Chapter: Union Government President, Parliament & Prime Minister. State Government Governor, State Legislatu

At present, the maximum strength of the Lok Sabha is

A. 500 members
B. 545 members
C. 547 members
Answer» B. 545 members

A joint sitting of the Parliament is presided over by

A. Chairman of Rajya Sabha
B. Speaker of Lok Sabha
C. President of India
Answer» B. Speaker of Lok Sabha

The Chief Minister ask the Governor to dissolve the State Legislative Assembly when

A. Governor disagree with the Chief Minister
B. He has no confidence in the cabinet
C. The ministry has no absolute majority in the State Assembly
Answer» C. The ministry has no absolute majority in the State Assembly

Members of Rajya Sabha are elected for the period of

A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
Answer» C. 6 years

Members of Lok Sabha are elected for the period of

A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 7 years
Answer» B. 5 years

The disputes concerning the election of President and Vice President of India is decided by

A. Election Commission of India
B. Supreme Court of India
C. Attorney General
Answer» B. Supreme Court of India

Quorum is said to have been formed in Lok Sabha when at least

A. Two-third members present
B. One-tenth members present
C. One-fourth members present
Answer» B. One-tenth members present

The Governor does not appoint

A. Judge of the High Court
B. Chief Minister
C. Advocate General of the state
Answer» A. Judge of the High Court

Who act as the Chancellor of the State Universities

A. Governor
B. Chief Minister
C. Chief Justice of High Court
Answer» A. Governor

The President appoint Pro tem Speaker for Lok Sabha from its member

A. In consultation with Prime Minister
B. Usually senior most member of Lok Sabha
C. In consultation with Vice President
Answer» B. Usually senior most member of Lok Sabha

Last session of existing Lok Sabha, after a new Lok Sabha has been elected is called

A. Lame – duck session
B. Dysfunctional Session
C. Non Functional Session
Answer» A. Lame – duck session

Rajya Sabha can

A. Only discuss the budget
B. Vote the budget
C. Discuss and vote the budget
Answer» A. Only discuss the budget

The final power to decide whether a particular bill is a Money Bill or not is decide y

A. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
B. Chairman of Rajya Sabha
C. The President of India
Answer» A. Speaker of the Lok Sabha

The budget is the statement of estimated receipt and expenditure of Government of India in a Financial year which

A. Begins on 1st April and ends on 31st march of following year
B. Begins on 1st February and ends on 31st march of following year
C. Begins on 1st March and ends on 31st march of following year
Answer» A. Begins on 1st April and ends on 31st march of following year

The session starts immediately after the Question hour and last until the agenda for the day is called

A. Zero hour
B. Adjournment Motion
C. Vote on account
Answer» A. Zero hour

Unstarred question require

A. Written answer
B. Document proof
C. Immediate answer
Answer» A. Written answer

Adjournment Sine die refers to

A. Terminating a sitting of Parliament for an indefinite period
B. Short break during session
C. Question hour
Answer» A. Terminating a sitting of Parliament for an indefinite period

The maximum gap between two session of Parliament cannot be more than

A. 6 month
B. 3 month
C. 2 month
Answer» A. 6 month

The Budget Session is usually held during

A. June - July
B. February - May
C. September - October
Answer» B. February - May

The Monsoon Session of the Parliament is usually held during

A. July to September
B. September - October
C. January - March
Answer» A. July to September
Chapter: The Judiciary Supreme Court, High Court and Judicial Review. Election Commission of India Compositio

In India, the supreme court was set up under

A. Regulating Act,1773
B. Pitts India Act,1784
C. Indian Council Act,1861
Answer» A. Regulating Act,1773

The supreme Court of India replaced Federal court which was set up under

A. Government of India Act,1909
B. Government of India Act,1935
C. Government of India Act,1919
Answer» B. Government of India Act,1935

The Supreme Court consist of

A. Chief Justice of India and other 15 judges
B. Chief Justice of India and other 17 judges
C. Chief Justice of India and other 31 judges
Answer» C. Chief Justice of India and other 31 judges

The Supreme Court of India was inaugurated on

A. On January 28,1950
B. On January 26, 1950
C. On January 24, 1950
Answer» A. On January 28,1950

Unlike US Supreme Court, India Judiciary adopted

A. Federal Court System
B. Single and Integrated Court System
C. British Court System
Answer» B. Single and Integrated Court System

The Judge of the Supreme Court of India are appointed by

A. The Prime Minister
B. The President
C. The Vice President
Answer» B. The President

The chief Justice and other judges of the Supreme court hold office

A. Till the age of 60 years
B. Till the age of 62 years
C. Till the age of 65 years
Answer» C. Till the age of 65 years

Judges of the Supreme court submit his resignation to

A. The Prime Minister
B. The President
C. The Law Minister
Answer» B. The President

Salaries, allowances and pension of the judges of the Supreme Court are charged from

A. Ministry of Finance, Gov‟t of India
B. Parliament
C. Consolidated Fund of India
Answer» C. Consolidated Fund of India

A judge of the Supreme court should have

A. Judge of High Court for Five years
B. Advocate for 15 years
C. Judge of High Court for 10 years
Answer» A. Judge of High Court for Five years

The framer of the Constitution of India borrowed the idea of Judicial review from the constitution of

A. France Constitution
B. British constitution
Answer» C. USA

Which of the following Court stand at the apex of our Judicial system

A. District Court
B. Supreme Court
C. High Court
Answer» B. Supreme Court

The power and function of Election Commission of India are written on

A. Article 324
B. Article 128
C. Article 228
Answer» A. Article 324

The appointment of the chief election commissioner and other election commissioner are made by

A. Prime Minister of India
B. Chief Judge of India
C. President
Answer» C. President

The chief election commissioner and other election commissioner occupied office till

A. 62 years
B. 65 years
C. 60 years
Answer» B. 65 years

The voting age was reduced from 21 to 18 years in

A. 1989,by 61st Constitutional Amendment Act
B. 1989,by 61st Constitutional Amendment Act
C. 1989,by 61st Constitutional Amendment Act
Answer» A. 1989,by 61st Constitutional Amendment Act

The President appointed two more election commissioner on

A. 2 october,1988
B. 16 October,1988
C. 16 October,1989
Answer» C. 16 October,1989

The minimum age to be a voter in India is

A. 21 years
B. 18 years
C. 16 years
Answer» B. 18 years

The constitution consist provision related to the union judiciary in Article 124 to 147 in

A. Part V of the Constitution
B. Part IV of the Constitution
C. Part IV A of the Constitution
Answer» A. Part V of the Constitution

The power to increase or decrease the number of judges in the supreme court rest with

A. The power of the President
B. The power of the Parliament
C. The power of council of Minister
Answer» B. The power of the Parliament

By convention, chief justice of India is selected based on

A. Nominated by the council of Minister
B. Nominated by opposition party
C. The senior most judge of the Supreme Court
Answer» C. The senior most judge of the Supreme Court

The oldest High Court in India is

A. Bombay High Court
B. Kolkata High Court
C. Delhi High Court
Answer» B. Kolkata High Court

Judges of the High Court are appointed by

A. The President
B. Governor of the state
C. Chief Minister
Answer» A. The President

The Oath to the Judges of the High Court is administered by

A. Chief Minister
B. Chief Secretary
C. Governor
Answer» C. Governor

To be judge of High Court, a person must have been advocate of a High Court two or more such court in succession for at least

A. 5 years
B. 10 years
C. 15 years
Answer» B. 10 years

The tenure of judges of the high court is

A. 65 years
B. 62 years
C. 60 years
Answer» B. 62 years

The President can transfer judges of the high Court in consultation with

A. Governor of the state
B. Chief Minister of the state
C. Chief Justice of India
Answer» C. Chief Justice of India

The salaries and allowances of the judges of the high court are charged to the

A. Consolidated fund of the state
B. Consolidated fund of India
C. Contingency Fund of India
Answer» A. Consolidated fund of the state

The power of the Supreme court of India to decide disputes between the centre and the state falls under its

A. Constitutional jurisdiction
B. Advisory jurisdiction
C. Original jurisdiction
Answer» C. Original jurisdiction

Who/Which of the following is the custodian of the Constitution of India

A. The Supreme Court of India
B. The President
C. The Prime Minister
Answer» A. The Supreme Court of India

The chief Justice of High Court can be removed by the

A. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
B. Same procedure as for the Judge of the Supreme Court
C. Governor of the state
Answer» B. Same procedure as for the Judge of the Supreme Court

The chief Justice of India can e removed in accordance with the procedure laid down in the constitution, by the

A. President on a resolution by the Parliament
B. Parliament
C. President
Answer» A. President on a resolution by the Parliament

The total number of High court in India at present is

A. Fifteen
B. Twenty four
C. Sixteen
Answer» B. Twenty four

Which of the following amendment curtailed the power of judicial review of the Supreme Court and High Court?

A. 44th amendment
B. 42nd amendment
C. 26th amendment
Answer» B. 42nd amendment

When can the salaries of the judges of the Supreme court be reduced during their term of office?

A. During Financial Emergency
B. As and when President desire
C. If a Parliament pass a bill to this effect
Answer» A. During Financial Emergency

Besides its permanent seat at Delhi, the Supreme Court can also meet at

A. Any major city
B. Any other union territory
C. Any state capital
Answer» C. Any state capital

Which of the following is true about the Supreme Court?

A. It has only appellate jurisdiction
B. It is the highest Court in India
C. It can amend constitution anytime
Answer» B. It is the highest Court in India

Which one of the following is not the function of Election Commission of India

A. To select candidate for election
B. To recognize and derecognized political parties
C. To prepare electoral rolls
Answer» A. To select candidate for election

The nomenclature „ultra vires’ refer to

A. Against the law
B. Equivalent to law
C. Found to be violative of the Constitution
Answer» C. Found to be violative of the Constitution

Recognition of Political parties is accorded by

A. The Election Commission
B. State Legislative Assembly
C. Parliament
Answer» A. The Election Commission
Chapter: Major Issues and Challenges to Indian Polity Casteism, Communalism, Regionalism. Local Self Governme

Panchayati Raj institutions and Municipalities in India signifies

A. Direct democracy
B. Indirect Democracy
C. Dictatorship
Answer» A. Direct democracy

The statement “The state shall take steps to organised village panchayats and endow them to function as unit of self-government” is written in

A. Article 40, Directive Principle of State Policy
B. Fundamental Rights
C. Fundamental Duties
Answer» A. Article 40, Directive Principle of State Policy

Mahatma Gandhi had advocated the concept of

A. Industrialization
B. Village Republic
C. Urbanization
Answer» B. Village Republic

The question of grassroot level democracy became important with the formation of

A. Third Five Year Plan in 1960
B. Second Five Year Plan in 1955
C. First Five Year Plan in 1951
Answer» C. First Five Year Plan in 1951

The introduction of Community development programme was on

A. 1950
B. 1952
C. 1947
Answer» B. 1952

Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was set up in

A. 1955
B. 1956
C. 1959
Answer» B. 1956

Local self-government is impossible without

A. Decentralization
B. Centralization
C. Dictatorship
Answer» A. Decentralization

Part IX of the Indian Constitution envisage

A. Four tier system of Panchayat
B. Two tier system of Panchayat
C. Three tier system of Panchayat
Answer» C. Three tier system of Panchayat

73rd Amendment Act was passed in

A. 1994
B. 1992
C. 1995
Answer» B. 1992

Local self-government are the subject of

A. Union List
B. Concurrent List
C. State List
Answer» C. State List

Panchayati raj Institution is under the

A. 7th Schedule of India Constitution
B. 5th Schedule of India Constitution
C. 8th Schedule of India Constitution
Answer» A. 7th Schedule of India Constitution

All member of Panchayat are

A. Indirectly elected by the people
B. Directly elected by the people
C. Elected by officials only
Answer» B. Directly elected by the people

The reservation under Panchayat system shall be in proportion to

A. Their religion
B. Their income
C. Their population
Answer» C. Their population

One third of the seats at all level shall be reserved for

A. Women
B. Scheduled Tribe
C. Schedule caste
Answer» A. Women

The normal term of Panchayat is

A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
Answer» B. 5 years

Every Panchayat shall continue for 5 years from the date of its

A. Second meeting
B. Third meeting
C. First Meeting
Answer» C. First Meeting

The Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act,1992, relating to Panchayat are contain in

A. 243 – 243-O
B. 343-343-O
C. 543-543-O
Answer» A. 243 – 243-O

The Constitution (74th Amendment) Act,1992 relating to Municipalities are contain in

A. 342-434
B. 243P-243ZG
C. 543-544
Answer» B. 243P-243ZG

Article 243D provides that seats are to be reserved for

A. Schedule Caste & Schedule Tribe
B. Retired Army
C. War veteran
Answer» A. Schedule Caste & Schedule Tribe

73rd Amendment Act,1992 exempted the following whole state of NE India

A. Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram
B. Tripura only
C. Assam only
Answer» A. Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram

What is the intermediate tier of the Panchayati raj system called?

A. Gram Sabha
B. Zila Parishad
C. Panchayat Samiti
Answer» C. Panchayat Samiti

The three tier system of Panchayats

A. Uniformly applicable to all state
B. Need not be strictly followed in states with population below 20 lakh
C. Has been replaced with four tier system
Answer» B. Need not be strictly followed in states with population below 20 lakh

Who is to conduct the election to the Panchayat and Municipalities?

A. State Election Commission
B. Central Government
C. State Government
Answer» A. State Election Commission

The main source of income to Panchayati raj institution is

A. Regional Fund
B. Service tax
C. Government grant
Answer» C. Government grant

A person to be qualified for contesting in a Panchayat election must have been attained

A. 18 years
B. 21 years
C. 35 years
Answer» B. 21 years

The election to Panchayat are to be held

A. Every five years
B. Every three years
C. Every four years
Answer» A. Every five years

Functions to be assigned to Panchayats by 73rd amendment of the constitution are mentioned in

A. 10th Schedule
B. 11th Schedule
C. 12th Schedule
Answer» B. 11th Schedule

Functions to be assigned to Municipalities by 74th amendment of the constitution are mentioned in

A. 11th Schedule
B. 10th Schedule
C. 12th Schedule
Answer» C. 12th Schedule

Which of the following committee recommended for according constitutional provision of Panchayati raj?

A. LM Shingvi Committee
B. Rao Committee
C. Asok Mehta Committee
Answer» A. LM Shingvi Committee

In 1977, under whose chairmanship, the Panchayati raj committee was formed

A. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
B. Ashok Mehta Committee
C. Madhu Committee
Answer» B. Ashok Mehta Committee

Who is the Father of Modern India Local Self Government

A. Sir Stafford Cripps
B. Lord Mounbatten
C. Lord Rippon
Answer» C. Lord Rippon

Who was the first state to establish the institution of Panchayati raj Institution?

A. Rajasthan
B. Maharastra
C. Karnataka
Answer» A. Rajasthan

73rd Amendment Act of 1992 gives Panchayati Raj Institution to

A. Subject to state ratification
B. Constitutional status
C. Ordinary law
Answer» B. Constitutional status

LM Shingvi Committee was appointed in

A. 1996
B. 1976
C. 1986
Answer» C. 1986

Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was appointed in

A. 1957
B. 1979
C. 1986
Answer» A. 1957

The system of urban local government was constitutionalized through

A. 73rd Amendment
B. 74th Amendment
C. 72nd Amendment
Answer» B. 74th Amendment

74th Amendment Act,1992 has added a new

A. Part X
B. Part XII
C. Part IX-A
Answer» C. Part IX-A

The provision of Part IX of the Constitution relating to Panchayat are not applicable to

A. Fifth Schedule Areas
B. Sixth Schedule Ares
C. Seventh Schedule Ares
Answer» A. Fifth Schedule Areas

Panchayat Extension to the Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act was passed in

A. 1998
B. 1996
C. 1995
Answer» B. 1996

Municipal Corporation is for

A. Town area
B. Small urban area
C. A larger urban area
Answer» C. A larger urban area
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