170+ Sociology of Culture Solved MCQs


According to Ruth Benedict, cultures were ways of living, which she called _________

A. cultural configurations
B. cultural compounds
C. cultural organizations
D. cultural parties
Answer» A. cultural configurations

Which of the following books have been authored by Ruth Benedict?

A. “The Mind of Primitive Man” and “Primitive Art”
B. ‘Continuities in Cultural Evolution’ and ‘Culture and Commitment’
C. ‘Primitive Culture’ and ‘Religion in Primitive Culture’
D. ‘The Chrysanthemum and the Sword’ and ‘Patterns of Culture’
Answer» D. ‘The Chrysanthemum and the Sword’ and ‘Patterns of Culture’

The development of one or more cultures from simpler to more complex forms is called

A. Cultural change
B. Cultural progress
C. Cultural development
D. Cultural evolution
Answer» D. Cultural evolution

Which of the following is not a feature of youth subcultures?

A. it is a culture of leisure rather than work
B. youth groups are particularly interested in social issues
C. social relationships are organized around the peer group
D. youth groups are particularly interested in style.
Answer» B. youth groups are particularly interested in social issues

Which of the following does not lead to diffusion?

A. Exploration
B. Tourism
C. Immigration
D. Suppression
Answer» D. Suppression

Discoveries can happen through

A. Accident
B. Scientific research
C. Chance
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is a downside of cultural relativism?

A. It may be used to excuse rudebehaviour
B. It may be used to excuse unscientificbehaviour
C. It may be used to excuse behaviour that exploit human rights
D. It may be used to excuse privileged behaviour
Answer» C. It may be used to excuse behaviour that exploit human rights

Xenocentrism refers to

A. Preference for the foreign
B. Preference for ones own
C. Preference for the familiar
D. Preference for the imaginary
Answer» A. Preference for the foreign

When material culture and non-material culture change at the same pace, which of the following can be avoided?

A. Cultural phobia
B. Cultural lag
C. Cultural exchange
D. Cultural diffusion
Answer» B. Cultural lag

Material culture is most affected by

A. Changes in taboos
B. Changes in beliefs
C. Changes in technology
D. Changes in acculturation
Answer» C. Changes in technology

Which of the following is a characteristic of early human societies?

A. They were very dependent on their physical environment
B. They had sophisticated religious systems
C. They were stratified to a great extent
D. They could manipulate their surroundings to a great extent
Answer» A. They were very dependent on their physical environment

Exchanges of cultural features with foreign cultures is called

A. Assimilation
B. Acculturation
C. Diffusion
D. Differentiation
Answer» C. Diffusion

Enculturation is closely related to

A. Globalization
B. Diffusion
C. Assimilation
D. Socialization
Answer» D. Socialization

According to Bourdieu, success in the educational system is determined by one’s

A. Cultural capital
B. Intellect
C. Cultural superiority
D. Genes
Answer» A. Cultural capital

High culture is consumed by

A. A few people
B. All people
C. Majority of the people
D. None of the above
Answer» A. A few people

Are folkways considered to be essential to society’s survival?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. Most of the time
Answer» B. No

‘Humanitarian values reflected in welfare and other government aid programs come into conflict with values that emphasize hard work and personal achievement.’ This is an example of

A. Value contraction
B. Value contradistinction
C. Value contradiction
D. Value contract
Answer» C. Value contradiction

Values are ___________ ideas.

A. Individual
B. Collective
C. Either A or B
D. Neither A nor B
Answer» B. Collective

Values, norms, traditions, and beliefs are all examples of

A. Material culture
B. Non-material culture
C. Cultural lag
D. High culture
Answer» B. Non-material culture

Which of the following are characteristics of culture?

A. Culture is meaningful
B. Culture is learned
C. Culture is arbitrary
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

_________ allows wealthier categories of people to exercise some control over others.

A. Popular culture
B. Mass culture
C. Dominant culture
D. High culture
Answer» C. Dominant culture

A/An _______ is a system of interrelationships that connects individuals.

A. Association
B. Triad
C. Dyad
D. Society
Answer» D. Society

Values are ________ ideals

A. abstract
B. concrete
C. fixed
D. substantial
Answer» A. abstract

_________ defined culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”.

A. Franz Boas
B. E.B Tylor
C. Ruth Benedict
D. Margaret Mead
Answer» B. E.B Tylor

Hunting and gathering societies were most likely to be

A. Nomadic
B. Settled
C. Inegalitarian
D. Complex
Answer» A. Nomadic

A preference for imported goods is an example of

A. Xenolith
B. Xenophobism
C. Xenocentrism
D. Xenogamy
Answer» C. Xenocentrism

Which of the following could be a feature of ethnic subcultures?

A. Common language
B. Common nationality
C. Common race
D. A, B and C
Answer» D. A, B and C

Non-conformity is usually a feature of

A. Regional subcultures
B. Youth subcultures
C. Ethnic subcultures
D. Immigrant subcultures
Answer» B. Youth subcultures

Which of the following theories consider the evolution of human culture as a whole?

A. Unilinear theories
B. Multilinear theories
C. Interlinear theories
D. Vertilinear theories
Answer» A. Unilinear theories

The theory of biological evolution was put forward by

A. Edwin Sutherland
B. Ceseare Lombroso
C. Charles Darwin
D. Herbert Spencer
Answer» C. Charles Darwin

Which of the following works was authored byLewis H. Morgan?

A. Primitive Society
B. Ancient Society
C. Aged Society
D. Historical Society
Answer» B. Ancient Society

Charles Darwin put forward his theory of biological evolution in which of the following book?

A. The Voyage of the Beagle
B. The Descent of Man
C. The Origin of Species
D. Evolution through Time
Answer» C. The Origin of Species

Which of the following theories consider the evolution of individual cultures?

A. Unilinear theories
B. Multilinear theories
C. Interlinear theories
D. Vertilinear theories
Answer» B. Multilinear theories

The Danish archaeologist Christian Jürgenson Thomsen named the developmental stages of human culture the Stone, Bronze, and Iron ages on the basis of

A. Tools
B. Commerce
C. Economy
D. Arts
Answer» A. Tools

Who introduced the concept of ‘cultural configuration’?

A. Franz Boas
B. E.B Tylor
C. Ruth Benedict
D. Margaret Mead
Answer» C. Ruth Benedict

According to Ruth Benedict the ‘whole of social attitudes, practices and beliefs’ is called

A. Coordination
B. Concoction
C. Construct
D. Configuration
Answer» D. Configuration

Technology would be an example of

A. Antiquity
B. Norm
C. Construct
D. Artifact
Answer» D. Artifact

Ethnocentrism is the opposite of

A. Cultural relativism
B. Cultural assimilation
C. Cultural diffusion
D. Cultural integration
Answer» A. Cultural relativism

Symbols helps society

A. share culture
B. share taboos
C. share meanings
D. share values
Answer» C. share meanings

Gestures help us to express

A. feelings
B. ideas
C. emotions
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Interpersonal relations and living arrangements can be best analysed through

A. experimental method
B. exploratory method
C. genealogical method
D. interview method
Answer» C. genealogical method

one way of securing cultural capital is through

A. Education
B. Wealth
C. Migration
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Education

__________ is the capacity to create symbols or general ideas that carry particular meanings.

A. Cultural relativism
B. Abstraction
C. Acculturation
D. Cultural exchange
Answer» B. Abstraction

People are usually punished when theyviolate norms, but the punishment is usually minor if the norm is a ________.

A. More
B. Folkway
C. Taboo
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Folkway

Movies are an example of

A. High culture
B. Low culture
C. Popular culture
D. Elite culture
Answer» C. Popular culture

___________________ is a person who is taken as the point of reference in a discussion.

A. Individual.
B. Id.
C. Ego.
D. Super ego.
Answer» D. Super ego.

Whose definition is this: “Personality indicates the individuals organized tendency of working, seeing, thinking and feeling?”

A. W. F. Green.
B. New Comb.
C. Herskovits.
D. R.E. Park
Answer» B. New Comb.

The unifications of individual’s socio-psychological behaviour reflected in

A. The way individual behaves.
B. His personalit
C. His social interaction.
D. His culture.
Answer» C. His social interaction.

Personality is expressed through

A. Habits, tendencies and thinking
B. Habits and behaviour
C. Thinking
D. Tendencies and thinking
Answer» A. Habits, tendencies and thinking

To prepare one for future roles is

A. Futurisation
B. Prediction
C. Anticipatory socialization
D. Internalization
Answer» C. Anticipatory socialization

Which among the following is not correct about culture?

A. Cultural traits can be acquired through socialization and habits
B. Culture is something collective
C. Culture has always links with the past
D. Culture never passed on with the help of language
Answer» D. Culture never passed on with the help of language

Trait is

A. Social trend at present
B. Social trend of the past
C. The smallest unit of culture
D. The smallest unit of personality
Answer» C. The smallest unit of culture

A cluster of related traits is called

A. Culture norms
B. Culture complex
C. Cultural collectivity
D. Cultural uniformity
Answer» C. Cultural collectivity

Culture is acquired by man through______________

A. Learning
B. Inheritance
C. Birth
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Learning

Smallest identifiable unit of culture is ________________

A. Culture complex
B. Culture pattern
C. Cultural trait
D. Cultural theme
Answer» C. Cultural trait

Example of non-material culture is ______________

A. Building
B. Religion
C. Pencil
D. Cloth
Answer» B. Religion

Psychoanalytical theory was developed by _________________

A. Sigmund Freud
B. Carl Jung
C. Margaret Mead
D. Ruth Benedict
Answer» A. Sigmund Freud

_____________ stage is the first stage of socialization according to Sigmund Freud

A. Oral stage
B. Anal stage
C. Phallic stage
D. Adolescent stage
Answer» A. Oral stage

_________________ is the motive to realize one’s full potential

A. Self esteem
B. Self actualization
C. Role taking
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Self esteem

__________________ approach classifies people into categories like introvert and extrovert

A. Trait theory
B. type theory
C. Activity theory
D. Psychoanalytical theory
Answer» A. Trait theory

__________is the process in which the culture of a society is transmitted to children.

A. Socialization
B. Accumulation
C. Assimilation
D. Actualization
Answer» A. Socialization

Culture exists in a __________________

A. Society
B. Family
C. Community
D. All the above
Answer» A. Society

Concept of cultural lag was proposed by _________________

A. W. F. Ogburn
B. Leslie White
C. J.Herskovits
D. A.L. Kroeber
Answer» A. W. F. Ogburn

____________ is the acceptance of ourselves

A. Personality
B. Self Esteem
C. Attitude
D. Leadership
Answer» A. Personality

Concept of Looking –Glass Self was coined by _____________

A. Ruth Benedict
B. G. H. Mead
C. C.H. Cooley
D. Sigmund Freud
Answer» C. C.H. Cooley

According to ________________ oral stage is the first stage of socialization

A. Mead
B. Cooley
C. Freud
D. Bulmer
Answer» C. Freud

The gap between the material and non-material is known as ___________________

A. Cultural fusion
B. Cultural lag
C. Cultural identity
D. Subculture
Answer» B. Cultural lag

Persons with ______________ personality are relaxed and less competitive

A. Type B
B. Type A
C. Type C
D. Type D
Answer» B. Type A

____________ acts according to the pleasure principle

A. Ego
B. Id
C. Super ego
D. None of these
Answer» B. Id

. Major socializing agent

A. School
B. Religion
C. Family
D. Law
Answer» C. Family

Personality is the subjective aspect of________________

A. Culture
B. Mob
C. Audience
D. Crowd
Answer» A. Culture

___________ is formed an interaction with others

A. Self
B. Culture
C. Personality
D. Identity
Answer» A. Self

Persons with ________________ personality experience more stress.

A. Type A
B. Type C
C. Type B
D. Type D
Answer» A. Type A

_______________ inculcates moral judgment and societal rules upon ego.

A. Ego
B. Superego
C. Id
D. Culture
Answer» B. Superego

_____________________ gets developed in a child through interaction with his family members only.

A. Personality
B. Self
C. Mind
D. Culture
Answer» B. Self
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