
240+ Principles of Sociology Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in English (BA English) .


Which branch of knowledge is related to “Science of society”

A. sociology
B. anthropology
C. economics
D. politics
Answer» A. sociology

Term ‘Sociology’ derived from ................ Languages?

A. french and greek
B. latin and greek
C. italian and roman
D. latin and roman
Answer» B. latin and greek

The Latin word “Socius” means that ......................?

A. community
B. arrangements
C. intimate relationship
D. companion or associate
Answer» D. companion or associate

Who coined the word ‘sociology’?

A. herbert spencer
B. durkheim
C. max weber
D. auguste comte
Answer» D. auguste comte

The term ‘Sociology’ firstly introduced in .......................... Book?

A. first principle
B. sociology and philosophy
C. positive philosophy
D. principles of sociology
Answer» C. positive philosophy

‘Positive philosophy’ published in .....................?

A. 1845
B. 1826
C. 1830
D. 1839
Answer» C. 1830

Auguste Comte is a ........................ Philosopher

A. italian
B. french
C. greek
D. american
Answer» B. french

The theory ‘Law of three stages’ proposed by..........................?

A. karl marx
B. plato
C. auguste comte
D. herbert spencer
Answer» C. auguste comte

Who said “Sociology is science of structure and functions of social life”?

A. max weber
B. anthony giddens
C. morris ginsberg
D. j w bennet
Answer» D. j w bennet

Who defined “Sociology as the science of social institutions”?

A. h m johnson
B. emile durkheim
C. bogardus
D. mac iver and page
Answer» B. emile durkheim

Who defined “Sociology as science which attempts to interpretative understanding of social actions in order to arrive at causal explanation of its causes and effects”?

A. max weber
B. auguste comte
C. ogburn and nimkoff
D. e a ross
Answer» A. max weber

“It seems to be a study, first of the relationship and correlation between various classes of social phenomena” said by?

A. karl max
B. max weber
C. pitrim sorokin
D. hobhouse
Answer» C. pitrim sorokin

Who proposed the principle that “Study social facts as things”

A. emile durkheim
B. karl manheim
C. j f cuber
D. herbert spencer
Answer» A. emile durkheim

Who wrote the book ‘Division of labour in society’?

A. b malinowski
B. karl marx
C. emile durkheim
D. robert k merton
Answer» C. emile durkheim

The types of ‘Mechanical and Organic solidarity’ Proposed by ...................?

A. radcliff brown
B. emile durkheim
C. e b tylor
D. c h cooley
Answer» B. emile durkheim

Which term coined by Emile Durkheim?

A. little community
B. positivism
C. anomie
D. naturalism
Answer» C. anomie

Who introduced the term ‘Egoistic Suicide’

A. c h cooley
B. w g sumner
C. pitirim sorokkin
D. emile durkheim
Answer» D. emile durkheim

According to Durkheim, Over integration lead to .................... type of suicide?

A. altruistic suicide
B. egoistic suicide
C. anomic suicide
D. individualistic
Answer» A. altruistic suicide

According to Marx, Working class is also referred to as ...........................?

A. bourgeoisie
B. feudalist
C. capitalsist
D. proletariat
Answer» D. proletariat

Who put forwarded the view point ‘Materialist conception of history’

A. kingsley davis
B. karl marx
C. weber
D. ralf dahrendorf
Answer» B. karl marx

Who wrote “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle”?

A. aguste comte
B. karl marx
C. ferdinand tonnies
D. herbert spencer
Answer» B. karl marx

‘The protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism’ authored by ..........................?

A. max weber
B. karl manheim
C. spencer
D. durkheim
Answer» A. max weber

Who proposed the idea that ‘Ideal type’?

A. aristotle
B. anthony gidddens
C. max weber
D. alfred schutz
Answer» C. max weber

Who contribute the concept ‘Verstehen’

A. peter berger
B. max weber
C. harold garifinkel
D. thomas luckman
Answer» B. max weber

Who proposed the concept of ‘Symbolic Interactionism’

A. robert k merton
B. c h cooley
C. g h mead
D. erving goffman
Answer» C. g h mead

Which theory proposed by Robert K Merton?

A. theories of middle range
B. folkways
C. power elite
D. religion of humanity
Answer» A. theories of middle range

Author of the book ‘Tearoom trade’?

A. talcott parson
B. linton
C. levi strauss
D. laud humphreys
Answer» D. laud humphreys

Find out a functionalist sociologist?

A. emile durkheim
B. karl marx
C. g h mead
D. ralf dahrendorf
Answer» A. emile durkheim

Which perspective asserts that “Society is a complex system, Whose various parts work together to produce stability and order”

A. conflict approach
B. symbolic interactionism
C. functionalism
D. structuralism
Answer» C. functionalism

Which sociologist distinguished ‘Manifest and Latent function’

A. robert k merton
B. g h mead
C. sir henry maine
D. kingsley davis
Answer» A. robert k merton

Functionalist perspective given significance to .............................. in maintaining order stability in society?

A. universalism
B. moral consensus
C. individualism
D. cooperation
Answer» B. moral consensus

The perspective emphasize to ‘symbol’ is known as .............................?

A. particularistic
B. functionalism
C. stigma
D. symbolic interactionism
Answer» D. symbolic interactionism

Find out the exponent of synthetic school of thought?

A. max weber
B. george simmel
C. vier kandt
D. pitirim sorokin
Answer» D. pitirim sorokin

Which school of thought forwarded the idea that “Sociology is pure and independent science”

A. synthetic school
B. frankfurt school
C. specialistic or formalistic school
D. social conflict theory
Answer» C. specialistic or formalistic school

The school of thought proposing that “Sociology is a general science, not a pure Science”

A. specialistic school
B. synthetic school of thought
C. frankfurt school
D. symbolic interactionism
Answer» B. synthetic school of thought

The author of Book ‘The managed heart: Commercialization of human feeling’

A. hyman
B. robert e park
C. arlie hochschild
D. george simmel
Answer» C. arlie hochschild

Who wrote the book ‘The sociological Imagination’?

A. auguste comte
B. peter berger
C. c wright mills
D. ralf dahrendorf
Answer» C. c wright mills

Which sociologist made a distinction between ‘The personal trouble of milleu’ and ‘the Public issues of social structure’?

A. c wright mills
B. a. handerson
C. e s bogardus
D. n j smelser
Answer» A. c wright mills

The book ‘The Sociological imagination’ written on......................?

A. 1969
B. 1959
C. 1955
D. 1970
Answer» B. 1959

The word ‘Society’ derived from .................. language?

A. greek
B. latin
C. roman
D. french
Answer» B. latin

The book ‘society’ authored by................ ?

A. talcott parson
B. saint siomn
C. mac iver and page
D. herbert spencer
Answer» C. mac iver and page

Which is not a characteristic of society?

A. the range of social relationships
B. society is concrete concept
C. society involves both likeness and difference
D. physical conditions of social relationships
Answer» B. society is concrete concept

...................... has propounded the concept of ‘Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft’

A. g c homans
B. c h cooley
C. peter berger
D. ferdinand tonnies
Answer» D. ferdinand tonnies

Which is the characteristic of industrial society?

A. hunting and gathering
B. personal relationship
C. less division of labour
D. impersonal relationships
Answer» B. personal relationship

The book ‘Society, culture and personality’ authored by ....................?

A. jeffrey alexander
B. d sanderson
C. pitirim sorokin
D. george mead
Answer» C. pitirim sorokin

Who said “Man is a social animal”?

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. socrates
D. saint simon
Answer» B. aristotle

Who introduce the concept ‘primary group’”?

A. c h cooley
B. w g sumner
C. g h mead
D. robert k merton
Answer» A. c h cooley

Who authored the book ‘Society in America’ in 1837?

A. charles h cooley
B. n mc clelland
C. patrick geddes
D. harriet martineau
Answer» A. charles h cooley

Who authored ‘Class and class conflict in industrial society’?

A. mckim marriot
B. ralph dahrendorf
C. howard becker
D. ernst troeltsch
Answer» B. ralph dahrendorf

The book, ‘Social organisation; a study of the larger mind’ authored by............?

A. robert redfield
B. cohen
C. c h cooley
D. milton singer
Answer» C. c h cooley

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