Chapter: Conflict in Organisation

In dual concern model the style which represents a low level of concern for both self and other known as__________.

A. Avoiding
B. Dominating
C. Obliging
D. Compromising
Answer» A. Avoiding

When one disputant is forced to litigation then __________style is not possible. Sol:

A. Compromising
B. Integration
C. Authoritative
D. Avoiding
Answer» B. Integration

An accurate estimate of BATNA: Sol:

A. Allows disputant in making irrational choices about when to continue
B. negotiating, when to accept an offer, and when to stop
C. Allows being unduly pressured into settlement
D. Prevents team to accept a deal better than the BATNA without hesitation;
Answer» D. Prevents team to accept a deal better than the BATNA without hesitation;

Impressions formed about people that are based upon fitting the person into various categories are a type of impression called:

A. Data processing
B. Systemic processing
C. Category-based processing
D. Detail processing
Answer» C. Category-based processing

The mental processes which are used unconsciously to reinforce stereotypes include all of
the following except:

A. Ignoring
B. Over interpretation
C. Explaining away
D. All of the above are correct
Answer» D. All of the above are correct

When we try to associate with the information previously assumed even if we get information about a certain phenomenon, we tend to___________ in process of stereotype.

A. Ignore
B. Explain away
C. Agree
D. Challenge
Answer» A. Ignore

Extending a pre assumed perception and confirming it with small piece of information is which type of mental process of stereotyping?

A. Selecting Weighting Processes
B. Stereotype over interpretation
C. Stereotype-consistent perception
D. Explaining away
Answer» B. Stereotype over interpretation

_____________ processing is more accurate, but ________ processing is faster
and easier.

A. Systematic, category-based
B. Category-based, systematic
C. Dual, systematic
D. Group, Systematic
Answer» A. Systematic, category-based

The mediator’s primary function is to promote effective negotiation in: Sol:

A. Facilitative mediation
B. Evaluative mediation
C. Nonbinding evaluations
D. Mediation
Answer» A. Facilitative mediation

mediation: Sol:

A. AThere may not be a settlement since the disputants may not come to agreement
B. If there is some settlement it is permanent
C. The settlement is usually verbal
D. Settlements reached in mediation are not enforceable contracts
Answer» A. AThere may not be a settlement since the disputants may not come to agreement

An advantage of “evaluative” mediation is that it:

A. Helps each disputant to fine-tune his or her BATNA for accuracy and to modify it if it is too optimistic
B. Is the best form of mediation in inducing the disputants to use principled
C. negotiation
D. Is the best form of mediation in improving the disputants’ relationship
Answer» A. Helps each disputant to fine-tune his or her BATNA for accuracy and to modify it if it is too optimistic

) “To facilitate Collaborating/Integrating negotiation between the disputants” is the goal of which type of mediation?

A. Triage mediation
B. Bargaining-based mediation
C. Therapeutic mediation
D. Pure mediation
Answer» D. Pure mediation

Which of the following types of mediation has narrow and evaluative focus? Sol:

A. Triage mediation
B. Bargaining-based mediation
C. Pure mediation
D. Therapeutic mediation
Answer» B. Bargaining-based mediation

)In which sort of mediation are due process problems the most likely to occur? Sol:

A. Triage mediation
B. Bargaining-based mediation
C. Pure mediation
D. Transformative mediation
Answer» A. Triage mediation
Chapter: Group Behaviour and Change in Orgnisation

According to Tuchman (1965), which of the following is NOT a stage of the life cycle of a

A. performing
B. norming
C. reforming
D. storming
Answer» C. reforming

The phenomenon whereby an individual in a group will tend to end up agreeing with a
strong majority opinion in spite of their own judgement is known as

A. Normative influence
B. informative influence
C. critical mass influence
D. bullying influence
Answer» A. Normative influence

The idea that the degree to which you will be influenced by the opinion of another group
member will depend on how much you identify with that person is known as

A. reactive intransigence influence
B. referent informational influence
C. reconciliation of internal influence
D. reorganizational interest influence
Answer» B. referent informational influence

Which of the following is NOT suggested as an explanation for poor group motivation?

A. lack of individual feedback
B. lack of clear performance standards
C. seeing that others aren’t pulling their weight
D. latent misanthropic enjoyment of group failure
Answer» B. lack of clear performance standards

The tendency whereby a group reaches a decision by trying to minimize conflict,
neglecting to critically test and evaluate ideas, is termed

A. group compromise
B. group consensus
C. groupthink
D. group cohesion
Answer» C. groupthink

The process whereby the presence of others is suggested to lead to individuals losing their
sense of personal identity is termed

A. DE individuation
B. deindividualization
C. individualization
D. individuation
Answer» A. DE individuation

The tendency whereby groups make decisions that are more extreme than the individuals’
opinions within the group is termed

A. group polarization
B. group cohesion
C. group DE individuation
D. group extremism
Answer» A. group polarization

Steiner (1972) called losses in group productivity due to poor coordination

A. disorganization losses
B. momentum losses
C. process losses
D. laziness losses
Answer» C. process losses

Which of the following did Wilfred Bion (1961) NOT observe as a quality that was likely to
be present in a group with ‘good group spirit’?

A. flexibility of group membership
B. the presence of distinct subgroups
C. common purpose
D. valuing of all group members
Answer» B. the presence of distinct subgroups

The so-called ‘Hawthorne effect’ refers to which group-related phenomenon?

A. one person in a group usually does most of the work
B. people in groups tend to try to get away with doing as little as possible
C. people always perform better when they’re being watched
D. there is usually one person in a group who will try to argue against the majority
Answer» C. people always perform better when they’re being watched

Which of the following terms is used to refer to the potential negative effects of group
identification that stem from processes like stigma and rejection?

A. the Social Curse
B. the Exclusion Hypothesis
C. the Norm-Violation Problem
D. the Discrimination Dilemma
Answer» A. the Social Curse

The term ‘groupthink’ was coined by

A. Janis (1972)
B. Jarvis (1972)
C. Jager (1972)
D. Jarratt (1972)
Answer» A. Janis (1972)

Groupthink refers to the process by which, when making decisions, the group places more importance on

A. Reaching a cohesive agreement
B. making a quality decision
C. reaching a speedy decision
D. reaching a well-evaluated decision
Answer» A. Reaching a cohesive agreement

Diner’s (1980) explanation of deindividuation posited that deindividuation is the result of

A. decreased self-awareness
B. decreased responsibility
C. increased anonymity
D. increased group size
Answer» A. decreased self-awareness

Group polarization refers to the tendency whereby

A. groups make decisions that are more extreme than the individuals’ opinions
B. conflict of individuals’ extreme opinions causes the group to side with the majority
C. the opinions of the minority shift to the majority
D. groups make decisions that are less extreme than the individuals’ opinions
Answer» A. groups make decisions that are more extreme than the individuals’ opinions

Which of the following is NOT a type of theory seeking to explain group polarization?

A. persuasive argument
B. social categorization processes
C. social comparison processes
D. social conformity processes
Answer» D. social conformity processes

Identification with social groups has been shown to lead to various psychological
outcomes. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

A. Self-esteem
B. distinctiveness
C. belonging
D. narcissism
Answer» D. narcissism

) According to Farfel and Turner (1979), which of the following is a primary reason for
choosing to identify with a group?

A. to avoid loneliness
B. a fear of missing out
C. a desire to prove loyalty to a stereotype
D. to maintain a positive sense of self
Answer» D. to maintain a positive sense of self

) The Social Cure (Jetten et al. 2009 & 2012) refers to

A. improvements in group cohesion as a result of socializing together
B. improvements in health and well-being as a result of identification with a group
C. improvements in social mobility resulting from free social care provision
D. improvements in health and well-being as a result of socialism
Answer» B. improvements in health and well-being as a result of identification with a group

According to Moscovici (1980), the best way for a minority to exert influence on the
majority’s opinion is to

A. Maintain a consistent position over time
B. express extreme opinions
C. stress the importance of their opinion
D. express creative opinions
Answer» A. Maintain a consistent position over time

Describe the level of communication between team members:

A. In this team, people are afraid to speak up and we do not listen to each other
B. Everybody speaks up, but not all team members listen
C. Everybody accurately states their view and others listen and understand what is being saidwe talk together
D. Quite a few of the team members withhold their thoughts and don’t listen to others
Answer» C. Everybody accurately states their view and others listen and understand what is being saidwe talk together

What pair are methods of making team decisions?

A. Lack of Response & Unanimity
B. Lack of Response & Minority Rule
C. All Votes are Equal & Recruitment
D. D. Feedback & Unanimity
Answer» A. Lack of Response & Unanimity

Which of the following is not a stage of team development?

A. Forming
B. Deciding
C. Adjourning
D. Storming
Answer» B. Deciding

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of Groupthink?

A. Illusions of vulnerability
B. Belief in inherent group morality
C. Applying direct pressure to deviants
D. Self-censorship by members
Answer» A. Illusions of vulnerability

Members of a(n) ______ team have been cross-trained so each person is able to perform the duties of all the other team members.

A. functional
B. cross-functional
C. multifunctional
D. self-directed
Answer» C. multifunctional

A group technique used to develop many ideas in a relatively short time.

A. brainstorming
B. compromise
C. conflict
D. consensus
Answer» A. brainstorming

The problem-solving method in which all members of a group fully accept and support a

A. norm
B. compromise
C. goal
D. consensus
Answer» D. consensus

In circumstances of incremental change, strategic change is likely to be more
successful if:

A. It is imposed
B. It is owned by the senior manager
C. It is internalized and owned by those who will implement it
D. It is facilitated by management consultants
Answer» C. It is internalized and owned by those who will implement it

'Logical instrumentalism' can be described as:

A. Careful design and planning
B. Emergent
C. Cautious resource allocation
D. Top management rational analysis
Answer» B. Emergent

Organizations that are good at developing relevant capabilities to respond to a
Changing context are known as

A. Knowing organizations
B. Stretch organizations
C. Learning organizations
D. None of the given options
Answer» C. Learning organizations

Which of the following contexts would most suit a transformational leader?

A. An organization that is in trouble
B. An organization that is performing well
C. An organization in a stable environment
D. An organization in a mature industry
Answer» A. An organization that is in trouble

Theorists have identified two main styles of leadership. These are
Transformational leadership and

A. Transgression leadership
B. Transactional leadership
C. Transparent leadership
D. Transcendental leadership
Answer» B. Transactional leadership

Which of the following theories operate on a multiple entity?

A. Life cycle and teleological theories
B. Teleological and dialectical theories
C. Dialectical and evolutionary theories
D. Evolutionary and life cycle theories
Answer» C. Dialectical and evolutionary theories

An approach, in which an external consultant recommends a solution to organizational
problems according to technical view point, is known as:

A. Expert system approach
B. Devil’s advocate approach
C. Dialectical inquiry approach
D. External analysis approach
Answer» A. Expert system approach

Organization structure primarily refers to ________

A. how activities are coordinated & controlled
B. how resources are allocated
C. the location of departments and office space
D. the policy statements developed by the firm
Answer» A. how activities are coordinated & controlled

Strategic planning as a broad concept consists of ______

A. corporate strategy and business strategy
B. strategy formulation and strategy implementation
C. inputs and outputs
D. environmental analysis and internal analysis
Answer» B. strategy formulation and strategy implementation

A major problem with a task force type of management is ______

A. there is no logical basis for task force information
B. its status is too inflexible
C. accountability
D. lack of planning
Answer» B. its status is too inflexible

).Individuals such as Albert Einstein, Edwin Land and Steven Jobs lead through which type
of power?

A. Legitimate
B. Reward
C. Expert
D. Charismatic
Answer» C. Expert

)..Functional managers are responsible _____

A. for a single area of activity
B. to the upper level of management and staff
C. for complex organizational sub-units
D. for obtaining copyrights and patents for newly developed processes and equipment
Answer» A. for a single area of activity

____________ embodies a team concept, is based on the principle of mutual
contribution by employer and employees

A. Autocratic model
B. Custodial model
C. Supportive Model
D. Collegial Model
Answer» D. Collegial Model

Teamwork is the willingness people have to work with others toward common goals.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

Staff must have both qualities: positive motivation and teamwork to work effectively.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

A functional team might include representatives from a company’s design, marketing,
and financial departments.

A. true
B. false
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. false

Successful problem solvers immediately look for solutions at the first sign of a problem.

A. true
B. false
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. false

People who like to control others are the most effective team leaders

A. true
B. false
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. false

The problem-solving method in which all members of a group fully accept and support a

A. norm
B. compromise
C. goal
D. consensus
Answer» D. consensus

The quality of the ideas is the major concern during brainstorming.

A. true
B. false
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. false

Why is it important to know when to intervene in a conflict?

A. What seems important at the moment may seem unimportant later.
B. Sometimes intervening may make a situation worse.
C. Avoiding a serious disagreement only postpones the time when action will be required.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.
More MCQs

The ______________is the part of the personality that opposes the desires of the id by enforcing moral restrictions

A. superego
B. ego
C. motives
D. observation
Answer» A. superego

Classical conditioning is also referred to as _____________conditioning

A. bandura
B. maslow
C. pavlovian
D. robbins
Answer» C. pavlovian

__________ is a schedule of reinforcement in which a variable amount of time must pass before a response is reinforced

A. fixed ratio
B. variable ratio
C. fixed interval
D. variable interval
Answer» D. variable interval

___________ is a schedule of reinforcement in which a fixed period of tie must elapse before a reinforcement is administered

A. fixed ratio
B. variable ratio
C. fixed interval
D. variable interval
Answer» C. fixed interval

Emotions are usually accompanied by distinct ____________expression

A. verbal
B. positive
C. facial
D. physical
Answer» C. facial

The process of communication begins when the ____________has a thought or an idea that he wishes to convey to another person

A. encoding
B. sender
C. message
D. channel
Answer» B. sender

_________communication takes place through proper channels in the organization

A. formal
B. informal
C. non-verbal
D. paralinguistic
Answer» A. formal

An _____________ is a third party to a negotiation who has the authority to dictate an agreement

A. arbitrator
B. consultant
C. motivator
D. approcher
Answer» A. arbitrator

The ___________ child of the child ego state acts in ways that are learned from the environment

A. natural
B. adapted
C. small
D. big
Answer» B. adapted

In ________________departmentalization a department is formed on the basis of area, territory or region

A. geographic
B. productive
C. functional
D. process
Answer» A. geographic

“------------ are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group efforts”

A. management
B. organization
C. leadership
D. behavior
Answer» B. organization

Which of the following is/are the key features of organization

A. social invention
B. accomplishing goals
C. group efforts
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

A study of human behavior in organizational settings is

A. individual behavior
B. group behavior
C. organizational behavior
D. none of these
Answer» C. organizational behavior

Scientific Management approach is developed by

A. elton mayo
B. henry fayol
C. f.w. taylor
D. a. maslow
Answer» C. f.w. taylor

Who proposed “ bureaucratic structure” is suitable for all organization

A. elton mayo
B. henry fayol
C. f.w. taylor
D. max weber
Answer» D. max weber

“Hawthrone experiment” which was a real beginning of applied research in OB was conducted by

A. elton mayo
B. henry fayol
C. f.w. taylor
D. max weber
Answer» A. elton mayo

Process or administrative theory of organization is being given by

A. elton mayo
B. henry fayol
C. f.w. taylor
D. max weber
Answer» B. henry fayol

Whose concept states that interpersonal and human relations may lead to productivity

A. elton mayo
B. henry fayol
C. f.w. taylor
D. max weber
Answer» A. elton mayo

Today’s organization are

A. open system
B. closed system
C. open as well as closed
D. none of these
Answer» A. open system

Which organization theory can be understood by IF and THEN relationship

A. system approach
B. contingency approach
C. process approach
D. scientific approach
Answer» B. contingency approach

Organization Behavior is

A. an interdisciplinary approach
B. a humanistic approach
C. total system approach
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Organization Behavior is not a /an

A. a separate field of study
B. applied science
C. normative science
D. pessimistic approach
Answer» D. pessimistic approach

“Cognitive theory” of learning was given by

A. skinner
B. pavlov
C. tolman
D. piajet
Answer» D. piajet

Extension of behavior modification into organization is called

A. enrichment
B. enlargement
C. ob mod
D. ob ext
Answer» C. ob mod

--------------is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience

A. behavior modification
B. learning
C. motivation
D. skills
Answer» B. learning

which of the following is / are included as structure of human mind

A. id
B. ego
C. super ego
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

----------- is largely childish, irrational, never satisfied, demanding and destructive of others

A. ego
B. super ego
C. negative ego
D. id
Answer» D. id

------------represent noblest thoughts, ideals etc.

A. ego
B. super ego
C. negative ego
D. id
Answer» B. super ego

----------- is reality and practical oriented part of thinking

A. ego
B. super ego
C. negative ego
D. id
Answer» A. ego

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is designed to understand

A. perception of individual
B. personality of individual
C. learning of individual
D. none of these
Answer» B. personality of individual

---------------- is “the reactions of individuals to new or threatening factors in their work environments”

A. attitude
B. stress
C. dissonance
D. disappointment
Answer» B. stress

Which of the following is/are not job related source of stress

A. role ambiguity
B. role overload
C. ethical dilemmas
D. career concerns
Answer» D. career concerns

Which of the following is/are not organizational factors causing stress

A. task demand
B. role demand
C. role conflict
D. satisfaction
Answer» C. role conflict

Which of the following is / are method of managing stress

A. job relocation
B. career counseling
C. recreational facility
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which of the following is / are not a method of managing stress

A. time management
B. supervisor training
C. role analysis techniques (rat)
D. rorschach test
Answer» D. rorschach test

-------------- refers to the negotiation or an agreement between two groups

A. contracting
B. co-opting
C. pressure tactics
D. none of these
Answer» A. contracting

Which of the following methods is/are used to solve intergroup conflicts indirectly

A. avoidance
B. encouragement
C. bargaining
D. all of these
Answer» A. avoidance

Which of the following is / are not direct method to solve intergroup conflicts

A. problem solving
B. domination by the management
C. removing key figures in conflict
D. persuasion
Answer» D. persuasion
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