Chapter: Unit 3 MSA

The most important feature of urban community is its –

A. Social mobility
B. Social Structure
C. Social segregation
D. Role identification
Answer» A. Social mobility

Social status of an individual in an urban area is not determined by birth but by –

A. Achievements
B. Determination
C. Social approval
D. Social hierarchy
Answer» A. Achievements

By virtue of its size and population, the urban community is a –

A. Primary group
B. Secondary group
C. Solidified group
D. Reference group
Answer» B. Secondary group

In the absence of uniform and fixed social norms. Individuals or groups often seek –

A. Co-operative ends
B. Divergent ends
C. Absolute understandings
D. Anticipated reforms
Answer» B. Divergent ends

Social control in urban community is –

A. Informal in nature
B. Formal in nature
C. Traditional in nature
D. Mechanical in nature
Answer» B. Formal in nature

The study of neighbourhood mainly began from the –

A. 1700’s
B. 1800’s
C. 1900’s
D. 2000’s
Answer» C. 1900’s

The first intellectual associated with the study of urban neighbourhood was –

A. Tom Clancy
B. Reed Richards
C. Benny Ball
D. Clarence Perr
Answer» D. Clarence Perr

One of the highlighting institutions associated with the study of urban neighbourhood was

A. Chicago School of Sociology
B. German School of Sociology
C. Yale University
D. Harvard University
Answer» A. Chicago School of Sociology

Who published the book “The Truly Disadvantaged”?

A. Julius Wilson
B. Terry Johnson
C. Dr. Marcos Aurora
D. Tim Bay
Answer» A. Julius Wilson

Voluntary Association is a term derived from the Latin word –

A. Voltaz
B. Volunteer
C. Volunet
D. Voluntaz
Answer» D. Voluntaz

Voluntary Associations are a group of persons who work for the same –

A. Interest
B. Connection
C. Determination
D. Intention
Answer» A. Interest

In the United Nation, terminology for voluntary Associations are called –

A. Non-Governmental Organisations
B. People for Free Will
C. Government Liberated Organisations
D. Free Governmental Organisations
Answer» A. Non-Governmental Organisations

In voluntary associations, governance of the organisation is –

A. Democratic
B. Totalitarian
C. Dictatorial
D. Theocratic
Answer» A. Democratic

Voluntary associations involve citizens in noble affairs and avoid concentration of powers in the hands of the –

A. Elected Leaders
B. Village Council
C. Government
D. Despotic rulers
Answer» C. Government

Organised voluntary action help groups and individuals with diverse political and other interests to work together for –

A. Curbing interest
B. Individual interest
C. National interest
D. Diverse interest
Answer» C. National interest

Voluntary associations enable individuals to learn the fundamentals of groups and political associations through –

A. Isolation
B. Participation
C. Segregation
D. Identification
Answer» B. Participation

Voluntary association is an organisation initiated and governed by its own members on democratic principles without any –

A. Coalition
B. External control
C. Savagery
D. Maintenance
Answer» B. External control

Who defines voluntary group as “ A group organised for the pursuit of one interest or of several interest in common”.

A. Michall Banton
B. Everett Rest
C. Gordon Springer
D. Danton
Answer» A. Michall Banton

The more westernised and urbanised the neighbourhoods become in their ways of living, the more they develop –

A. Conflict culture
B. Communal culture
C. Traditional culture
D. Bond
Answer» B. Communal culture

Voluntary associations are –

A. Social construct
B. Conflict construct
C. Symbolic construct
D. Functional construct
Answer» A. Social construct
Chapter: Unit 4 Urban Social Problems

Slums are considered as an impact of Urbanization and

A. Industrialisation
B. Globalisation
C. Modernization
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Industrialisation

In the context of India, Slums can be characterized on the basis of three criteria. They are:

A. Social, Physical and Legal
B. Social, Physical and Political
C. Social, Political and Legal
D. Religious, Legal and Social
Answer» A. Social, Physical and Legal

Cities in India are characterized by three main types of slums. These are:

A. Original slum, Transitional Zone slum and Blighted slum
B. Transitional Zone slum, Original slum and Temporary slum
C. Permanent slum, Blighted and Transitional Zone slum
D. Original slum, Blighted slum and Temporary slum
Answer» A. Original slum, Transitional Zone slum and Blighted slum

Asia’s largest slum is found in

A. Mumbai, India
B. Dhaka, Bangladesh
C. Karachi, Pakistan
D. Manila, Phillipines
Answer» C. Karachi, Pakistan

Clandestine Prostitutes are found in

A. Brothel
B. Bars
C. Apartments
D. Harem
Answer» B. Bars

A woman who sells sex for the sake of money is known as a -

A. Pimp
B. Prostitute
C. Transgender
D. Gay
Answer» B. Prostitute

The main statute dealing with sex work in India is

A. The Immoral Trafficking Prevention Act (ITPA), 1956
B. The Moral Trafficking Prevention Act (MTPA), 1956
C. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of discrimination against women(CEDAW)1979
D. Sex Work Act, 1994
Answer» A. The Immoral Trafficking Prevention Act (ITPA), 1956

When an individual deviates from the course of normal social life, his/ her behaviour is called

A. Delinquency
B. Habitualness
C. Normalcy
D. Erratic
Answer» A. Delinquency

Juvenile delinquents are minors who have committed some act that violates the law and are usually below the age of

A. 16 years
B. 17 years
C. 18 years
D. 15 years
Answer» C. 18 years

The delinquency rates tends to be the highest during

A. Early Adolescence
B. Late Adolescence
C. Late childhood
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Early Adolescence

Juvenile delinquents are minors defined as being between ages of

A. 8 to 16
B. 14 to 18
C. 10 to 18
D. 10 to 15
Answer» C. 10 to 18

Delinquent acts generally are of how many categories?-

A. 0ne
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Answer» B. Two

According to studies conducted, delinquency rates are higher among

A. Boys
B. Girls
C. Gay
D. Both girls and boys
Answer» A. Boys

According to studies conducted on juvenile crimes (1994), children living with parents and guardians are found to be

A. Less involved
B. More involved
C. Moderately involved
D. Heavily involved
Answer» B. More involved

According to Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000, the maximum age for juvenile delinquents is between the age group of

A. 18 years to 21 years
B. 16 years to 18 years
C. 10 years to 18 years
D. 15 years to 20 years
Answer» B. 16 years to 18 years

Juvenile delinquents are

A. Sex offenders
B. Adult offenders
C. Young offenders
D. Young truants
Answer» C. Young offenders

The difference between ‘habituation’ and ‘addiction’ is that

A. Habit is not compulsive as addiction is
B. Addiction is not compulsive as habit is
C. Habit is compulsive, addiction is not
D. Both addiction and habit are compulsive
Answer» A. Habit is not compulsive as addiction is

The word habituation is sometimes used to refer to

A. Psychological dependence
B. Biological dependence
C. Geographical dependence
D. Physical dependence
Answer» A. Psychological dependence

Addiction to a drug means that the body becomes

A. Very dependent on the drug
B. Not dependent at all
C. Moderately dependent
D. Resistible to it
Answer» A. Very dependent on the drug

Stimulants, depressants, narcotics and hallucinogens are also called as

A. Psychoactive drugs
B. Sedative drugs
C. Depressant drugs
D. Pain relief drugs
Answer» A. Psychoactive drugs

The book, “Social Problems in India “ is associated with

A. Ram Ahuja
B. M.N. Srinivas
C. A.R. Desai
D. P.C.Joshi
Answer» A. Ram Ahuja

The chronic drug user develops a feeling that he/she must constantly increase the dose in order to produce the same effect as that from the initial dose. This phenomenon is called

A. Tolerance
B. Abstinence
C. Dependence
D. Resistance
Answer» A. Tolerance

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking has been observed since

A. 26th June 1991
B. 26th January 1991
C. 20th June 1991
D. 16th June 1991
Answer» A. 26th June 1991

The business of stealing an individual’s freedom for profit is known as

A. Prostitution
B. Drug Addiction
C. Human Trafficking
D. Slavery
Answer» C. Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the trade in people, especially of

A. Women and Children
B. Boys and Girls
C. Men and Women
D. Young boys and men
Answer» A. Women and Children

Which of the following is one of the largest contributors to human trafficking?-

A. Poverty
B. Greed
C. Ignorance
D. Drug abuse
Answer» A. Poverty

Overcrowding is a logical consequence of

A. Over - population
B. Poverty
C. Job opportunities
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Over - population

In the United States of America, the most commonly used measurement to denote overcrowding is -

A. persons per house
B. persons per room or bedroom
C. persons per hut
D. persons per building
Answer» C. persons per hut

The World Health Organization is concerned with overcrowding of sleeping accommodation which primarily leads to the risk of

A. Spreading diseases
B. Alcoholism
C. Juvenile Delinquency
D. Unhygienic conditions
Answer» A. Spreading diseases

Slums in South American cities like Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Lima (Peru) are known for building on

A. Steep slopes
B. Plain Areas
C. Hilly areas
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Steep slopes

One of the primary drivers for the growth of slums is-

A. Rural to urban migration
B. Urban to rural migration
C. Over crowding
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Rural to urban migration

The statement, “Many governments are using rigid and outdated urban planning regulations which are typically bypassed by slum dwellers”, which is a reflection of -

A. Poor urban governance
B. Good urban governance
C. Poor urban planning
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Poor urban governance

The push factor of rural –urban migration is

A. Poverty
B. Excess agricultural labour supply
C. Natural catastrophe
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Poverty

In India, the first Juvenile Court was established in

A. Kolkata
B. Mumbai
C. Madras
D. Delhi
Answer» A. Kolkata

In India the population of prostitutes is estimated to be

A. 2.8 million
B. 3.8 million
C. 1.8 million
D. 4.8 million
Answer» A. 2.8 million

One of the major argument for the primary cause of prostitution is

A. Patriarchy
B. Matriarchy
C. Sexual abuse
D. Poverty
Answer» A. Patriarchy

Most prostitution involves

A. Homosexual sexual exchanges
B. Transgender sexual exchanges
C. Heterosexual sexual exchanges
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Homosexual sexual exchanges

Among the different types of workers in the world, the most marginalised workers are

A. Plumbers
B. Janitor
C. Labourers
D. Prostitutes
Answer» A. Plumbers

Prostitution touches on -

A. Sexuality
B. Humanity
C. Morality
D. Emotion
Answer» A. Sexuality

The characteristics of city life is responsible for many

A. Moral problems
B. Social problems
C. Economic problems
D. Psychological problems
Answer» A. Moral problems
Chapter: Unit 5 Role of Municipal Council

Which constitutional amendment envisages the creation of uniform municipal administration all over India?

A. 71st Constitutional Amendment
B. 74th Constitutional Amendment
C. 84th Constitutional Amendment
D. 92nd Constitutional Amendment
Answer» B. 74th Constitutional Amendment

Municipal Council is a political body for the administration of –

A. Metropolitan cities
B. Fairly large cities
C. Small urban areas
D. Semi-industrial cities
Answer» B. Fairly large cities

The Aizawl Municipal Council started functioning with effect from –

A. 1st July 2011
B. 20th February 2007
C. 1st July 2008
D. 20th February 2009
Answer» C. 1st July 2008

The highest political status in a Municipal Council is called –

A. Chairman
B. Speaker
C. Moderator
D. Mayor
Answer» A. Chairman

Which of the following is the chairperson of the ward committee –

A. MLA of the constituency
B. Deputy Commissioner
C. The person elected by the ward committee
D. Ward Councillor
Answer» D. Ward Councillor

Which of the following is not related to municipal administration –

A. Municipal corporation
B. Municipal assembly
C. Municipal council
D. Municipal board
Answer» B. Municipal assembly

The percentage of seats reserved for women in municipal council is –

A. 50%
B. 33.3%
C. 66.6%
D. There is no such reservation
Answer» B. 33.3%

Which of the following is not covered by the role of Municipal council –

A. Solid waste management
B. Market and slaughter house
C. Management of social organizations
D. Water supply for industrial and commercial purposes
Answer» C. Management of social organizations

The first chairman of AMC was –

A. Zakhuma
B. Lalhmingthanga
C. Zarzoliana
D. Hmingthanzami
Answer» A. Zakhuma

The constitutional amendment for the formation of municipalities was passed in the year –

A. 1956
B. 1972
C. 1986
D. 1992
Answer» D. 1992

JNNURM was inaugurated by –

A. Jawaharlal Nehru
B. Dr. Manmohan Singh
C. Narendra Modi
D. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Answer» B. Dr. Manmohan Singh

PMAY primarily aims at providing –

A. Housing for all
B. Eradication of slums
C. Increase in household income
D. Information technology for all
Answer» A. Housing for all

HUDCO was established in the year –

A. 2005
B. 2013
C. 1970
D. 1977
Answer» C. 1970

NSUP aims to secure –

A. Integrated city-wide sanitation
B. Safe disposal of human excreta
C. Open-defecation free cities
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The program on Energy Recovery from Urban Waste is monitored by –

A. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
B. The Ministry of Urban Development
C. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
D. The Ministry of Human Resources Development
Answer» C. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

Which of the following has replaced JNNURM –

B. Smart City Mission
Answer» A. AMRUT

Smart City Mission aims at building –

A. 50 smart cities
B. 100 smart cities
C. 120 smart cities
D. 150 smart cities
Answer» B. 100 smart cities

The beneficiaries of PMAY (urban) include –

A. Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
B. Low Income Groups (LIGs)
C. Middle Income Groups (MIGs)
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is named after the former Prime Minister of India?

Answer» C. JNNURM

Swatch Bharat Mission associated with –

A. Eradication of slum areas
B. Sanitation
C. Construction of houses
D. Providing drinking water
Answer» B. Sanitation

Urban planning is –

A. Continuous
B. Time-oriented
C. Cyclic
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The relation between industrialization and population rise is -

A. Direct
B. Indirect
C. null
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Direct

Low-rent housings for urban poor are provided under the scheme –

Answer» C. BSUP

The basic objective of town planning is the systematic use of –

A. Water
B. Land
C. Buildings
D. Services
Answer» B. Land

Which of the following is peculiar to urban areas?

A. Crime
B. Unemployment
C. Inequality
D. Slums
Answer» D. Slums

Low-rent housings for urban poor in Aizawl is constructed in –

A. Durtlang
B. Rangvamual
C. Lawipu
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Zoning and parking places in Aizawl city is under the jurisdiction of –

A. Govt. of Mizoram
C. Local Council
D. None of the above
Answer» B. AMC

Which of the following is not an aspect of urban planning?

A. Garbage disposal
B. Traffic Control
C. Control of Land use
D. None of the Above
Answer» D. None of the Above

Crowding and congestion are the results of –

A. Population growth
B. Unplanned growth of towns
C. High birth rate
D. Ignorance
Answer» B. Unplanned growth of towns

The nodal department of AMC is –

A. Ministry of Finance
Answer» B. UD&PA

Urban outlook is –

A. Inherited
B. Acquired
C. Learned
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Acquired

The physical and social environment of man determines his –

A. Attitudes
B. Aptitudes
C. Interests
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The urban man is more _____ than his rural counterpart.

A. Dynamic
B. Conservative
C. Rigid
D. Civilized
Answer» A. Dynamic

Community feeling is _______ in urban areas than in rural areas.

A. Weaker
B. Stronger
C. Neither weaker or stronger
D. None
Answer» A. Weaker

The nature of relationship in urban areas is mostly –

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Personal
D. Permanent
Answer» B. Secondary

Every society has –

A. Hierarchy
B. Equity
C. Equality
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Hierarchy

Social change is –

A. Quicker in rural areas
B. Quicker in urban areas
C. The same in rural and urban
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Quicker in urban areas

The distinction between rural and urban outlook is –

A. Absolute
B. Clear
C. Definite
D. Relative
Answer» D. Relative

The differences in rural and urban outlook is mainly due to –

A. Heredity
B. Family background
C. Education
D. Religion
Answer» C. Education

Which of the following is the characteristic of urban population?

A. Individualism
B. Liberalism
C. Dynamism
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above
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