560+ Social and Cultural History of Britain Solved MCQs


T.S. Eliot received Nobel Prize for literature in……………………

A. 1950
B. 1949
C. 1948
D. 1953
Answer» C. 1948

“This is the way the world ends; Not with a bang but a whimper”‐ is the famous lines of T.S. Eliot’s ………………………….

A. The Wasteland
B. The Hollow men
C. Ash Wednesday
D. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Answer» B. The Hollow men

………………………..is the first long poem written by T.S. Eliot after his conversion to Anglicanism.

A. Hollow men
B. Ash Wednesday
C. The Wasteland
D. Murder in the Cathedral
Answer» B. Ash Wednesday

‘A History of Western Philosophy’ was written by……………………..

A. A.J. Toynbee
B. G.M. Trevelyan
C. Bertrand Russell
D. Gibbon
Answer» C. Bertrand Russell

Who among the following British scholar was famous for his anti‐war activities and campaigns against the proliferation of nuclear weapons?

A. Bertrand Russell
B. G.M. Trevelyan
C. A.N. Whitehead
D. A.J. Toynbee
Answer» A. Bertrand Russell

English people heard the death knell of “Victorianism” through the writings of…………………………

A. W.B. Yeats
B. Oscar Wilde
C. Thomas Hardy
D. William Thackeray
Answer» C. Thomas Hardy

Who authored a twelve volume book titled ‘A Study of History’?

A. Edward Gibbon
B. Bertrand Russell
C. A.J. Toynbee
D. G.M. Trevelyan
Answer» C. A.J. Toynbee

“Challenge and Response Theory” was propounded by the famous British historian………………………….

A. Edward Gibbon
B. Collingwood
C. E.H. Carr
D. A.J. Toynbee
Answer» D. A.J. Toynbee

William Butler Yeats belongs to………………………..

A. England
B. Ireland
C. Scotland
D. Wales
Answer» B. Ireland

In which year W.B. Yeats received Nobel Prize in Literature?

A. 1925
B. 1923
C. 1928
D. 1929
Answer» B. 1923

‘The Tower’, a famous poem published in 1928 by……………..

A. W.B. Yeats
B. Thomas Hardy
C. T.S. Eliot
D. Oscar Wilde
Answer» A. W.B. Yeats

…………………...................defined the Common Wealth as a “Procession of different countries at different stages in their advance towards complete self‐government”.

A. A.E. Zimmern
B. General Smuts
C. Beveridge
D. William Temple
Answer» A. A.E. Zimmern

The name “Common Wealth” was suggested by………………………in 1917.

A. A.E. Zimmern
B. William Temple
C. General Smuts
D. Beveridge
Answer» C. General Smuts

……………………… is the Head Quarters of the ‘Common wealth Secretariat’.

A. India House, London
B. Marlborough House, London
C. Memorial Hall, London
D. Westminster
Answer» B. Marlborough House, London

The main intergovernmental agency of the Common wealth of Nations known as the “Common Wealth Secretariat” was established in the year……….

A. 1960
B. 1968
C. 1965
D. 1969
Answer» C. 1965

“From the Five Rivers” and “Tales of the Punjab”, famous Anglo‐Indian short stories, were written by………………………

A. E.M. Thomson
B. E.M. Forster
C. Flora Annie Steel
D. Thomas Stephens
Answer» C. Flora Annie Steel

In which novel Flora Annie Steel depicts the incidents of Indian mutiny of 1857?

A. Voices in the Night
B. A Sovereign Remedy
C. On the Face of the Waters
D. The Hosts of the Lord
Answer» C. On the Face of the Waters

Edward M. Thomson was famous………………………

A. Anglo Indian Poet
B. Orientalist
C. Historian
D. Diplomat
Answer» A. Anglo Indian Poet

“A Farewell to India” was written by………………………

A. E.M. Forster
B. Rudyard Kipling
C. Edward M. Thomson
D. F.A Steel
Answer» C. Edward M. Thomson

In which year T.B. Macaulay issued his famous ‘Minute on Indian Education’, which became the blue print for the introduction of English education in India?

A. 1st March 1835
B. 2nd February 1835
C. 2nd February 1836
D. 1st Mar. 1836
Answer» B. 2nd February 1835

The beginning of Western education in India was dated from the…………………….

A. Act of 1832
B. Act of 1867
C. Charter Act of 1813
D. Charter Act of 1830
Answer» C. Charter Act of 1813

The ‘Charter Act of 1813’ provided the allocation of ……………………. Rupees per year for the education purpose of India.

A. 5 lakh
B. 2 lakh
C. 1 lakh
D. 3 lakh
Answer» C. 1 lakh

…………………………… was established in 1823 to look after the development of education in India.

A. Council of Education
B. Committee of English Education
C. General Committee of Public Instruction
D. Board of Public Instruction
Answer» C. General Committee of Public Instruction

……………………………….in 1841 recommended the opening of English colleges at Delhi, Agra, Allahabad, Patna, Banaras, Bareilly, and Dacca.

A. William Bentinck
B. Lord Auckland
C. Lord Dalhousie
D. Lord Canning
Answer» B. Lord Auckland

In 1854, ………………………………….laid down the policy which became the guiding principle of the education programme of the Government of India.

A. T.B. Macaulay
B. Sir Charles Wood
C. William Bentinck
D. Canning
Answer» B. Sir Charles Wood

The establishment of University at ……… ……….. ………..were recommended by, Sir Charles Wood.

A. Delhi, Punjab, Bihar
B. Calcutta, Bombay, Madras
C. Agra, Jaipur, Orissa
D. Delhi, Agra, Rajasthan
Answer» B. Calcutta, Bombay, Madras

Among the following countries which is not included in the Latin Americas?

A. Venezuela
B. Paraguay
C. Bolivia
D. Canada
Answer» D. Canada

……………………. comprises the entire continent of South America, as well as Central America and Mexico, and the Islands of Caribbean.

B. Latin America
C. Tanzania
D. Canada
Answer» B. Latin America

………………………. popularised the term Latin America through his writings in the 1830s.

A. Johan Edwardson
B. Edwin Williamson
C. Michel Chevalier
D. H. James
Answer» C. Michel Chevalier

Which monarch provided the financial assistance to Columbus’s voyages to the “New World”?

A. Ferdinand of Portugal
B. Queen Isabella of Spain
C. Queen Elizabeth of England
D. Louis of France
Answer» B. Queen Isabella of Spain

Christopher Columbus landed in Latin Americas in the year…………………….

A. 12th October 1492
B. 10th November 1494
C. 18th December 1493
D. 6th June 1495
Answer» A. 12th October 1492

The “audiencia” in Latin America was…………………….

A. Military general
B. Royal messenger
C. Court
D. Viceroy
Answer» C. Court

The “encomienda” system imparted by Spanish conquerors in Latin America was …………

A. Military system
B. Municipal Administration
C. Forced labour
D. Taxation
Answer» C. Forced labour

“The True History of the Conquest of New Spain” was written by……………

A. Bartlome Casas
B. Hernan Cortez
C. Bernal Diaz
D. Pissarro
Answer» C. Bernal Diaz

………………………….was credited with introducing Romanticism in Latin American Literature.

A. Lizardi
B. Esteban Echeverria `
C. Ruben Dario
D. Pablo Neruda
Answer» B. Esteban Echeverria `

……………………………… is considered as the propounder of ‘Modernismo’ in Latin American Literature.

A. Ruben Dario
B. Julio Cortazer
C. Esteban Echeverria
D. Pablo Neruda
Answer» A. Ruben Dario

Ruben Dario was a………………………..

A. Peruvian poet
B. Nicaraguan poet
C. Columbian novelist
D. Mexican poet
Answer» B. Nicaraguan poet

Julio Cortazer was a famous…………………………….

A. Argentine writer
B. Mexican writer
C. Columbian poet
D. Brazilian playwright
Answer» A. Argentine writer

……………………was written by Julio Cortazer.

A. Lay Hymns
B. Hopscotch
C. Residence on Earth
D. Azul
Answer» B. Hopscotch

Famous Latin American poet and writer, ‘Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basalto’ is popularly known as………………….

A. Ruben Dario
B. Eduardo Mallea
C. Pablo Neruda
D. Julio Cortazer
Answer» C. Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda belongs to………………………

A. Bolivia
B. Columbia
C. Argentina
D. Chile
Answer» D. Chile

Pablo Neruda wrote the poem titled, “Spain in My Heart” in the background of………………………….

A. Anglo‐Spanish war
B. Spanish Civil war of 1936
C. Spanish colonial expeditions
D. Spanish elite culture
Answer» B. Spanish Civil war of 1936

…………………………………wrote the poem “Residence on Earth 1925‐31”

A. Ruben Dario
B. Julio Cortazer
C. Eduardo Mallea
D. Pablo Neruda
Answer» D. Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda received Nobel Prize in the year…………………..

A. 1973
B. 1974
C. 1971
D. 1978
Answer» C. 1971

Famous Latin American writer Juao Guimaraes Rosa belongs to………….

A. Argentina
B. Brazil
C. Chile
D. Bolivia
Answer» B. Brazil

The novel ‘Third Bank of the River’ was written by………………………….

A. Juao Guimaraes Rosa
B. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
C. Llosa
D. Mallea
Answer» A. Juao Guimaraes Rosa

Eduardo Mallea was……….

A. Brazilian writer
B. Argentine writer
C. Peruvian novelist
D. Columbian writer
Answer» B. Argentine writer

who wrote the novel “All Green Shall Perish”?

A. Rosa
B. Eduardo Mallea
C. Julio Cortazer
D. Marquez
Answer» B. Eduardo Mallea

Which Latin American novelist served as Argentine Representative to the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) during 1955‐58?

A. Garcia Marquez
B. Pablo Neruda
C. Eduardo Mallea
D. Julio Cortazer
Answer» C. Eduardo Mallea

Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in the year………………

A. 1927
B. 1928
C. 1930
D. 1931
Answer» A. 1927

Gabriel Garcia Marquez belongs to………………………

A. Venezuela
B. Chile
C. Bolivia
D. Columbia
Answer» D. Columbia

Gabriel Garcia Marquez received Nobel Prize in Literature in the year………

A. 1983
B. 1981
C. 1982
D. 1980
Answer» C. 1982

The masterpiece of Gabriel Garcia Marquez is……………………………….

A. Love in the Time of Cholera
B. One Hundred Years of Solitude
C. Autumn of the Patriarch
D. Memories of my Melancholy Whores
Answer» B. One Hundred Years of Solitude

Gabriel Garcia Marquez popularised a literary style known as………………….through his writings.

A. Modernism
B. Romanticism
C. Magical Realism
D. Traditionalism
Answer» C. Magical Realism

Famous Latin American writer Mario Vargas Llosa belongs to………………

A. Peru
B. Chile
C. Brazil
D. Columbia
Answer» A. Peru

Mario Vargas Llosa received Nobel Prize in the year………………………..

A. 2011
B. 2009
C. 2010
D. 2008
Answer» C. 2010

The monumental work of Mario Vargas Llosa is…………………………..

A. The Time of the Hero
B. The Green House
C. Conversation in the Cathedral
D. Aunt Julia and the Script writer
Answer» C. Conversation in the Cathedral

……………………………. is the central theme of Mario Vargas Llosa’s book titled ‘Garcia Marquez: Story of a Decide.

A. The friendship of Marquez and Llosa
B. Criticism of Marquez’s writings
C. New trends in Latin American Literature
D. Discussions on Magical Realism
Answer» B. Criticism of Marquez’s writings

Latin American war of independence started in the…………………………..

A. 15th century
B. 16th century
C. 17th century
D. 18th century
Answer» D. 18th century

Simon Bolivar was a…………………military and political leader.

A. Venezuelan
B. Bolivian
C. Brazilian
D. Columbian
Answer» A. Venezuelan

……………………… is regarded as the “El‐ Libertador” (The Liberator) of Latin American colonies?

A. San Martin
B. Simon Bolivar
C. Cheguvera
D. Francisco de Paula
Answer» B. Simon Bolivar

…………………………….. was the prime leader of the Southern part of South America’s successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire.

A. Simon Bolivar
B. Francisco de Paula
C. San Martin
D. Alxandre
Answer» C. San Martin

Name the army, formed by San Martin to fight against Spanish Empire in South America?

A. New Army
B. Army of the Andes
C. People’s Army
D. Army of Youths
Answer» B. Army of the Andes

……………………..is regarded as the ‘National Hero’ of Argentina.

A. San Lorenzo
B. San Martin
C. Paula de
D. Simon Bolivar
Answer» B. San Martin
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