Chapter: Family and Kinship

Kinship is defined as the connection or relationship between persons by

A. Occupation
B. Blood or marriage
C. Membership
D. Same locality
Answer» B. Blood or marriage

If kins are related by blood, it is called

A. Consanguineal kinship
B. Affinal kin
C. Line of decent
D. Rang kinship
Answer» A. Consanguineal kinship

When the kins are related by marriage, the kinship relation is called

A. Classification kin
B. Consanguineal kinship
C. Affinal relationship
D. Descriptive kin
Answer» C. Affinal relationship

Tribal society is closely knit by

A. Language spoken
B. Kinship relation
C. Nearness
D. Sharing of food items
Answer» B. Kinship relation

Some people think that if kinship is taken out of social Anthropology, there is nothing left to

A. Read
B. Discuss
C. Study
D. Communicate
Answer» C. Study

It is through kinship that a person earns his

A. Salary
B. Food
C. Livelihood
D. Basic needs
Answer» C. Livelihood

Kinship is a social recognition and expression of

A. Genealogical relationship
B. Father son relation
C. Paternal relation
D. Maternal relation
Answer» A. Genealogical relationship

Kinship is established as special branch of study in

A. Geography
B. Philosophy
C. Social anthropology
D. History
Answer» C. Social anthropology

Husband and wife, parents and their children who are directly related to one another is known as

A. Primary kinship
B. Secondary kinship
C. Tertiary kinship
D. Affinal kinship
Answer» A. Primary kinship

When the relationship is includes to step-mother, brother in-law and sister in-law with primary kin of an individual

A. Primary kinship
B. Tertiary kinship
C. Secondary kinship
D. Consanguineous kinship
Answer» C. Secondary kinship

Descent traces its origin to person who are

A. Kings
B. Headman
C. Unknown people
D. Ancestors
Answer» D. Ancestors

Members of a descent group trace their origin to a single ancestor who happened to live

A. In the future
B. In the past
C. In the present
D. In recent past
Answer» B. In the past

The members of a descent group are united by

A. Blood tie
B. Marriage tie
C. In-laws tie
D. Friendship tie
Answer» A. Blood tie

When the members of this descent group trace their origin to a single ancestor it is

A. Bilateral descent
B. Patrilineal descent
C. Unilateral descent
D. Matrilineal descent
Answer» C. Unilateral descent

Tracing the mother’s lineage is called

A. Matrilineal descent
B. Bilateral decent
C. Unilateral decent
D. Patrilineal decent
Answer» A. Matrilineal descent

If a person is related to ego directly then he is ego’s

A. Primary kin
B. Secondary kin
C. Affinal kin
D. Primary Affinal kin
Answer» A. Primary kin

A kinship system may be called a broad range kinship or a narrow range kinship according to

A. People involved
B. Suggested number
C. Number of persons it include
D. Closely related group
Answer» C. Number of persons it include

Family is always associated with a common

A. Habitation
B. Source of income
C. Dress
D. Labour
Answer» A. Habitation

To a Hindu, a family is a sacred

A. Goal
B. Events
C. Institution
D. Practice
Answer» C. Institution

The family, throughout the world, is characterized by its

A. Precision
B. Un-precision
C. Appearance
D. Not specified
Answer» A. Precision
Chapter: Primitive Economic System

The economic life of the tribal have been

A. Totally ignored
B. Taken care of
C. Supported
D. Kept alive
Answer» A. Totally ignored

Maurice Godlier has developed economic anthropology from

A. Weberian perspective
B. Marxian perspective
C. Darwinian perspective
D. Durkheimian perspective
Answer» B. Marxian perspective

The current approaches to tribal economy are based altogether on

A. Contemporary approach
B. Medieval approach
C. Traditional approaches
D. Neo economic approach.
Answer» C. Traditional approaches

In tribal economy, the production was only for the consumption

A. Outside the village
B. Even for others
C. In the market
D. In the household
Answer» D. In the household

Work in the tribal society is not calculated in terms of

A. Surplus
B. Money
C. Future demand
D. Sharing others
Answer» B. Money

All over the tribal belt, men, women and children are engaged in work all through the day without any

A. Proper routine
B. Proper meals
C. Cash transaction
D. Safety gears
Answer» C. Cash transaction

Tribal society is a mechanical

A. Society
B. Community
C. Group
D. Crowd
Answer» A. Society

There are some occupation which are

A. Competent
B. Created new
C. Hereditary
D. Acquired
Answer» C. Hereditary

Land and cattle wealth are considered to be the

A. Family property
B. Village property
C. Ancestors’ property
D. Eldest son’s property
Answer» A. Family property

Hunting and food gathering tribes include

A. Bhil
B. Kamar
C. Naga
D. Chenchu
Answer» D. Chenchu

Which of the following is a cattle rearing tribe?

A. Kamar
B. Todas
C. Kharia
D. Garo
Answer» B. Todas

The tribals are, therefore generally very poor in spite of working

A. Sometimes
B. Lazily
C. Moderately
D. Very hard
Answer» D. Very hard

In the absence of sufficient technological aids regarding agricultural and other production, the tribal generally produce only

A. To consume
B. To keep surplus
C. To send to market
D. To distribute
Answer» A. To consume

The tribal hardly carry out any exchange of economic goods with

A. Inside group
B. Foreign export
C. Cross culture
D. Outside groups
Answer» D. Outside groups

In primitive tribes, one finds examples of both Patriarchal and Matriarchal

A. Cultural organization
B. Social organization
C. Political organization
D. Educational organization
Answer» B. Social organization

The division of labour among primitive societies is based upon physical factor such as

A. Physical health
B. Physical strength
C. Physical appearance
D. Racial factor
Answer» A. Physical health

Food gathering tribes usually gather

A. Ornaments
B. Leaves and wood
C. Roots and fruits
D. Precious metals
Answer» C. Roots and fruits

In tribal areas, there are no laborers, everybody performs

A. Similar job
B. Earning job
C. His own job
D. Odd job
Answer» C. His own job

Economic relationships are based on

A. Barter and exchange
B. Banking activities
C. Profit oriented
D. Currency
Answer» A. Barter and exchange

In tribal economy, there are no banks and

A. Manufacturing unit
B. Loan system
C. Clerical records
D. Other credit societies
Answer» D. Other credit societies

Give and take among primitives is the basis of

A. Economic system
B. Political system
C. Administrative system
D. Controlling system
Answer» A. Economic system

In primitive economy, there are no regular markets. Weekly moving markets are the basis of

A. Buying
B. Exchange
C. Savings
D. Disposal
Answer» B. Exchange

In modern times tribal economy has been widely influenced by

A. Rapid industrialization in tribal areas
B. Traffic congestion
C. De-forestation
D. Jhum cultivation
Answer» A. Rapid industrialization in tribal areas

Division of labor is generally based upon

A. Physical strength
B. Sex distinction
C. Physical height
D. Mental ability
Answer» B. Sex distinction

Barter system is an

A. Old method of exchange
B. Odd method of exchange
C. Out dated method of exchange
D. Integrated method of exchange
Answer» A. Old method of exchange

According to Malinowski, which group of people use ‘yam’ as an item in exchange of gifts?.

A. Gonds
B. Trobrianders
C. Khands
D. Baigas
Answer» B. Trobrianders

The exchange of gift costs something but it is a token of

A. Gesture
B. Politeness
C. Cultural exchange
D. Friendliness
Answer» D. Friendliness

In the economic system of Indian tribes, the Todas of Nilgiri hills place great emphasis on which of their domestic animals?

A. Buffaloes
B. Horses
C. Cows
D. Goats
Answer» A. Buffaloes

The Gonds, Bhils think that hunting, cutting wood and working on stones are something they have learnt from

A. Foreigners
B. Their fore fathers
C. Invaders
D. Other tribes
Answer» B. Their fore fathers

Europeans travelled around the globe to barter crafts, furs in exchange of

A. Fruits and vegetables
B. Silks and perfumes
C. Ornaments
D. Animals and hides
Answer» B. Silks and perfumes

The tribal community usually have group ownership over the ponds, the land and

A. Cattles
B. Forests
C. Tractor
D. Buildings
Answer» B. Forests

The tribal method and implements of cultivation, hunting and fishing are

A. Remaining the same
B. Very advance
C. Stand still
D. Very primitive
Answer» D. Very primitive

The Kharia people are very much specialized to

A. Cottage industries
B. Fishing
C. Gambling
D. Marketing
Answer» A. Cottage industries

Monetization among tribal has brought them closer to the current

A. Mainstream
B. Market trends
C. Banking
D. Saving schemes
Answer» B. Market trends

The ceremonial gift exchange cycle entails obligations to give, to receive and

A. To return
B. No return
C. Free of cost
D. To double it
Answer» A. To return

In the history of bartering, the Mesopotamia tribe introduced it and was adopted by Phoenicians which dates all the way back to

A. 2000 BC
B. 6000 BC
C. 100 AD
D. 1000 BC
Answer» B. 6000 BC

According to K.S. Singh in the people of India (POI), Stock of the scheduled tribe has been taken that there is a shift from traditional to

A. Cattle rearing
B. Bee keeping
C. New occupations
D. Gardening
Answer» C. New occupations

A general trend in the tribal migration is that they flock to

A. Cities as labourer
B. Rural
C. Seashore
D. High mountain
Answer» A. Cities as labourer

Tribal economy is

A. Growing
B. Subsistence economy
C. Degrading
D. Unchanged
Answer» B. Subsistence economy

In tribal economy hardly anything is left for exchange or hoarding, the materials of consumption, food and clothing are generally given

A. Second preference
B. Third preference
C. No preference
D. First preference
Answer» D. First preference
Chapter: Primitive Political System

In the tribal society, power is integral to all

A. Social systems
B. Economic systems
C. Political system
D. Educational systems
Answer» A. Social systems

There cannot be any state or even statelessness without

A. Money
B. Government
C. Buildings
D. Power
Answer» D. Power

Social Anthropologists worked on the theme of state and government in the primitive society in

A. 16th century
B. 19th century
C. 14th century
D. 18th century
Answer» B. 19th century

Who among the following is an evolutionary anthropologist ?

A. Weber
B. Marx
C. Morgan
D. Plato
Answer» C. Morgan

Historian like Gyanendra Pandey dealt with the tribal Political system in Gujarat and

A. Bihar
B. Haryana
C. Delhi
D. Maharastra
Answer» A. Bihar

K.S. Singh has made an attempt to study the state formation among Indian

A. People
B. Past people
C. Tribal
D. Citizen
Answer» C. Tribal

The tribals of India had their territory as well as

A. Land
B. Government
C. Forest
D. Rivers
Answer» B. Government

Before taking to settled agriculture, the tribals lived in hills and

A. Forest
B. Cities
C. Towns
D. River valley
Answer» A. Forest

In course of time, tribal took to settled agriculture and began to live in

A. Houses
B. Villages
C. Township
D. Slums
Answer» B. Villages

Settled agriculture and corresponding organized communities gave rise to

A. Parliament formation
B. Health care formation
C. State formation
D. Supply chain formation
Answer» C. State formation

The tribals having states had to live a settled life and create a viable economy which could maintain

A. Family
B. Community
C. Offices
D. The state
Answer» D. The state

The early and middle medieval period was characterized by consant warfare between tribals and

A. Villagers
B. Non-tribal
C. Outsiders
D. The chief
Answer» B. Non-tribal

The tribal Panchayats control the behavior of their members by maintaining strict

A. Culture
B. Voting
C. Law and order
D. Community service
Answer» C. Law and order

The Tribal Panchayats are powerful, so are the caste

A. Group
B. Leader
C. Priest
D. Panchayats
Answer» D. Panchayats

In most of the cases, the order of the chieftain is law and every man and woman has

A. to memorize it
B. to obey it
C. to spread all over
D. to keep in secret
Answer» B. to obey it

The decision of the Panchayat is regarded as

A. Truth
B. Infallible
C. Law
D. Command
Answer» C. Law

An Anthropologist, Lowie has shown that, in Primitive societies there are civil laws, also along with

A. Customary law
B. Criminal laws
C. Religious law
D. Marriage law
Answer» B. Criminal laws

Law in a primitive society is considered to be a part of natural or

A. Super natural principle
B. Enacted
C. Decided by people
D. Universal
Answer» A. Super natural principle

Primitive law makes no distinction between public crime and

A. Private property
B. Church property
C. Private crimes
D. Other crimes
Answer» C. Private crimes

Kinship bond is the basis for

A. Modern law
B. Primitive law
C. Caste law
D. Family law
Answer» B. Primitive law

When the offender falls a prey to the supernatural anger for falsify is the result of

A. Oath
B. Ordeal
C. Promise
D. Pledge
Answer» A. Oath

Sometimes the person accused is put to torture in primitive societies before declaration of judgment in criminal cases, e g. Put hand in boiling water or oil but did not burn, is set free. The test is called….

A. Fasting
B. Oath
C. Ordeal
D. Avoidance
Answer» C. Ordeal

Capital sentence is generally given in a case of

A. Homicide
B. Stealing
C. Attempt to murder
D. Cheating
Answer» A. Homicide

The punishment of imposing a fine is not found among the punishments for crime in

A. Modern societies
B. Medieval societies
C. Indian societies
D. Primitive societies
Answer» D. Primitive societies

Very often in compensation of his crime, the accused has to give the whole village

A. Money
B. A feast
C. Rice bag
D. Fruits
Answer» B. A feast

If the offender is not punished openly, it is supposed that the sinner will be punished by

A. Supernatural power
B. Nature
C. Tiger
D. Fallen rocks
Answer» A. Supernatural power

In primitive societies, it is generally believed that the priest or Shaman or the Magician possesses

A. Extra strength
B. Special knowledge
C. Universal rights
D. Supernatural power
Answer» D. Supernatural power

The primitive village is run by a council of elders like in India tribal/villages known as

A. Committee
B. Panchayat
C. Team mate
D. Aged group
Answer» B. Panchayat

Most of the chieftains are hunters and warriors and lead the tribe on the occasions of

A. Festivals
B. Village feasting
C. Hunting and war
D. Important events
Answer» C. Hunting and war

The village Government is run by the chieftains elected by the member of the tribe in most of the

A. Indian Primitive villages
B. City dwellers
C. Migrant set up
D. Minority group
Answer» A. Indian Primitive villages

The territory is not an interest by itself in Primitive society perhaps because the pressure on land is

A. Plentiful
B. Abundant
C. Nearly absent
D. Valued
Answer» C. Nearly absent

The Kamars are a very simple, pre-literate tribe of

A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Odisa
C. West Bengal
D. Bihar
Answer» A. Madhya Pradesh

The Oath and Ordeals are main mode of evidence in

A. Caste law
B. Tribal law
C. Kins group law
D. Trade union law
Answer» B. Tribal law

Primitive law is backed by the so-called stateless government, while customs are backed by

A. Group decision
B. Committee action
C. The Traditions and faith
D. Consultation
Answer» C. The Traditions and faith

Tribal law has territorial

A. Un-limitation
B. Limitation
C. Jurisdiction
D. Extension
Answer» B. Limitation

The Assam tribal of Bodos acculture and learnt Tantrick practice from

A. Muslim
B. Hindu
C. Jain
D. Sikh
Answer» B. Hindu

Primitive law is un-written law which has been sanctioned through local custom and

A. Usages
B. Ritual
C. Tradition
D. Sacrifices
Answer» C. Tradition

In tribal primitive political structure, the executive, legislative and judiciary are

A. Combine in one body
B. Separated to each other
C. Not existed
D. Degrading one by one
Answer» A. Combine in one body

In some tribes evidence is mostly gathered through religious and

A. Prayer perform
B. Casting lot
C. Magical practices
D. Lottery
Answer» C. Magical practices

Some short of local self-Government is also an essential part

A. Primitive Political organization
B. Contemporary Political organization’
C. Democratic political organization
D. Dictator type of Government
Answer» A. Primitive Political organization
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