
460+ more mcqs Solved MCQs

in Business Management

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) .


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The incentive plan which awards bonus to worker on the basis of time save in addition to certain base rate is

A. Halsey plan
B. Rowan plan
C. Emerson plan
D. none of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Halsey plan

All of the following are the characteristics of capitalism EXCEPT

A. Right to private property
B. Economic equality
C. Profit motive
D. Right of free enterprise
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. Economic equality

The performance of a company can be judged by its

A. Share capital
B. total production
C. number of employees
D. profits
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» D. profits

In linear programming shadow prices are

A. The values assigned to one unit of capacity
B. Maximum cost per item
C. Cost of brought out items
D. Cost of items manufactured in the plant
E. Lowest sales prices
Answer» A. The values assigned to one unit of capacity

Which of the following groups of economists find consumers sovereignty undesirable?

A. Capitalists
B. Socialists
C. Mercantilists
D. Positivists
E. All of the above
Answer» B. Socialists

Theory X and theory Y were identified by

A. Douglas Mc Gregor
B. Frederick Herzberg
C. Abbraham Maslow
D. Fritz Roethlisberger
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Douglas Mc Gregor

Which Trade Union has affiliation to Congress party

A. All India Trade Union Congress
B. The Centre of Indian Trade Union
C. The Indian Nation trade Union Congress
D. The Hind Mazdoor Sabha
E. None of the above
Answer» A. All India Trade Union Congress

Interest is not payable on investment in

A. debentures
B. fixed deposits
C. shares
D. secured loans
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. shares

A monopolistic firm's average revenue is always

A. Rising
B. Falling
C. Constant
D. Dometimes rising sometimes falling
E. Depends on several variables
Answer» A. Rising

All the following debt securities pay the bearer interest except

A. Corporate bonds
B. Treasury bills
C. Debentures
D. Treasury bonds
E. State government bonds
Answer» B. Treasury bills

Which of the following is an example of non-economic goods?

A. A packet of cigarette
B. Sand in desert
C. Plastic scrap
D. An empty bottle of whickey
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. Sand in desert

Windfall profits accrue due to

A. professional management
B. use of ultra modern machinery
C. reduced cost of inputs
D. unexpected circumstances
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» D. unexpected circumstances

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