
460+ more mcqs Solved MCQs

in Business Management

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) .


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For interpretation of Standing orders the workman can refer to

A. Shop supervisor
B. Management
C. Trade union
D. Labour court
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Labour court

Selection is

A. Matching
B. Finding
C. Hiring
D. Judging
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Hiring

The elasticity of demand explains the relationship between

A. Income and demand
B. Price and demand
C. Price of substitutes and demand
D. Utility and demand
E. Price of substitutes and utility
Answer» B. Price and demand

Time versus output or wage versus incentive are part of problems involving

A. pay level
B. pay control
C. payment method
D. pay structure
E. Individual pay determination
Answer» C. payment method

The greatest barrier to communication lies in

A. Technological limitations
B. Human differences
C. Distance
D. Semantic problem
E. All of the above
Answer» B. Human differences

Hindustan Copper Limited has main plant in Khetri which is in the state of

A. Rajasthan
B. J & K
C. Haryana
D. Punjab
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. Rajasthan

Determining manpower requirements and ways of meeting those requirement is the process of

A. Human resource planning
B. Recruitment
C. Selection
D. Human resource auditing
E. Training
Answer» A. Human resource planning

When supply is fixed, the market price is determined by

A. demand
B. income
C. Cost
D. Profit
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. demand

Which of the following is levied on goods imported into India?

A. customs duty
B. Excise duty
C. Estate duty
D. Wealth tax
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. customs duty

Standing orders are applicable to

A. All industries
B. All engineering industries
C. Only major industries
D. All industries employing more than 500 workers
E. All industries employing more than 100 workers
Answer» E. All industries employing more than 100 workers

For efficient organisation the principle by which management should abide by

A. There should be a clear distribution between line and staff operation and control
B. A clear understanding of authority under each position
C. A well established and known system of communication
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

NREP is the agency associated with

A. rural employment
B. industrial growth
C. adult education
D. removal of economic disparities
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. rural employment

Which of the following is capital good

A. Cigarettes
B. Medicines in a hospital
C. New print
D. News paper
E. Car for factory manager
Answer» E. Car for factory manager

Which one is not an economic good

A. Poison
B. Water in desert
C. Sand in river bed
D. Sand in desert
E. Trees in forests
Answer» D. Sand in desert

Lignite based power plant has been established in

A. Bikaner
B. Hazira
C. Rampur
D. Neyveli
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» D. Neyveli

People will tend to move out of money and into bonds if they think

A. The rate of interest is going to fall
B. The rate of interest is going to rise
C. The rate of interest is not going to change
D. The price of real goods will rise
E. Free income is going to be taxed by government
Answer» A. The rate of interest is going to fall

Systematic evaluation of workers job performance and potential for cevelopment is called

A. Production
B. Human resource auditing
C. Appraisal
D. Training and development
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Appraisal

The term 'OGL' is associated with

A. insurance
B. depreciation of machinery
C. import of goods
D. gross profit
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. import of goods

Customers are likely to get a variety of goods under

A. Monopoly
B. Perfect competition
C. Oligopoly
D. Monopolistic competition
E. All of the above
Answer» B. Perfect competition

Which of the following is a necessary characteristic that must be present before an organiszation exists?

A. An objective
B. A collection of resources
C. A combination of people and things
D. A group of people resolving a common objective
E. None of the above
Answer» D. A group of people resolving a common objective

Communication is defined as

A. Writing, speaking or signating
B. Receiving comprehensible information
C. The process by while thought is transpered to action
D. Transmitting information from one person, place or thing to another person, place or thing
E. All of the above
Answer» D. Transmitting information from one person, place or thing to another person, place or thing

The main advantage of indirect taxes is that

A. they are regressive in nature
B. easy to collect
C. arbitrary
D. capable of increased production
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. they are regressive in nature

Devaluation affects imports by making it

A. costher
B. cheaper
C. competitive
D. prohibitive
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. costher

The main advantage of line organisation is

A. Well defined responsibilities at all levels
B. Effective command and control
C. Rigid discipline
D. Quick decision making at all levels
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

The law of demand indicates the relationship between

A. The price of a commodity and the quantity demanded
B. The income of consumer and the quantity demanded
C. The relationship betweent he price of one commodity and the price of a substitute
D. The price of two commodities
E. All of the above
Answer» A. The price of a commodity and the quantity demanded

Salvaging means

A. Writing off the assets
B. Throwing away the assets
C. Setting the assets
D. Disposing off property which is no longer useful in present situation
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Disposing off property which is no longer useful in present situation

In time study sone variations almost always occur from reading to reading for any element, even if the worker is not attempting to vary his pace. This variation is not caused by the following factors, among others

A. Random variations in operator movements and pace
B. Random variations in the positions of parts worked with
C. Random variations in the position of the tools used
D. Random variations caused by slight errors in watch reading
E. Random variations caused by electricity failures
Answer» E. Random variations caused by electricity failures

Interest is not paid by banks on

A. Fixed deposits
B. Recurring deposit
C. Savings deposits
D. Cash certificates
E. Traveller's cheqe.
Answer» E. Traveller's cheqe.

Which of the following is not the characteristics of human wants?

A. Some wants are complementary
B. Wants differ intensity
C. Wants are limited in number
D. Wants are satisfied for the time being and are, therefore recurrent
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. Wants are limited in number

Which act provides for medical care of workmen?

A. Industrial Disputes Act
B. Workmen's Compensation Act
C. Employees State Insurance Act
D. Employees Provident Fund Act
E. All of the above
Answer» C. Employees State Insurance Act

If two commodities are jointly demanded they are

A. Inferior goods
B. Compliments
C. Necessities
D. Substitutes
E. Multiple goods
Answer» B. Compliments

A product layout is generally suggested for

A. Jobbing work
B. Batch production
C. Continuous type of production
D. Efficient machine utilization ratio
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Continuous type of production

Which of the following does not represent time utility?

A. Old rice
B. Cold storage
C. Sand in cities
D. All of the above
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. Sand in cities

The conditions to be fullfilled before the Standing orders are certified are

A. They Standing orders should provide for every matter set out in the schedule which is applicable to the Industrial establishment
B. The Standing orders should be in conformity with the provisions of the Act
C. The certifying officers or the Appellate authority shall before certifying the Standing orders adjusdicate upon the fairness or reasonableness of the provisions of any Standing orders
D. (A) and (B) above
E. (A), (B) and (C) above
Answer» E. (A), (B) and (C) above

Saving is defined as

A. Accounting difference between current income and consumption
B. Sum of savings made by the different factors
C. Excess of expenditure over available income
D. Amount set aside for meeting unforeseen expenditure
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Accounting difference between current income and consumption

The variance of a statistical distribution indicates

A. The average value of the distribution
B. The spread of the distribution
C. The value of the variate with the largest frequency
D. The difference between the extreme values in the distribution
E. None of the above
Answer» B. The spread of the distribution

During contract negotiations, what two territorial rights are weighed against each other?

A. Employee rights
B. Management rights
C. Government rights
D. (A) and (C)
E. (A) and (B)
Answer» E. (A) and (B)

Principal wage and salary issues are all concerned with

A. Filling open positions with the most qualified personnal available
B. Creating an equitable pay system
C. Getting the most labour for the industry's expenditures
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Creating an equitable pay system

The objective of an organizational hygiene program is

A. To prevent accidents
B. To make the workplace risk free
C. To supply emergency medical service to workers and their families
D. To prevent occupational diseases
E. Job specification
Answer» D. To prevent occupational diseases

The wage rate of brick layers is likely to rise due to

A. A depression in building industry
B. An increase in the demand for houses
C. The development of cheap industrial building process
D. A decrease in productivity of bricklayer
E. None of the above
Answer» B. An increase in the demand for houses

Contribution of a growing production to economic growth consists in what is

A. Adds to consumption
B. Adds to production minus what it takes away from the national product in the form of consumption
C. Adds to saving and investment
D. Adds to reproducible resources
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Adds to production minus what it takes away from the national product in the form of consumption

Which of the following is not usually included in list of probable economies of large scale production?

A. Efficient management
B. Specialised labour force
C. Advertising
D. Use of machinery
E. Improved labour relations
Answer» C. Advertising

The state in India which has maximum population is

A. West Bengal
B. Kerala
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Uttar Pradesh
E. Rajasthan
Answer» C. Madhya Pradesh

Which of the following is a hard currency?

A. Takka
B. Dinar
C. Yen
D. Rival
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. Yen

The information used to evaluate how successful a manager is in achieving planned objectives in included

A. Profit plan or budgets
B. Financial statements
C. Proforma statements
D. Performance reports
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Performance reports

Speculation arises because of

A. Monopolistic competition
B. Stock market
C. Share market
D. Uncertainty of the future
E. All of the above
Answer» D. Uncertainty of the future

Sinking fuad' is associated with

A. employees welfare
B. mahcine depreciation
C. idle timing
D. indirect labour cost
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. mahcine depreciation

Micromotion study is

A. Enlarged view of motion study
B. Analysis of one stage of motion chart
C. Motion study when seen on a time chart
D. Sub-division of an operation into therbligs and their analysis
E. Motion study with micro-seconds as units
Answer» D. Sub-division of an operation into therbligs and their analysis

India had a plan holiday between

A. 1947 and 1951
B. 1963 and 1966
C. 1966 and 1969
D. 1971 and 1974
E. 1977 and 1980
Answer» D. 1971 and 1974

Basic tool in work study is

A. Process chart
B. Planning chart
C. Shop layout
D. Bar chart
E. Stop watch
Answer» E. Stop watch

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