560+ Social and Cultural History of Britain Solved MCQs


Who was Founder of the Hannoverian dynasty?

A. henry i
B. elizebeth i
C. george i
D. james i
Answer» C. george i

Whose accession marked the beginning of Hanoverian Dynasty in England?

A. george i
B. george ii
C. edward vi
D. william iii
Answer» A. george i

Who was considered the first "prime minister’ of England?

A. margarett thatcher
B. wolsey
C. george iii
D. robert walpole
Answer» D. robert walpole

…………..was actually the child of the American War of Independence.

A. the french revolution of 1789
B. glorious revolution
C. seven years war
D. boston massacre
Answer» A. the french revolution of 1789

Who was the leader of the American War of Independence?

A. robert walpole
B. tomas jefferson
C. thomas paine
D. george washington
Answer» D. george washington

‘Rights of Man’is the work of ……………

A. montesque
B. rousseau
C. voltaire
D. thomas paine
Answer» D. thomas paine

Who wrote ‘Reflexions on the Revolution’?

A. carlyle
B. rousseau
C. voltaire
D. edmund burke
Answer» D. edmund burke

Who is the author of the “Age of Reason?”

A. carlyle
B. rousseau
C. edmund burke
D. thomas paine
Answer» D. thomas paine

French Revolution occurred in ……………

A. 1789
B. 1795
C. 1799
D. 1889
Answer» A. 1789

Who said “man is born free but everywhere he is in chains”?

A. montesque
B. voltaire
C. tilak
D. rousseau
Answer» D. rousseau

………….’s Social Contract made a profound impact on the reading and thinking community of France.

A. voltaire
B. edmund burke
C. carlyle
D. rousseau
Answer» D. rousseau

The ………….mob stormed the Bastille (the state Prison) and all the prisoners were set free.

A. vienna
B. london
C. bologna
D. paris
Answer» D. paris

The Peninsular War was the last of the wars the English fought against …………………

A. napolean bonoparte
B. wellington
C. washington
D. louis xvi
Answer» A. napolean bonoparte

At the Battle of Waterloo ………. in Napolean was completely crushed by the Duke of Wellington.

A. 1815
B. 1825
C. 1835
D. 1855
Answer» A. 1815

On 21 January 1793, ……….was executed and the Jacobins set up a dictatorship through the Committee of Public Safety.

A. louis xvi
B. louis xvii
C. louis xviii
D. louis xv
Answer» A. louis xvi

……………….. wrote ‘The French Revolution: A History’,

A. thomas carlyle
B. edward gibbon
C. austen
D. toynbee
Answer» A. thomas carlyle

Who wrote ‘The History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire’?

A. edward gibbon
B. thomas carlyle
C. toynbee
D. churchill
Answer» A. edward gibbon

………'s longest poem, THE VANITY OF HUMAN WISHES, appeared in 1749.

A. johnson
B. wordsworth
C. t. s. eliot
D. coleridge
Answer» A. johnson

Who wrote 'Lyrical Ballads' with Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1798?

A. william wordsworth
B. t. s. eliot
C. bunyan
D. austen
Answer» A. william wordsworth

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a famous poem of ……………..

A. samuel taylor coleridge
B. dr. samuel johnson
C. t. s. eliot
D. austen
Answer» A. samuel taylor coleridge

Sense and Sensibility is the novel of …………..

A. austen
B. richardson
C. fielding
D. smollett
Answer» A. austen

Who wrote the novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’?

A. austen
B. milton
C. bunyan
D. dryden
Answer» A. austen

The Black Death was …….

A. a literary intellectual movement
B. a social movement.
C. the terrible plague bringing poverty and unrest.
D. a revolt against edward iii.
Answer» C. the terrible plague bringing poverty and unrest.

King Richard II Succeeded to the Crown in ………

A. 1377
B. 1378
C. 1379
D. 1380
Answer» A. 1377

Chaucer’s The Romaunt of the Rose is

A. a ballad
B. a lengthy allegorical poem
C. a satire on society.
D. an ode on transition.
Answer» B. a lengthy allegorical poem

Troilus and Criseyde is Chaucer’s long poem adopted from …….

A. lazamon
B. dan michel
C. annonymous
D. boccaccio
Answer» D. boccaccio

Chaucer’s poem ‘The House of Fame’ is written in …….

A. lambic pentameter
B. octosyllabic couplet
C. free verse
D. blank verse
Answer» B. octosyllabic couplet

Chaucer’s first attempt in English to use the heroic couplet occurs in which of the following poems.

A. prologue to the canterbury tales
B. tale of melibeus
C. the legend of good women
D. the lack of steadfastness
Answer» C. the legend of good women

The pilgrims in Chaucer’s Prologue to the Canterbury Tales go on a pilgrimage to the tomb of ……..

A. st. john francis
B. st. nicholas
C. st. thomas a becket
D. st. joseph
Answer» C. st. thomas a becket

Chaucer virtually imported the decasyllabic lines in his poetry from ………

A. france
B. italy
C. greece
D. ireland
Answer» A. france

Chaucerian seven-line stanza in English poetry is also known as …………

A. decasyllabic lines
B. octosyllabic lines
C. rime royale
D. heroic couplet
Answer» C. rime royale

The prevailing feature of Chaucer’s humour is its ……

A. urbanity
B. crudity
C. triviality
D. sanctity
Answer» A. urbanity

The Hundred Years’ War was originated in

A. the conquest of 1066.
B. the conquest of 1067.
C. tthe conquest of 1068.
D. the conquest of 1069
Answer» A. the conquest of 1066.

The sole cause of the Hundred Years’ War was ………

A. the commercial rivalry between france and england.
B. the commercial rivalry between france and italy.
C. the social rivalry between france and greece.
D. the cultural rivalry between england and ireland.
Answer» A. the commercial rivalry between france and england.

The Statute of Labourers was enacted in English in ……..

A. 1348
B. 1349
C. 1350
D. 1351
Answer» D. 1351

The Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 is also called ……….

A. tyler’s rebellion
B. tyler’s mutiny
C. tyler’s strike
D. tyler’s war
Answer» A. tyler’s rebellion

The Peasants’ Revolt was based on the theory of democracy and socialism of whose text ………..

A. wat tyler
B. john cairne
C. king richard ii
D. king edward ii
Answer» A. wat tyler

Who are called Lollards?

A. john tyler and his followers.
B. john wyclif and his followers
C. jack straw and his followers.
D. john ball and his followers.
Answer» B. john wyclif and his followers

Who is called the real originator of European Protestantism?

A. john wyclife
B. john ball
C. william langland
D. wat tyler
Answer» A. john wyclife

John Wyclif is called………………

A. the morning star of reformation.
B. the morning star of resurrection.
C. the morning star of restoration.
D. tthe morning star of redemption.
Answer» A. the morning star of reformation.

Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is a literary form of enclosing a number of tales within one narrative is ……..

A. oriental in origin.
B. european in origin.
C. scandinavian in origin
D. latinic in origin.
Answer» A. oriental in origin.

In Chaucer’s The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, the pilgrims started a sixty-mile ride to Canterbury in the month of …….

A. march
B. april
C. may
D. june
Answer» B. april

In Chaucer’s The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, who amongst the following characters told the first tale on their way to Canterbury………..

A. shipman
B. cook
C. knight
D. reeve
Answer» C. knight

The last tale told by Parson on the last day of pilgrimage in The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales was a prose sermon on ………

A. penintence, with emphasis upon the seven sins.
B. a contemporaneous tale, exploding the impostures of alchemy
C. a fable of why the crow is black.
D. a tragic story of appius and virginia.
Answer» A. penintence, with emphasis upon the seven sins.

The War of the Roses took place during the period …….

A. 1380 – 1410
B. 1455 – 1485
C. 1400 – 1430
D. 1425 – 1455
Answer» B. 1455 – 1485

The War of the Roses is a thirty-year struggle between the houses of ……….

A. york and tudor.
B. lancaster and surrey.
C. lancaster and lancashire.
D. lancaster and york.
Answer» D. lancaster and york.

The fifteenth century is traditionally described as…….

A. the barren period of english literature.
B. tthe wholesome period of english literature.
C. tthe inferior period of english literature.
D. tthe dark period of english literature.
Answer» A. the barren period of english literature.

Who was imprisoned for participation in the War of the Roses?

A. sir david lindsay
B. sir john mandeville
C. william caxton
D. sir thomas malory
Answer» D. sir thomas malory

Who was led to imprisonment in 1534 for his refusal to accept the Act of Supremacy?

A. lord barners
B. william tyndale
C. sir thomas more
D. cranmer
Answer» C. sir thomas more

Utopia is a fine description of “Imaginative Ideal State” written by

A. edmund spenser
B. thomas occleve
C. geoggrey chaucer
D. sir thomas more
Answer» D. sir thomas more

Who succeeded Wyclife as a Leader of Lollard Movement?

A. fortescue
B. john purvey
C. lord barners
D. john rogers
Answer» B. john purvey

W.H. Hudson’s statement “essentially the poet of the people” reveals the personality of ……….

A. william langland
B. geoggrey chaucer
C. alexander barclay
D. edmund spenser
Answer» A. william langland

What was the name of Edmund Spenser’s father?

A. william spenser
B. edward spenser
C. reginald spenser
D. john spenser
Answer» D. john spenser

Edmund Spenser’s Epithalamion is ………..

A. a lyric in petrarchan form.
B. a dirge in the greek form.
C. a nuptial hymn modelled upon the catullan form, influenced by the italian or provencal canzone.
D. a song to be sung in the festival.
Answer» C. a nuptial hymn modelled upon the catullan form, influenced by the italian or provencal canzone.

Who was apostrophized by Shakespeare in As You Like It?

A. sir philip sideny
B. edmund spenser
C. christopher marlowe
D. sir thomas wyatt
Answer» C. christopher marlowe

What is the period of Queen Elizabeth’s reign?

A. 1550 – 1600
B. 1545 – 1590
C. 1567 – 1599
D. 1558 – 1603
Answer» D. 1558 – 1603

Humanism is a term ……….

A. strictly applies to the revival of interest in the classic literature of greece and rome.
B. strictly applies to the nature of humanitarian approach to literature.
C. strictly applies to the nature of human-ki
Answer» A. strictly applies to the revival of interest in the classic literature of greece and rome.

Sir Thomas More’s Utopia is …….

A. a tragic history of king henry viii.
B. a political essay-romance describing an imaginary commonwealth.
C. a love song for the queen elizabeth.
D. a hymn sung at the court of king henry viii.
Answer» B. a political essay-romance describing an imaginary commonwealth.

What is the meaning of Utopia?

A. “no place” in greek language.
B. “imaginary kingdom” in latin language.
C. “welfare state” in english language
D. “complete liberty” in french language.
Answer» A. “no place” in greek language.

The chief characteristic of the Renaissance was ………

A. its emphasis on humanism
B. its emphasis on high imagination
C. its refusal of cultural progress
D. its refusal of scientific achievements
Answer» A. its emphasis on humanism

Philip Sidney wrote Arcadia………

A. in the form of the short story
B. in the form of fiction
C. in the form of farce
D. in the form of poetry
Answer» A. in the form of the short story

The most important anti-dramatic book of Elizabethan period was………..

A. sidney’s apologie for poetrie
B. spenser’s the shepheards calendar
C. gosson’s school of abuse
D. donne’s pseudo-martyr
Answer» C. gosson’s school of abuse

Which of the following works was left unfinished by Christopher Marlowe?

A. the tragedy of dido, queen of carthage
B. the massacre at paris
C. edward ii
D. none of these
Answer» B. the massacre at paris

Sir Philip Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella brought out in 1591 is

A. a sequence of 108 sonnets
B. a sequence of 208 sonnets
C. a sequence of 350 sonnects
D. a sequence of 1350 sonnects.
Answer» A. a sequence of 108 sonnets

Sir Philip Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella is inspired by ……….

A. penelope devereux
B. sir walter railegh
C. phillipe de mornay
D. none of these
Answer» A. penelope devereux

In Astrophel and Stella, Astrophel has a name……..

A. star-love
B. star-king
C. star-heaven
D. none of these
Answer» A. star-love

Stella means ………..

A. star
B. king
C. constellation
D. none of these
Answer» A. star

Shakespeare wrote his poem Venus and Adonis in a pattern of

A. six-line stanzas
B. seven-line stanzas
C. eight-line stanzas
D. ten-line stanzas
Answer» A. six-line stanzas

The name of Shakespeare’s birth place is ……….

A. stratford-on avon
B. stratford down-avon
C. winchester avon
D. somerset-avon
Answer» A. stratford-on avon

Who affirmed that Shakespeare knew “small Latin and less Greek”?

A. ben jonson
B. francis beaumont
C. thomas heywood
D. john webster
Answer» A. ben jonson

In 1609, a collection of Shakespeare’s sonnets was printed by

A. thomas thorpe
B. ben jonson
C. john shakespeare
D. john marston
Answer» A. thomas thorpe

Shakespeare played the roles of Adam and Ghost in his plays

A. as you like it and hamlet respectively.
B. much ado about nothing and hamlet respectively.
C. measure for measure and king lear respectively.
D. as you like it and king henry v respectively.
Answer» A. as you like it and hamlet respectively.

Which is the Last Play written by Shakespeare?

A. tempest
B. henry viii (in parts
C. the winter’s tale
D. cymbeline
Answer» B. henry viii (in parts

Shakespeare borrowed the plot for his ‘The Comedy of Errors’ from

A. gargantua by rabelais
B. metamorphoses by ovid
C. menaechmi by plautus
D. none of these
Answer» C. menaechmi by plautus

Shakespeare borrowed the formula of Romantic Comedy from

A. george peele
B. john lyly
C. robert greene
D. aristophanes
Answer» C. robert greene

Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night also has a little

A. what you wish?
B. what you like?
C. what you will?
D. what you speak?
Answer» C. what you will?

Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well is called a

A. alow romantic comedy
B. a high romantic comedy
C. a problem comedy
D. a sentimental comedy
Answer» C. a problem comedy

Who has been called England’s “National Homer”?

A. thomas cranmer
B. john rogers
C. richard hakluyt
D. john wycliff
Answer» C. richard hakluyt

Renaissance means…………

A. the revival of life
B. tthe revival of learning
C. the revival of science
D. the revival of essence
Answer» B. tthe revival of learning

The chief characteristic of the Renaissance was its………..

A. emphasis on traditionalism
B. emphasis on humanism
C. emphasis on classicism
D. emphasis on individual talent
Answer» B. emphasis on humanism

What was the name of Shakespeare’s father?

A. thomas shakespeare
B. joseph shakespeare
C. john shakespeare
D. jonathan shakespeare
Answer» C. john shakespeare

What was the name of Shakespeare’s mother?

A. mary adam
B. mary eden
C. mary arden
D. mary hyden
Answer» C. mary arden

The private theatres in Elizabethan period were designed on the model of ………….

A. the greek theatres
B. the guild halls
C. the babylonian structures
D. the royal theatres
Answer» B. the guild halls

In Elizabethan theatres there was a jester to dance between the acts ………

A. to tell the story
B. tto introduce the actors
C. to keep up the spirits of the audience
D. to examine audience’s responses
Answer» C. to keep up the spirits of the audience

In which of the following tragedies did Shakespeare act a part?

A. the device is an ass
B. the new inne
C. catiline
D. sejanus his fall
Answer» D. sejanus his fall

Who is regarded as “the first great English Neolithic-Classicist”?

A. ben jonson
B. francis beaumont
C. thomas heywood
D. john webster
Answer» A. ben jonson

When was the Tudor Dynasty brought to close?

A. by the death of henry i.
B. by the death of elizabeth in 1603.
C. by the death of james i.
D. by the dominance of civil war.
Answer» B. by the death of elizabeth in 1603.

Who amongst the following prose writers was appointed tutor to Queen Elizabeth and Latin secretary to Queen Mary?

A. roger ascham
B. lord francis bacon
C. john lyly
D. richard hooker
Answer» A. roger ascham

The Phrase Jacobean Drama is related to ……….

A. the drama of the age of james iv
B. the drama of the age of james i
C. the drama of the age of charles i
D. the drama of the age of elizabeth.
Answer» B. the drama of the age of james i

Who is called the originator of the “Comedy of Manners”?

A. ben jonson
B. william congreve
C. richard hooker
D. john earle
Answer» B. william congreve

Ben Jonson is famous for his Comedy of Humours; William Congreve is known today for his……….

A. comedy of ideas
B. comedy of intrigue
C. comedy of manners
D. comedy of errors
Answer» C. comedy of manners

Puritanism was a reaction against …………

A. the renaissance advocacy and admittance of strict rules.
B. the thematic devices used by the elizabethan dramatists.
C. the excesses of the post- shakespearean dramatists and the reaction the theaters were closed in 1642.
D. both a & b.
Answer» C. the excesses of the post- shakespearean dramatists and the reaction the theaters were closed in 1642.

John Milton’s Lycidas (1637) is an elegy on ……..

A. king james i
B. his friend edward king
C. his first wife
D. his father
Answer» B. his friend edward king

Milton was educated at Christ’s College, Cambridge, where his delicate features earned him the name of

A. “the delicate flower of christ’s”
B. “the incarnation of christ’s”
C. “the lady of christ’s”
D. “exotic fruit of eden”
Answer» C. “the lady of christ’s”

In his “Every Man out of His Humour” Ben Jonson attacked which of the following contemporary dramatists.

A. john webster
B. john marston
C. philip bourke marston
D. cyril tourneur
Answer» B. john marston

Thomas Hobbes wrote ……..

A. gondibert (1650
B. the history of holy war (1639
C. holy dying (1651
D. leviathan (1651
Answer» D. leviathan (1651

The age of Milton has been called ……..

A. “the golden age of the english pulpit”
B. the era of mythological lyrics
C. the age of lyrics
D. the era of pastoral poetry
Answer» A. “the golden age of the english pulpit”

During the Age of Milton, Drama was ………..

A. refused by the people
B. developed to the peak
C. declined
D. making gradual progress to enrich the standards.
Answer» C. declined

Queen Elizabeth belonged to ……….

A. lancastrian dynasty
B. tudor dynasty
C. hanoverian dynasty
D. stuart
Answer» B. tudor dynasty

King Charles I dissolved the Parliament in 1640 is known as …..

A. long parliament
B. dissolute parliament
C. irresolute parliament
D. short parliament
Answer» D. short parliament
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