the same social level called?

A. Vertical mobility
B. Intra generational mobility
C. Inter generational mobility
D. Horizontal mobility
Answer» D. Horizontal mobility

Which of the following statements is true about contemporary rural economy?

A. Rural economy remains subsistence in nature
B. Rural economy is transformed into market oriented economy
C. Private ownership of land is unknown
D. Villagers do not produce cash oriented crops
Answer» B. Rural economy is transformed into market oriented economy

The new class in rural India consists of

A. Traders
B. Rich landlords
C. Petty officials and political workers
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Who considers caste system as both ‘closed’ and ‘open’?

A. Andre Beteille
B. M.N. Srinivas
C. Louis Dumont
D. K.L. Sharma
Answer» A. Andre Beteille

“Substantialization of Caste” means

A. Developments have weakened the caste system
B. Developments have not weakened caste, but have led to changes in the caste system to suit itself to modern society
C. Developments have not brought any kind of changes in the caste system
D. Developments have weakened the caste system, it has been replaced by a class system
Answer» B. Developments have not weakened caste, but have led to changes in the caste system to suit itself to modern society

Who pointed out that “the caste system was not merely division of labour, but also a division of labourers”

A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Andre Beteille
C. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
D. M.N. Srinivas
Answer» C. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Who has given the concept of ‘dominant caste’?

A. M.N. Srinivas
B. Andre Beteille
C. T.N. Madan
D. S.C. Dube
Answer» A. M.N. Srinivas

Which of the following factors has created diverse agricultural classes in rural society?

A. Green Revolution
B. Differences in the size of landholdings
C. Abolition of Zamindaries
D. Jajmani system
Answer» B. Differences in the size of landholdings

Which statement is true about rural stratification?

A. Caste are changing into class
B. Caste, class and power are the three inseparable dimensions of stratification
C. Caste includes the attributes of class also
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Caste is not only a system of hierarchy; it is also related to

A. Land
B. Politics
C. Land and politics
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Land and politics

Who is the chief architect of the caste as a form of culture?

A. Louis Dumont
B. Andre Beteille
C. S.C. Dube
D. M.N. Srinivas
Answer» A. Louis Dumont

The existence or non-existence of Sati, Chid-marriage and widow remarriage have some effect or evident in the conditions of the

A. Male population
B. Female population
C. Whole population
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Male population

Man carries on his struggle against the environment by means of

A. Tools
B. Technology
C. Ploughing
D. Invention
Answer» B. Technology

Natural forces such as floods, earthquakes , famines and others affect the lives of the people in

A. Urban people
B. Rural people
C. The high class people
D. The low class people
Answer» B. Rural people

Changes in cultural factors like beliefs and values have repercussions in the entire

A. cultural lives
B. economic lives
C. historical lives
D. social lives
Answer» D. social lives

Administrative in-efficiency is one the major cause which creates huddles in path of

A. Rural development
B. urban development
C. village development
D. state development
Answer» A. Rural development

The villages are now link with the approach road and this has brought the village close to regional , state and

A. urban markets
B. rural markets
C. national markets
D. international markets
Answer» C. national markets

In the village traditional occupations have now observed mobility , the village people has taken to all kinds of occupations irrespective of their

A. community
B. village
C. class
D. caste
Answer» D. caste

An important mechanism for linking the village to the capitalist mainstream of the country is

A. Technology
B. Market
C. Industry
D. Caste system
Answer» A. Technology

The empowerment of the women and formation of Panchayati Raj is also a structural change in the ___

A. Rural society
B. Traditional society
C. Urban society
D. Agrarian society
Answer» A. Rural society

The abolition of the jagirdari system affected not only the landowners and the tenants, but a whole lot of

A. Artisans
B. Rural people
C. Urban dwellers
D. Harijans
Answer» B. Rural people

It is due to various inventions made by man, human race has evolved out of the primitive stage to ___

A. Ancient society
B. Transitional society
C. Agrarian society
D. Modern society
Answer» D. Modern society

Rural social change has been among the most important subject of study in the third world countries since ___

A. 1960
B. 1950
C. 1940
D. 1920
Answer» B. 1950

Throughout the periods of history the village economy has been ___

A. Market economy
B. Barter economy
C. Subsistence economy
D. Exchange economy
Answer» C. Subsistence economy

The system of intermediaries in the form of jamindar and jagirdar was abolished in the middle of ___

A. 1930
B. 1940
C. 1950
D. None of the above
Answer» C. 1950

There is a misconception in recent argument that caste is changing into ___

A. Class system
B. Power system
C. Estate system
D. Ecommerce system
Answer» A. Class system

By nature, man tends to preserve tradition, customs and old ways of life. These cultural barriers affect___

A. Social change
B. Occupational change
C. Political change
D. Economic change
Answer» A. Social change

Human beings find out new ways and modes of adjustments with their natural and social environment by means of ___

A. Collective efforts
B. Inventions
C. Renovations
D. Revolutions
Answer» B. Inventions

If the frequency of inventions is slow, then the pace of social change will also become ____

A. Faster
B. Abnormal
C. Normal
D. Slower
Answer» D. Slower

According to National Sample Survey report, a majority of our village do not have basic infrastructure facilities like ___

A. Electricity
B. University
C. Gymnasium
D. Schools
Answer» A. Electricity

In India, the caste system preached sticking to one’s traditions and refusing to accept new ideas acts as a barrier to ____

A. Cultural change
B. Traditional change
C. Political change
D. Social change
Answer» D. Social change

Which caste people enjoyed every possible liberty, people from lower caste were treated miserably by the ____

A. Lower caste
B. Bureaucrats
C. Higher castes
D. Elite class
Answer» C. Higher castes

When illiteracy promotes hierarchy, education insists on the idea of ____

A. Equality
B. Inequality
C. Rationality
D. Liberalism
Answer» A. Equality

Many sociologists feel that values are the result of change and therefore should not always be considered as _____

A. Primary factors in social change
B. Secondary factors in social change
C. Tertiary factors in social change
D. Cultural factors in social change
Answer» B. Secondary factors in social change

The vicious cycle of poverty is one of the major degrading factors for the life of ____

A. Urban people
B. Middle class
C. Whole population
D. Rural people
Answer» D. Rural people

NGO’s have more benefits of working in rural areas compared to governmental organisations because NGOs are more _____

A. Rigid
B. Flexible
C. Authoritative
D. Adaptable
Answer» B. Flexible

Many NGOs are playing vital role in the rural development of India in collaboration with _____

A. Private sector
B. Entrepreneurs
C. Government
D. Business
Answer» C. Government

The civil society, assisted by the government may also undertake development programmes at ___

A. Village level
B. State level
C. Community level
D. District level
Answer» C. Community level

The civil society agencies also facilitate the usage of local resources for local development and thus make the community _____

A. Self-reliant
B. Self-content
C. Dependant
D. Independent
Answer» A. Self-reliant

The harmonious co-existence of both the state and the civil society safe guards the interest of both the government and the ____

A. Political institutions
B. Village people
C. Individual
D. Citizens
Answer» D. Citizens

Civil society in India has always played a significant role in implementing government policies and programme by creating awareness and coming forward for ___

A. Social change
B. Structural change
C. Political change
D. Cultural change
Answer» A. Social change

There was a commonality in the interest of the state or government and the NGOs, that is, welfare of people or to serve the people and the people and therefore, both were working together in ___

A. Competition
B. Compromise
C. Co-operation
D. Conflict
Answer» C. Co-operation

The prime objective of NGO is that they search and go to the people who are needy and work for the welfare of ____

A. The poor
B. Privilege
C. Under-privileged
D. Disabled person
Answer» C. Under-privileged

NGOs have made a great deal in sensitizing people regarding their rights and privileges and imparting political awareness among ____

A. Rural masses
B. Urban masses
C. Community
D. Whole population
Answer» A. Rural masses

Gender awareness is created by NGOs through trainings etc., in the community organisation process gender discrimination is being minimized by actually involving the ____

A. Men folk
B. Women folk
C. Village folk
D. Well to do family
Answer» B. Women folk

NGOs play the role of advocacy and to influence policies in favour of ____

A. Caste people
B. The rich
C. Disabled person
D. The poor
Answer» D. The poor

Civil society is the society driven by people themselves has its origin in ____

A. Modern period
B. Ancient period
C. Vedic period
D. Post vedic period
Answer» B. Ancient period

Civil society is not a political society. Despite the dissolution of the government, the civil society continues to satisfy the interest of the ____

A. Individuals
B. Community
C. The State
D. Government
Answer» A. Individuals

One significant feature in the rural society is the emergence of ___

A. New association
B. Education system
C. New classes
D. Political system
Answer» B. Education system

Which one acts as the chief and most powerful instrument for social change in rural society?

A. History
B. Education
C. Political Institution
D. Green Revolution
Answer» B. Education

A large number of rural people have become less remote with the introduction of __

A. Ideology
B. Education
C. Class system
D. Technology
Answer» D. Technology

The IntegratedRuralDevelopmentProgrammewaslaunched in

A. 1978 – 79
B. 1967–69
C. 1988–89
D. 1990–91
Answer» A. 1978 – 79

Which of the following isthe objective of NREP –

A. Generation of additional gainful employment for unemployed and under employed persons in rural area
B. Creation of productive community assets for direct and continuing benefits to the poor
C. Improvement in the overall quality of life in the rural areas
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

NRLMstands for –

A. National Rural LiteracyMission
B. National Rural Land DevelopmentMission
C. National Rural LivelihoodMission
D. National Rural LandManagement
Answer» C. National Rural LivelihoodMission

The MGNREGA came into force on

A. 17th August2005
B. 23rd November 2005
C. 2nd February 2006
D. 15th January 2006
Answer» C. 2nd February 2006

The IAY scheme wasimplemented by

C. Social Welfare
D. Women and Child Development
Answer» B. DRDA

The SGSY scheme wasintroduced in the year-

A. 1st April 1998
B. 1st April 1999
C. 1st March2000
D. 1st March 2001
Answer» A. 1st April 1998

100 days employment in a financial year means

A. For one person
B. For husband andwife
C. For one family
D. Foronefamilyofregisteredadults
Answer» D. Foronefamilyofregisteredadults

Which of the following is described as the main instrument of the Government strategy to alleviate the poverty of the rural poor?

Answer» C. IRDP

The aim of SGSY scheme is

A. To provide financialassistance
B. To form an organization of rural poor
C. To form self helpgroups
D. To provide self employment and set up micro –enterprises
Answer» D. To provide self employment and set up micro –enterprises

The primary objective of PMGSY is

A. To connect with unconnected habitations
B. To connect villages and Towns
C. To connect village roads with State highways
D. To connect District roads with National highways
Answer» A. To connect with unconnected habitations


A. 90:10
B. 50:50
C. 60:40
D. 70:30
Answer» B. 50:50

Which of the following isthe feature of SGSY scheme

A. Formation of self helpgroup
B. Provide self employmentopportunities
C. Subsidy and revolvingfund
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The target groups of IAY are

A. BPL families in ruralareas
B. Only ST/SC families belonging to BPL
C. BPL families in urbanareas
D. Any houseless families
Answer» A. BPL families in ruralareas

NRDWP waslaunched in the year-

A. 2006
B. 2007
C. 2008
D. 2009
Answer» D. 2009

The SGSY scheme wasintroduced forthe people who belong to

A. Above povertyline
B. Self help group
C. Below povertyline
D. Women
Answer» C. Below povertyline

The NRLM scheme waslaunched in

A. 1st May2010
B. 5th April2010
C. 3rd June2011
D. 2nd July 2011
Answer» C. 3rd June2011

Which of the following work is done under PMGSY scheme

A. Existing roadsimprovement
B. New roads connectivity
C. All weather roadsconnectivity
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The expenditure ofthe NREP isshared by the centre and state in the ratio of

A. 70:30
B. 80:20
C. 50:50
D. 60:40
Answer» C. 50:50

Household in MGNREGA means

A. Members of afamily
B. Residing together
C. Common ration card
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The ideal group size under SGSY scheme is

A. 10–20
B. 5 –10
C. 15 -20
D. Less than 10
Answer» A. 10–20


A. 1980
B. 1986
C. 1982
D. 1985
Answer» A. 1980

The IAY scheme wasintroduced by the Government of India in the year

A. 1985
B. 1988
C. 1995
D. 1990
Answer» A. 1985

How many days of guaranteed employment will be given in a financial year under MGNREGA

A. 200 days
B. 100 days
C. 365 days
D. Nolimit
Answer» B. 100 days

The head of the block level SGSY committee is

A. BDO of the concerned block
B. Bankers
C. Leader of the self help group
D. Project Director of DRDA
Answer» D. Project Director of DRDA

The funding nature of NRLM is

A. CentreandtheStateintheratioof 75:25
B. CentreandtheStateintheratioof 60:40
C. CentreandtheStateintheratioof 50:50
D. 100% by centre
Answer» A. CentreandtheStateintheratioof 75:25

Which ofthe following is not covered under PMGSY scheme?

A. Existing roadsimprovement
B. New roads connectivity
C. All weather village roads connectivity
D. City area roads
Answer» D. City area roads

To register under the scheme of MGNREGA, one

A. Should make payment
B. Should be educated
C. Need not be educated
D. Should make recommendation from the people’srepresentative
Answer» C. Need not be educated

The PMGSY scheme waslaunched on the-

A. 1st April 2000
B. 15th August2000
C. 25th December 2000
D. 26th January 2000
Answer» C. 25th December 2000


A. 1/3
B. 1/2
C. 1/4
D. 1/10
Answer» A. 1/3

SGSY programme is

A. A government sponsored subsidy distribution programme
B. A government grant programme for rural poor
C. A government sponsored programme for poverty alleviation and self employment generation programme to the rural poor
D. A health and education programme
Answer» C. A government sponsored programme for poverty alleviation and self employment generation programme to the rural poor

Whichofthe followingscheme replacedthe foodforworkprogramme?

Answer» B. NREP

The full form of SGSY scheme is

A. Swarnajayanti Grameen SwarozgarYojana
B. Swarnajayanti Gram SwarozgarYojana
C. Swarnajayanti Gram SahayakYojana
D. SwarnajantiGrameenSahayakYojana
Answer» B. Swarnajayanti Gram SwarozgarYojana

MGNREGA provides employment opportunity for

A. Poor only
B. All adultsresiding in the rural areas
C. All adultsresiding in the State
D. Only SC/ST BPL familiesresiding in the rural areas
Answer» B. All adultsresiding in the rural areas

The costsharing provision underIAY scheme is

A. 50% from the centre
B. 65% from the centre
C. 75% from thecentre
D. 80% from the centre
Answer» C. 75% from thecentre

Which of the following is the implementing agency under MGNREGA at the village level?

A. Beneficiary
B. Villagers
C. Gram Panchayat
D. Private Contractors
Answer» C. Gram Panchayat

Which of the following isresponsible for the implementation of NREP?

C. Gram Sabha
D. Gram Panchayat
Answer» B. DRDA

The SGSY scheme wasreconstructed into

Answer» D. NRLM

Which type ofroad construction is undertaken by PMGSY?

A. Roads not included in core network
B. New roads connectivity
C. Main districtroads
D. Tar and cementroadsrepairing
Answer» B. New roads connectivity

The objective of IAY is primarily to provide grant for

A. Construction of watershed to the BPL family
B. Construction of roads to the BPL family
C. Construction of wellsto the BPL family
D. Construction of housesto the BPL family
Answer» D. Construction of housesto the BPL family

Which ofthe followingworks cannot be taken under MGNREGA?

A. Water conservation and water harvesting
B. Afforestation and treeplantation
C. Building works
D. Land development and ruralconnectivity
Answer» C. Building works
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