160+ Sociology of Marginalised Sections Solved MCQs


‘Adivasi’ is the collective term for …………………………in India

A. Scheduled Castes
B. Scheduled Tribes
C. General Castes
D. O B C
Answer» B. Scheduled Tribes

Being a victim of rape, she spend her 42 years in coma, making her the face of euthanasia debate in India, she was

A. ArunimaSharom
B. Urmila Sharom
C. Aruna Shah
D. Arunashanbaugh
Answer» D. Arunashanbaugh

Tribes make up of ………………………….. percentage of India’s population

A. 8.6
B. 11
C. 3
D. 9
Answer» A. 8.6

The practice of marriage within the boundaries of kin group, clan,lineage ,village and social class is known as

A. Exogamy
B. Endogamy
C. Isogamy
D. Hypergamy
Answer» B. Endogamy

Which is the year for "The Declaration of the Rights of Child"?

A. 1967
B. 1962
C. 1960
D. 1959
Answer» D. 1959

Name the Director of the banned Documentary ‘India’s Daughter’

A. Kathrine Mayo
B. LesleeUdwin
C. GurinderChadda
D. BhasharatPir
Answer» B. LesleeUdwin

‘Chenchu’ tribe is mainly present in the state of……………………………

A. Andhra Pradesh
B. Haryana
C. Kerala
D. Punjab
Answer» A. Andhra Pradesh

Under the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, a child is one who has not completed his

A. 18 years
B. 16 years
C. 15 years
D. 14 years
Answer» D. 14 years

Paniyan tribe is mainly present in the state of……………………………..

A. Goa
B. Kerala
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Odisha
Answer» B. Kerala

This European country is the first one to give legal sanction to the gay marriage

A. Sweden
B. Denmark
C. Holland
D. Norway
Answer» D. Norway

When a Hindu male marries a woman from his lower caste, it is called

A. Hypogamy
B. Hypergamy
C. Levirate
D. Sororate
Answer» A. Hypogamy

Which among the following are systems of stratification?

A. Caste
B. Class
C. Slavery
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Sampurnanand Ashram” is associated with which of the following ?

A. Borstal School
B. Open Jail
C. Closed Jail
D. Remand Home
Answer» B. Open Jail

The institution of marrying within a particular group is known

A. Endogamy
B. Exogamy
C. Bigamy
D. Isogamy
Answer» A. Endogamy

Which of the following is most effective in addressing social inequality caused by caste system yielding tangible results?

A. Positive discrimination
B. Affirmative action
C. Development policies
D. Caste based politics
Answer» A. Positive discrimination

Who is the author of the book ‘The Caste System and its Implications’?

A. Marcel Mauss
B. Yogendra Singh
C. Louis Dumont
D. M.N Srinivas
Answer» C. Louis Dumont

According to Dumont, the underlying principle of caste is the contrast between

A. Pure and impure
B. Dharma and Shastra
C. Creation and destruction
D. Good and evil
Answer» A. Pure and impure

A sociological analysis of gender entails that one must examine :

A. Gender Division
B. Gender Dis-examination
C. Gender Performance
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Castes are organized in a ____________ fashion

A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
C. Even
D. Parallel
Answer» B. Vertical

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world and the soul of soulless condition.” Who made the statement?

A. L. Feurbach
B. G. Lukacs
C. K. Marx
D. V. I. Lenin
Answer» C. K. Marx

The word ‘caste’ is etymologically linked to ‘casta’ which is a ________ word.

A. Sanskrit
B. Spanish
C. Italian
D. Portugese
Answer» B. Spanish

‘Who among the following tribes is matrilineal in India?

A. Khasi
B. Munda
C. Santhal
D. Ongi
Answer» A. Khasi

Who introduced the term ‘marginal man’?

A. W. E. B. Du Bois
B. Robert Park
C. HowarthBouis
D. Harold Garfinkel
Answer» B. Robert Park

Who of the following believed that there should be cultural autonomy of tribes?

A. N. K. Bose
B. D. P. Mukherjee
C. Surajit Sinha
D. G. S. Ghurye
Answer» C. Surajit Sinha

Marginalization can be studied in

A. developed countries only
B. developing countries only
C. Both developed and the developing countries
D. The third world
Answer» C. Both developed and the developing countries

Those attitudes or behaviour that confirm to the norms of one’s own sex are known as

A. Gender Identity
B. Gender Appropriate
C. Gender System
D. Gender Sensitisation
Answer» B. Gender Appropriate

Social exclusion indicates

A. Precariousness
B. Vulnerability
C. Insecurity
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which feminist theory argues that patriarchy is the major and universal cause of women’s oppression and that the power invested in men is the root problem?

A. Cultural feminism
B. Liberal feminism
C. Radical feminism
D. Socialist feminism
Answer» C. Radical feminism

Who introduced the term ‘social closure’?

A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Erving Goffman
Answer» B. Max Weber

By ‘Hindu Method of Tribal absorption’ N.K. Bose means:

A. Forcible absorption of the tribals into the Hindu social organization
B. Imitation of the Hindu way of life by the tribals because of superior cultural system
C. Acceptance of the caste-system by the tribals because economic security and cultural liberalism in it
D. Exploitation of the tribals by the colonial power
Answer» C. Acceptance of the caste-system by the tribals because economic security and cultural liberalism in it

Who authored the work ‘Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity’?

A. Harold Garfinkel
B. G.H Mead
C. Robert Merton
D. Erving Goffman
Answer» D. Erving Goffman

Which Indian state has the largest number of slum dwellers as per census 2011?

A. Tamil Nadu
B. West Bengal
C. Maharashtra
D. Bihar
Answer» C. Maharashtra

A stigma is a mark of …………….

A. Social disgrace
B. Intellectual disgrace
C. Economic disgrace
D. Political disgrace
Answer» A. Social disgrace

Which of the following institutions reinforce the cultural dominance of patriarchy encouraging violence against women by reducing women to bodies and objectifying ?

A. Family
B. Media
C. Educational Institution
D. Religion
Answer» B. Media

The rights of refugees on settlement in a country is recognized through

A. The Geneva Convention
B. The Beijing Convention
C. The Shanghai Convention
D. None of the above
Answer» A. The Geneva Convention

According to National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), which Indian State has the highest rate of drug related suicides?

A. Punjab
B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Kerala
D. Maharashtra
Answer» C. Kerala

The term refugee derives from the Latin refugere which means

A. To cross
B. To change
C. To move
D. To flee
Answer» D. To flee

Caste status is an example of ____________ status.

A. Ascribed
B. Achieved
C. General
D. Social
Answer» A. Ascribed

A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution in their home country on account of

A. Race
B. Religion
C. Nationality
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which one of the following is an example of achieved status?

A. Caste
B. Clan
C. Class
D. Fratery
Answer» C. Class

Which of the following is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people?

Answer» B. UNHCR

Who held the view that Indian tribals were backward Hindus?

A. G.S. Ghurye
B. Y.B. Damle
C. A.R. Desai
D. N.K. Bose
Answer» A. G.S. Ghurye

The UNHCR was established in the aftermath of the

A. The First World War
B. The Second World War
C. The Vietnam War
D. The Cold War
Answer» B. The Second World War

What proportion of India’s urban population live in slums?

A. Around one-fifth
B. Around one-fourth
C. Around one-third
D. Around one-half
Answer» A. Around one-fifth

Those who seek refugee status outside of their own state of origin must makean application to the country where they arrive and are referred to as

A. Asylum seekers
B. Emigrants
C. Immigrants
D. PoW
Answer» A. Asylum seekers

The Domestic Violence Act was passed in which of the following years?

A. 1988
B. 2001
C. 2004
D. 2005
Answer» D. 2005

____________ is someone who resides in a country without proper documentation.

A. Asylum seeker
B. Immigrant
C. Undocumented person
D. Refugee
Answer» C. Undocumented person

Who among the following is associated with ‘Human Development Index (HDI) for measuring the level of development among various countries?

A. Raymond Firth
B. Mahabub-ul-Haque
C. M.N. Srinivas
D. A.R. Desai
Answer» B. Mahabub-ul-Haque

55% of the total tribal population of India lives in

A. Andaman and Nicobar islands
B. Central India
C. Western India
D. The Himalayan belt
Answer» B. Central India

Who is the author of the book “Tribal Movements in India”?

A. M.S.A. Rao
B. Ghanshyam Shah
C. K.S. Singh
D. S. Fuchs
Answer» C. K.S. Singh

Which of the following writers puts forward the idea of tribal-caste continuum?

A. D.N Majumdar
B. Herbert Risley
C. F.G Bailey
D. Andre Beteille
Answer» C. F.G Bailey

Who among the following is not a Scheduled Tribe of India?

A. Bhils
B. Santhals
C. Gurjars
D. Ho
Answer» C. Gurjars

Undocumented people mostly work in

A. Formal economy
B. Informal economy
C. White collar jobs
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Informal economy

The Juvenile delinquents in India belong to the age group of

A. Below 12 years
B. Below 14 years
C. Below 18 years
D. Below 20 years
Answer» B. Below 14 years

In India people experience social stigma on account of

A. Sexuality
B. Physical disability
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which one of the following statements correctly identify ‘subaltern perspective’?

A. An approach to study society from Elite’s point of view.
B. Describe changes in society of the developed countries.
C. Approach history from below, focused more on what happens among masses at the base level of society
D. An approach to study the postmodern societies
Answer» C. Approach history from below, focused more on what happens among masses at the base level of society

Clans are

A. Endogamous
B. Exogamous
C. Bigamous
D. Isogamous
Answer» B. Exogamous

Which one of the following is not a reason for declining female sex ratio in India?

A. Gender role stereotyping and traditional role expectations
B. Practice of Dowry and prevalence of illiteracy
C. Migration of female work force from rural to urban areas
D. Sex selective abortion
Answer» C. Migration of female work force from rural to urban areas

Gender difference’ denotes an analytical framework in which

A. biological differences between sexes are explained.
B. political and economic differences among women are explained.
C. social and ideological differences between white and non-white women are explained
D. social and ideological differences between sexes are explained
Answer» D. social and ideological differences between sexes are explained

Which one of the following statements is true to describe ‘Domestic Violence’?

A. In ‘Domestic Violence’, the only victims are ‘married women’
B. Girl chid are only vulnerable to Domestic violence.
C. ‘Domestic violence’ include physical, sexual, mental and verbal abuse of a person in household setting.
D. ‘Domestic violence’ is an indication of progressive society.
Answer» C. ‘Domestic violence’ include physical, sexual, mental and verbal abuse of a person in household setting.
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