
180+ Methodology in Humanities Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in English (BA English) .


Modern science depends on

A. opinions
B. beliefs
C. facts
D. intuitions
Answer» C. facts

Methods that are create and speculative are employed by

A. social science
B. humanities
C. physical science
D. natural science
Answer» B. humanities

Humanities emphasis the role of

A. meaning of human conditions
B. purpose of human conditions
C. goals of human conditions
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The source of all the sciences and social sciences is

A. philosophy
B. history
C. psychology
D. astrology
Answer» A. philosophy

The classical Greek notion of philosophy was

A. to improve our social world
B. to educate its citizens
C. to demarcate the national and social world
D. to understand the world
Answer» B. to educate its citizens

Literature is primarily a subject of

A. natural sciences
B. social sciences
C. humanities
D. psychology
Answer» C. humanities

History deals with

A. fancies
B. facts
C. hypotheses of past
D. beliefs
Answer» B. facts

Founding father of sociology

A. augustie comte
B. emile durkheim
C. max weber
D. karl marx
Answer» A. augustie comte

Term ideology was coined by

A. louis althusser
B. terry eagleton
C. destutt de tracy
D. frantz fanan
Answer» C. destutt de tracy

David Hume was a

A. german scientists
B. british philosopher
C. french sociologist
D. american educationist
Answer» A. german scientists

Twentieth century literary criticism attempted to keep away from

A. discuss on value
B. discussion on taste
C. discussion on reality
D. discussion on truth
Answer» A. discuss on value

Positivism laid stress on use of

A. social science method
B. cultural studies
C. natural sciences
D. spiritual metaphysics
Answer» C. natural sciences

Cause hypotheses and explanations are the testing ground of

A. natural sciences
B. social sciences
C. literature
D. philosophy
Answer» B. social sciences

There is relative freedom from subjective biases in study of

A. philosophy
B. literature
C. natural sciences
D. social sciences
Answer» D. social sciences

What is prominent factor in structuring taste?

A. education
B. family status
C. social class
D. personality
Answer» C. social class

______ is the belief that human beings possess an innate, natural unchanging identity

A. idealism
B. essentialism
C. constructivism
D. naturalism
Answer» B. essentialism

Theories which understand reality as constructed within culture through language are called _____ theories.

A. constructivist
B. essentialist
C. idealist
D. pragmatist
Answer» A. constructivist

The evolved human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols, and to act imaginatively and creatively is called.

A. culture
B. subjectivity
C. identity
D. language
Answer» A. culture

_____ is the verbal expression of culture

A. signs
B. language
C. signals
D. symbols
Answer» B. language

Capacity that separates humans from other primates

A. emotions
B. mobility
C. communication
D. language
Answer» D. language

The core idea that man’s language moulds his perception of reality belongs to

A. sapir and whorf
B. saussure and choamsky
C. bloomfield and halliday
D. none of the above
Answer» A. sapir and whorf

The study of the cultural system of signs is called

A. linguistics
B. pragmatics
C. symbolism
D. semiotics
Answer» D. semiotics

Hignlish is an example of

A. dialect
B. idiolect
C. ethnolect
D. genderlect
Answer» C. ethnolect

Father of modern linguistics

A. saussure
B. bloomfield
C. halliday
D. chomsky
Answer» A. saussure

The Social, economic and cultural context in which reality is represented and communicates meaning is called

A. institution
B. society
C. dialogue
D. discourse
Answer» D. discourse

______ Argued for English as a more neutral language where traditional caste names become irrelevant.

A. ambedkar
B. nehru
C. gandhi
D. raja ram mohan roy
Answer» A. ambedkar

Narrative is an act of

A. imitation
B. communication
C. imagination
D. expression
Answer» B. communication

Wimsatt and Robert Pen Warren belong to a group called

A. new critics
B. structuralist
C. post modernist
D. formalist
Answer» A. new critics

Who wrote Shamela

A. henry fielding
B. shakespeare
C. samuel richardson
D. daniel defoe
Answer» A. henry fielding

J.M. Coetzee’s Foe is a retelling of

A. jane eyre
B. wide sargasso sea
C. robinson crusoe
D. joseph andrews
Answer» C. robinson crusoe

Mary Shelly’s Fankenstein is about the quest of a

A. explorer
B. poet
C. scientist
D. doctor
Answer» C. scientist

Who wrote wide Sargasso sea

A. jean rhys
B. charlette bronte
C. daniel defoe
D. emile bronte
Answer» A. jean rhys

The narrative strategies of Hadith are associated with which religion?

A. hinduism
B. judaism
C. jainism
D. islam
Answer» D. islam

Study of narrative is known as

A. sociology
B. grammatology
C. lexicology
D. narratology
Answer» D. narratology

The essay ‘Narrative Construction of Reality’ was written by

A. walter scott
B. jerome bruner
C. roland barthes
D. derek walcott
Answer» B. jerome bruner

The idea of mimesis was first introduced by _____ & _____

A. plato and aristotle
B. plato and longinus
C. dryden and longinus
D. socrates of descartes
Answer» A. plato and aristotle

According to Aristotle _____ is the effect of mimesis

A. monologue
B. catharsis
C. confession
D. confusion
Answer» B. catharsis

_____ is the direct representation of reality

A. mimesis
B. diegesis
C. reality
D. logos
Answer» A. mimesis

Indirect representation or re-presentation of reality is known as

A. mimesis
B. narration
C. diegesis
D. description
Answer» C. diegesis

If On a Winter’s Night Traveler is a novel by

A. salman rushdie
B. italo calvino
C. daniel defoe
D. shakespeare
Answer» B. italo calvino

Saleem Sinai is a character in

A. midnight’s children
B. one hundred years of solitude
C. if on a winter’s night traveler
D. satanic verses
Answer» A. midnight’s children

Who prepared the two main modes of thinking Logico Scientific of the narrative

A. jerome bruner
B. roland barthes
C. wayne c. booth
D. italo calvino
Answer» A. jerome bruner

Dorothy wordsworth is William Wordsworth’s

A. mother
B. sister
C. wife
D. daughter
Answer» B. sister

Narrative theory focuses on author, text and

A. reader
B. critic
C. narrator
D. critic
Answer» A. reader

The concept of implied author was first formulated by

A. roland barthes
B. immanuel kant
C. vladimir propp
D. wayne c booth
Answer» D. wayne c booth

Which of the following is heterodox school of Indian Philosophy?

A. nyaya
B. budhism
C. vaisesika
D. yoga
Answer» B. budhism

Which school propounded the doctrine of syadavada?

A. jainsim
B. sankhya
C. vedanta
D. yoga
Answer» A. jainsim

Which one of the following is a means of valid knowledge?

A. tarka
B. anumana
C. smriti
D. pramana
Answer» B. anumana

Another name for illusion in

A. smrit
B. khyati
C. anumana
D. samvada
Answer» B. khyati

The prama that is not accepted by the Samkya school is

A. perception
B. inference
C. comparison
D. testimony
Answer» C. comparison

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