250+ Modern Social Theories Solved MCQs


The term used by Durkheim to identify a system of social relations linking individuals to each other and to the society as a whole is

A. Acculturation
B. Association
C. Social solidarity
D. Social facts
Answer» C. Social solidarity

The type of social bonding that discourages individual autonomy in a society is termed as

A. Mechanical solidarity
B. Organic solidarity
C. Homogenous solidarity
D. Heterogeneous solidarity
Answer» A. Mechanical solidarity

In a society where labour is specialized and individuals are linked more to each other than they are to society as a whole, it is characterised by

A. Mechanical solidarity
B. Organic solidarity
C. Homogenous solidarity
D. Heterogeneous solidarity
Answer» B. Organic solidarity

According to Durkheim, the primary characteristic of organic solidarity is the development of

A. Social facts
B. Suicide
C. Division of labour
D. Forced labour
Answer» C. Division of labour

Durkheim maintained that in order to study social facts, it should be considered as

A. Abstracts
B. Things
C. Facts
D. Pathological
Answer» B. Things

According to Durkheim, when an industrial crisis breaks down the social solidarity existing between specialized functions and creates a decline in social cohesion, it is called

A. The forced division of labour
B. Poor division of labour
C. Abnormal division of labour
D. Anomic division of labour
Answer» D. Anomic division of labour

--------------- is the result of the weakening of the bonds which tie the individual to the society

A. Anomic suicide
B. Fatalistic suicide
C. Egoistic suicide
D. Altruistic suicide
Answer» C. Egoistic suicide

The doctrine that holds the view that historical circumstances are determined by a sequence of economic events connected to the act of production is known as

A. Historical materialism
B. Rationalization
C. Economic determinism
D. Economic materialism
Answer» C. Economic determinism

The building blocks of a theory is called

A. Definitions
B. Concepts
C. Propositions
D. Variables
Answer» B. Concepts

Conclusions drawn about the relationship among concepts based on the logical interrelationship is called

A. Definitions
B. Concepts
C. Propositions
D. Variables
Answer» C. Propositions

Specified expectations about empirical reality derived from propositions are called

A. Definitions
B. Propositions
C. Variables
D. Hypotheses
Answer» D. Hypotheses

A concept having two or more values or categories that can vary and be measured is known as

A. Definitions
B. Concepts
C. Propositions
D. Variables
Answer» D. Variables

The theoretical perspective that holds that society is a complex system whose various parts work together to produce stability is

A. Structuralism
B. Functionalism
C. Conflict perspective
D. Interactionism
Answer» B. Functionalism

A prominent exponent of functionalism in the United States

A. Karl Marx
B. Durkheim
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Wilfredo Pareto
Answer» C. Talcott Parsons

The concept of ‘dysfunction’ is a major contribution of

A. Durkheim
B. Robert K Merton
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Wilfredo Pareto
Answer» B. Robert K Merton

The theoretical perspective that emphasises the importance of moral consensus in maintaining order and stability in a system is called

A. Structuralism
B. Functionalism
C. Conflict perspective
D. Interactionism
Answer» B. Functionalism

What are manifest functions?

A. Unrecognised and intended consequences of a social action
B. Recognised and unintended consequences of a social action
C. Unrecognised and Unintended consequences of a social action
D. Recognised and intended consequences of a social action
Answer» D. Recognised and intended consequences of a social action

Robert K Merton is a

A. Structuralist
B. Structural-Functionalist
C. Conflict theorist
D. Interactionist
Answer» B. Structural-Functionalist

Middle-range theories is a great contribution by

A. K Merton
B. Talcott Parson
C. Ralph Dahrendorf
D. Wright Mills
Answer» A. K Merton

The evolutionary perspective holds the idea that

A. The social system is in a state of equilibrium
B. Change in one part of a system affects other parts
C. Societies gradually change from simple to complex systems
D. The social system consists of interrelated parts.
Answer» C. Societies gradually change from simple to complex systems

Auguste Comte believed that human societies can evolve only in a

A. Stagnant state
B. Polylinear way
C. Multi-linear way
D. Uni-linear way
Answer» D. Uni-linear way

Latent functions are always

A. Unrecognised and intended consequences of a social action
B. Recognised and unintended consequences of a social action
C. Unrecognised and Unintended consequences of a social action
D. Recognised and intended consequences of a social action
Answer» C. Unrecognised and Unintended consequences of a social action

The study of everyday behaviour in situations of face to face interaction is usually called

A. Microsociology
B. Public sociology
C. Macrosociology
D. Political sociology
Answer» A. Microsociology

Theories that deal with the analysis of large-scale social structures and longterm processes of change is called

A. Micro level theories
B. Macro level theories
C. Middle-range theories
D. Symbolic interactionism
Answer» B. Macro level theories

Levi-Strauss is a prominent

A. Functionalist
B. Interactionist
C. Structural- functionalist
D. Structuralist
Answer» D. Structuralist

Who introduced the term sociological imagination?

A. Lewis Coser
B. C H Cooley
C. C Wright Mills
D. Max Weber
Answer» C. C Wright Mills

The Sociological paradigm that focuses on the way each part of society functions together to contribute to the whole is called

A. Structuralism
B. Structural-functionalism
C. Conflict theory
D. Symbolic interactionism
Answer» B. Structural-functionalism

Conflict theories operate at a -------- perspective

A. Micro-level
B. Macro-level
C. Individual level
D. Peripheral level
Answer» B. Macro-level

The sociological paradigm that focuses on the way inequalities contribute to social differences and perpetuate differences in power is known as

A. Structuralism
B. Structural-functionalism
C. Conflict theory
D. Symbolic interactionism
Answer» C. Conflict theory

Symbolic interactionism is known to be a -----------------

A. Micro-level theory
B. Macro-level theory
C. Meso-level theory
D. Middle-range theory
Answer» A. Micro-level theory

Symbolic interactionism focuses on ----------

A. Structure of the society
B. Function of the society
C. Conflicts over resources
D. One to one interactions and communications
Answer» D. One to one interactions and communications

Who believed that society is a complex system of interrelated and interdependent parts that work together to maintain stability?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» C. Emile Durkheim

Who is known as the founder of conflict theory?

A. Karl Marx
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» A. Karl Marx

Who is the founder of symbolic interactionism?

A. Herbert Blumer
B. Sigmund Freud
C. C H Cooley
D. George Herbert Mead
Answer» D. George Herbert Mead

What are the three stages argued by Comte that knowledge pass through?

A. Primitive – feudal - capitalistic
B. Theological – metaphysical –positive
C. Barbarian – Agricultural – Industrial
D. Tribal – Industrial – Capitalistic
Answer» B. Theological – metaphysical –positive

Who among the following said that ‘Sociology is the science of understanding the meaning of social action?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» D. Max Webber

Who among the following analysed the impact of religious beliefs on the economic growth for the first time?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Max Webber
D. Emile Durkheim
Answer» C. Max Webber

Who advocated the social action approach in sociology for the first time?

A. Max Webber
B. Auguste Comte
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Emile Durkheim
Answer» A. Max Webber

Weber’s concept, the Verstehen stands for

A. Understanding of how the researchers interpret the social action
B. Understanding social action in an objective manner
C. Understanding how the social world is made of actors
D. Understanding social world from the point of view of the actors
Answer» D. Understanding social world from the point of view of the actors

The political tension and economic antagonism between two classes is called

A. Class competition
B. Class conflict
C. Class interests
D. Class upheaval
Answer» B. Class conflict

According to Marx, the conflict of interests between two antagonistic classes leads to

A. Class struggle
B. Class tension
C. Competition
D. War
Answer» A. Class struggle

The egalitarian society Marx believed to replace the capitalism is called

A. Feudal society
B. Agrarian society
C. Socialist society
D. Industrial society
Answer» C. Socialist society

Who advocated a social action approach in sociology?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» D. Max Webber

Urbanization was the result of --------------- during 18thcentury

A. Scientific thought
B. French revolution
C. VIndustrial revolution
D. Globalization
Answer» C. VIndustrial revolution

Marx believed that the destruction of capitalism will lead to the formation of

A. Feudalism
B. Agrarian system
C. Socialism
D. Secularism
Answer» C. Socialism

According to Karl Marx, class conflict occurs with the emergence of

A. Competition
B. Cooperation
C. Compartmentalisation
D. Class consciousness
Answer» D. Class consciousness

Which of the following is not an aspect of alienation in capitalist societies?

A. Alienation from the product activity
B. Alienation from the products
C. Alienation from species
D. Alienation from wages
Answer» D. Alienation from wages

The rise of individualism was an important social thought emerged out of --------

A. Industrial revolution
B. Agricultural revolution followed by industrial revolution
C. Industrial revolution and French revolution
D. Enlightenment and French revolution
Answer» D. Enlightenment and French revolution

The French revolution marked the development of a new class called

A. Proletariats
B. Labourer
C. Capitalists
D. Peasants
Answer» C. Capitalists

Who among the following held the view that society is a moral entity?

A. Auguste Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Webber
Answer» C. Emile Durkheim
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