
History of English Literature 1 Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in English (BA English) .


Who is considered as the first English poet?

A. chaucer
B. caedmon
C. william langland
D. robert burns
Answer» B. caedmon

Who is the author of Ecclesiastical History of the English People ?

A. bede
B. chaucer
C. johnson
D. bacon
Answer» A. bede

Name of the Anglo Saxon epic

A. the wanderer
B. dream of the rood
C. beowulf
D. brut
Answer» C. beowulf

The Hundred Years of War between………..

A. england and france
B. england and germany
C. france and germany
D. ireland and england
Answer» A. england and france

In which year the peasant Revolt happened?

A. 1381
B. 1300
C. 1350
D. 1400
Answer» A. 1381

Who is the author of ‘Piers Plowman’?

A. caedmon
B. bede
C. william langland
D. layamon
Answer» C. william langland

The earliest surviving English poem

A. king horn
B. piers plowman
C. brut
D. beowulf
Answer» D. beowulf

Who is the author of The Canterbury Tales?

A. william langland
B. geoffrey chaucer
C. robert burn
D. spenser
Answer» B. geoffrey chaucer

The Middle Age was held to begin in England with……………

A. hundred years war
B. peasant revolt
C. black death
D. the norman conquest
Answer» D. the norman conquest

Who led The Norman Conquest?

A. james i
B. william the duke of normandy
C. julius caesar
D. william wycliffe
Answer» B. william the duke of normandy

Name of the elegy written by Chaucer on the death of Blanche, the wife of John of Gaunt

A. the house of fame
B. troilus and criseyde
C. the book of the duchess
D. the roman de la rose
Answer» C. the book of the duchess

When did ‘The General Prologue’ of Canterbury Tales compose?

A. 1387.
B. 1300
C. 1400
D. 1378
Answer» A. 1387.

The first English Printer, who set up printing press in 1476

A. gower
B. caxton
C. william bailey
D. malory
Answer» B. caxton

In which year the first printing press was set up in England?

A. 1400
B. 1569
C. 1476
D. 1430
Answer» C. 1476

A short traditional and popular story in verse of unknown authorship is called…………

A. lyric
B. ballad
C. elegy
D. sonnet
Answer» B. ballad

Who wrote Treatise on the Astrolabe?

A. john wycliffe
B. spenser
C. william langland
D. chaucer
Answer» D. chaucer

Confessio Amentis is the work of……………..

A. gower
B. chaucer
C. william langland
D. robert burn
Answer» A. gower

The Magna Carta was signed in ………………

A. 1210
B. 1214
C. 1200
D. 1239
Answer» B. 1214

Who did start The Hundred Years War with France?

A. edward 1
B. edward 11
C. edward iii
D. edward iv
Answer» C. edward iii

Which among these was written by Chaucer under Italian influence?

A. the legend of good women
B. roman de la rose
C. the book of duchess
D. the canterbury tales
Answer» A. the legend of good women

Which incident is considered as the beginning of the Renaissance in England?

A. reign of queen elizabeth
B. death of chaucer
C. end of war of roses
D. birth of shakespeare
Answer» C. end of war of roses

In which year did the War of Roses end?

A. 1500
B. 1485
C. 1600
D. 1450
Answer» B. 1485

In which year did the Battle of Bosworth Field end?

A. 1499
B. 1510
C. 1575
D. 1485
Answer» D. 1485

Which period is considered as the height of English Renaissance?

A. 1500 – 1550
B. 1450 – 1500
C. 1550 – 1600
D. 1600 - 1650
Answer» C. 1550 – 1600

Which were the dominant art forms of English Renaissance?

A. literature and music
B. painting and sculpture
C. cinema and drama
D. singing and dancing
Answer» A. literature and music

Who wrote Astrophel and Stella?

A. william shakespeare
B. edmund spenser
C. christopher marlowe
D. philip sidney
Answer» D. philip sidney

Who wrote The Defence of Poesy?

A. edmund spenser
B. philip sidney
C. geoffrey chaucer
D. william shakespeare
Answer» B. philip sidney

Who wrote The Faerie Queene?

A. philip sidney
B. ben jonson
C. thomas kyd
D. edmund spenser
Answer» D. edmund spenser

Who wrote Tamburlaine the Great?

A. william shakespeare
B. christopher marlowe
C. thomas kyd
D. ben jonson
Answer» B. christopher marlowe

Who wrote Hero and Leander?

A. christopher marlowe
B. ben jonson
C. john webster
D. thomas kyd
Answer» A. christopher marlowe

Who wrote The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus?

A. thomas kyd
B. ben jonson
C. christopher marlowe
D. william shakespeare
Answer» C. christopher marlowe

Who wrote Dido, Queen of Carthage?

A. william langland
B. john bunyan
C. geoffrey chaucer
D. christopher marlowe
Answer» D. christopher marlowe

Who popularized the Comedy of Humours?

A. oscar wilde
B. ben jonson
C. geoffrey chaucer
D. william shakespeare
Answer» B. ben jonson

Who wrote the book Utopia?

A. william shakespeare
B. edmund spenser
C. philip sidney
D. thomas more
Answer» D. thomas more

Who wrote the essay Of Studies?

A. philip sidney
B. thomas more
C. francis bacon
D. edmund spenser
Answer» C. francis bacon

The King James Version of the Bible was published in _____.

A. 1611
B. 1610
C. 1609
D. 1604
Answer» A. 1611

How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?

A. 150
B. 154
C. 145
D. 129
Answer» B. 154

Find the odd one out.

A. william shakespeare
B. christopher marlowe
C. robert greene
D. thomas nashe
Answer» A. william shakespeare

Who wrote the play Every Man in His Humour?

A. thomas nashe
B. robert greene
C. william shakespeare
D. ben jonson
Answer» D. ben jonson

Who wrote the play Bartholomew Fair?

A. john webster
B. thomas kyd
C. ben jonson
D. william shakespeare
Answer» C. ben jonson

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