1630+ Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection Solved MCQs


The interview is used as a method for determining :

A. The personality of the candidate.
B. The degree ’of fit between the applicant and the demands of the job.
C. His/her age.
D. Physical attributes
Answer» B. The degree ’of fit between the applicant and the demands of the job.

A company’s ‘HR’ department can create an advisory relationship through

A. line authority
B. staff authority
C. hiring authority
D. all of above
Answer» B. staff authority

Types of strikes include

A. economic strike
B. sympathy strike
C. wildcat strike
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

For an occupation of farming, best classified personality orientation can be

A. realistic orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. artistic orientation
Answer» A. realistic orientation

‘praise’ and ‘expression of approvals’ in form of program are best classified as

A. social recognition program
B. performance feedback
C. fixed premium
D. financial awards
Answer» A. social recognition program

The Ranking method is best suited for

A. Complex organizations
B. Large organizations
C. Small organizations
D. Any of the above
Answer» C. Small organizations

Meaning of ‘direction sharing’ is

A. communicating line authority
B. staff authority
C. communicating company’s higherlevel goals
D. communicating future HR policies
Answer» C. communicating company’s higherlevel goals

The thorough& detailed study regarding jobs within an Organisation is represented by;

A. Job analysis
B. Job description
C. Job specification
D. Job evaluation
Answer» A. Job analysis

Comparison of fairness between sales manager and production manager job pay rates, is an example of

A. collective equity
B. primary equity
C. secondary equity
D. internal equity
Answer» D. internal equity

Situation, subordinates collude to rate high with each other, known as

A. logrolling
B. dialog rolling
C. up rating
D. lenient/strict tendency
Answer» A. logrolling

Quantitative performance measures used by human resource managers to assess operations are called

A. ratios
B. benchmarks
C. metrics
D. grades
Answer» C. metrics

are a useful tool for determining why employees are leaving an organization.

A. Government labor reports
B. Exit interviews
C. Benchmarks
D. HR portals
Answer» B. Exit interviews

Adding ‘incentives’ to job is included in

A. intrinsic motivation
B. extrinsic motivation
C. outsourced motivation
D. in-house motivation
Answer» B. extrinsic motivation

Involuntary termination of job of employee is classified as

A. procedural termination
B. dismissal
C. descriptive termination
D. distributive termination
Answer» B. dismissal

Which of the following decreases group cohesiveness?

A. Large group size
B. Frequency of interaction
C. Agreement on group goals
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Large group size

Recruitment and selection involves the following except

A. Building a pool of candidates
B. Completing application form by applicants
C. Reduction of the work force
D. Employment planning and forecasting
Answer» C. Reduction of the work force

Who advocated the theory Z?

A. John Galbraith
B. Jerdee and Caroll
C. William Ouchi and Price
D. Douglas Murray McGregor
Answer» C. William Ouchi and Price

The field of HRM was founded on the idea that the competitive advantage of the organisation relies on the following sources of capital:

A. cultural, human and system capital
B. social, cultural and human capital
C. organisation relies on the ,following sources of capital
D. cultural, human and source capital
Answer» B. social, cultural and human capital

Arrange the following steps involved in establishing a career development system in proper sequence:
I. Vision
II. Needs
III. Action plan
IV. Results

Answer» B. II, I, III, IV

‘piecework’ pay plan is often called

A. individual pay plan
B. group pay plan
C. extrinsic rewards
D. intrinsic rewards
Answer» A. individual pay plan

Lawyers are tend to be classified as personality type of

A. social
B. non artistic
C. investigative
D. enterprising
Answer» D. enterprising

New performance ‘appraisal systems’ and incentives usage is part of

A. mobilize commitment
B. consolidation of gains
C. creating guiding coalition
D. reinforcement of new programs
Answer» D. reinforcement of new programs

An employee is rated high in performance appraisal because of ‘religion’, is an example of

A. lenient/strict tendency
B. bias
C. central tendency
D. different tendencies
Answer» B. bias

The Integrated System Model of Strategic Human Resource Manaqement acknowledges the existence within the organisation of ?

A. multiple cultural and strategic environment
B. multiple stakeholders
C. multiple recruitment integrated system
D. multiple structural organisations
Answer» B. multiple stakeholders

Which of the following factors connected with working conditions?

A. Work environment
B. Security and opportunity to rise
C. Fair wages
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

‘market saturation’ can be best classified as

A. potential opportunities
B. potential Threats
C. potential Strengths
D. potential Weaknesses
Answer» B. potential Threats

An availability of new talent management information system is a key driver of

A. phased retirement
B. career management
C. talent management
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» C. talent management

Large inventories can be best classified as

A. potential opportunities
B. potential Threats
C. potential Strengths
D. potential Weaknesses
Answer» D. potential Weaknesses

Strategy to understand problem and to formulate hypothesis is called

A. planning
B. preparation
C. follow-up
D. compensating employees
Answer» A. planning

An ‘Equal Pay Act’ emphasizes compensable factors are such as

A. skills
B. efforts and responsibility
C. working conditions
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

The goal of HRD system is to develop

A. The capabilities of each employee as an individual.
B. The capabilities of each individual in relation to his or her present role.
C. The capabilities of each employee in relation to his or her expected future roles.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

a/an is a plan or programmes to motivate individual or group performance.

A. Incentive scheme
B. Promotion scheme
C. Reward
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Incentive scheme

Strategy employees use to seek, for personal enrichment and greater convenience is

A. promotions
B. transfers
C. reality shock
D. formal training
Answer» B. transfers

From employer’s point of view, talent management is also known as

A. phased retirement
B. career management
C. talent management
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» B. career management

Behavioral factors affecting job design are ?

A. Autonomy
B. Diversity
C. Feedback
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

According to business perspective, employees carrying sign language in depicting their concerns, regarded as

A. strike
B. picketing
C. boycott
D. impasse boycott
Answer» B. picketing

Distributive bargaining may be explained as

A. Bargaining wherein both parties are willing to negotiate over wages, hours and conditions of employment.
B. Bargaining that focuses on convincing the other party that the cost of disagreeing with the proposed terms would be very high.
C. Bargaining that focuses on convincing the other party that the benefits of agreeing with the proposed terms would be very high.
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Bargaining that focuses on convincing the other party that the cost of disagreeing with the proposed terms would be very high.

Identify the correct sequence of the steps of grievance procedure required to be followed for the grievance handling
1. Departmental Manager
2. Immediate Supervisor
3. Arbitration
4. Trade Union’s intervention

A. 1, 2, 3& 4
B. 2, 3, 1& 4
C. 2, 1, 4& 3
D. 2, 4, 1& 3
Answer» C. 2, 1, 4& 3

The process of determining the tasks that make-up a job and the skills, abilities and responsibilities needed to perform the job is called

A. Job Analysis
B. Job Enrichment
C. Job Description
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Job Analysis

Neutral party who negotiates issues in agreement dispute, makes a reasonable settlement by giving public recommendation is classified as

A. mediation
B. impasse
C. fact finder
D. arbitration
Answer» C. fact finder

Bankers are best classified in a personality type of

A. realistic orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. conventional orientation
Answer» D. conventional orientation

Unstructured interview is also called

A. non directive interview
B. directive interview
C. both A and B
D. none of above
Answer» B. directive interview

People who chosen careers having more structured activities is classified as

A. realistic orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. conventional orientation
Answer» D. conventional orientation

Which principle of management is violated by matrix organisation structure?

A. Division of Labour
B. Unity of Direction
C. Unity of Command
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Unity of Command

An integrated group of activities to bring about a change is known as

A. Organisation development
B. Interventions
D. Collaborative culture
Answer» A. Organisation development

Comparing quite dissimilar jobs such as nurses to technicians is best classified as

A. comparable worth
B. incomparable worth
C. definable worth
D. indefinable worth
Answer» A. comparable worth

Consider the following punishments in disciplinary actions:
I. Warning
II. Demotion
III. Censure
IV. Dismissal
Which of the above fall under minor punishment?

A. I and II
B. I, II and III
C. I and III
D. I, II and IV
Answer» C. I and III

The first step in the e-selection process is

A. consider how the various new stakeholders and clients will use the system
B. train the employees that will be responsible for the administration of the process
C. draw-up a flow chart of the current assessment process
D. draft the desired flow process that will result from the E-selection process
Answer» C. draw-up a flow chart of the current assessment process

The following is (are) the key components of a business process Re-engineering programme?

A. Product development
B. Service delivery
C. Customer satisfaction
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

‘cooperative union-management projects’ is an example of

A. human process intervention
B. techno structural interventions
C. strategic intervention
D. HRM interventions
Answer» B. techno structural interventions

Grouping of jobs on basis of skills and physical efforts is called

A. rank jobs
B. grades
C. classes
D. columns
Answer» C. classes

Loyalty awards given to employees, for completing several years is an example of

A. financial awards
B. non-financial rewards
C. non-motivating rewards
D. appraisal award
Answer» B. non-financial rewards

Exit Policy primarily emphasises in the broad sense, for policy makers as

A. Retiring people and rehabilitating them
B. Bringing new blood to the Corporate
C. Removing employees
D. Down sizing
Answer» A. Retiring people and rehabilitating them

A broad statement of the purpose, scope, duties and responsibilities of a particular job is

A. Job specification
B. Job description
C. Job analysis
D. Job design
Answer» C. Job analysis

Validity of structured interviews is

A. high
B. low
C. moderate
D. none of above
Answer» A. high

Ten ‘C’ model of HRM architect was advanced by

A. Katz and Kahn
B. Alan Price
C. Chester I. Bernard
D. Max Weber
Answer» B. Alan Price

An enquiry that is conducted afresh because of the objections raised by alleged employee is called

A. De-novo enquiry
B. Ex-parte enquiry
C. Domestic enquiry
D. None of the above
Answer» A. De-novo enquiry

Stage, in career management that spans roughly between 24 to 44 and heart of people’s career is

A. stabilization sub-stage
B. trial sub stage
C. establishment stage
D. maintenance stage
Answer» C. establishment stage

Competitive strategy is for

A. departmental strategy
B. business unit
C. none of above
D. all of above
Answer» B. business unit

Use of data, facts, analytics and evaluated research for making decision is

A. Evidence based HRM
B. High performance work system
C. Both A and B
D. none of above
Answer» A. Evidence based HRM

People who are often executives of chamber of commerce, are classified in personality type of

A. non enterprising
B. enterprising
C. social
D. investigative
Answer» B. enterprising

In a career development, establishing career plans is a/an

A. individual role
B. managerial role
C. employer role
D. line manager’s role
Answer» A. individual role

Which of the following labour legislations in USA made unions more powerful than management?

A. Wagner Act
B. Taft-Hartley Act
C. Narris-Le Guaradia Act
D. Landrum-Griffin Act
Answer» A. Wagner Act

The interview in which pressure is deliberately put on the applicant is known as

A. Non-directed interview
B. Directed interview
C. Patterned interview
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Model for organizational is introduced by

A. Maslow Abraham
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Kurt Lewin
D. both A and B
Answer» C. Kurt Lewin

Creating an environment that facilitates a continuous and. Two-way exchange of information between the superiors and the subordinates is the core of

A. High involvement management model
B. Low commitment management model
C. High performance management model
D. Low performance Management model
Answer» A. High involvement management model

Human resource managers generally exert within the human resources department and outside the human resources department.

A. line authority; implied authority
B. staff authority; line authority
C. line authority; staff authority
D. functional control; authoritarian control
Answer» A. line authority; implied authority

In a career development focus, addition of development plans is a part of

A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. compensation and benefits
Answer» B. performance appraisal

In surveying market, a way to know what others are paying, known as

A. salary survey
B. market survey
C. equity survey
D. motivation survey
Answer» A. salary survey

The number of subordinates a superior can effectively handle is called

A. Organising people
B. Span of control
C. Direction
D. Coordination
Answer» B. Span of control

The measures the rate at which employees leave the company.

A. turnover costs
B. turnover rate
C. time to fill
D. cost per hire
Answer» B. turnover rate

In career development focus, an individual development plan is part of

A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. human resource planning
Answer» A. training and development

The term procurement stands for

A. recruitment and selection
B. training and development
C. pay and benefits
D. health and safety
Answer» A. recruitment and selection

The other name of Sensitivity Training is

A. Brainstorming
B. T-Group Training
C. In-basket Exercise
D. Managerial Grid Training
Answer» B. T-Group Training

People who choose medical profession is an example of

A. conventional personality
B. non-conventional personality
C. investigative personality
D. non investigative personality
Answer» C. investigative personality

Recruitment is concerned with

A. Getting applications
B. Selecting the right candidate
C. Developing a pool of job candidates
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Developing a pool of job candidates

In job classification, group which contains similar jobs is called

A. classes
B. grades
C. rows
D. columns
Answer» A. classes

Developing characteristics of people needed to run business in .

A. Short term
B. Medium term
C. Long term
D. Any of the above
Answer» C. Long term

Moving employees from one job to another in a predetermined way is called

A. Job rotation
B. Job reengineering
C. Work mapping
D. Job enrichment
Answer» A. Job rotation

“Work-Diversity” by nature, does not go against Ethics. But an executive assistant while getting transferred from “stores” to “dispatch” section created turmoil in the office. He is

A. Most ethical in his deal
B. Fully against work ethics
C. He is workoholic
D. A Rigid employer, hard nut to crack
Answer» B. Fully against work ethics

Pay plan is based on influence-able competencies for companies to focus on

A. performance management process
B. high performance work system
C. less performance work system
D. quantitative job evaluation
Answer» A. performance management process

Advertisements through newspapers, TV, radio, professional journals and magazines are methods of recruitment

A. Direct
B. Indirect
C. Third-party
D. E-recruitment
Answer» B. Indirect

Focus on career development, tuition reimbursement plans are part of

A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. compensation and benefits
Answer» D. compensation and benefits

is defined as the record of outcomes produced on a specific job function or activity during a specific time period.

A. Performance
B. Work function
C. Evaluation
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Performance

Negotiations are an important aspect of the collective-bargaining process. What do they ensure?

A. That conflict is always resolved.
B. That there is an agreement between all parties involved.
C. It achieves a set of lasting agreements.
D. That conflict is contained within manageable boundaries.
Answer» D. That conflict is contained within manageable boundaries.

According to Herzberg, job salary and incentives are classified as

A. unhygienic
B. DE motivators
C. hygiene factor
D. extrinsic factors
Answer» C. hygiene factor

Which of the following is not a traditional method of organisational development?

A. Managerial grid
B. Survey feedback
C. Sensitivity training
D. Process consultation
Answer» D. Process consultation

In , the interviewer uses pre-set standardised questions which are put to all applicants.

A. Unstructured interview
B. Behavioural interview
C. Structured interview
D. Mixed interview
Answer» C. Structured interview

An Edward Deci’s motivation theory explains the

A. extrinsic rewards causes detraction
B. intrinsic rewards causes detraction
C. extrinsic rewards causes motivation
D. intrinsic rewards causes motivation
Answer» A. extrinsic rewards causes detraction

The Managerial Grid was given by

A. Kurt Lewin
B. Rensis Likert
C. Blake and Mouton
D. Hersey Blanchard
Answer» C. Blake and Mouton

The human resource management functions aims at ?

A. ensuring that the ‘human resources possess, adequate capital, tool equipment and material to perform the job successful
B. helping the Organisation deal with its employees in different stages of employment
C. improving an Organisation’s creditworthiness among financial institutions
D. Ensuring financial& Marketing Stability
Answer» B. helping the Organisation deal with its employees in different stages of employment

Which of the following is (are) the HRD score card?

A. HRD systems maturity score
B. Competency score
C. HRD competencies systems maturity score
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The following system combines the superior and self evaluation systems?

A. Graphic rating scale
B. Forced choice
C. Essay evaluation
D. Management by Objective
Answer» D. Management by Objective

Aligning of skills, training and performance to have a successful career is also known as

A. phased retirement
B. career management
C. talent management
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» C. talent management

The first step in the human resource planning process is

A. Preparing a job analysis
B. Forecasting future human resource needs
C. Assessing future demand
D. Assessing future supply
Answer» B. Forecasting future human resource needs

The three important components in aligning business strategy with HR practice:

A. Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational Capabilities
B. Marketing Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational Capabilities
C. Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational structure
D. Marketing Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational structure
Answer» A. Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational Capabilities

The area from which applicants can be recruited is

A. Job agencies
B. Labour markets
C. Employment lines
D. Labour unions
Answer» B. Labour markets

Process of attracting, selecting, training and promoting employees through a particular firm is called

A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. talent management
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» C. talent management

Which pay is one of the most crucial pay given to the employee& also shown in the pay structure?

A. Performance
B. Strategic
C. Bonus
D. Commission
Answer» A. Performance

Which one is not of Michael Porters five force model of industry analysis?

A. Threat of new entrants
B. Substitutes
C. Intensity of rivalry among existing players
D. Cost leadership
Answer» D. Cost leadership
Question and answers in Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection, Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection multiple choice questions and answers, Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection, Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection MCQs with answers PDF download