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Which of the following law is related to health of workers?

B. Payment of wages act
C. Employees Provident Fund Act
D. Payment of Bonus Act
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. ESI

A gantt chart provides information about

A. Sales
B. Inventory
C. Machine utilisations
D. Rejections
E. Production schedule
Answer» E. Production schedule

Expediting is watching

A. flow of material
B. worker's activity
C. minimizing delay
D. none of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» B. worker's activity

Which of the following public sector is under the Ministry of Defence?

A. Sail
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. HAL

Estimates or predictions are probably most indispensable in

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Directing
D. Control
E. All of the above
Answer» D. Control

Scheduling is

A. alloting a job to an operator
B. alloting a job to a machine
C. fixing the time of completition of a job
D. detailing the sequence of operation job wise and machine wise
E. None of the above
Answer» D. detailing the sequence of operation job wise and machine wise

For a fact be considered as information, it must relate to a thing or circumstance and be

A. Quantitatives
B. Relevant
C. Objective
D. Added knowledge
E. All of the above
Answer» D. Added knowledge

Which of the following item is not produced under mass production?

A. Ball bearings
B. Automobile tyres
C. Aircraft
D. Passenger cars
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. Aircraft

One item in the list given below is not capital. Which is that item?

A. Strw in a barn
B. Straw in a hat factory
C. A straw in a hat shop
D. A straw hat in your room
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Strw in a barn

If the price index is 200, it means that the price level is

A. 200 percent higher than in the base year
B. 150 percent higher than in the base year
C. 100 percent higher than in the base year
D. 50 percent higher than in the base year
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. 100 percent higher than in the base year

When prices rise

A. creditors benefit
B. debtors benefit
C. creditors as well as debtors benefit
D. no one benefits
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. debtors benefit

Which of the following principal wage and salary issues and problems is concerned with the internal hierarchy of pay rates, pay grades and job classifications existing within an organisation

A. pay control
B. Pay level
C. pay structure
D. Payment method
E. None of the above
Answer» C. pay structure

Which market describes a monopoly

A. Many buyers and many sellers
B. One seller, many buyers
C. One buyer, many sellers
D. Few sellers, many buyers
E. One buyer, one seller
Answer» B. One seller, many buyers

The objective of time study is to determine the time required to complete a job by

A. Fastest worker
B. Average worker
C. Slow worker
D. Apprentice
E. Any of the above
Answer» D. Apprentice

A military organisation is known as

A. Line organisation
B. Line and staff organisation
C. Functional organisation
D. Committee
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Line organisation

Which of the following agency is associated with housing?

E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. HUDCO

From employees point of view, increased benefits are noticed by

A. Needs
B. Unions
C. Grievances
D. Common practice
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Needs

Which would cause interest rates to rise?

A. Diamond for money
B. Standard of living
C. Value of money
D. General level of prices
E. All of the above
Answer» A. Diamond for money

All of the following are perquisites EXCEPT

A. Leave Travel Assistance
B. Contributory Provident Fund
C. Travelling allowance
D. Leave encashment
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. Travelling allowance

Hiring is most closely related to which of the following staffing subprocesses

A. Appraisal
B. Indoctrimation
C. Placement
D. Selection
E. Recruitment
Answer» D. Selection

Capital gains are

A. Unanticipated increases in income
B. Income from lottery
C. Income through interest earned on invetment
D. Income of dividends, received from companies
E. Unanticipated changes in value of property relative to the goods
Answer» E. Unanticipated changes in value of property relative to the goods

Who among the following offers service utility?

A. Teacher
B. Peon
C. Philosopher
D. Doctor
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» D. Doctor

A good organisation requires that

A. Every body should feel responsibility
B. Every body should be authorised to get any work done for expeditious disposal
C. Frequent change in responsibility so that every body gets the taste of every job
D. Communication system should be dull so that secrets do not leakout
E. Responsibilities should be clearly defined
Answer» E. Responsibilities should be clearly defined

If the price of tea rises and that of coffee falls

A. More tea will be bought
B. More coffee will be bought
C. More sugar will be bought
D. More tea and less coffee will be bought
E. Demand will depend upon the price difference
Answer» B. More coffee will be bought

Which of the following is an indirect tax?

A. Gift tax
B. Estate duty
C. Income tax
D. Import duty
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» D. Import duty

The mass production generally refers to

A. Large scale production
B. Flow production
C. Machine production
D. Computerized production
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Large scale production

Standing orders are certified by

A. Management
B. Workers
C. Workers union
D. Management and workers union
E. Certifying officer of government
Answer» E. Certifying officer of government

The appellate authority for an industrial dispute is

A. Management
B. Labour court
C. High court/Supreme court
D. Labour Minister state/centre
E. Government
Answer» C. High court/Supreme court

Which one of the following will not affect the efficiency of labour?

A. Education and training
B. Better working conditions
C. Higher prices for final products
D. Improved medical service
E. All of the above
Answer» D. Improved medical service

Market demand for any good is a function of the

A. Price per unit of the good
B. Price per unit of other goods
C. Incomes of consumers
D. Tastes of consumers
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

The demand for luxuries is

A. constant
B. elastic
C. inelastic
D. fixed
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. elastic

Scheduling is the determination of

A. When and at what rate the products will be put out and the relative times at which specific activities shall occur
B. Actual production, how work is to be processed and what machines are to be used
C. Putting right jobs on right machines and at right times
D. Capacity of machines to do the job
E. None of the above
Answer» A. When and at what rate the products will be put out and the relative times at which specific activities shall occur

Devaluation is resorted to

A. Belittle foreign currencies
B. Encourage exports
C. Give more value to home currency
D. Tide over post war difficulties
E. All of the above
Answer» A. Belittle foreign currencies

As a result of heavy taxes on a commodity its supply

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains unaffected
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. decreases

During inflation

A. prices rise
B. prices drop
C. prices remain unchanged
D. prices fluctuate heavily
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. prices rise

Saving is that portion of income that is

A. spent on luxuries
B. not spent on consumption
C. retained by the employer
D. none of the above
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. not spent on consumption

In work study the symbol => implies

A. Delay
B. Transport
C. Operation
D. Inspection
E. Temporary storage
Answer» B. Transport

Under progressive tax

A. the tax rate goes on increasing with an increase in the level of income
B. the tax rate is constant
C. the tax rate goes on decreasing with an increase in the level of income
D. the tax rate is inversely proportional to the net income
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. the tax rate goes on increasing with an increase in the level of income

Bin cards are used in

A. Machine loading
B. Accounts
C. Stores
D. Quality control
E. Preventive maintenance
Answer» C. Stores

One of the essential conditions of perfect competition is

A. Product differentiation
B. Multiplicity of prices for identical product at any one time
C. Many sellers and few buyers
D. Many sellers and few sellers
E. Only one price for identical goods at any one time
Answer» C. Many sellers and few buyers

Law of demand correlates

A. quality and quantity
B. quality and price
C. quantity and price
D. price and profit
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. quantity and price

Which is the most commonly used job evaluation system

A. Factor
B. Renting
C. Point
D. Grade description
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Point

Which of the following tax is separately imposed by central as well as state governments?

A. Entertainment tax
B. Sales tax
C. Income tax
D. Import duty
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. Sales tax

A synthetic process is one that

A. Combines several different ingredients or assembles numerous component parts to manufacture a product
B. Starts with basic raw materials and breaks it down into various constituent products
C. Is characterized by an uninterupted flow of operations from raw materials to end product
D. Involves operations which are repeated in the same way
E. Involves non-repetitive operations
Answer» A. Combines several different ingredients or assembles numerous component parts to manufacture a product

Shares can be purchased and sold in

A. nationalised banks
B. financial corporations
C. stock exchanges
D. non-nationalised banks
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. stock exchanges

Pessimistic time is

A. The maximum time which an activity might require
B. The average time required for a job
C. The time which has the highest probability of occurrence associated with it
D. The minimum time in which an activity can possibly be accomplished
E. The earliest possible time that an event can be reached or an activity completed.
Answer» A. The maximum time which an activity might require

The principle of management by exception is most likely to be applied in the management function of

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Directions
D. Control
E. All of the above
Answer» D. Control

For an organisation those costs which do not, increase as output increases, are known as

A. Fixed costs
B. Variable costs
C. Total costs
D. Average fixed costs
E. Average total costs
Answer» A. Fixed costs

The population of a city was 6.4 million at the beginning of a becade and rose to 8.1 million by the end of the decade. Assuming the rate of growth to be constant, the size of population in the middle of the decade was

A. 6.25 million
B. 6.75 million
C. 7.25 million
D. 7.75 million
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. 7.25 million

Which of the following is not normally classified as a "payment for time not worked"?

A. Pension
B. Severance pay
C. Sick leave
D. Duty time
E. Special leave
Answer» A. Pension

What should a wise manager try to do about the informal communication system (the grapevine) that exists (virtually within) every formal organization?

A. Destroy it
B. Ignore it
C. Impede its flow of messages whenever possible
D. Use it as a supplement to the formal system
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Use it as a supplement to the formal system

Skilled men receive higher wages than unskilled because

A. The job is more difficult
B. The limited supply of skilled men
C. the productivity of skilled men is greater than that of unskilled men
D. Skilled men possesses certain attributes which the unskilled men do not and therefore earn economic rent
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

First free trade zone in India was established in

A. Bombay
B. Calcutta
C. New Delhi
D. Madras
E. Trivandrum
Answer» A. Bombay

Appraisal is

A. Judging
B. Finding
C. Hiring
D. Matching
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Judging

Wage and salary criteria are primarily used to determine

A. Pay structures
B. Incentives
C. Cost of living raises
D. Productivity
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Pay structures

Locating an individual onject from a group is

A. select
B. grasp
C. position
D. hold
E. Waiting time
Answer» A. select

The deductions for Employees Provident Fund start

A. Immediately on joning the service
B. After one month of joining the service
C. After 120 days of joining of service
D. After 240 days of joining the service
E. After one year of joining the service
Answer» D. After 240 days of joining the service

Trade will occur when

A. Personnel values are different
B. Middle-men can profit by making trade
C. The exchange leads to more preferred situation for the traders
D. There is enough disparity between the consumption-substitution ratios to cover the costs of trades
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

Which of the following is not a form utility?

A. A carpenter
B. A transporter
C. A craftsman
D. A blacksmith
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. A transporter

A vertical demand curve for a commodity shows that demand is

A. Highly elastic
B. Perfectly melastic
C. Fairly elastic
D. Moderately elastic
E. Totally inelastic
Answer» E. Totally inelastic

Emerson plan is based on

A. standard time
B. time save
C. time worked
D. none of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. time worked

Which of the following creates time utility?

A. Bank cashier
B. Carpenter
C. Farmer
D. Trader
E. Clerk
Answer» C. Farmer

Gross national income minus net national income equals

A. cost
B. taxes
C. depreciation
D. wages
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. depreciation

Price elasticity of demand is best defined as

A. The change in the tastes of consumers at different prices
B. The rate of response of demand to a change in supply
C. The change in costs when output is increased by one unit
D. The rate of response of demand to a change in price
E. Being depended on whether the goods are a lusury or not
Answer» D. The rate of response of demand to a change in price

The advantage of mass production is

A. better quality
B. use of new technology
C. sophistication
D. reduced cost of production
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» D. reduced cost of production

Which of the following depicts joint demand?

A. Magazine and newspaper
B. Coffee and tea
C. Lipstick and nail polish
D. Paper and book
E. Tooth paste and brush
Answer» E. Tooth paste and brush

In wimplex method of linear programming the objective row of the matrix consists of

A. Coefficient of the objective function, which is the profit contribution per unit of each of the products
B. Names of the variables of the problems
C. Slack variables
D. Any of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Coefficient of the objective function, which is the profit contribution per unit of each of the products

Floating of a currency leads to

A. Devaluation
B. Revaluation
C. Over-valuation
D. Either revaluation or devaluation
E. Either revaluation or over-valuation
Answer» D. Either revaluation or devaluation

Time standards developed as a result of time study may be used for

A. Wage incentives
B. Plant layout
C. Budgetary control
D. Equipment selection
E. Any of the above
Answer» E. Any of the above

In case of paper money the face value is

A. less than its intrinsic value
B. more than its intrinsic value
C. same as its intrinsic value
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. more than its intrinsic value

Which of the following company is under cooperative sector?

A. DCM Limited
B. Voltas Ltd
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. IFFCO

Indicate the group of persons who gain from inflation

A. Stock holders
B. Bond holders
C. Debetures holders
D. Fixed deposit holders
E. Improved labour relations
Answer» A. Stock holders

At break-even point, total cost is equal

A. fixed cost
B. variable cost
C. income
D. none of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. income

Balanced growth means

A. Equal percentage growth in output
B. Equal increase in resources allocated
C. Different parts of the economy grow in a harmonious manner
D. Different fields grow in a natural rate
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Different parts of the economy grow in a harmonious manner

Fountain pen and ink are

A. independent goods
B. substitute goods
C. complimentary goods
D. classified goods
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. complimentary goods

The main disadvantage of line organisation is

A. Communication delay
B. Rigid structure
C. Top level executions over work
D. All the above
E. None of the above
Answer» D. All the above

A worker's real wages are determined by

A. The average daily wage
B. The purchasing power of his earnings
C. The money value of his production
D. The actual amount paid in lieu of work done
E. Any of the above
Answer» C. The money value of his production

Which of the following is not a financing institution?

E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. FCI

Which of the following place is not associated with steel plant?

A. Salem
B. Visakhapatnam
C. Bhadravati
D. Udaipur
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» D. Udaipur

Which of the following is not wealth?

A. Office building
B. Goodwill of a firm
C. Services of a consultant
D. Water in sea
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» D. Water in sea

Which of the following item enjoys governemtn subsidy?

A. Fertiliser
B. Petroleum
C. Cooking gas
D. Cloth
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. Fertiliser

A captive power plant is

A. established by a industry to meet its own requirements
B. an emergency power plant for peak load
C. a power plant operated in case of emergency only
D. one which directly drives the machine without producing electrical energy
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» A. established by a industry to meet its own requirements

Rourkela steel plant has been established in collaboration with

B. Germany
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. Germany

The most frequent form of occupational disease is produced by

A. Skin irritants
B. Noise
C. Contamination
D. Radiation
E. Job specification
Answer» A. Skin irritants

In a field you see ten workers harvesting raice with bare hands. The reapers are not unemployed. Then this is a case of

A. Under production
B. Lack of skill
C. Labour intensive production
D. Bonded labour system
E. Disguised unemployment
Answer» E. Disguised unemployment

The imposition of a tariff by country A on imports from country B

A. Always benefits A
B. Always benefits B
C. May benefit A, if B does not retaliate
D. Could benefit both countries provided B retaliates
E. Depends on the shape of reciprocal demands
Answer» E. Depends on the shape of reciprocal demands

Equilibrium exists between

A. Buyers and sellers
B. Supply and demand
C. Price and quality
D. Quantity and quantity
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

An industrial dispute is a dispute, disagreement or difference between

A. Management and government
B. Management and workers
C. Workers and workers
D. Trade unions and trade unions
E. (A), (C) and (D) only
Answer» E. (A), (C) and (D) only

Which of the following is not ensured in a socialistic system of economy?

A. Economic equality
B. Economic stability
C. Private initiative
D. Best optimum use of available resources
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. Private initiative

Time study is not used

A. To determine overhead expenses
B. To provide a basis for setting piece prices or incentive wages
C. To determined standard costs
D. To determine the number of machines a person may run
E. To compare alternative method
Answer» A. To determine overhead expenses

Which of the following is not a feature of developed economy?

A. Predominance of industries
B. High per capita income
C. Predominance of indirect taxes
D. High rate of capital formation
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» C. Predominance of indirect taxes

Standard time is defined as

A. Normal time
B. Normal time + allowances
C. Normal time + avoidable delays + allowances
D. Normal time + unavoidable delays + allowances
E. Normal time + idle time + allowances
Answer» B. Normal time + allowances

In work study the symbol D implies

A. Delay
B. Transport
C. Operation
D. Inspection
E. Temporary storage
Answer» A. Delay

Division of labour is helpful in

A. batch production
B. mass production
C. quality assurance
D. bulky goods
E. Rs. 17,50,500
Answer» B. mass production

According to Mc Gregor's theory of management

A. All managers are complex in behaviour and it is difficult to get work done
B. X managers in organisation will not work and Y managers will work. The ratio X/Y depends on the organisational set up
C. The ratio X/Y is always on 0.5 for any organisation
D. X theory managers pressume that the average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can
E. None of the above
Answer» D. X theory managers pressume that the average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can

In order to promote sales a company spends considerable amount on publicity by way of campaign on radio, TV, advertisement in papers etc. Such expenses in break even analysis are shown under

A. Fixed cost
B. Variable costs
C. Total costs line
D. Total sales line
E. Not shown in break even chart
Answer» B. Variable costs

MRO inventories are

A. Machine repairs or Operation supplies
B. Money on repairs
C. Maintenance repair and Operation supplies
D. Mainly repair operations supplies
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Maintenance repair and Operation supplies

Essential feature of deflation is

A. Fall in prices
B. Fall in exports
C. Rise in production
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Fall in prices

Assuming the statistical information is available, which of the following is the best measure of an increase in a country's economic efficiency?

A. Increase in real national income
B. Increase in real national income per head of the working population
C. Increase in net annual investment
D. Increase net annual private investment
E. Increase in transactions involving transfer of money
Answer» B. Increase in real national income per head of the working population

The "system approach" to motivation attempts to avoid the incompleteness or one sidedness of other approaches to behaviour is made by integrating these kinds of motivational inputs

A. Individual, group and environmental factors
B. Roles, forms and traditions
C. Social, economic and political influences
D. Instinctual, lognitive and cultural effects
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Individual, group and environmental factors
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