290+ Industrial Relations Solved MCQs


________ can be defined as the relationship between the management and employees of an industry

A. interpersonal relations
B. industrial relations
C. organizational relations
D. employment relations
Answer» B. industrial relations

One of the major reasons for line staff conflict is

A. empathy towards the limitations of each other
B. complete understanding of the business by the staff function
C. prejudice and bias against each other
D. strategic orientation of the staff function
Answer» C. prejudice and bias against each other

_______ is a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of protecting and advancing the conditions of their working lives

A. management
B. trade union
C. quality circle
D. productivity circle
Answer» B. trade union

The first stage in grievance redressal is handled by the

A. organizational head
B. hr department
C. arbitrator
D. supervisor
Answer» D. supervisor

The method of smoothing out differences to resolve a conflict between two parties in view of larger interests is

A. avoidance
B. accommodation
C. arbitration
D. mediation
Answer» B. accommodation

___ is employee self control which prompts him to willingly cooperate with the organizational standards, rules, objectives etc

A. culture
B. behavior
C. discipline
D. trust
Answer» C. discipline

Corrective action should be immediate, impartial and consistent with a warning- this is called the

A. common disciplinary rule
B. red hot stove rule
C. ciscos disciplinary rule
D. yellow hot stove rule
Answer» B. red hot stove rule

In India, the regulation of employment and conditions of employment are governed by

A. the trade unions act, 1926
B. the industrial disputes act, 1947
C. the factories act, 1948
D. the workmens compensation act, 1923
Answer» C. the factories act, 1948

Human capital is ________.

A. knowledge and experience.
B. personal productivity.
C. personal creativity
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

Workman’s compensation Act in.

A. 1923
B. 1924
C. 1932
D. 1933
Answer» A. 1923

Industrial relation sense is used in.

A. usa
B. india
C. china
D. japan
Answer» C. china

Ratan got a shock when he was suspended for smoking in the office premises. He says he never knew a puff came with such a heavy tag attached to it. This is an example of

A. negative feedback
B. lack of communication
C. immediate action
D. late intervention
Answer» B. lack of communication

The object of trade union is to.

A. get higher wages
B. to protect labour
C. get higher standard of living.
D. to protect labour & society
Answer» C. get higher standard of living.

Grievances affect the employees

A. promotion
B. training
C. wages
D. morale
Answer» D. morale

Collective bargaining is an action of

A. an individual
B. manager
C. state
D. group
Answer» D. group

What does discipline mean in the context of the workplace?

A. enforcing compliance and order
B. a system of rules designed to improve and correct behaviour through teaching or training
C. punishment
D. exercising control
Answer» B. a system of rules designed to improve and correct behaviour through teaching or training

What could be the best approach for an organization to sustain in a dynamic environment?

A. be stagnant
B. responsive to change
C. reluctant to change.
D. merge with others.
Answer» B. responsive to change

A practice used by companies to assign their costly activities to outside providers is known as:

A. planning.
B. decentralization.
C. restructuring
D. outsourcing
Answer» D. outsourcing

Leaders perform:

A. decisional roles.
B. informal roles.
C. informational roles.
D. interpersonal roles
Answer» A. decisional roles.

Organizations take inputs from:

A. rules & policies.
B. internal environment
C. external environment
D. legislations & litigations.
Answer» A. rules & policies.

Brain drain is one of the:

A. organizational threat.
B. organizational opportunity.
C. organizational strength
D. organizational weakness.
Answer» A. organizational threat.

Shifting from manual to computerized system is resulted due to:

A. workforce diversity.
B. technological advancement
C. stake holders involvement
D. globalization.
Answer» B. technological advancement

. Reactive approach to overcome the influence of discriminatory practices occurred in the past is referred as:

A. equal employment opportunity.
B. affirmative action
C. hr planning
D. litigation process
Answer» B. affirmative action

Organizations put maximum effort in measuring performance of organizational people because:

A. it makes procedures cost effective.
B. it helps in detecting the problems
C. it leads to product innovation
D. it assists in implementing new technology
Answer» B. it helps in detecting the problems

In order to promote unbiased management, organizations should develop:

A. powerful union.
B. strategic alliance
C. legal compliance.
D. stakeholder influence.
Answer» C. legal compliance.

Which of the following term is used as an indicator of missing information by the applicant while making selection decision?

A. red flag.
B. red alert.
C. high alert.
D. alarming situation
Answer» B. red alert.

Mr. Ahmed is a cashier and he feels dissatisfied at work. What best justifies this situation?

A. his job may not be structured to suit his preferences
B. it involves physical toughness.
C. it requires mental toughness.
D. it involves too much customer interaction.
Answer» C. it requires mental toughness.

Currently Organizations are providing benefits to their employees;

A. to attract new blood in the organization.
B. to create stronger customer relationship
C. to enhance the market share.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

All of the following types of organizations are covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act except __________

A. hospitals.
B. schools.
C. self-employed persons.
D. manufacturing facilities.
Answer» C. self-employed persons.

There is fairly strong evidence that traits can predict _________ more accurately than leadership effectiveness

A. leadership emergence
B. extraversion in leaders
C. leadership awareness.
D. leadership competence
Answer» D. leadership competence

The conflict-handling intention of accommodating is ________

A. assertive and uncooperative.
B. assertive and cooperative
C. . unassertive and uncooperative
D. unassertive and cooperative.
Answer» B. assertive and cooperative

Family issues, economic problems, and personality characteristics are examples of the __________ factor of potential stress

A. social.
B. environmental
C. personnel.
D. personal.
Answer» D. personal.

Appraisal of a worker’s performance can be described as

A. planning activity
B. organizing activity.
C. controlling activity.
D. leading activity
Answer» C. controlling activity.

Process of working with different resources to accomplish organizational goals is known as:

A. strategic management
B. human resource management.
C. management
D. team work.
Answer» C. management

Virtual teams can contribute to better coordination among the team members because:

A. technology brings them together on a forum
B. team members meet physically with each other
C. team members share views among themselves via communication links.
D. team members have the real time environment for interaction.
Answer» D. team members have the real time environment for interaction.

Realistic job preview is a

A. technique for listing elements of job before selecting someone to perform it
B. performance appraisal technique
C. a selection device that enables the candidates to learn both the negative and positive information about the job and organization
D. none of the given options
Answer» C. a selection device that enables the candidates to learn both the negative and positive information about the job and organization

Organizational efficiency is expressed as

A. planning for long-run goals.
B. making the best use of scarce resources
C. goal attainment
D. meeting deadlines
Answer» B. making the best use of scarce resources

When the firm changes the way it operates, the process is known as:

A. downsizing
B. brain drain.
C. restructuring
D. outsourcing
Answer» C. restructuring

Extents of individual freedom and discretion employees have in performing their jobs is Known as

A. capitation
B. flextime.
C. empowerment
D. autonomy
Answer» D. autonomy

A process that significantly affects organizational success by having managers and employees work together to set expectations, review results, and reward performance

A. management by objectives
B. performance appraisal
C. performance management
D. organizational planning
Answer» A. management by objectives

Office environment that contain harmful airborne chemicals, asbestos, or indoor pollution is referred to

A. homicide.
B. sick building
C. green environment.
D. environment pollution.
Answer» B. sick building

Recognition, positive reinforcement and employees’ empowerment can be used to avoid the

A. turnover
B. conflict.
C. accident.
D. frustration.
Answer» D. frustration.

.Which is a common law of doctrine stating that employers have the right to hire, fire, demote, or promote whomever they choose, unless there is a law or contract to the contrary.

A. management rights.
B. employment at will.
C. statutory rights
D. contractual rights.
Answer» B. employment at will.

A worker surplus forecasted results in

A. creative recruiting
B. special training programs
C. reduced hours.
D. succession planning.
Answer» B. special training programs

Reduced hours technique is used to

A. increase layoffs
B. cope with surplus.
C. initiate creative recruiting.
D. provide training.
Answer» A. increase layoffs

The purpose of overtime is to

A. restrict recruiting.
B. increase working hours.
C. reduce variable cost.
D. provide contingent workers
Answer» B. increase working hours.

___________are programs designed to help employees whose job performance is suffering because of physical, mental, or emotional problems.

A. employee assistance programs
B. wellness programs.
C. safety programs
D. managed health.
Answer» B. wellness programs.

The 360 degree appraisal

A. . works best in large organizations
B. provides feedback from a verity of individuals
C. aids in developing competitive intelligence.
D. diminishes the effect of development in the appraisal process.
Answer» B. provides feedback from a verity of individuals

Upward appraisal is done by

A. immediate supervisor.
B. peers.
C. subordinates.
D. none of the given options.
Answer» C. subordinates.

____________ exists when individuals performing similar jobs for the same firm are paid according to factors unique to the employee

A. employee equity.
B. team equity.
C. internal equity.
D. all of the given options.
Answer» A. employee equity.

Which of these refers to the temporary, part-time and self-employed workers

A. internal labor force.
B. contingent work force.
C. high-performance work systems.
D. downsized employees
Answer» B. contingent work force.

How has technology changed HRM practices

A. recruiting using the web generates smaller, more focused applicant pools.
B. employee training is offered through scheduled classes rather than on demand
C. electronic resumes take less time to evaluate than paper resumes.
D. none of the given options.
Answer» A. recruiting using the web generates smaller, more focused applicant pools.

How do companies facilitate workforce diversity

A. rely on external support systems for minority workers.
B. encourage employees to challenge the beliefs and values of other employees.
C. build in accountability through surveys and audits.
D. reinforce traditional values.
Answer» B. encourage employees to challenge the beliefs and values of other employees.

A large organization is an EEO employer with an affirmative action plan. Which of these activities is performed as part of the plan

A. all job applicants must have a recommendation from current or past employee
B. insurance premiums from former employers of all applicants are analyzed
C. job requirements are determined based on skills, knowledge and abilities.
D. job announcements are posted on the company bulletin board.
Answer» C. job requirements are determined based on skills, knowledge and abilities.

Wal-Mart differentiates its business by offering the lowest prices. Offering the lowest prices is Wal-Mart’s _________.

A. functional strategy
B. competitive advantage.
C. distinctive competence.
D. corporate strategy
Answer» B. competitive advantage.

.__________ is the process of assessing progress toward strategic goals and taking corrective action as needed.

A. strategic management
B. strategic planning
C. strategic control.
D. diversification.
Answer» C. strategic control.

In most large facilities, who is responsible for reducing unsafe working conditions and reducing unsafe acts by employees?

A. chief executive officer.
B. chief safety officer.
C. occupational safety and health officer
D. chief operations officer
Answer» C. occupational safety and health officer

The relative position of an organization's pay incentives compared to other companies in the same industry is known as

A. pay structure
B. pay appraisal
C. pay level.
D. pay feedback.
Answer» C. pay level.

.Poor quality lateral communication will result in which of the following

A. lack of direction
B. lack of coordination.
C. lack of delegation
D. lack of control
Answer» B. lack of coordination.

The ____ trust is based on the behavioral predictability that comes from a history of interaction

A. deterrence-based.
B. knowledge-based
C. identification-bas
Answer» C. identification-bas

We can define ____ as activities people perform to acquire, enhance, and use power and other resources to obtain their preferred outcomes in a situation of uncertainty or disagreement

A. organizational politics
B. executingauthority
C. collective bargaining
D. position power.
Answer» A. organizational politics

Protection from discrimination, safe working conditions and union formulation are _____ rights, provided to employees

A. contractual.
B. individual.
C. . statutory.
D. organizational.
Answer» C. . statutory.

A situation in labor – management negotiation whereby management prevents union members from returning to work is called _____.

A. grievance
B. strike.
C. arbitration.
D. lockout.
Answer» C. arbitration.

The ______ leadership is a set of abilities that allows the leader to recognize the need for change, to create a vision to guide that change, and to execute that change effectively

A. transformational
B. charismatic.
C. autocratic.
D. transactional.
Answer» A. transformational

To manage employees in a manner that allows human capital to develop as a source of competitive advantage, managers need to be sure to do all of the following except:

A. provide training programs that provide skill enhancement
B. identify, recruit, and hire the best talent available.
C. attach pay to productivity
D. provide opportunities for development on the job
Answer» D. provide opportunities for development on the job

To build human capital in organizations, managers should rely upon staffing programs that focus on:

A. identifying cheap sources of qualified labour.
B. identifying and hiring the best and brightest talent available.
C. identifying college graduates with the requisite skills.
D. identifying individuals with highly specialized skills
Answer» D. identifying individuals with highly specialized skills

An employee's Human Capital belongs to ____.

A. his/her employer.
B. the employee.
C. the government
D. none of these; human capital is not proprietary
Answer» D. none of these; human capital is not proprietary

Historically, which of the following workers have been hit the hardest by layoffs

A. line workers.
B. secretarial and clerical workers
C. white-collar and managerial workers.
D. service workers
Answer» C. white-collar and managerial workers.

The project manager's leadership style should be matched to the corresponding developmental level of the project team and should move through successive steps in the following order

A. disciplinary, autocratic, participative
B. staff planning, team training, performance monitoring
C. team building, team development, responsibility assignment
D. directing, coaching, supporting, delegating.
Answer» D. directing, coaching, supporting, delegating.

Legitimate power is

A. power derived from a person's formal position in the organization.
B. power bestowed due to a person's personal qualities and abilities
C. power earned based on a person's technical knowledge, skill, or expertise in a particular area.
D. power to distribute information as one sees fit.
Answer» A. power derived from a person's formal position in the organization.

A technique for resolving conflict in which the parties agree to have a neutral third party hear the dispute and make a decision is called:

A. negotiation
B. arbitration.
C. smoothing.
D. forcing.
Answer» B. arbitration.

. If more than several departments must be involved in a decision, use of a task force

A. will undermine the authority and power of the project manager
B. should be considered
C. can work as long as those on the task force are experts on the issue
D. all of the above.
Answer» B. should be considered

The key to achieving and maintaining success in the role of a project manager is the use of

A. formal authority
B. reward power.
C. expert power.
D. referent power.
Answer» D. referent power.

W. Edwards Deming would likely say that a policy of ranking employees violates which basic quality principle

A. focus on the process and not the individual
B. guarantee lifetime employment.
C. establish objectives and goals
D. assign 85% of the responsibility to management
Answer» A. focus on the process and not the individual

You have just been assigned as the project manager of a 15 year, 200 trillion dollar project to marry the first couple on Mars. In addition to buying a wedding present, you will probably want to describe which type of project organization in your management plan

A. functional.
B. expeditor.
C. catering.
D. projectized.
Answer» D. projectized.

Team building, with all of its success orientation, may have some limitations under certain identified conditions. Two such conditions are __________

A. poor project tools and lack of project planning
B. lack of top management support and too much supervision by top management.
C. lack of top management support and an inept project manager
D. unproductive people on the project team and an inept project manager.
Answer» D. unproductive people on the project team and an inept project manager.

In building team confidence in himself, a project manager should __________ with team members and avoid __________.

A. set limited times and opportunities for discussions; social contracts
B. encourage open conversations; politics.
C. practice what he preaches; social contracts.
D. encourage frank discussions; making promises.
Answer» B. encourage open conversations; politics.

Pay-For-Performance System

A. seeks to acknowledge differences in employee or group contributions.
B. responds to the fact that organizational performance is a function of individual or group performance
C. uses pay to attract, retain and motivate employees relative to their performance and contribution
D. all of the above
Answer» C. uses pay to attract, retain and motivate employees relative to their performance and contribution

A cultural dimension that affects the success of HRM practices in most countries where relative emphasis is on hierarchical status is called

A. individualism.
B. power distance
C. uncertainity.
D. b. avoidance
Answer» B. power distance

A staff management strategy that hires management from home country to manage a non- home country operation is known as the

A. geocentric approach
B. ethnocentric approach.
C. polycentric approach.
D. nationalistic approach
Answer» A. geocentric approach

_______________ is an ongoing and formalized effort that recognizes employees as valuable organizational resources and focuses on developing them to their fullest, practical performance potential.

A. performance appraisal
B. potential appraisal
Answer» B. potential appraisal

Previous company records & customer satisfaction surveys may serve as a source for:

A. cultivating learning culture within the organization
B. determining deficiency that require training
C. developing career development plans for employees
D. identifying training outcomes through evaluation.
Answer» A. cultivating learning culture within the organization

Jamal Enterprises' top management refused to consider its female marketing manager for the post of Vice President. This action of the company is representing which of the following

A. gender discrimination
B. legal consideration
C. repeat discrimination
D. glass ceiling effect
Answer» A. gender discrimination

Management developed by Manager who actively seek a strong cooperative relationship with their employees are

A. knowledge management
B. learning management
C. participative management.
D. proactive management.
Answer» C. participative management.

Labor union might affect the_____________________ by stressingseniority as the basis for promotions and pay increases

A. training
B. appraisal process
C. allotment
D. amendment
Answer» B. appraisal process

______ requires that supervisors and employees determine objectives for employees to meet during the rating period and the employees appraise how well they have achieved their objectives.

A. mbo
B. bpo
C. rpo
D. apo
Answer» A. mbo

Virtual teams can contribute to better coordination among the team members because

A. technology brings them together on a forum.
B. team members meet physically with each other
C. team members share views among themselves via communication links.
D. team members have the real time environment for interaction.
Answer» A. technology brings them together on a forum.

When the firm changes the way it operates, the process is known as

A. downsizing
B. brain drain
C. restructuring
D. outsourcing
Answer» C. restructuring

Extents of individual freedom and discretion employees have in performing their jobs is Known as_______________

A. capitation
B. flextime
C. empowerment
D. autonomy
Answer» D. autonomy

Office environment that contain harmful airborne chemicals, asbestos, or indoor pollution is referred to_____________

A. homicide
B. sick building
C. green environment
D. environment pollution
Answer» A. homicide

_____________ communication is honest, accurate interpersonal communication that focuses on building and enhancing relationships.

A. supportive
B. grape wine
C. lateral
D. vertical
Answer» A. supportive

Chronic stress is the stress that wears at people day after day. Which of these is an example of chronic stress.

A. an unhappy marriage
B. ongoing money problems
C. dissatisfaction with a job
D. all of the given options
Answer» D. all of the given options

_______________________ is the description of the emotions, attitude, satisfaction, and overall outlook of employees during their time in a workplace environment

A. employee rights
B. employee description
C. employee turnover
D. employee morale
Answer» D. employee morale

A process for managing employee performance and for aligning all employees with key objectives, by assigning financial and nonfinancial goals, monitoring and assessing performance, and quickly taking corrective action.

A. balanced score card
B. employee drum card
C. hr scorecard
D. goal card
Answer» C. hr scorecard

An information technology tool that presents the manager with desktop graphs and charts, so he or she gets a picture of where the company has been and where it's going, in terms of each activity in the strategy map.

A. digital notice board
B. digital dashboard
C. digital announcement
D. digitalisation
Answer» B. digital dashboard

_________________ entails developing skills to discover new products and processes and designing adaptable structures and cultures

A. innovation
B. creativity
C. stubborness
D. assertiveness
Answer» A. innovation

Striking gear or devices for cutting off power is a provision relating to

A. health of workers.
B. wealth of workers.
C. safety of workers .
D. welfare of workers.
Answer» C. safety of workers .

Self acting machine provision comfort of

A. health of workers.
B. wealth of workers.
C. safety of workers .
D. welfare of workers.
Answer» C. safety of workers .

First aid appliance in a provision relates to labour under the provision of

A. health of workers .
B. wealth of workers .
C. safety of workers .
D. welfare of workers.
Answer» B. wealth of workers .

The minimum numbers and workers required for the provision of canteen facilities under the factories act 1948

A. 250 workers .
B. 275 workers .
C. 300 workers.
D. 325 workers .
Answer» A. 250 workers .
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