1630+ Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection Solved MCQs


Which one of the following statements is wrong about OD?

A. It is a diagnostic process
B. It is a punitive mechanism
C. It is a value driven mechanism
D. It is an intervention mechanism
Answer» B. It is a punitive mechanism

Which of the following is a reason for supporting a wider span of control?

A. To reduce a process of delaying
B. To reduce opportunities for delegations
C. To have tighter control within the organisation
D. To increase contact between managers and employees
Answer» D. To increase contact between managers and employees

Which one of the following is not a characteristic feature of Indian labour force?

A. Lack of mobility
B. Homogeneous in nature
C. Low degree of unionization rate
D. High rate of absenteeism and labour turnover
Answer» B. Homogeneous in nature

Straight commission plan pay salespeople for their

A. results
B. experience
C. skills
D. knowledge
Answer» A. results

The right sequence of steps in Kurt Lewin’s change procedure is

A. Unfreezing - Freezing - Moving
B. Moving - Unfreezing - Freezing
C. Freezing - Moving - Unfreezing
D. Unfreezing - Moving - Freezing
Answer» D. Unfreezing - Moving - Freezing

Consistency of obtained scores in a test is measured by

A. test validity
B. criterion validity
C. content validity
D. reliability
Answer» D. reliability

‘moving stage’ in Lewin’s organizational change process considers

A. mobilize commitment
B. consolidation of gains
C. monitoring and assessing programs
D. reinforcement of new programs
Answer» B. consolidation of gains

Business plans designed to achieve the organizational objectives is called

A. Human Resource Planning
B. Human Resource Forecasting
C. Strategic plan
D. Corporate Development Plan
Answer» C. Strategic plan

Which of the following is a process of systematically identifying, assessing and developing organisational leadership to enhance performance?

A. Career planning
B. Succession planning
C. Manpower planning
D. Human Resource planning
Answer» B. Succession planning

People who are attracted to career, involving expression of emotions belongs to personality type of

A. enterprising orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. conventional orientation
Answer» A. enterprising orientation

First step in management by objectives is to

A. set departmental goals
B. set organizational goals
C. set individual goals
D. discuss departmental goals
Answer» B. set organizational goals

Aligning and evaluating employee’s performance with company’s set goals is called

A. appraisal management
B. performance management
C. hierarchy of management
D. off-the-job training
Answer» B. performance management

‘psychological counseling’ is an example of

A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» B. preretirement counseling

Arrange different phases of Hawthorne experiments in their right sequence:
I. Relay assembly test room experiments
II. Bank wiring observation test
III. Illumination experiment
IV. Personal counselling
V. Mass interviewing programme

A. I, II, III, IV, V
B. III, I, V, II, IV
C. III, II, V, I, IV
D. V, IV, III, II, I
Answer» B. III, I, V, II, IV

Which of the following principles of management was not given by Fayol?

A. Standardisation
B. Unity of direction
C. Stability of tenure
D. Subordination of individual interest
Answer» A. Standardisation

What are the ideas underpinning ‘soft, commitment’ or ‘high-road’ HRM practices?

A. Labour needs to be treated as assets to be invested in.
B. Employees are a cost which should be minimized.
C. A lack of mutuality existing between employee and employer
D. A disregard for unlocking discretionary effort
Answer» A. Labour needs to be treated as assets to be invested in.

A job design is ?

A. the design involving maximum acceptable job design qualities to perform a job
B. the division of total task to be performed into manageable and efficient units
C. a systematic way of designing and determination of the worth of a job
D. none of the above
Answer» B. the division of total task to be performed into manageable and efficient units

‘B.F Skinner’ proposed motivation model named as

A. behavior modification
B. behavior reinforcement
C. behavior reshaping
D. Both A and B
Answer» D. Both A and B

Reduced responsibilities of senior employees on same job is

A. phased retirement
B. flexible work
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» A. phased retirement

The Government of India introduced “The Workers Participation in Management”, Bill in Parliament in

A. 1983
B. 1988
C. 1990
D. 1981
Answer» C. 1990

Procedure of ranking jobs or grouping in clusters is included in

A. getting job information
B. combining ratings
C. ranking jobs
D. selecting and grouping jobs
Answer» D. selecting and grouping jobs

Organisational factors affecting job design are

A. Workforce and cultural factors
B. Employee availability and abilities
C. Ergonomics and cultural factors
D. Feedback and diversity factors
Answer» A. Workforce and cultural factors

Mentoring is very useful when mentors works for

A. same department
B. different department
C. informal training
D. formal training
Answer» A. same department

If a person finds imbalance between his services and paid salary

A. tension is created
B. person is more motivated
C. person is less motivated
D. person is never motivated
Answer» A. tension is created

Engineers and scientists analytical job’s needs

A. creativity
B. problem solving
C. training
D. Both A and B
Answer» D. Both A and B

Qualitative or quantitative information for maintaining or changing performance is part of

A. performance feedback
B. performance appraisal
C. appraisal system
D. appraisal feedback
Answer» A. performance feedback

Form of misconduct, which basically refers to rebelliousness or disobedience is classified as

A. misconduct
B. lack of qualifications
C. unsatisfactory satisfaction
D. insubordination
Answer» D. insubordination

An employee training and confidence building is best classified as

A. extrinsic rewards
B. intrinsic rewards
C. de-expectancy
D. expectancy
Answer» D. expectancy

Stage in which person focuses on maintaining established position is called

A. exploration stage
B. growth stage
C. midcareer crisis sub stage
D. maintenance stage
Answer» D. maintenance stage

Jobs pay rates on basis of each individual performance is called

A. individual equity
B. pay rate equity
C. collective equity
D. procedural equity
Answer» A. individual equity

Main key in supervisory skills is

A. coaching
B. mentoring
C. appraisal performance
D. both A and B
Answer» D. both A and B

Counseling with employees before retirement for second careers outside firm is an example of

A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» B. preretirement counseling

Determining duties and characteristics of positions in staffing, known as

A. job descriptions
B. job analysis
C. job specifications
D. both A and C
Answer» B. job analysis

‘qualitative methods of evaluation’ does not include

A. point method
B. factor comparison method
C. graphical evaluation
D. none of above
Answer» D. none of above

Wages and salaries are included in

A. direct financial payments
B. indirect financial payments
C. compensations
D. counseling
Answer» A. direct financial payments

The case study method of OD was developed by

A. S.R. Udpa
B. Eric Berne
C. Udai Pareek
D. Christopher C. Longdell
Answer» D. Christopher C. Longdell

During which of the following stage, the firm plans the proposed changes into practice.

A. Clarification
B. Monitoring
C. Assessment
D. Design
Answer» D. Design

Workflow detailed picture is called

A. organization chart
B. process chart
C. process management
D. production unit
Answer» B. process chart

Which personnel association uses the idea of bundles of integral HRM practices?

A. European association for personnel management
B. U.S office of personnel management
C. Chartered Institute of personnel& development
D. Association of personnel Service Organisations
Answer» C. Chartered Institute of personnel& development

Why do companies use external job searches instead of internal searches?

A. Legal requirements
B. It is less expensive
C. Companies can add new talent, new ideas to the organization
D. Orientation time is reduced
Answer» C. Companies can add new talent, new ideas to the organization

Coordination of workforce assessment and development is futile part of

A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. talent management
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» C. talent management

Changing process in which change is formulated and implemented by employees is called

A. organizational development
B. organizational change
C. Lewin change process
D. Maslow’s change hierarchy
Answer» A. organizational development

The process of choosing individuals who have re1evant qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings is

A. Screening process
B. Selection process
C. Interview process
D. Pre-screening process
Answer» B. Selection process

One of organizational development category is

A. techno structural
B. mobilize commitment
C. consolidation of gains
D. monitoring and assessing programs
Answer» A. techno structural

Which of the following organizations coordinates and controls the working of voluntary welfare agencies in India?

A. ESI Corporation
B. EPF Organisation
C. Central Social Welfare Board
D. Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)
Answer» C. Central Social Welfare Board

Which of the following is not a part of disciplinary action?

A. Transfer
B. Warning
C. Discharge
D. Suspension
Answer» A. Transfer

The three phases of recruitment process are

A. Planning, Implementing, Evaluating
B. Planning, Implementing, Screening
C. Planning, Implementing, Enrichment
D. Planning, Screening, Evaluating
Answer» A. Planning, Implementing, Evaluating

People that are attracted to occupation of biologist is best classified as

A. realistic orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. artistic orientation
Answer» B. investigative orientation

Ranging and grading salary into just few levels is called

A. broad banding
B. less branding
C. competency model
D. skill based pay model
Answer» A. broad banding

In growing organization, specialized staff is needed by

A. Line manager
B. HR manager
C. Staff manager
D. all of above
Answer» A. Line manager

Why does the Resource-based view of SHRM represent a paradigm shift in SHRM thinking?

A. Because it focuses on the internal human resources of the business as a source of sustainable competitive advantage
B. Because it advocates tight vertical integration between the organisation’s business strategy and human resource strategy.
C. Because it relies on a set of highcommitment HR practices to deliver sustainable competitive advantage.
D. Because it focuses on the external context of the business
Answer» A. Because it focuses on the internal human resources of the business as a source of sustainable competitive advantage

The emotional part of an attitude is called

A. Attitude
B. Affective component
C. Behavioural component
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Affective component

Arrange the following in order:
i) Promotion
ii) Performance appraisal
iii) Recruitment
iv) Training and Development

A. (iii), (iv), (ii),(i)
B. (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
C. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
D. (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
Answer» A. (iii), (iv), (ii),(i)

Professional competence and consistency is exhibited by

A. effective mentors
B. performance manager
C. appraisal manager
D. professional training
Answer» A. effective mentors

The system of ranking jobs in a firm on the basis of the relevant characteristics, duties, and responsibilities is known as

A. Job evaluation
B. Job design
C. Job specification
D. Job description
Answer» A. Job evaluation

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an executive recruiter?

A. many contacts in field
B. adept at contacting candidates who are not on the job market
C. unfamiliar with company perceptions of ideal candidate
D. ability to keep identity of firm confidential
Answer» C. unfamiliar with company perceptions of ideal candidate

Which of the following HR activities may be outsourced to specialist service providers?
I. administration of pension plans
II. employee assistance/ counseling plans
III. retirement planning
IV. background checks

B. I, II& IV
Answer» D. I, II, III& IV

QWL movement was spearheaded by

A. D. Harnett and L. Cummings
B. C.A. Barlett and S. Ghoshal
C. Ronen Simcha and Oded Shankar
D. Eric Tryst, Fred Enery, Eina Thorsrud
Answer» D. Eric Tryst, Fred Enery, Eina Thorsrud

In recent years, job title and tenure is replaced by

A. employee performance and competencies
B. company growth and market share
C. employee skills and creativity
D. pay for knowledge
Answer» A. employee performance and competencies

Which one of the following is not time based incentive plan?

A. Halsey Plan
B. Merrick Plan
C. Rowan Plan
D. Emerson Plan
Answer» B. Merrick Plan

Which of the following is not a method of social security?

A. Social Action
B. Social Insurance
C. Social Assistance
D. Mutual Assistance
Answer» A. Social Action

Which of the following term is used to identify, “what the job holder does”? “how it is done”?& “why it is done”?

A. Job specification
B. Job evaluation
C. Job description
D. Job title
Answer» C. Job description

Job changes in an existing job, in same firm for retirement aged employees is an example of

A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» A. phased retirement

Providing employees with basic background information about the firms is

A. Education
B. Employee Orientation
C. Colleges and universities
D. Required by law
Answer» B. Employee Orientation

In career development, providing performance feedback which is career oriented is part of

A. individual’s role
B. manager’s role
C. employer’s role
D. line manager
Answer» C. employer’s role

The actual achievements compared with the objectives of the job is

A. Job performance
B. Job evaluation
C. Job description
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Job performance

Introduction of new or current trends for optimal ‘HR’ utilization is part of

A. Coordinative function
B. Staff function
C. Line function
D. all of above
Answer» B. Staff function

Bonuses are part of

A. direct financial payments
B. payroll
C. counseling
D. indirect financial payments
Answer» A. direct financial payments

The famous definition of ‘personality’ as “the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment” - is given by

A. Gordon Allport
B. James Watson
C. Sigmund Freud
D. Theodore T. Herbert
Answer» A. Gordon Allport

Commitment strategy is inherently

A. Short term
B. Long term
C. Continuous
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Long term

Which of the following has not been provided under the Code of Discipline?

A. Grievance Procedure
B. Unfair Labour Practices
C. Multinational Companies
D. Recognition of Trade Unions
Answer» C. Multinational Companies

Process of arming employees of organization with technology tools, to get jobs done is called

A. workplace flexibility
B. work hour flexibility
C. work week flexibility
D. contributory flexibility
Answer» A. workplace flexibility

In performance management, main feature of performance management is to

A. increase salary
B. planning incentives
C. comparing performance with goals
D. comparing sales figures from last year
Answer» C. comparing performance with goals

‘unfreezing stage’ in Lewin organizational change process, considered as

A. mobilize commitment
B. consolidation of gains
C. monitoring and assessing programs
D. creating guiding coalition
Answer» A. mobilize commitment

The expertise of human resource departments became indispensable with the

A. introduction of employment laws
B. passing of equal employment laws
C. increase of women in the workforce
D. both A and B
Answer» D. both A and B

The best medium to reach a ’large audience for the process of recruitment is

A. Casual applicants
B. Advertising
C. Employee referrals
D. Employment agencies
Answer» B. Advertising

The business side of the process begins with the strategic as the guiding framework.

B. Plan
C. Policy
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Plan

Basic difference between piecework and standard hour plan is of

A. percent premium
B. proportion premium
C. fixed premium
D. variable premium
Answer» A. percent premium

In Lewin organization change process, introduction of new attitudes and behaviors is included in

A. unfreezing stage
B. moving stage
C. refreezing stage
D. nonmoving stage
Answer» B. moving stage

Employees join union when they

A. Are dissatisfied with certain aspects of their jobs.
B. Feel that they lack influence with management to make the needed change.
C. Feel unionization as a solution to their problems.
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Crucial functions for company’s survival is managed by

A. financial manager
B. staff manager
C. line manager
D. both A and B
Answer» C. line manager

Document that consists of all ethical standards that employer expects from employees is classified as

A. ethics code
B. descriptive code
C. procedural code
D. distributive code
Answer» A. ethics code

‘Microsoft’ pays new programmers for learning Windows particulars, classified as

A. pay plan based on knowledge
B. pay plan based on title of job
C. pay plan based on tenure
D. pay plan based on performance
Answer» A. pay plan based on knowledge

Compensations and reward packages are designed for employees, must help company to achieve its

A. mission
B. vision
C. strategic goals
D. compensation strategy
Answer» C. strategic goals

Which of the following is the meaning of ‘Golden handshake’?

A. It is a gift.
B. It is a gratis.
C. It is a bribe.
D. It is a compensation.
Answer» C. It is a bribe.

The sequence of human resource development activities according to Leonard Nadler are

A. Training, development and education
B. Training, education and development
C. Education, training and development
D. Development, training and education
Answer» B. Training, education and development

HRD systems include

A. Feedback and Performance coaching
B. Potential Appraisal and Development
C. Performance Appraisal
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which is not a Training Method?

A. Management Role Playing
B. Workshop
C. Multiple Management
D. Recruitment Method
Answer» D. Recruitment Method

The number of people hired for a particular job compared to the number of individuals in the applicant pool is often expressed as

A. Application ratio
B. Recruitment ratio
C. Selection ratio
D. Employment ratio
Answer» C. Selection ratio

The concept of HRD scorecard was introduced in India by

A. T.V. Rao
B. UdaiPareek
C. ArunHonappa
D. Rao and Pareek
Answer» A. T.V. Rao

A system of industrial relations where social and labour issues are discussed between trade unions and management at enterprise level is:

A. Social dialogue
B. Tripartism
C. Bipartism
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Bipartism

Which of the following is not a type of wage differentials?

A. Social
B. Industrial
C. Geographical
D. Occupational
Answer» A. Social

Techniques which allow employer for flexible labor stance is

A. job classification
B. job evaluation method
C. job ranking technique
D. pay ranges
Answer» D. pay ranges

Which of the following is not a regulative type of labour legislation?

A. Factories Act, 1948
B. Trade Unions Act, 1926
C. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
D. Industrial Employment (Standing
Answer» A. Factories Act, 1948

Which of the following aptly describes the role of line managers and staff advisors namely HR professionals?

A. Staff advisors focus more on developing HR programmes while line managers are more involved in the implementation of those programmes
B. Line managers are concerned more about develop.ing HR programmes whereas staff advisors are more involved in implementing such programmes
C. Staff advisors are solely responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the HR programmes while line managers are not all involved in any matters concerning HR
D. Line managers alone are responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the HR programmes while staff advisors are not all involved in any matters concerning HR.
Answer» A. Staff advisors focus more on developing HR programmes while line managers are more involved in the implementation of those programmes

Score that measures how much business goals are achieved by ‘HRD’ efforts is

A. HRD culture
B. Business linkage score
C. HRD competence score
D. HRD system maturity score
Answer» B. Business linkage score

Which of the following human resource practices can be useful in reducing workers’ compensation cost per employee?

A. safety training
B. disability management
C. safety incentives
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Read the following statements on HRD need analysis. Identify the one which is not true:

A. HRD needs can be identified at strategic, organisational, operational, task and person levels
B. HRD needs can be diagnostic, analytic, compliance oriented and proactive
C. Task related KSA analysis and training need analysis are integral part of HRD need analysis
D. Competency mapping, performance appraisal and clarity of career paths identify HRD needs at task level only
Answer» D. Competency mapping, performance appraisal and clarity of career paths identify HRD needs at task level only

‘HCM’ talent management system includes

A. e-commerce integration
B. online training
C. monitoring performance metrics
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

A problem occurs when supervisor might rate all employees ‘high’ or ‘low’ is called

A. lenient/strict tendency
B. biasing tendency
C. central tendency
D. different tendencies
Answer» A. lenient/strict tendency
  • Question and answers in Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection,
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