
250+ Classical Sociological Theories Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology) , Sociology (CBCS) .


Marx called the distinctive method for the analysis of the historical development of society as

A. Conflict approach
B. Neo-Marxist theories
C. Historical materialism
D. Dialectical materialism
Answer» C. Historical materialism

The Communist Manifesto was written in the year

A. 1848
B. 1838
C. 1845
D. 1854
Answer» A. 1848

Das Kapital was written by

A. Georg Simmel
B. Max Weber
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Karl Marx
Answer» D. Karl Marx

Das Kapital was written in the year

A. 1876
B. 1786
C. 1867
D. 1875
Answer» C. 1867

The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 was written by

A. Auguste Comte
B. Karl Marx
C. Max Weber
D. George Simmel
Answer» B. Karl Marx

---- had a dominant intellectual influence on Karl Marx

A. Auguste Comte
B. Hegel
C. Max Weber
D. George Simmel
Answer» B. Hegel

A contribution to the Critique of Political Economy is authored by

A. Herbert Spencer
B. Lewis Coser
C. Karl Marx
D. Max Weber
Answer» C. Karl Marx

----- is the amount of socially necessary labour time needed to produce an article under the normal conditions of production and with the average degree of skill and intensity of the time.

A. Use value
B. Surplus value
C. Labour theory of value
D. Exchange value
Answer» C. Labour theory of value

In Marxist theory, the working class is called

A. The proletariat
B. Bourgeoisie
C. Capitalists
D. Leftists
Answer» A. The proletariat

According to Karl Marx the present state will

A. Continue for long
B. Will wither away
C. Deliver goods with the passage of time
D. Slowly benefit the workers
Answer» B. Will wither away

Marx’s focus on real, existing contradictions led to a particular method for studying social phenomena called

A. Dialectical method
B. Economic determinism
C. Causality
D. Class conflict
Answer» A. Dialectical method

The theoretical foundation of Marxism is known as

A. Dialectical materialism
B. Historical materialism
C. Class struggle
D. Class consciousness
Answer» A. Dialectical materialism

According to Karl Marx, the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of

A. Economic determinism
B. Exploitation
C. Class struggles
D. Alienation
Answer» C. Class struggles

According to Marx, the capacity to do a useful work that increases the value of the products is called

A. Surplus value
B. Labour value
C. Labour power
D. Exploitation
Answer» C. Labour power

According to Marx, under capitalist mode of production, the surplus takes the form of

A. Loss
B. Profit
C. Product
D. Relations
Answer» B. Profit

How many modes of production have been identified by Karl Marx during his study of societies?

A. Four
B. Three
C. Five
D. Two
Answer» A. Four

The mode of production existed in primitive communities in which ownership of land was communal is known as

A. Ancient mode of production
B. Capitalist mode of production
C. Feudal mode of production
D. Asiatic mode of production
Answer» D. Asiatic mode of production

The mode of production characterised by the emergence of private property is ---

A. Ancient mode of production
B. Capitalist mode of production
C. Feudal mode of production
D. Asiatic mode of production
Answer» A. Ancient mode of production

The relationship between those who own the means of production (the capitalists or bourgeoisie) and those who do not (the workers or the proletariat) is called

A. Forces of production
B. Relations of production
C. Means of production
D. Exploitation
Answer» B. Relations of production

According to Marx, history evolves through the interaction between

A. Means of production and surplus value
B. Means of production and mode of production
C. Mode of production and relations of production
D. Means of production and relations of production
Answer» C. Mode of production and relations of production

The system in which the capitalists own the means of production is

A. Socialism
B. Capitalism
C. Feudalism
D. Communism
Answer» B. Capitalism

A system in which the workers sell their labour power for wage is known as

A. Socialism
B. Capitalism
C. Feudalism
D. Communism
Answer» B. Capitalism

‘Goods are produced for sale rather than own use’ is a remarkable characteristic of

A. Feudal societies
B. Capitalist societies
C. Ancient societies
D. Primitive societies
Answer» B. Capitalist societies

The concept of alienation is developed by

A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Auguste Comte
Answer» A. Karl Marx

The process by which a commodity takes on an independent, almost mystical external reality is known as

A. External value
B. Surplus value
C. Fetishism of commodities
D. Labour value
Answer» C. Fetishism of commodities

Workers who sell their labour and do not own their own means of production are

A. Bourgeoisie
B. Proletariat
C. Middle men
D. Slaves
Answer» B. Proletariat

The division of class in a capitalist society is based on

A. The ownership of property
B. The changes in relations
C. The production of commodities
D. The surplus value
Answer» A. The ownership of property

In a feudal society, feudal lords exploit -------

A. Slaves
B. Proletariats
C. Bourgeoisie
D. Serfs
Answer» D. Serfs

In a capitalist society, Bourgeoisie exploit ---

A. Slaves
B. Proletariats
C. Lords
D. Serfs
Answer» B. Proletariats

In capitalism who owns and controls the capital?

A. Slaves
B. Proletariats
C. Bourgeoisie
D. Serfs
Answer» C. Bourgeoisie

------ posits the idea that every economic order grows to a state of maximum efficiency, while at the same time developing internal contradictions/ weaknesses that contribute to its decay

A. Historical materialism
B. Dialectical materialism
C. Economic determinism
D. Historical determinism
Answer» B. Dialectical materialism

In feudalism, the oppressors are known as

A. Bourgeoisie
B. Capitalists
C. Serfs
D. Feudal lords
Answer» D. Feudal lords

The term used to describe Marx’s main theoretical perspective for understanding society and history

A. Historical materialism
B. Dialectical materialism
C. Economic determinism
D. Historical determinism
Answer» A. Historical materialism

According to Marx, anything in the external world that is used to produce material needs and maintain existence is termed as

A. Mode of production
B. Forces of production
C. Relations of production
D. Means of production
Answer» D. Means of production

Marx denotes land, animals, tools, machinery etc are examples for the

A. Mode of production
B. Forces of production
C. Means of production
D. Relations of production
Answer» C. Means of production

In Marx’s view, the factor that binds one class to another is

A. Mode of production
B. Forces of production
C. Means of production
D. Relations of production
Answer» D. Relations of production

The single most fundamental fact of the materialist theory of history is

A. Control over the history of production
B. The ownership over the means of production
C. Ownership over the relations of production
D. Distribution of the forces of production
Answer» B. The ownership over the means of production

In Marx’s view, the forces of production along with the relations of production define ---

A. Mode of production
B. Means of production
C. Surplus value
D. Labour value
Answer» A. Mode of production

In an economic system, the ------------ has the ability to determine the system of social relations arising from it

A. Mode of production
B. Forces of production
C. Means of production
D. Relations of production
Answer» A. Mode of production

The mode of production that encompasses a rudimentary system of production in which people live together principally by hunting and gathering was

A. Feudal mode of production
B. Ancient mode of production
C. Capitalism
D. Asiatic mode of production
Answer» D. Asiatic mode of production

Of the four types of mode of production identified by Karl Marx, which one had a communal ownership over the property with no system of class relations?

A. Feudal mode of production
B. Asiatic mode of production
C. Ancient mode of production
D. Capitalism
Answer» B. Asiatic mode of production

In a system of ancient mode of production the ‘oppressed’ were

A. Slaves
B. Landlords
C. Peasants
D. Tenants
Answer» A. Slaves

The feudal mode of production provided landholders with the powers of coercion over the class of

A. Proletariats
B. Bourgeoisie
C. Serfs
D. Capitals
Answer» C. Serfs

A contribution to the Critique of Political Economy was written in the year

A. 1857
B. 1856
C. 1869
D. 1859
Answer» D. 1859

According to Marx, a thing whose qualities are capable of satisfying human needs is known as

A. Capital
B. Subject
C. Commodity
D. Surplus
Answer» C. Commodity

Marx called the quality of a commodity to serve a particular human need or function as

A. Exchange value
B. Use value
C. Surplus value
D. Labour value
Answer» B. Use value

According to Marx. Exchange value is found only in

A. Socialism
B. Capitalism
C. Feudalism
D. Communism
Answer» B. Capitalism

Marx called the capacity of human labour to bring about utility in a commodity and produce simple use values as

A. Useful labour
B. Abstract labour
C. Distinct labour
D. Definite labour
Answer» A. Useful labour

Marx stated that the products of useful labour assumes the form of commodities only in

A. Feudalistic societies
B. Ancient societies
C. Agricultural societies
D. Capitalist societies
Answer» D. Capitalist societies

According to Marx, exploitation takes the form of surplus value in

A. Feudalistic societies
B. Capitalist societies
C. Ancient societies
D. Agricultural societies
Answer» B. Capitalist societies

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