1630+ Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection Solved MCQs


Ranking of all employees, measuring a specific trait such as communicating is measured in

A. graphic rating scale method
B. management by objectives
C. alternation ranking method
D. paired comparison method
Answer» C. alternation ranking method

When Human Relations training is given to managers the method adopted is:

A. Role-play method
B. Sensitivity Training
C. In-Basket Exercise
D. Managerial Grid Training
Answer» B. Sensitivity Training

Improving current and future management performance is called

A. job rotation
B. job training
C. lifelong learning
D. management development
Answer» D. management development

When company offers specific marketing, which is not available by others is strategy of

A. focusers
B. corporate strategy
C. vertical integration
D. all of above
Answer» A. focusers

Cultural Diversity explained by Greet Hofstede has four components. Which of the following is not a part of it?

A. Individualism vs. Collectivism
B. Power Distance
C. Uncertainty Avoidance
D. Quality vs. Quantity of Life
Answer» D. Quality vs. Quantity of Life

Which of the following functions of HRM deals with ‘Collective Bargaining’?

A. Staffing
B. Forecasting
C. Employee-assistance management
D. Employee relations management
Answer» D. Employee relations management

E-recruiting methods include ?

A. internet job boards
B. career websites
C. employer websites
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Job analysis information can be collected through

A. Interviews
B. Questionnaires
C. Both A and B
D. none of above
Answer» C. Both A and B

Fairness of individual’s job pay rates in comparison to employees within firm is included in

A. secondary equity
B. collective equity
C. primary equity
D. individual equity
Answer» D. individual equity

Employees that are to be retired in nearest times are of

A. Generation X
B. Generation Y
C. Baby Boomers
D. none of above
Answer» C. Baby Boomers

Credit managers tend to be classified as personality oriented of

A. non-conventional
B. conventional
C. non artistic
D. realistic
Answer» B. conventional

‘refreezing stage’ considers

A. mobilize commitment
B. consolidation of gains
C. creating guiding coalition
D. reinforcement of new programs
Answer» D. reinforcement of new programs

Which of the following is not a cross cultural theory of international HRM?

A. Halls Theory
B. Jai B.P. Sinha’s Theory
C. Geert Hofstede’s Theory
D. Cluckhohn-Strodthbeck’s Theory
Answer» B. Jai B.P. Sinha’s Theory

A written statement of policies and principles that guides the behavior of all employees is called

A. code of ethics
B. word of ethics
C. ethics/ dilemma
D. Training Manual
Answer» A. code of ethics

System which is usually based on information technology, is

A. phased retirement
B. career management
C. talent management
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» C. talent management

The process which best defines the locating and, encouraging potential employees to apply for jobs is

A. Human resource planning
B. Selection
C. Recruitment
D. Job Analysis
Answer» C. Recruitment

The focus of Human Resource Management revolves around ?

A. Machine
B. Motivation
C. Money
D. Men
Answer» D. Men

According to Edwin Flippo, the first and immediate product of job analysis is

A. The job description
B. The job design
C. The job production
D. The job specification
Answer» A. The job description

A technique is used for obtaining information from person orally and directly is called

A. Interviews
B. questionnaires
C. appraisal interview
D. none of above
Answer» A. Interviews

The objectives of HRM are categorized as

A. Personal objectives
B. Functional objectives
C. Organisational and social objectives
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Scope of the HRM includes

A. Retirement and separation of employees
B. HR training and development
C. Industrial relations
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following training programmes is meant for a new employee?

A. Induction training
B. Sensitivity training
C. In-basket exercise
D. Apprenticeship training
Answer» A. Induction training

Recruitment is widely viewed as a process

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Both Positive and Negative
D. Unnecessary
Answer» A. Positive

Competency-based-job-analysis means defining job in terms of

A. measureable competency
B. behavioral competency
C. observable competency
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

An employee’s salary paid for his skills and knowledge is called

A. competency based pay
B. time based pay
C. internship based salary
D. training based pay
Answer» A. competency based pay

Dimension which measures competency of company’s top management to lower level employees is

A. HRD systems maturity score
B. HRD competence score
C. HRD culture
D. Employee linkage score
Answer» B. HRD competence score

Scope of the HRM includes ?

A. Retirement and separation of employees
B. HR training and development
C. Industrial relations
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Employees involuntary separation from a job for a certain time period, known as

A. mergers
B. acquisitions
C. layoffs
D. downsizing
Answer» C. layoffs

During whose tenure as a union labour minister, the code of Discipline was adopted?

A. V.V. Giri
B. G.L. Nanda
C. Khandubhai Desai
D. P.A. Sangma
Answer» B. G.L. Nanda

The three performance counseling phases are

A. Rapport building, Exploration, Action planning
B. Support building, Exploration, Action planning
C. Rapport building, Explanation, Action planning
D. Rapport building, Exploration, Accurate planning
Answer» A. Rapport building, Exploration, Action planning

In arbitration, dispute parties no longer accord with agreement, willing to change existing agreement, known as

A. binding arbitration
B. non-binding arbitration
C. interest arbitration
D. rights arbitration
Answer» C. interest arbitration

Company seeking ethical standard must purport to

A. Good Employee Relation
B. Better Production Portfolio
C. Economy of Scale
D. Public Disclosure and Publishing
Answer» D. Public Disclosure and Publishing

Among the best known trait approaches to personality measurement - column A gives Traits and column B states the name of authority defining them. Match the correct combination Column - A (Traits) Column - B (Author) 58

A. 20 + needs Murray
B. 16 traits Eysenck
C. 3 traits Cattell
D. 5 traits Costa& Merree
Answer» A. 20 + needs Murray

A is a company’s plan for how it will balance its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats in order to maintain a competitive advantage.

A. SWOT analysis
B. mission statement
C. strategy
D. tactic
Answer» C. strategy

HR Department maintains records.

A. Employee
B. Sales
C. Production
D. Inventory
Answer» A. Employee

One of the dimensions included in the Harvard Model is

A. HR outcomes interest
B. Behavioral interest
C. Stakeholders interest
D. Performance interest
Answer» B. Behavioral interest

The role is to ensure the deserving managers should get appropriate opportunities for job Rotation.

A. Reviewer
B. Assessor
C. Administrator
D. Employer
Answer» A. Reviewer

Recruitment is widely viewed as a process?

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Both Positive and Negative
D. Unnecessary
Answer» A. Positive

Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II
a. An ordinary person does. want to work on his own I. Hierarchy Theory
b. An individual is willing to work on his own II. Hygiene theory
c. Motivational factors III. X theory
d. Esteem Needs IV. Y theory

A. A − I, B − II, C − III, D − IV
B. A − III, B − IV, C − I, D − II
C. A − I, B − IV, C − II, D − III
D. A − III, B − IV, C − II, D − I
Answer» D. A − III, B − IV, C − II, D − I

Need of food, water and shelter is classified as

A. psychological needs
B. self-actualization
C. physiological needs
D. self-esteem needs
Answer» C. physiological needs

Which is the Principles of Human Relations?

A. Principle of Work Recognition
B. Principle of Participation
C. Principle of Motivation
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The term “Grapevine Communication” is related to

A. Formal Communication
B. Informal Communication
C. Written Communication
D. Vertical Communication
Answer» B. Informal Communication

The main objects of Training Method is

A. Introduction of New Technology
B. To earn money
C. To obtain property
D. Accounting
Answer» A. Introduction of New Technology

‘HR’ manager must be familiar with

A. Strategic planning
B. Production department
C. Marketing and finance
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Which of the following is not the act of Corporate Governance?

A. Protecting the interest of shareholders
B. Protecting the interest of employees
C. Fudging of Accounts
D. Paying Taxes to the Government
Answer» C. Fudging of Accounts

The following person has suggested the new concept which takes into account various key factors that will tell the overall performance of a job.

A. Elliot Jecques
B. Fred Luthas
C. Juran
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Elliot Jecques

HRP stands for ?

A. Human resource project
B. Human resource planning
C. Human recruitment planning
D. Human recruitment procedure
Answer» B. Human resource planning

Advancements in position with increased responsibility is called

A. promotions
B. transfers
C. reality shock
D. formal training
Answer» A. promotions

Process which consists how and what positions are to be filled is called

A. Employment planning
B. Human resource planning
C. Succession planning
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

The method of collecting money for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by raising prices or following many other unethical ways is often described as:

A. Reverse effect
B. Reverse Robinhood effect
C. Boomerang
D. Roosevelt effect
Answer» B. Reverse Robinhood effect

The unstructured interview

A. Infrequently conducted
B. Typically is unbiased
C. Typically is related to future
D. Typically biased job performance
Answer» D. Typically biased job performance

Which are the factors by which the process of job design can be affected?

A. Behavioural
B. Environmental
C. Organisational
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Research and development managers are classified as

A. conventional personality
B. non-conventional personality
C. investigative personality
D. non investigative personality
Answer» C. investigative personality

‘total quality management’ is an example of

A. human process intervention
B. techno structural interventions
C. strategic intervention
D. HRM interventions
Answer» B. techno structural interventions

Technique of drawing conclusions from a candidate’s hand writing about future performance in a role is

A. Astronomy
B. Phrenology
C. Graphology
D. Physiognomy
Answer» C. Graphology

Term ‘job enrichment’ means

A. redesigning jobs for workers
B. assigning additional activities to workers
C. moving workers from one job to the other
D. reforming and analyzing the job
Answer» A. redesigning jobs for workers

Effective supervision is an activity of

A. Organization function
B. Staffing function
C. Control function
D. Direction function
Answer» D. Direction function

Action learning is a training technique in which

A. trainee is allowed to work full time analyzing and solving problems in other departments.
B. trainee moves from department to department to broaden experience.
C. trainee is presented with written description of organizational problem.
D. trainee is sent for formal training outside the organisation.
Answer» A. trainee is allowed to work full time analyzing and solving problems in other departments.

An automated end to end process of managing and compensating employees is called

A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. talent management
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» C. talent management

Under training and development plan, the form is to be prepared in form.

A. Duplicate
B. Structured
C. Detailed
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Duplicate

The Principle of Equifinality operates

A. Within the internal environment
B. Within the external environment
C. Without environment
D. Hostile environment
Answer» B. Within the external environment

Workers compensation, disability insurance, health and hospitalization costs are all types of

A. employment benefits
B. unemployment benefits
C. insurance benefits
D. optional benefits
Answer» C. insurance benefits

The following are the factors which come under ? Work planning? that is component systems of HRD

A. Contextual analysis
B. Role analysis
C. Performance appraisal
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

An informal employee-manager refers to

A. social recognition program
B. performance feedback
C. non-financial awards
D. financial awards
Answer» A. social recognition program

‘Kakinada Experiment’ on achievement motivation was conducted in

A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Jammu& Kashmir
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Gujarat
Answer» C. Andhra Pradesh

Which of the following form for improving workers participation in management was included in the recommendations of the Justice Rajinder Sachar Committee report?

A. Works Committee
B. Joint Management Council
C. Workers’ representation in the Board of Directors and allotment of equity to workers
D. Unit Council
Answer» C. Workers’ representation in the Board of Directors and allotment of equity to workers

A country in which headquarters of company are located are classified as

A. Third country nationals
B. home country nationals
C. expatriates
D. subordinates
Answer» B. home country nationals

Job descriptions are also called as ?

A. Task oriented
B. Task analysis
C. performance oriented
D. Credit analysis
Answer» A. Task oriented

Duties of ‘HR’ manager and staff functions consist of

A. Assisting line manager
B. Implementing the policies
C. Directing the tasks of people
D. all of above
Answer» A. Assisting line manager

A category, testing learned skills and principles, known as

A. measuring reaction
B. measuring learning
C. measuring behavior
D. measuring results
Answer» B. measuring learning

People who are attracted to career, involving verbal activities rather than physical activities are classified as

A. enterprising oriented
B. investigation oriented
C. social orientation
D. conventional orientation
Answer» A. enterprising oriented

An “Assessment Centre” is

A. A place
B. A technique
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both (A) and (B)

The statement which best describes the function of Human Resources Planning is

A. An integrated set of processes, programs and systems in an Organisation that focuses on maximizing employee contribution in order to achieve Organisational success
B. The’ process of ensuring that people required running the company are being used as effectively as possible especially in fulfilling developmental needs in order to accomplish the organisation’s goals
C. The formal process of familiarizing new employees with the Organisation, new job, work units and culture values, beliefs and accepted behavior.
D. The process of effectively and efficiently managing your assets.
Answer» B. The’ process of ensuring that people required running the company are being used as effectively as possible especially in fulfilling developmental needs in order to accomplish the organisation’s goals

In career development, establishing selfcareer goals is included in

A. an individual role
B. a managerial role
C. an employer role
D. a line manager’s role
Answer» A. an individual role

An interview conducted at the time of an employee leaving the organisation is called

A. Exit interview
B. Feedback interview
C. Convincing interview
D. Directed interview
Answer» A. Exit interview

Manager who can only issue orders in his own department

A. Line managers
B. Staff managers
C. HR managers
D. all of above
Answer» B. Staff managers

Which is the scope of HRM as per Dale Yoder and Robert?

A. Training
B. Collective Bargaining
C. Departmental Administration
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The following is not a job evaluation method.

A. Factor comparison method
B. Point Method
C. Ranking method
D. Assessment method
Answer» D. Assessment method

Companies may use a(n) to provide employees with a single access point or gateway on a company’s intranet to all human resource information.

A. database
B. HR portal
C. data warehouse
Answer» B. HR portal

The organization’s must be conducive to productivity and quality improvement.

A. Culture
B. Development
C. Policy
D. Environment
Answer» A. Culture

‘Coaching of employees’ does not include

A. planning
B. preparation
C. follow-up
D. compensating employees
Answer» D. compensating employees

In this technique, personnel specialists and operating managers prepare lists of statements of very effective and very ineffective behavior for an employee.

A. Critical incident technique
B. Forced choice
C. Essay evaluation
D. Management by Objective
Answer» A. Critical incident technique

Which of the following statement represents ’effectiveness’?

A. Achieve most output in less time
B. Achieve mass production
C. Achieve most output with least input
D. Achieve Organisational goals
Answer» D. Achieve Organisational goals

First step in ‘Job ranking’ evaluation method is to

A. obtain job information
B. select and group jobs
C. select compensable factors
D. rank jobs
Answer» A. obtain job information

In career development focus, compensations planned for non-job related activities is part of

A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. compensation and benefits
Answer» D. compensation and benefits

Under which of the following authority, an HR manager took the decision to provide training to its employees regarding the operations of newly installed machine?

A. Staff
B. Functional
C. Line
D. Implied
Answer» B. Functional

Counseling employees for second careers inside firm is an example of

A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» B. preretirement counseling

The one of the following is the best reason for the reduced use of written tests is

A. They are hard to construct
B. They are difficult to validate
C. They are expensive to administrative
D. They give very little information
Answer» B. They are difficult to validate

Which of the following strategies requires a company to concentrate its efforts in one or more narrow segments instead of a broad based strategy?

A. Cost-Leadership strategy
B. Differentiation strategy
C. Focus strategy
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Focus strategy

One of the following is not included in job descriptions:

A. Duties
B. Job title
C. Location
D. Penal actions
Answer» D. Penal actions

Job analysis is must for employees

A. training
B. performance appraisal
C. compensations
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

The multiple-input approach to performance feedback is sometimes called degree assessment.

A. 90
B. 180
C. 270
D. 360
Answer» D. 360

‘Patents’ can be best classified as

A. potential opportunities
B. potential threats
C. potential strengths
D. potential Weaknesses
Answer» C. potential strengths

Job Enrichment involves

A. Increases the amount of money employees are paid for completing an unit of work
B. Is a programme through which management seeks greater productivity from workers
C. my answer: (that staff is moved periodically from task to task in order to increase variety and interest
D. Involves giving employees work with a greater degree of responsibility and autonomy
Answer» D. Involves giving employees work with a greater degree of responsibility and autonomy

Time and Motion Study was propounded by

A. Elton Mayo
B. Henry Gnatt
C. Frank B. Gilberth
D. Louis D. Brandies
Answer» C. Frank B. Gilberth

Job schedules in which employees can work for fewer days, but, for longer time in each day are classified as

A. deferred work week
B. compressed work week
C. flexible work week
D. stable work week
Answer» B. compressed work week

A trade union is an organisation of

A. Worker who have banded together to achieve common goals in key areas such as wages, hours and working.
B. Shareholders
C. Bank
D. Customer
Answer» A. Worker who have banded together to achieve common goals in key areas such as wages, hours and working.

Human Resource Management includes

A. Motivation, communication and team building
B. Human Resource planning
C. Employee services
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The classical theorists favoured organisation based on

A. Military model
B. Civilian model
C. Strategic model
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Military model

Three tier framework of industrial relations was proposed by:

A. Clark Kerr
B. John T. Dunlop
C. Richardson J.H.
D. Kochan, T.A., et. al
Answer» D. Kochan, T.A., et. al
  • Question and answers in Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection,
  • Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection multiple choice questions and answers,
  • Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection Important MCQs,
  • Solved MCQs for Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection,
  • Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection MCQs with answers PDF download