700+ Marketing Management Solved MCQs


A digital analog of various forms of payment backed by a bank or financial institution is …………….

A. etb
B. eft
C. e-cash
D. e-money
Answer» A. etb

……………….involves some one masquerading as someone else.

A. spoofing
B. unauthorized action
C. eavesdropping
D. phishing
Answer» A. spoofing

When information about transactions is transmitted in transparent way hackers can catch the transmissions to obtain customers sensitive information. This is known as………..

A. spoofing
B. unauthorized disclosure
C. eavesdropping
D. phishing
Answer» B. unauthorized disclosure

A competitor or an unhappy customer can alter a website so that it refuses services to potential clients. This is known as ………..

A. unauthorized action
B. unauthorized disclosure
C. eavesdropping
D. phishing
Answer» A. unauthorized action

………………. Is a specialized form of online identity theft.

A. spoofing
B. unauthorized disclosure
C. eavesdropping
D. phishing
Answer» D. phishing

The private content of a transaction, if unprotected can be intercepted when it goes through the route over the internet is called……..

A. spoofing
B. unauthorized disclosure
C. eavesdropping
D. phishing
Answer» C. eavesdropping

…………….can be used to minimize the risk of security breaches or viruses.

A. firewall
B. backups
C. encryption
D. digital signature
Answer» A. firewall

………………is an electronic file that uniquely identifies individuals and web sites on the internet and enables secure confidential communications.

A. digital signature
B. digital certificates
C. secure electronic transactions
D. none of these.
Answer» B. digital certificates

…………….is a security protocol based on digital certificates.

A. digital signature
B. secure sockets layer protocol
C. secure electronic transactions
D. none of these
Answer» C. secure electronic transactions

……..is a computer crime in which criminal breaks into a computer system for exploring details of information etc.

A. hacking
B. spoofing
C. eavesdropping
D. phishing
Answer» A. hacking

Marketing is a process of converting the potential customers into …………..

A. Actual customers
B. Prospective customers
C. Marketers
D. None of these
Answer» A. Actual customers

……………concept is based on the principle that marketing is not a department but it is pervasive throughout the company.

A. Production
B. Holistic
C. Modern
D. Selling
Answer» B. Holistic

………….simply refers to product planning.

A. Merchandising
B. Assembling
C. R & D
D. None o f these
Answer» A. Merchandising

Branding is a function of ………….

A. Research
B. Exchange
C. Physical supply
D. Facilitating
Answer» D. Facilitating

Market where currencies of different countries are bought and sold.

A. Money market
B. Foreign exchange market
C. Stock market
D. None of these
Answer» B. Foreign exchange market

Market where demand for goods is greater than supply.

A. Buyers market
B. Sellers market
C. Retail market
D. Wholesale market
Answer» B. Sellers market

Market where shares, debentures, bonds etc of companies are bought and sold.

A. Money market
B. Foreign exchange market
C. Stock market
D. None of these
Answer» C. Stock market

Market in which supply is greater than demand.

A. Buyers market
B. Sellers market
C. Retail market
D. Wholesale market
Answer» A. Buyers market

A person who purchases a product or service either for his own consumption or for others is known as………….

A. Buyer
B. Customer
C. Consumer
D. None of these
Answer» B. Customer

Behaviour exhibited while purchasing a car is an example of…………….

A. Dissonance Reduction Buying Behaviour
B. Variety Seeking Buying Behaviour
C. Complex Buying Behaviour
D. Habitual Buying Behaviour
Answer» C. Complex Buying Behaviour

Which of the following is not an emotional motive

A. Vanity
B. Social acceptance
C. Curosity
D. Variety
Answer» D. Variety

The negative feeling which arise after purchase causing inner tension is known as…..

A. Cognitive dissonance
B. Post purchase dissonance
C. Buyer’s remorse
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Sub-dividing of market into homogeneous sub-sections of customers is known as

A. Target marketing
B. Market segmentation
C. Product differentiation
D. None of these
Answer» B. Market segmentation

The strategy where the producer or marketer does not differentiate between different type of customers

A. Undifferentiated Marketing
B. Differentiated Marketing
C. Concentrated Marketing
D. Customised or Personalised Marketing
Answer» A. Undifferentiated Marketing

The concentration of all marketing efforts on one selected segment within the total market.

A. Undifferentiated Marketing
B. Differentiated Marketing
C. Concentrated Marketing
D. Customised or Personalised Marketing
Answer» C. Concentrated Marketing

Identifying and providing different marketing mix for each of the segments is known as……….

A. Undifferentiated Marketing
B. Differentiated Marketing
C. Concentrated Marketing
D. Customised or Personalised Marketing
Answer» B. Differentiated Marketing

Serving a small market not served by competitors is known as………….

A. Local marketing
B. Niche marketing
C. Segment marketing
D. Individual marketing
Answer» B. Niche marketing

The process of assessing the relative worth of different market segments and selecting one or more segments in which to compete is called

A. Target marketing
B. Market segmentation
C. Product differentiation
D. None of these
Answer» A. Target marketing

An organisation directs its marketing efforts at two or more segments by developing a marketing mix for each segment.

A. Total market approach
B. Concentration approach
C. Multi-segment approach
D. None of these
Answer» C. Multi-segment approach

The act of creating an image about a product or brand in the consumers mind is known as……...

A. Positioning
B. Target marketing
C. Market segmentation
D. Product differentiation
Answer» A. Positioning

Positioning by emphasising the special attributes and benefits of the product is known as………..

A. Positioning by Product Attributes and Benefits
B. Positioning by Brand Endorsement
C. Positioning by use, Occasion and Time
D. Positioning by Corporate Identity
Answer» A. Positioning by Product Attributes and Benefits

Which is not a level of brand loyality.

A. Brand preference.
B. Brand recognition.
C. Brand insistence.
D. Brand equity.
Answer» D. Brand equity.

Trading up is a method of product line modification by.

A. Product line expansion.
B. Product line contraction.
C. Quality variation.
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Quality variation.

…….goods are purchased without any planning or search effort.

A. Staple.
B. Impluse.
C. Emergency.
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Impluse.

Revival plans to reintroduce the product in more modified form is adopted in ………..stage of PLC.

A. Introduction.
B. Maturity.
C. Decline.
D. Growth.
Answer» C. Decline.

After sales service is part of.

A. Core product.
B. Augmented product.
C. Tangible product.
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Augmented product.

Setting price on the basis of the total cost per unit is known as……

A. Cost Based Pricing
B. Demand Based Pricing
C. Competition Based Pricing
D. Value Based Pricing
Answer» A. Cost Based Pricing

Setting price on the basis of the competition for the product is known as……….

A. Cost Based Pricing
B. Demand Based Pricing
C. Competition Based Pricing
D. Value Based Pricing
Answer» C. Competition Based Pricing

When a firm sets a very low price for one or more of its products with the intention of driving its competitors out of business.

A. Predatory Pricing
B. Economy Pricing
C. Psychological Pricing
D. Penetration Pricing
Answer» C. Psychological Pricing

Razor manufacturer will charge a low price and recoup its margin (and more) from the sale of the only design of blades which fit the razor. This I an example of…………….

A. Predatory Pricing
B. Economy Pricing
C. Psychological Pricing
D. Captive Product Pricing
Answer» C. Psychological Pricing

Where sellers combine several products in the same package is known as…….

A. Psychological Pricing
B. Captive Product Pricing
C. Product Bundle Pricing
D. Promotional Pricing
Answer» D. Promotional Pricing

When there is a large potential market for a product, the firm will adopt.

A. Skimming price policy
B. Penetration price policy.
C. Premium price policy.
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Premium price policy.

A price reduction to buyers who pay their bills promptly is called.

A. Trade discount.
B. Cash discount.
C. Seasonal discount.
D. Quality discount.
Answer» B. Cash discount.

-------is a system of selling goods directly to customers through a network of self employed people

A. Multilevel marketing
B. Whole sale marketing
C. Vertical marketing
D. None of these
Answer» A. Multilevel marketing

The word channel is derived from the French word,

A. Cann
B. Chaan
C. Canal
D. None of these
Answer» C. Canal

---------- refers to duplicating the brand image of one product of promote another product of the same brand.

A. Surrogate advertising
B. Shortage advertising
C. Advocacy advertising
D. None of these
Answer» A. Surrogate advertising

----------- means placement of company product or products in the minds of target consumers relative to the competitive products.

A. Product positioning
B. Product display
C. Product expression
D. None of these
Answer» A. Product positioning

Many companies are now turning their attention to …………….markets.

A. Urban
B. Rural
C. world
D. none of these
Answer» B. Rural

Markets located in the heart of the region specializing in few crops like banana, onions etc are called…..

A. Regular periodic market
B. Seasonal market
C. Daily market
D. Rural market.
Answer» B. Seasonal market

Rural consumers are …………….

A. Price sensitive
B. less price sensitive
C. quality conscious
D. none of these
Answer» A. Price sensitive

Marketing research is a part of ………………stage of rural marketing strategy.

A. Planning
B. execution
C. feedback
D. none of these
Answer» A. Planning

Price points of Re1, Rs 2,3,4 etc are used for FMCG brands is known as ……………pricing

A. Cost plus
B. value
C. power price points
D. penetration
Answer» C. power price points

Which of the following is not an element of service marketing mix?

A. People
B. packaging
C. process
D. physical evidence.
Answer» B. packaging

…………………..is concerned with finding ways to reduce the demand temporarily or permanently.

A. Demarketing
B. meta marketing
C. mass marketing
D. mega marketing
Answer» A. Demarketing

Which of the following is against marketing concept ?

A. Demarketing
B. meta marketing
C. mass marketing
D. mega marketing
Answer» A. Demarketing

……………. Is a strategy of entering into an unreceptive or blocked country and practices marketing by using economic, psychological, political and public relation skills etc in that country.

A. De marketing
B. meta marketing
C. mass marketing
D. mega marketing
Answer» D. mega marketing

……………………is also known as buzz marketing.

A. Word of mouth marketing
B. viral marketing
C. guerilla marketing
D. morph marketing
Answer» A. Word of mouth marketing

The term …………. Marketing was coined by Steven Jurvetson in 1997.

A. Word of mouth
B. viral
C. guerilla
D. morph
Answer» B. viral

………………is the marketing of a social message with a view to change behavior of people’s habit.

A. Green marketing
B. Social marketing
C. Gaimatias marketing
D. none of these
Answer» B. Social marketing

Buying and selling over the internet is known as……..

A. E-marketing
B. E-business
C. E-commerce
D. none of these.
Answer» C. E-commerce

The marketing side of E-commerce is known as ……….

A. E-marketing
B. E-business
C. Interactive marketing
D. none of these
Answer» A. E-marketing

SEM means………..

A. Search engine marketing
B. Social environment marketing
C. save energy marketing
D. none of these.
Answer» A. Search engine marketing

………………marketing refers to achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies such as web sites.

A. Internet
B. digital
C. email
D. viral
Answer» B. digital

Word of mouth marketing through electronic channels like email, internet etc is known as ……….

A. Internet
B. digital
C. email
D. viral
Answer» D. viral

….....is a low cost communication tool that can be easily tested, refined and rolled out.

A. Opt- in- e-mail
B. i- TV
C. i- radio
D. i-kiosks
Answer» A. Opt- in- e-mail

Which of the following is not a risk in internet based transaction

A. eavesdropping
B. spoofing
C. encryption
D. unauthorized action.
Answer» C. encryption

A digital analog of various forms of payment backed by a bank or financial institution is …………….

C. E-cash
D. E-money
Answer» A. ETB

Which of the following is not a type of e-payment system.

C. E-cash
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

…………….is a security protocol based on digital certificates.

A. Digital signature
B. Secure sockets layer protocol
C. Secure electronic transactions
D. None of these
Answer» C. Secure electronic transactions

I am willing to buy a sport car but I do not have enough money to buy it. It is a  

A. Demand
B. Desire
C. Need
D. Want
Answer» A. Demand

The buying process starts when a buyer recognize a   .

A. Product
B. An advertisement for the product
C. A salesperson from a previous visit
D. Problem or need
Answer» D. Problem or need

7p's of marketing includes

A. process
B. people
C. physical evidence
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Production concept focuses on

A. easy availability
B. quality
C. customers need
D. none of these
Answer» A. easy availability

Porter's five forces does not includes

A. supplier power
B. buyer power
C. political power
D. competitive rivalry
Answer» C. political power

  pricing is the approach of setting a low initial price in order to attract a large number of buyers quickly and win a large market share.

A. Market-skimming
B. Value-based
C. Market-penetration
D. Leader
Answer» C. Market-penetration

In which stage of product life cycle, the company takes decision whether to maintain, harvest or drop the

A. Introduction
B. Growth
C. Maturity
D. Decline
Answer» D. Decline

In which stage of new product development process, the product and marketing programs are tested in realistic market settings?

A. Concept Development and Testing
B. Idea Screening
C. Test Marketing
D. Commercialization
Answer» C. Test Marketing

The practice of selling two or more separate products together for a single price is

A. Bundling
B. Dumping
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Bundling

What does the term PLC stands for?

A. Product life cycle
B. Production life cycle
C. Product long cycle
D. Production long cycle
Answer» A. Product life cycle

A channel stategy that limits availability of products to a few carefully selected outlets in a given market area .

A. intensive distribution
B. selective distribution
C. exclusive distribution
D. none of these
Answer» B. selective distribution

  is a marketing channel that has no intermediary levels.

A. direct marketing channel
B. indirect chjannel
C. forward channel
D. hybrid channel
Answer» A. direct marketing channel

The benefits of marketing channel are

A. cost saving
B. time saving
C. financial support given
D. all of these.
Answer» D. all of these.

For a perishable products,channel has to be .

A. short
B. long
C. medium
D. none of these
Answer» A. short

Transportation,warehousing,inventory relates to .

A. product
B. price
C. promotion
D. place
Answer» D. place

"rather than intermediaries creating demands for the product,consumers demand the products from

A. push strategy
B. pull strategy
C. forward strategy
Answer» B. pull strategy

Difference between transaction selling and relationship selling

A. in transaction selling,buyers must pay cash
B. in relationship selling,buyers and sellers must be related.
C. in relationship selling,sellers work to provide value to customers
D. in transaction selling,transaction is the beginning of the relationship
Answer» C. in relationship selling,sellers work to provide value to customers

In decling stage of PLC,which tool would be more preffered

A. sales promotion,
B. personal selling
C. advertising
D. publicity
Answer» A. sales promotion,

  is any paid form of non personal persuasion and promotion of ideas,goods and services

A. advertising
B. personal selling
C. publicity
D. sales promotion
Answer» A. advertising

"the communication message can be adjusted as per customers specific needs or wants." this statement

A. advertising
B. personal selling
C. publicity
D. sales promotion
Answer» B. personal selling

The number of product lines a company carries is called

A. Product range
B. Product mix depth
C. Product mix width
D. Product line length
Answer» C. Product mix width

The skimming, penetration, bargaining and bundling are decided in the of the Marketing Mix strategy.

A. Price Decisions
B. Place Decisions
C. Product Decisions
D. Promotion Decisions
Answer» A. Price Decisions

The Branding strategy which uses a different brand name for each product is known as

A. Overall Family Branding
B. Line Family Branding
C. Individual Branding
D. Brand Extension
Answer» C. Individual Branding

Which of the following is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, that identifies that maker or seller of a product or service?

A. Label
B. Co-brand
C. Brand
D. Product
Answer» C. Brand

Which of the following involves designing and manufacturing the container or wrapper for a product

A. Labeling
B. Packaging
C. Branding
D. Product line
Answer» B. Packaging

The factors such as the buyer’s age, life-cycle stage, occupation, economic situation, lifestyle, personality and self-concept that influences buyer’s decisions refers to which one of the following characteristic?

A. Personal characteristics
B. Psychological characteristics
C. Behavioral characteristics
D. Demographical characteristics
Answer» D. Demographical characteristics

  is the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants.

A. Target marketing
B. Psychographic segmentation
C. Product Differentiation
D. Consumer behavior
Answer» D. Consumer behavior

Bread and milk are which kind of products?

A. Specialty Products
B. Convenience products
C. Shopping products
D. Unsought products
Answer» B. Convenience products

What is the basic property of a service which makes it different from a product.

A. Shape
B. Size
C. Very expensive
D. Intangibility
Answer» D. Intangibility

The term marketing refers to:

A. Advertising, Sales Promotion, Publicity and Public Relational activities
B. A new product needs ideas, Developments, concepts and improvements.
C. Sales Planning, Strategy and Implementation
D. A philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction
Answer» D. A philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction

The term ‘marketing mix’ describes:

A. a composite analysis of all environmental factors inside and outside the firm
B. a series of business decisions that aid in selling a product
C. the relationship between a firm’s marketing strengths and its business weaknesses
D. a blending of strategic elements to satisfy specific target markets
Answer» D. a blending of strategic elements to satisfy specific target markets
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