
350+ Informatics Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in English (BA English) , Bachelor of Arts in History (BA History) .


………….became a computing device when it was first used to design the abacus.

A. arpanet
B. wood
C. ligo
D. flesh
Answer» B. wood

The ………………..has the lowest level capacity.

A. minicomputers
B. microcomputer
C. medium-size computers
D. large computers
Answer» B. microcomputer

Large-scale production of ……………began in 1971 and this has been of great use in the production of microcomputers.

A. arpanet
B. silicon chips
C. minicomputers
D. rom
Answer» B. silicon chips

……………..is a digital computer system that is controlled by a stored program that uses a microprocessor, a programmable read-only memory (ROM) and a random-access memory (RAM).

A. minicomputers
B. the microcomputer
C. medium-size computers
D. large computers
Answer» B. the microcomputer

The …………..defines the instructions to be executed by the computer while RAM is the functional equivalent of computer memory.

A. arpanet
B. rom
C. silicon chips
D. metals
Answer» B. rom

The Apple IIe, the Radio Shack TRS-80, and the Genie III are examples of microcomputers and are essentially …………..generation devices.

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer» D. fourth

……………..have from 4k to 64k storage location and are capable of handling small, single-business application such as sales analysis, inventory, billing and payroll.

A. microcomputers
B. minicomputers
C. medium-size computers
D. large computers
Answer» A. microcomputers

In the……………, the growing demand for a smaller stand-alone machine brought about the manufacture of the minicomputer, to handle tasks that large computers could not perform economically.

A. 1960s
B. 1970s
C. 1970s
D. 1980s
Answer» A. 1960s

……………were well known in the 1940s although they are now uncommon.

A. analog computers
B. digital computers
C. hybrid computers
D. minicomputers
Answer» A. analog computers

In…………., Babbage designed a more ambitious machine, called the Analytical Engine but unfortunately it also was only partially completed.

A. 1842
B. 1852
C. 1862
D. 1872
Answer» A. 1842

………………, together with Ada Lovelace recognized several important programming techniques, including conditional branches, iterative loops and index variables.

A. herman hollerith
B. george scheutz
C. babbage
D. j.v.atanasoff
Answer» C. babbage

A second early electronic machine was Colossus, designed by ……………….for the British military in 1943.

A. alan turing
B. eckert
C. mauchly
D. john von neumann
Answer» A. alan turing

The first general purposes programmable electronic computer was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), built by J. Presper Eckert and John V. Mauchly at the University of………………..

A. pennsylvania
B. cambridge
C. london
D. harvard
Answer» A. pennsylvania

In 1964, …………….developed the CDC 6600, which was the first architecture to use functional parallelism.

A. larry augustin
B. george b.selden
C. seymour cray
D. bob kahn
Answer» C. seymour cray

……………….of Cambridge developed a subset of CPL called BCPL (Basic Computer Programming Language, 1967).

A. martin richards
B. george b.selden
C. todd anderson
D. larry augustin
Answer» A. martin richards

In 1970 …………………of Bell Labs developed yet another simplification of CPL called simply B, in connection with an early implementation of the UNIX operating system.

A. ken thompson
B. george b.selden
C. larry augustin
D. lawrence roberts
Answer» A. ken thompson

………………….invented the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) which introduced electronic binary logic in the late 1930s.

A. lawrence roberts
B. howard aiken
C. george b.selden
D. john atanasoff
Answer» D. john atanasoff

…………………first machine was known as Mark I and originally named the IBM ASCC and this was the first machine that could solve complicated mathematical problems by being programmed to execute a series of controlled operations in a specific sequence.

A. bob kahn’s
B. george b.selden’s
C. lawrence roberts’
D. howard aiken’s
Answer» D. howard aiken’s

The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was displayed to the public on February 14, 1946, at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of…………………..

A. georgia
B. massachusetts
C. california
D. pennsylvania
Answer» D. pennsylvania

The DEHOMAG D11 tabulator was invented in…………...

A. california
B. harvard
C. massachusetts
D. germany
Answer» D. germany

…………….is popularly recognized in Germany as the father of the computer and his Z1, a programmable automaton built from 1936 to 1938, is said to be the world’s ‘first programmable calculating machine’.

A. peter scott
B. lawrence roberts
C. ray tomlinson
D. korad zuse
Answer» D. korad zuse

…………..built the Z4, a relay computer with a mechanical memory of unique design, during the war years in Berlin.

A. korad zuse
B. eduard stiefel
C. dr. heinz
D. george b.selden
Answer» A. korad zuse

During the World war II, a young German engineer, ……………studied the application of electronic analog circuits for the guidance and control system of liquid-propellant rockets and developed a special purpose analog computer, the ‘Mischgerat’ and integrated it into the rocket.

A. peter scott
B. george b.selden
C. lawrence roberts
D. helmut hoelzer
Answer» D. helmut hoelzer

The Colossus was designed and constructed at the Post Office Research Laboratories at Dollis Hill in North ……………..in 1943 to help Bletchley Park in decoding intercepted German telegraphic messages.

A. oxford
B. harvard
C. cambridge
D. london
Answer» D. london

………………, supercomputer and Internet pioneer, was born in 1954, in Nigeria, Africa.

A. philip emeagwali
B. george b.selden
C. todd anderson
D. larry augustin
Answer» A. philip emeagwali

A computer ……………is a computer peripheral device that produces a hard copy (permanent human-readable text and/or graphics, usually on paper) from data stored in a computer connected to it.

A. printer
B. ict
C. arpanet
D. scanner
Answer» A. printer

The ………..is a computer printer for printing vector graphics.

A. plotter
B. ict
C. scanner
D. arpanet
Answer» A. plotter

A ………….is a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages, and similar sources for computer editing and display.

A. scanner
B. arpanet
C. ict
D. mouse
Answer» A. scanner

A …………..is a small device that a computer user pushes across a desk surface in order to point to a place on a display screen and to select one or more actions to take from that position.

A. mouse
B. ict
C. arpanet
D. open source
Answer» A. mouse

A computer …………………is an important device that allows a person to enter symbols like letters and numbers into a computer.

A. keyboard
B. arpanet
C. open source
D. mouse
Answer» A. keyboard

A ………….is the main device used in the field of digital photography.

A. digital camera
B. ict
C. arpanet
D. mouse
Answer» A. digital camera

A …………..is an input device consisting of a stick that pivots on a base and reports its angle or direction to the device it is controlling.

A. joystick
B. ict
C. drm
D. arpanet
Answer» A. joystick

…………….also known as 'control columns'.

A. joysticks
B. barcode reader
C. ict
D. arpanet
Answer» A. joysticks

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a ……………-owned utility that provides users with positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services.

A. u.s
B. russia
C. china
D. britain
Answer» A. u.s

A ……………..is an electronic device for reading printed barcodes.

A. barcode reader
B. ict
C. drm
D. arpanet
Answer» A. barcode reader

Like a flatbed scanner, …………. consists of a light source, a lens and a light sensor translating optical impulses into electrical ones.

A. barcode reader
B. cd
C. dvd
D. ict
Answer» A. barcode reader

An ………………is a mobile electronic device that is designed primarily for the purpose of reading digital e-books and periodicals.

A. e-book reader
B. arpanet
C. open source
D. barcode reader
Answer» A. e-book reader

……………….. are a form of digital storage media found in personal computers and servers.

A. hard drives
B. server
C. clients
D. ict
Answer» A. hard drives

………………….. are collections of computers, software, and hardware that are all connected to help their users work together.

A. drm
B. networks
C. hard drives
D. server
Answer» B. networks

A ……………connects computers by means of cabling systems, specialized software, and devices that manage data traffic.

A. network
B. open source
C. hard drives
D. clients
Answer» A. network

A …………………enables users to share files and resources, such as printers, as well as send messages electronically (e-mail) to each other.

A. ict
B. network
C. cyberethics
D. drm
Answer» B. network

A ……………..connects computers within a single geographical location, such as one office building, office suite, or home.

A. lan
B. ict
C. cyberethics
D. drm
Answer» A. lan

A mobile phone also known as a ……………….

A. lan
B. cellular phone
C. open source
D. drm
Answer» B. cellular phone

.………………….is a standard switching technique, designed to unify telecommunication and computer networks.

A. asynchronous transfer mode
B. digital split
C. cyberethics
D. drm
Answer» A. asynchronous transfer mode

………………… uses asynchronous time-division multiplexing, and it encodes data into small, fixed-sized cells.

A. asynchronous transfer mode
B. ict
C. arpanet
D. open source
Answer» A. asynchronous transfer mode

…………….provides data link layer services that run over a wide range of OSI physical Layer links.

A. cyberethics
B. digital split
C. asynchronous transfer mode
D. arpanet
Answer» C. asynchronous transfer mode

………………..has functional similarity with both circuit switched networking and small packet switched networking.

A. asynchronous transfer mode
B. ict
C. drm
D. digital split
Answer» A. asynchronous transfer mode

……………………was designed for a network that must handle both traditional high-throughput data traffic (e.g., file transfers), and realtime, low-latency content such as voice and video.

A. asynchronous transfer mode
B. digital split
C. cyberethics
D. open source
Answer» A. asynchronous transfer mode

…………………is a core protocol used over the SONET/SDH backbone of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), but its use is declining in favour of All IP.

A. asynchronous transfer mode
B. digital split
C. ict
D. ipr
Answer» A. asynchronous transfer mode

……………is a social issue referring to the differing amount of information between those who have access to the Internet (especially broadband access) and those who do not have access.

A. cyberethics
B. digital divide
C. ipr
D. drm
Answer» B. digital divide

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