
700+ Marketing Management Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) , Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) .


Rural consumers are …………….

A. price sensitive
B. less price sensitive
C. quality conscious
D. none of these
Answer» A. price sensitive

Profiling the rural market is a part of ………………stage of rural marketing strategy.

A. planning
B. execution
C. feedback
D. none of these
Answer» A. planning

Marketing research is a part of ………………stage of rural marketing strategy.

A. planning
B. execution
C. feedback
D. none of these
Answer» A. planning

……………………pricing means assigning a low price tag for a product and providing the benefits of low-cost mass production to the customers.

A. cost plus
B. value
C. power price points
D. penetration
Answer» B. value

Price points of Re1, Rs 2,3,4 etc are used for FMCG brands is known as ……………pricing

A. cost plus
B. value
C. power price points
D. penetration
Answer» C. power price points

Introducing a product at low price and increasing the price once the brand succeeds is known as …………. Pricing.

A. penetration
B. skimming
C. going rate
D. none of these
Answer» A. penetration

Smaller companies tying up with leading companies to distribute through its network is known as ………………. Distribution.

A. syndicated
B. selective
C. exclusive
D. intensive
Answer» A. syndicated

……………………distribution system can be used to penetrate the rural market.

A. satellite
B. selective
C. exclusive
D. intensive
Answer» A. satellite

Services are ………………

A. intangible
B. perishable
C. both a & b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a & b

………………………..refers to the way a service provider and his employees anticipate what the customers want and provide them before they ask for service to make them delighted and surprised.

A. proactiveness
B. productivity
C. professionalization
D. none of these
Answer» A. proactiveness

Which of the following is not a characteristic of service marketing?

A. intangibility
B. separability
C. heterogeneity
D. perishability
Answer» B. separability

Medical treatment with ayurvedic massage is an example of

A. pure tangible good
B. hybrid
C. pure service
D. none of these
Answer» C. pure service

Which of the following is not a services?

A. hospital
B. banking
C. insurance
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

Which of the following is not an element of service marketing mix?

A. people
B. packaging
C. process
D. physical evidence
Answer» B. packaging
Explanation: Packaging is not an element of the service marketing mix.
The elements of the service marketing mix are:
People: The staff and employees who deliver the service
Process: The steps involved in delivering the service
Physical evidence: The tangible elements that support the service, such as the appearance of the service location and the materials used in the service process

……………………….was first used by Eugene J Kelly.

A. demarketing
B. meta marketing
C. mass marketing
D. mega marketing
Answer» B. meta marketing

Which of the following is known as market aggregation?

A. demarketing
B. meta marketing
C. mass marketing
D. mega marketing
Answer» C. mass marketing

Which of the following involves targeting bulk purchasers and offering them special benefits and privileges?

A. frequency marketing
B. event marketing
C. viral marketing
D. none of these
Answer» A. frequency marketing

Which of the following is not responsible for the emergence of relationship marketing?

A. growth of service economy
B. rapid technological advancement
C. an increase in the level of customer awareness and education
D. changing role of woman.
Answer» D. changing role of woman.

……………. Is a strategy of entering into an unreceptive or blocked country and practices marketing by using economic, psychological, political and public relation skills etc in that country.

A. de marketing
B. meta marketing
C. mass marketing
D. mega marketing
Answer» D. mega marketing

………………... is also called ambush marketing.

A. event marketing
B. morph marketing
C. guerilla marketing
D. none of these
Answer» A. event marketing

The basic objective behind the ………………………… is to add value to the product significantly for winning the customers’ loyalty.

A. event marketing
B. morph marketing
C. guerilla marketing
D. none of these
Answer» B. morph marketing

……………………is also known as buzz marketing.

A. word of mouth marketing
B. viral marketing
C. guerilla marketing
D. morph marketing
Answer» A. word of mouth marketing

In Japan …………………….marketing is known as ‘Kuchikomi’.

A. word of mouth
B. viral
C. guerilla
D. morph
Answer» A. word of mouth

The term …………. Marketing was coined by Steven Jurvetson in 1997.

A. word of mouth
B. viral
C. guerilla
D. morph
Answer» B. viral

Under ……………marketing every customer is treated as unique.

A. word of mouth
B. viral
C. guerilla
D. one-on-one
Answer» D. one-on-one

An airline working with a tour operator or a hotel group is an example of………….marketing

A. partnership
B. viral
C. guerilla
D. morph
Answer» A. partnership

Marketing to babies in the womb is …………….marketing.

A. galimatias
B. viral
C. guerilla
D. morph
Answer» A. galimatias

…………………….. is the marketing of products that are regarded to be safe for the environment.

A. green marketing
B. social marketing
C. gaimatias marketing
D. none of these
Answer» A. green marketing

A product with the …………… is a green product.

A. ecomark
B. agmark
C. isi mark
D. none of these
Answer» A. ecomark

………………is the marketing of a social message with a view to change behavior of people’s habit.

A. green marketing
B. social marketing
C. gaimatias marketing
D. none of these
Answer» B. social marketing

Which of the following is not an element of Social marketing mix?

A. product
B. price
C. distribution
D. people
Answer» D. people

Utilizing electronic medium in everyday business activities is known as

A. e-marketing
B. e-business
C. e-commerce
D. none of these.
Answer» B. e-business

Buying and selling over the internet is known as……..

A. e-marketing
B. e-business
C. e-commerce
D. none of these.
Answer» C. e-commerce

The marketing side of E-commerce is known as ……….

A. e-marketing
B. e-business
C. interactive marketing
D. none of these
Answer» A. e-marketing

SEM means………..

A. search engine marketing
B. social environment marketing
C. save energy marketing
D. none of these.
Answer» A. search engine marketing

………………marketing refers to achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies such as web sites.

A. internet
B. digital
C. email
D. viral
Answer» B. digital

Word of mouth marketing through electronic channels like email, internet etc is known as ……….

A. internet
B. digital
C. email
D. viral
Answer» D. viral

………………can be defined as convergence of branding, information dissemination and sales transactions all in one place.

A. e-advertising
B. e-branding
C. e-commerce
D. e-marketing
Answer» A. e-advertising

Which of the following is importance of e-marketing?

A. sell
B. serve
C. sizzle
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

…is a low cost communication tool that can be easily tested, refined and rolled out.

A. opt- in- e-mail
B. i- tv
C. i- radio
D. i-kiosks
Answer» A. opt- in- e-mail

Which of the following is not an e-marketing tool?

A. mobile phone
B. cinema
C. i- radio
D. i-kiosks
Answer» B. cinema

A financial instrument which can be used more than once to borrow money or buy goods and services on credit is …..…

A. debit card
B. credit card
C. smart card
D. none of these
Answer» B. credit card

Which of the following is not a risk in internet based transaction

A. eavesdropping
B. spoofing
C. encryption
D. unauthorized action.
Answer» C. encryption

A security tool to verify the authenticity of the message and claimed identity of the sender and to verify the message integrity is

A. encryption
B. firewalls
C. digital certificates
D. digital signature
Answer» D. digital signature

An electronic file that uniquely identifies individuals and websites on the internet and enables secure, confidential communications.

A. digital signature
B. digital certificates
C. encryption
D. firewalls
Answer» B. digital certificates

……………is online identity theft.

A. eavesdropping
B. phishing
C. spoofing
D. none of these
Answer» B. phishing

…………………is not an e-payment media.

A. credit card
B. debit card
C. electronic cheque
D. wallet
Answer» D. wallet

The financial exchange that takes place online between buyers and sellers is known as

A. e-branding
B. e-marketing
C. e-advertisement
D. e-payment system
Answer» D. e-payment system

EFT means

A. electronic fund transfer
B. efficient fund transfer
C. eligible fund transfer
D. none of these
Answer» A. electronic fund transfer

A computer based system that facilitates the transfer of money or the processing of financial transactions between two financial institutions the same day or over night is………

A. etb
B. eft
C. e-cash
D. e-money
Answer» B. eft

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