340+ Digital Logic Circuits (DLC) Solved MCQs


Complement of F’ gives back  

A. f’
B. f
C. ff
D. ff’
Answer» B. f

Decimal digit in BCD can be represented by                          

A. 1 input line
B. 2 input lines
C. 3 input lines
D. 4 input lines
Answer» D. 4 input lines

The number of logic gates and the way of their interconnections can be classified as

A. logical network
B. system network
C. circuit network
D. gate network
Answer» A. logical network

EPROM uses an array of                                

A. p-channel enhancement type mosfet
B. n-channel enhancement type mosfet
C. p-channel depletion type mosfet
D. n-channel depletion type mosfet
Answer» B. n-channel enhancement type mosfet

The EPROM was invented by                              

A. wen tsing chow
B. dov frohman
C. luis o brian
D. j p longwell
Answer» B. dov frohman

Address decoding for dynamic memory chip control may also be used for

A. chip selection and address location
B. read and write control
C. controlling refresh circuits
D. memory mapping
Answer» A. chip selection and address location

Which of the following describes the action of storing a bit of data in a mask ROM?

A. a 0 is stored by connecting the gate of a mos cell to the address line
B. a 0 is stored in a bipolar cell by shorting the base connection to the address line
C. a 1 is stored by connecting the gate of a mos cell to the address line
D. a 1 is stored in a bipolar cell by opening the base connection to the address line
Answer» C. a 1 is stored by connecting the gate of a mos cell to the address line

The check sum method of testing a ROM                              

A. allows data errors to be pinpointed to a specific memory location
B. provides a means for locating and correcting data errors in specific memory locations
C. indicates if the data in more than one memory location is incorrect
D. simply indicates that the contents of the rom are incorrect
Answer» D. simply indicates that the contents of the rom are incorrect

The initial values in all the cells of an EPROM is                              

A. 0
B. 1
C. both 0 and 1
D. alternate 0s and 1s
Answer» B. 1

To store 0 in such a cell, the floating point must be                              

A. reprogrammed
B. restarted
C. charged
D. power off
Answer» C. charged

The major disadvantage of RAM is?

A. its access speed is too slow
B. its matrix size is too big
C. it is volatile
D. high power consumption
Answer» C. it is volatile

Which one of the following is used for the fabrication of MOS EPROM?

A. tms 2513
B. tms 2515
C. tms 2516
D. tms 2518
Answer» C. tms 2516

How many addresses a MOS EPROM have?

A. 1024
B. 512
C. 2516
D. 256
Answer» C. 2516

ROMs retain data when                              

A. power is on
B. power is off
C. system is down
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

When a RAM module passes the checker board test it is                              

A. able to read and write only 0s
B. faulty
C. probably good
D. able to read and write only 1s
Answer» C. probably good

What is the difference between static RAM and dynamic RAM?

A. static ram must be refreshed, dynamic ram does not
B. there is no difference
C. dynamic ram must be refreshed, static ram does not
D. sram is slower than dram
Answer» C. dynamic ram must be refreshed, static ram does not

How many natural states will there be in a 4-bit ripple counter?

A. 4
B. 8
C. 16
D. 32
Answer» C. 16

A ripple counter’s speed is limited by the propagation delay of  

A. each flip-flop
B. all flip-flops and gates
C. the flip-flops only with gates
D. only circuit gates
Answer» A. each flip-flop

One of the major drawbacks to the use of asynchronous counters is that                          

A. low-frequency applications are limited because of internal propagation delays
B. high-frequency applications are limited because of internal propagation delays
C. asynchronous counters do not have major drawbacks and are suitable for use in high- and low-frequency counting applications
D. asynchronous counters do not have propagation delays, which limits their use in high- frequency applications
Answer» B. high-frequency applications are limited because of internal propagation delays

Internal propagation delay of asynchronous counter is removed by                          

A. ripple counter
B. ring counter
C. modulus counter
D. synchronous counter
Answer» D. synchronous counter

How many flip-flops are required to construct a decade counter?

A. 4
B. 8
C. 5
D. 10
Answer» A. 4

The terminal count of a typical modulus-10 binary counter is                          

A. 0000
B. 1010
C. 1001
D. 1111
Answer» C. 1001

A ripple counter’s speed is limited by the propagation delay of                          

A. each flip-flop
B. all flip-flops and gates
C. the flip-flops only with gates
D. only circuit gates
Answer» A. each flip-flop

A 4-bit counter has a maximum modulus of                          

A. 3
B. 6
C. 8
D. 16
Answer» D. 16

UP-DOWN counter is a combination of                          

A. latches
B. flip-flops
C. up counter
D. up counter & down counter
Answer» D. up counter & down counter

UP-DOWN counter is also known as                        

A. dual counter
B. multi counter
C. multimode counter
D. two counter
Answer» C. multimode counter

In an UP-counter, each flip-flop is triggered by                        

A. the output of the next flip-flop
B. the normal output of the preceding flip-flop
C. the clock pulse of the previous flip-flop
D. the inverted output of the preceding flip-flop
Answer» B. the normal output of the preceding flip-flop

In DOWN-counter, each flip-flop is triggered by                        

A. the output of the next flip-flop
B. the normal output of the preceding flip-flop
C. the clock pulse of the previous flip-flop
D. the inverted output of the preceding flip-flop
Answer» D. the inverted output of the preceding flip-flop

Binary counter that count incrementally and decrement is called                        

A. up-down counter
B. lsi counters
C. down counter
D. up counter
Answer» A. up-down counter

Once an up-/down-counter begins its count sequence, it                        

A. starts counting
B. can be reversed
C. can’t be reversed
D. can be altered
Answer» D. can be altered

In 4-bit up-down counter, how many flip-flops are required?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» C. 4

A modulus-10 counter must have _

A. 10 flip-flops
B. 4 flip-flops
C. 2 flip-flops
D. synchronous clocking
Answer» B. 4 flip-flops

Which is not an example of a truncated modulus?

A. 8
B. 9
C. 11
D. 15
Answer» A. 8

The designation means that the                  

A. up count is active-high, the down count is active-low
B. up count is active-low, the down count is active-high
C. up and down counts are both active-low
D. up and down counts are both active-high
Answer» A. up count is active-high, the down count is active-low

The full form of SIPO is                        

A. serial-in parallel-out
B. parallel-in serial-out
C. serial-in serial-out
D. serial-in peripheral-out
Answer» A. serial-in parallel-out

How can parallel data be taken out of a shift register simultaneously?

A. use the q output of the first ff
B. use the q output of the last ff
C. tie all of the q outputs together
D. use the q output of each ff
Answer» D. use the q output of each ff

What is meant by parallel load of a shift register?

A. all ffs are preset with data
B. each ff is loaded with data, one at a time
C. parallel shifting of data
D. all ffs are set with data
Answer» A. all ffs are preset with data

After three clock pulses, the register contains                  

A. 01110
B. 00001
C. 00101
D. 00110
Answer» C. 00101

What will be the 4-bit pattern after the second clock pulse? (Right-most bit first)

A. 1100
B. 0011
C. 0000
D. 1111
Answer» C. 0000

In digital logic, a counter is a device which                          

A. counts the number of outputs
B. stores the number of times a particular event or process has occurred
C. stores the number of times a clock pulse rises and falls
D. counts the number of inputs
Answer» B. stores the number of times a particular event or process has occurred

A counter circuit is usually constructed of                          

A. a number of latches connected in cascade form
B. a number of nand gates connected in cascade form
C. a number of flip-flops connected in cascade
D. a number of nor gates connected in cascade form
Answer» C. a number of flip-flops connected in cascade

How many types of the counter are there?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

A decimal counter has states.

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
Answer» B. 10

Ripple counters are also called                          

A. ssi counters
B. asynchronous counters
C. synchronous counters
D. vlsi counters
Answer» B. asynchronous counters

Synchronous counter is a type of                          

A. ssi counters
B. lsi counters
C. msi counters
D. vlsi counters
Answer» C. msi counters

Three decade counter would have                          

A. 2 bcd counters
B. 3 bcd counters
C. 4 bcd counters
D. 5 bcd counters
Answer» B. 3 bcd counters

BCD counter is also known as                          

A. parallel counter
B. decade counter
C. synchronous counter
D. vlsi counter
Answer» B. decade counter

The parallel outputs of a counter circuit represent the                            

A. parallel data word
B. clock frequency
C. counter modulus
D. clock count
Answer» D. clock count

The time from the beginning of a read cycle to the end of tACS/tAA is called as

A. write enable time
B. data hold
C. read cycle time
D. access time
Answer» D. access time

Why did PROM introduced?

A. to increase the storage capacity
B. to increase the address locations
C. to provide flexibility
D. to reduce the size
Answer» C. to provide flexibility

Which of the following is programmed electrically by the user?

A. rom
B. eprom
C. prom
D. eeprom
Answer» C. prom

PROMs are available in                        

A. bipolar and mosfet technologies
B. mosfet and fet technologies
C. fet and bipolar technologies
D. mos and bipolar technologies
Answer» D. mos and bipolar technologies

Which of the following best describes the fusible-link PROM?

A. manufacturer-programmable, reprogrammable
B. manufacturer-programmable, one-time programmable
C. user-programmable, reprogrammable
D. user-programmable, one-time programmable
Answer» D. user-programmable, one-time programmable

How can ultraviolet erasable PROMs be recognized?

A. there is a small window on the chip
B. they will have a small violet dot next to the #1 pin
C. their part number always starts with a “u”, such as in u12
D. they are not readily identifiable, since they must always be kept under a small cover
Answer» A. there is a small window on the chip

Which part of a Flash memory architecture manages all chip functions?

A. program verify code
B. floating-gate mosfet
C. command code
D. input/output pins
Answer» B. floating-gate mosfet

How much locations an 8-bit address code can select in memory?

A. 8 locations
B. 256 locations
C. 65,536 locations
D. 131,072 locations
Answer» B. 256 locations

What is a fusing process?

A. it is a process by which data is passed to the memory
B. it is a process by which data is read through the memory
C. it is a process by which programs are burnout to the diode/transistors
D. it is a process by which data is fetched through the memory
Answer» C. it is a process by which programs are burnout to the diode/transistors

Fusing process is                        

A. reversible
B. irreversible
C. synchronous
D. asynchronous
Answer» B. irreversible

The cell type used inside a PROM is                        

A. link cells
B. metal cells
C. fuse cells
D. electric cells
Answer» C. fuse cells

How many types of fuse technologies are used in PROMs?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

Metal links are made up of                        

A. polycrystalline
B. magnesium sulphide
C. nichrome
D. silicon dioxide
Answer» C. nichrome

Silicon links are made up of                            

A. polycrystalline silicon
B. polycrystalline magnesium
C. nichrome
D. silicon dioxide
Answer» A. polycrystalline silicon

During programming p-n junction is                            

A. avalanche reverse biased
B. avalanche forward biased
C. zener reverse biased
D. zener reverse biased
Answer» A. avalanche reverse biased

The full form of FAMOS is                            

A. floating gate avalanche injection mos
B. float gate avalanche injection mos
C. floating gate avalanche induction mos
D. float gate avalanche induction mos
Answer» A. floating gate avalanche injection mos

PROM is programmed by                            

A. eprom programmer
B. eeprom programmer
C. prom programmer
D. rom programmer
Answer» C. prom programmer

The PROM starts out with                            

A. 1s
B. 0s
C. null
D. both 1s and 0s
Answer» B. 0s

For implementation of PROM, which IC is used?

A. ic 74187
B. ic 74186
C. ic 74185
D. ic 74184
Answer» B. ic 74186

IC 74186 is of                              

A. 1024 bits
B. 32 bits
C. 512 bits
D. 64 bits
Answer» C. 512 bits

How many memory locations are addressed using 18 address bits?

A. 165,667
B. 245,784
C. 262,144
D. 212,342
Answer» C. 262,144

How many address bits are needed to operate a 2K * 8-bit memory?

A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13
Answer» B. 11

What is the bit storage capacity of a ROM with a 1024 × 8 organization?

A. 1024
B. 4096
C. 2048
D. 8192
Answer» D. 8192

The logical sum of two or more logical product terms is called                      

A. sop
B. pos
C. or operation
D. nand operation
Answer» A. sop

The expression Y=AB+BC+AC shows the operation.

A. ex-or
B. sop
C. pos
D. nor
Answer» B. sop

The expression Y=(A+B)(B+C)(C+A) shows the operation.

A. and
B. pos
C. sop
D. nand
Answer» B. pos

The canonical sum of product form of the function y(A,B) = A + B is                      

A. ab + bb + a’a
B. ab + ab’ + a’b
C. ba + ba’ + a’b’
D. ab’ + a’b + a’b’
Answer» B. ab + ab’ + a’b

A variable on its own or in its complemented form is known as a                      

A. product term
B. literal
C. sum term
D. word
Answer» B. literal

Canonical form is a unique way of representing                          

A. sop
B. minterm
C. boolean expressions
D. pos
Answer» C. boolean expressions

There are Minterms for 3 variables (a, b, c).

A. 0
B. 2
C. 8
D. 1
Answer» C. 8

Why is a demultiplexer called a data distributor?

A. the input will be distributed to one of the outputs
B. one of the inputs will be selected for the output
C. the output will be distributed to one of the inputs
D. single input gives single output
Answer» A. the input will be distributed to one of the outputs

Most demultiplexers facilitate which type of conversion?

A. decimal-to-hexadecimal
B. single input, multiple outputs
C. ac to dc
D. odd parity to even parity
Answer» B. single input, multiple outputs

In 1-to-4 demultiplexer, how many select lines are required?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» A. 2

In a multiplexer the output depends on its                          

A. data inputs
B. select inputs
C. select outputs
D. enable pin
Answer» B. select inputs

In 1-to-4 multiplexer, if C1 = 1 & C2 = 1, then the output will be                          

A. y0
B. y1
C. y2
D. y3
Answer» D. y3

How many select lines are required for a 1-to-8 demultiplexer?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

How many AND gates are required for a 1-to-8 multiplexer?

A. 2
B. 6
C. 8
D. 5
Answer» C. 8

Which IC is used for the implementation of 1-to-16 DEMUX?

A. ic 74154
B. ic 74155
C. ic 74139
D. ic 74138
Answer» A. ic 74154

The word demultiplex means                        

A. one into many
B. many into one
C. distributor
D. one into many as well as distributor
Answer» D. one into many as well as distributor

Why is a demultiplexer called a data distributor?

A. the input will be distributed to one of the outputs
B. one of the inputs will be selected for the output
C. the output will be distributed to one of the inputs
D. single input to single output
Answer» A. the input will be distributed to one of the outputs

In a multiplexer the output depends on its                        

A. data inputs
B. select inputs
C. select outputs
D. enable pin
Answer» B. select inputs

In 1-to-4 multiplexer, if C1 = 0 & C2 = 1, then the output will be                        

A. y0
B. y1
C. y2
D. y3
Answer» B. y1

In 1-to-4 multiplexer, if C1 = 1 & C2 = 1, then the output will be                        

A. y0
B. y1
C. y2
D. y3
Answer» D. y3

What is the addition of the binary numbers 11011011010 and 010100101?

A. 0111001000
B. 1100110110
C. 11101111111
D. 10011010011
Answer» C. 11101111111

Perform binary addition: 101101 + 011011 = ?

A. 011010
B. 1010100
C. 101110
D. 1001000
Answer» D. 1001000

Binary subtraction of 100101 – 011110 is

A. 000111
B. 111000
C. 010101
D. 101010
Answer» A. 000111

Perform multiplication of the binary numbers: 01001 × 01011 = ?

A. 001100011
B. 110011100
C. 010100110
D. 101010111
Answer» A. 001100011

100101 × 0110 = ?

A. 1011001111
B. 0100110011
C. 101111110
D. 0110100101
Answer» C. 101111110

On multiplication of (10.10) and (01.01), we get

A. 101.0010
B. 0010.101
C. 011.0010
D. 110.0011
Answer» C. 011.0010

Divide the binary numbers: 111101 ÷ 1001 and find the remainder

A. 0010
B. 1010
C. 1100
D. 0011
Answer» D. 0011

Divide the binary number (011010000) by (0101) and find the quotient

A. 100011
B. 101001
C. 110010
D. 010001
Answer» A. 100011

Binary subtraction of 101101 – 001011 = ?

A. 100010
B. 010110
C. 110101
D. 101100
Answer» A. 100010
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