250+ Classical Sociological Theories Solved MCQs


Conflict theories operate at a -------- perspective

A. Micro-level
B. Macro-level
C. Individual level
D. Peripheral level
Answer» B. Macro-level

The sociological paradigm that focuses on the way inequalities contribute to social differences and perpetuate differences in power is known as

A. Structuralism
B. Structural-functionalism
C. Conflict theory
D. Symbolic interactionism
Answer» C. Conflict theory

Symbolic interactionism is known to be a -----------------

A. Micro-level theory
B. Macro-level theory
C. Meso-level theory
D. Middle-range theory
Answer» A. Micro-level theory

Symbolic interactionism focuses on ----------

A. Structure of the society
B. Function of the society
C. Conflicts over resources
D. One to one interactions and communications
Answer» D. One to one interactions and communications

Who believed that society is a complex system of interrelated and interdependent parts that work together to maintain stability?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» C. Emile Durkheim

Who is known as the founder of conflict theory?

A. Karl Marx
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» A. Karl Marx

Who is the founder of symbolic interactionism?

A. Herbert Blumer
B. Sigmund Freud
C. C H Cooley
D. George Herbert Mead
Answer» D. George Herbert Mead

Who among the following coined the term ‘symbolic interactionism’?

A. Herbert Blumer
B. Sigmund Freud
C. C H Cooley
D. George Herbert Mead
Answer» A. Herbert Blumer

The dramaturgical model for the analysis of social interaction was developed by

A. Erving Goffman
B. Sigmund Freud
C. C H Cooley
D. George Herbert Mead
Answer» A. Erving Goffman

One of the major concept in social darwinism

A. Struggle for existence
B. Survival of the fittest
C. Organic analogy
D. Natural selection
Answer» B. Survival of the fittest

Who postulated the theory of social Darwinism?

A. Herbert Spencer
B. Saint – Simon
C. Auguste Comte
D. Karl Marx
Answer» A. Herbert Spencer

What are the three stages argued by Comte that knowledge pass through?

A. Primitive – feudal - capitalistic
B. Theological – metaphysical –positive
C. Barbarian – Agricultural – Industrial
D. Tribal – Industrial - Capitalistic
Answer» B. Theological – metaphysical –positive

Max Weber’s ‘the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism’ focuses on

A. The relationship between the ethics of ascetic Protestantism and the emergence of the spirit of modern capitalism
B. The relationship between the Protestants and the Capitalists in terms of exploitation
C. The relationship of the ideology of Protestants and the Capitalist mode of production
D. The issues in accumulating wealth among the Capitalists and the Protestants’ struggle
Answer» A. The relationship between the ethics of ascetic Protestantism and the emergence of the spirit of modern capitalism

Who among the following said that ‘Sociology is the science of understanding the meaning of social action?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» D. Max Webber

Who among the following analysed the impact of religious beliefs on the economic growth for the first time?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Max Webber
D. Emile Durkheim
Answer» C. Max Webber

Who advocated the social action approach in sociology for the first time?

A. Max Webber
B. Auguste Comte
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Emile Durkheim
Answer» A. Max Webber

Weber’s concept, the Verstehen stands for

A. Understanding of how the researchers interpret the social action
B. Understanding social action in an objective manner
C. Understanding how the social world is made of actors
D. Understanding social world from the point of view of the actors
Answer» D. Understanding social world from the point of view of the actors

What distinguishes Calvinism from Lutheranism?

A. Conversion
B. Predestination
C. Repentance
D. Systematization
Answer» B. Predestination

The authority based on the exceptional qualities of a leader remarks

A. Supreme authority
B. Legal-rational authority
C. Charismatic authority
D. Traditional authority
Answer» C. Charismatic authority

Sociology as a separate discipline was emerged primarily out of -----------

A. Russian revolution
B. Enlightenment thought
C. Classical thought
D. Social philosophy
Answer» B. Enlightenment thought

In which year did the French revolution take place?

A. 1789
B. 1769
C. 1787
D. 1798
Answer» A. 1789

When did Industrial revolution take place?

A. 16th Century
B. 17th Century
C. 18th Century
D. 19th Century
Answer» C. 18th Century

As a result of ---- the aristocrats lost their power and wealth and bourgeoisie came into power

A. Scientific thought
B. French revolution
C. Industrial revolution
D. Globalization
Answer» B. French revolution

---------- paved way for the destruction of feudal system and emergence of modern capitalism

A. Scientific thought
B. French revolution
C. Industrial revolution
D. Globalization
Answer» C. Industrial revolution

What was the major factor that led to French revolution?

A. Enlightenment
B. Industrial revolution
C. Positive philosophy
D. Estate system
Answer» A. Enlightenment

The hierarchical system existed in France at the time of French revolution

A. Class system
B. Caste system
C. Estate system
D. Egalitarianism
Answer» C. Estate system

Which was the first estate prevailing in France during French revolution?

A. Clergy
B. Nobles
C. Serfs
D. Labourers
Answer» A. Clergy

Which was the second estate prevailing in France during French revolution?

A. Clergy
B. Nobles
C. Serfs
D. Labourers
Answer» B. Nobles

Which was the third estate prevailing in France during French revolution?

A. Clergy
B. Nobles
C. Serfs
D. Labourers
Answer» C. Serfs

The third estate of the estate system in France consisted of ----- percent of the French population

A. 20 percent
B. 75 percent
C. 50 percent
D. 96 percent
Answer» D. 96 percent

The first estate in France held its supremacy through the power of church

A. Clergy
B. Nobles
C. Serfs
D. Labourers
Answer» A. Clergy

The period of enlightenment is also known as

A. Age of darkness
B. Age of reasoning
C. Age of revolution
D. Age of commonsense
Answer» B. Age of reasoning

Associated with the enlightenment is the 17th century ----

A. Globalization
B. Privatization
C. Scientific thought
D. Common sense
Answer» C. Scientific thought

Who among the following is closely associated with “Enlightenment?’

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spence
C. George Simmel
D. Voltaire
Answer» D. Voltaire

Who is the author of ‘Political Philosophy’ that had significantly influenced the French revolution?

A. Jean-JacquesRousseau
B. Montesquieu
C. Denis Diderot
D. David Hume
Answer» A. Jean-JacquesRousseau

The political tension and economic antagonism between two classes is called

A. Class competition
B. Class conflict
C. Class interests
D. Class upheaval
Answer» B. Class conflict

According to Marx, the conflict of interests between two antagonistic classes leads to

A. Class struggle
B. Class tension
C. Competition
D. War
Answer» A. Class struggle

The egalitarian society Marx believed to replace the capitalism is called

A. Feudal society
B. Agrarian society
C. Socialist society
D. Industrial society
Answer» C. Socialist society

Who said that Sociology is a science?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» C. Emile Durkheim

Who advocated a social action approach in sociology?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» D. Max Webber

The social force binding people together in a society will be weak when the society is characterised by

A. Mechanical solidarity
B. Organic solidarity
C. Inorganic solidarity
D. Capital solidarity
Answer» B. Organic solidarity

Strong social bonds between people can be seen when the society is characterised by

A. Mechanical solidarity
B. Organic solidarity
C. Inorganic solidarity
D. Capital solidarity
Answer» A. Mechanical solidarity

Urbanization was the result of --------------- during 18thcentury

A. Scientific thought
B. French revolution
C. Industrial revolution
D. Globalization
Answer» C. Industrial revolution

Who served as advisors to King and Governors in the estate system?

A. Clergy
B. Nobles
C. Serfs
D. Labourers
Answer» A. Clergy

Marx believed that the destruction of capitalism will lead to the formation of

A. Feudalism
B. Agrarian system
C. Socialism
D. Secularism
Answer» C. Socialism

Karl Marx was inspired by the dialectical method of

A. Saint simon
B. Hegel
C. Engel
D. Weber
Answer» B. Hegel

According to Karl Marx, class conflict occurs with the emergence of

A. Competition
B. Cooperation
C. Compartmentalisation
D. Class consciousness
Answer» D. Class consciousness

Which of the following is not an aspect of alienation in capitalist societies?

A. Alienation from the product activity
B. Alienation from the products
C. Alienation from species
D. Alienation from wages
Answer» D. Alienation from wages

The rise of individualism was an important social thought emerged out of --------

A. Industrial revolution
B. Agricultural revolution followed by industrial revolution
C. Industrial revolution and French revolution
D. Enlightenment and French revolution
Answer» D. Enlightenment and French revolution

The French revolution marked the development of a new class called

A. Proletariats
B. Labourer
C. Capitalists
D. Peasants
Answer» C. Capitalists

Who among the following held the view that society is a moral entity?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» C. Emile Durkheim
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