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______ signifies a system of shared meaning held by the members that distinguish one organization from another organization

A. organizational change
B. organizational development
C. organizational culture
D. group dynamics
Answer» C. organizational culture

An organization emphasized that its employees should dress formally but did n not consider it to be absolutely essential for the firm. What are such norms termed as?

A. relevant norms
B. irrelevant norms
C. flexible norms
D. functional norms
Answer» C. flexible norms

Vijay was employed in the production department of a firm manufacturing textiles. He was well behaved and agreed to the norms of the organization. Vijay who accepts all the organizational norms is a

A. assertive
B. conformist
C. rebel
D. perfectionist
Answer» B. conformist

Of the four approaches adopted by international operations, which approach tries to create value by emphasizing on local responsiveness

A. the multi domestic
B. the international
C. the global
D. the translational
Answer» A. the multi domestic

_________ council studies absenteeism at the workplace and recommends steps to reduce it at the lowest level of worker participation

A. shop council
B. plant council
C. unit council
D. joint council
Answer» C. unit council

The ______ council usually deals with matters pertaining to the operational, economic and financial, personnel, welfare and environment areas at a level above the shop/department level

A. shop council
B. plant council
C. unit council
D. joint council
Answer» B. plant council

Appraisal of an employee by supervisor, self, peers, subordinates and customers is termed as

A. team appraisal
B. balanced scorecard method
C. 360 degree appraisal
D. critical incident method
Answer» C. 360 degree appraisal

Rajan believes that all those from Xavier's are arrogant and complacent. This is reflected in his performance appraisal of Preethi, who is from Xaviers. This is an example of

A. halo effect
B. perceptual effect
C. stereotyping
D. stringency effect
Answer» C. stereotyping

If the appraiser allows a single characteristic of the appraisee to dominate his judgement of the employee performance, it is termed as

A. halo effect
B. stereotyping
C. perceptual set
D. primacy effect
Answer» A. halo effect

Hitesh is a good salesman and works for an ITcompany. But, his performance in 2001-02 was affected because of the slump in the ITmarket. However, his boss fails to acknowledge it and rates his performance as poor. This is an example of

A. stereotyping
B. primacy effect
C. fundamental attribution error
D. halo effect
Answer» C. fundamental attribution error

Veena always awards high ratings to all her subordinates irrespective of their performance levels. She is affected by

A. leniency effect
B. primacy effect
C. recency effect
D. tringency effect
Answer» A. leniency effect

One of the main reasons for the negative attitude of employees towards performance appraisal is

A. it is associated with pay
B. it gives away how bad they are
C. it tends to become subjective because of poor implementation
D. it is not useful for any other organizational activity
Answer» C. it tends to become subjective because of poor implementation

Supratim has been promoted to the post of an Area Sales Manager just last week, but finds himself lacking in some areas. His performance can be improved by

A. reprimanding him
B. training him
C. linking his pay to performance
D. providing him with an assistant
Answer» B. training him

The performance appraisal method that channelises employee efforts with organizational goals is

A. bars
B. 360 degree appraisal
C. balanced scorecard
D. management by objectives
Answer» D. management by objectives

Psychology oriented factor of production is

A. land
B. finance
C. machine
D. labour
Answer» D. labour

A statement containing the details of works to be performed & responsibilities involved is known as.

A. job analysis
B. job evaluation
C. job specification
D. job description
Answer» A. job analysis

Recruiting is ____________.

A. selecting people
B. offering job
C. appointing people
D. discovering of potential
Answer» B. offering job

A performance appraisal is a process of evaluating employees.

A. behaviour at job
B. contribution towards job
C. character
D. quantity of work done
Answer» B. contribution towards job

Man to Man comparison is one of the methods of

A. selection
B. grading
C. performance appraisal
D. merit rating
Answer» C. performance appraisal

____________ is a strategy for acquisition, utilization, improvement & presentation of an organizational human resources.

A. man power planning
B. personal administration
C. personal management
D. personal policy
Answer» A. man power planning

Job satisfaction is high when there is

A. low morale
B. high wage
C. low wage
D. high morale
Answer» D. high morale

Direct compensation towards the contribution of labour is

A. money
B. pay
C. reward
D. wages
Answer» A. money

Job analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities surrounding a job. It define the jobs.

A. responsibilities &duties
B. accountability & duties
C. responsibilities & accountability
D. responsibilities, accountability, duties.
Answer» D. responsibilities, accountability, duties.

On-the-job management development techniques include.

A. job rotation
B. sensitivity training
C. coaching
D. transactional analysis
Answer» C. coaching

______ is a process of matching the qualification of applicants with the web requirements.

A. recruitment
B. promotion.
C. selection
D. training
Answer» A. recruitment

_______ is the ideal or target to achieve through higher productivity.

A. fair wages
B. minimum wages
C. livingwages
D. normal wages
Answer» A. fair wages

According to Tuckman and Jensen, the stage where the group resolves its conflict is called.

A. forming
B. norming
C. performing
D. adjourning
Answer» B. norming

. ____________is the tendency of highly cohesive groups to value consensus at the price of decision quality.

A. group thinks
B. group process
C. group norms
D. group development
Answer» A. group thinks

________ are the rules of pattern and behaviour that are expected from all team members.

A. norms
B. policies
C. procedures
D. role
Answer» A. norms

Which of the following are not the features of team empowerment?

A. potency
B. autonomy
C. impact
D. role ambiguity
Answer» D. role ambiguity

The ability and willingness of group members to set goals and work towards their accomplishment is known as _______.

A. group maturity
B. team spirit
C. mbo
D. participation
Answer» A. group maturity

Recruitment and selection must be effective to ensure it.

A. offsets high labour turnover
B. delivers the highest caliber of individuals at optimum most
C. to have a surprise in case of sickness and absence
D. encourages new blood into the organization
Answer» B. delivers the highest caliber of individuals at optimum most

Too great a reliance on internal recruitment can result in.

A. reduced job performance
B. higher labour turnover
C. internal conflict
D. poor group dynamics
Answer» A. reduced job performance

Why can altruism as an approach to discipline be regarded as an essential element?

A. it is an essential requirement for survival
B. to maintain good employee relations
C. to demonstrate who’s boss
D. to re-establish a welfare approach to hr
Answer» B. to maintain good employee relations

What will make some organizations more successful and there more likely to survive and prosper then others?

A. creating cultures and system in which staff can use their talents
B. creating management system to ensure high performance from everyone
C. creating superior organizations
D. only recruiting talented people
Answer» B. creating management system to ensure high performance from everyone

A performance rating system is

A. a grade or score relating to overall performance
B. details of the extent to which work objectives were met
C. last year objectives
D. achievements during the year
Answer» A. a grade or score relating to overall performance

360% feedback involves appraisals by.

A. line managers
B. subordinates
C. superiors.
D. superiors.
Answer» D. superiors.

The role in which a manager led his subordinates and motivating them for willing cooperation is called as.

A. monitoring role
B. disseminator role
C. entrepreneur role
D. leader role
Answer» D. leader role

Manager serves as a connecting link between his organization and outsiders is called as.

A. spokes person role
B. liaison role
C. disseminator role.
D. entrepreneur role
Answer» B. liaison role

Manager represents his organization or unit while interacting with outsiders is called as.

A. disseminator role
B. spokes person
C. resource allocator
D. entrepreneur role
Answer» B. spokes person

‘psyche’ means.

A. physical
B. mind
C. behaviour
D. attitude
Answer» B. mind

"Soma" means

A. body
B. mind
C. behaviour
D. attitute
Answer» A. body

Which is the scientific method in accumulating knowledge about man’s social behavior

A. anthropology
B. social work
C. sociology
D. psychology
Answer» C. sociology

A person should get orders and instruction from only one superior is called as

A. power
B. unity of direction
C. unity of command
D. scalar chain
Answer» C. unity of command

Division of work to take the advantage of.

A. discipline
B. specialization
C. aptitude
D. productivity
Answer» B. specialization

Esprit de corps denotes

A. team work
B. union is strength
C. unity of command
D. communication
Answer» B. union is strength

Communication going up through each position in the line of authority

A. order
B. equity
C. scalar chain
D. formal communication
Answer» C. scalar chain

Organization which have objective of making profit are called.

A. economic organization
B. political organization
C. integrated organization
D. pattern or maintenance organization.
Answer» A. economic organization

Under which of the following organization industrial, commercial and trading concern are included.

A. political organization
B. integrated organization
C. economic organization
D. maintenance organization
Answer» C. economic organization

Balance theory was developed by.

A. osgood and tannenbaum
B. heider
C. rosenber
D. festinger
Answer» B. heider

A non-specific response of the body to a situation is known as ________.

A. stress
B. fatigue.
C. disease
D. heart attack
Answer» A. stress

Question at ________ stage of team building, cooperation and a sense of shared responsibility is developed amongst the team members.

A. storming
B. performing
C. forming
D. norming
Answer» D. norming

Discharge may or may not be punishment but dismissal certainly means.

A. promotion
B. punishment
C. transfer
D. demotion
Answer» B. punishment

A human relation seeks to emphasis ‘ employee’ aspects of work rather than

A. technical aspects
B. economic aspects
C. technical or economic aspects
D. workers aspects
Answer» C. technical or economic aspects

A person’s ability to perform a specific job means.

A. interest test.
B. proficiency test
C. psycho-motor or skill test
D. aptitude test
Answer» B. proficiency test

A person’s capacity to learn a particular type of mechanical work means.

A. mechanical aptitude test
B. intelligence test
C. personality test
D. interest test
Answer» D. interest test

When the organization gives option to its employees to retire even before superannuation it is called.

A. forced retirement
B. compulsory retirements
C. voluntary retirement
D. premature retirement
Answer» A. forced retirement

Voluntary retirement is also known as

A. silver hand shake
B. golden hand shake
C. diamond hand shake
D. crystal hand shake
Answer» C. diamond hand shake

All managers at various levels in the organization perform is called.

A. personnel management
B. specialized branch of management
C. human resource development
D. human resource management
Answer» B. specialized branch of management

Employees provident fund Act in.

A. 1950
B. 1952
C. 1960
D. 1962
Answer» C. 1960

Which test is conducted to know the skills & abilities possessed by the candidate?

A. vocational test
B. interest test.
C. dexterity test
D. proficiency test
Answer» A. vocational test

Which test is conducted to develop the skills & abilities of the candidate?

A. aptitude test
B. intelligence test
C. trade test
D. personality test
Answer» C. trade test

Which test is conducted to measure the method ability capacity & general awareness?

A. intelligence test
B. aptitude test
C. trade test
D. temperament test
Answer» A. intelligence test

Which test is conducted to measure the likes, dislikes & habits?

A. vocational test
B. temperament test
C. skills test
D. interest test
Answer» C. skills test

What deals with the contents & characteristics of each job?

A. job analysis
B. job rating
C. job evaluation
D. job description
Answer» A. job analysis

What helps for the exchange of ideas, facts, opinions or emotions between two or more persons?

A. communication
B. written communication
C. upward communication
D. downward communication
Answer» A. communication

Employees general attitude is referred to as.

A. job satisfaction
B. job analysis
C. job description
D. job evaluation
Answer» A. job satisfaction

What creates advancement with an organization?

A. demotion
B. promotion
C. transfer
D. redemote
Answer» B. promotion

Man specification is called.

A. job description
B. job specification
C. job evaluation
D. job analysis
Answer» B. job specification

Co-operation is the key of all successes through.

A. principle of effective communication
B. principle of team spirit
C. principle of pair reward
D. principle of high morale
Answer» B. principle of team spirit

Sources of recruitment & methods, procedures, techniques for.

A. selection
B. promotion
C. transfer
D. training
Answer» A. selection

Principle of participation in management to make them realize the responsibilities of the.

A. organization
B. management
C. supervisor
D. worker
Answer» A. organization

Industrial revolution played an important role in the development of.

A. industries
B. production
C. sales
D. finished goods
Answer» A. industries

Businessmen could get an opportunity to earn huge profits as the cost of.

A. employer
B. employee
C. employee & employer
D. superior
Answer» B. employee

Education brought the changes in the attitude of labour towards their.

A. work.
B. interest
C. labour
D. job
Answer» A. work.

Population problem also had impact to the problem of.

A. personnel management
B. human resource management
C. personal management
D. industrial management
Answer» A. personnel management

The problem of active utilization of men arises most in the countries havinga vast population like.

A. india & pakistan.
B. china &india
C. japan & india.
D. china & asia
Answer» B. china &india

Problems of unemployment & wage fixation had their direct link with the

A. population
B. value of labour
C. attitude of management
D. co-ordination
Answer» A. population

Federation of all India labour welfare officers in.

A. delhi
B. calcutta
C. bangalore
D. mangalore
Answer» A. delhi

The main objective of the personnel policy should be.

A. maximum use of human resources
B. maximum individual development
C. good industrial relations
D. individual satisfaction
Answer» C. good industrial relations

Good employer –employee relations are the backbone of all

A. personal activities
B. human activities
C. personnel activities
D. personnel policies.
Answer» C. personnel activities

This should cover responsibility for the maintenance of children duringthe entire period of contingency.

A. medical benefit
B. family benefit
C. old age benefit
D. survivors benefit
Answer» B. family benefit

----------- refers to the full range of activities involved in securing& utilizing employees including hiring, promoting, compensating, disciplining,& retiring workers.

A. new public management
B. personnel management
C. civil service
D. bureaucracy
Answer» B. personnel management

The modern term for “personnel management” is

A. hrd
B. hrp
C. hrm
D. hsm.
Answer» C. hrm

The usual way of depicting a formal organizational by means of an.

A. organizational plan
B. organizational chart
C. organizational policy
D. organizational manual
Answer» B. organizational chart

The downward movement of employee in organizational hierarchy with lower pay status responsibilities means.

A. demotion
B. job change
C. promotion
D. transfer
Answer» A. demotion

To improve the wages& workingconditions of workers in one the aims of

A. factories act
B. trade unions
C. workers participation management
D. collective bargaining
Answer» B. trade unions

Identify the personnel management functions from the following.

A. advertisement
B. quality control
C. capital budgeting
D. compensation
Answer» D. compensation

Job----- is a statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job satisfactorily.

A. evaluation
B. specification
C. description
D. analysis
Answer» B. specification

------- test measure whether or not an individual has the capacity to learn a job.

A. knowledge
B. attitude
C. aptitude
D. proficiency
Answer» B. attitude

Performance appraisal refers to----- of an employee.

A. training
B. placement
C. assessment
D. induction
Answer» C. assessment

A------ takes place when an employee moves to a position higher than the one formerly occupied.

A. demotion
B. punishment
C. transfer.
D. promotion
Answer» D. promotion

Identify the retirement benefit form the following

A. wages
B. bonus
C. incentive
D. gratuity
Answer» D. gratuity

-----is defined as performing functions &producing desired results at the least possible cost to tax payers.

A. effectiveness
B. productivity
C. efficiency
D. equity
Answer» B. productivity

------- is defined as a system in which selection& promotion depend on demonstrated performance.

A. administrative system
B. patronage system
C. bureaucratic system
D. merit system
Answer» D. merit system

A group which is established by it members is called _________.

A. social group
B. reference group
C. performing group
D. informal group
Answer» D. informal group

The stage at which emerging of leader and standards and roles are formed.

A. norming stage
B. forming stage
C. storming stage
D. performing stage
Answer» C. storming stage

The way of action which are accepted as legitimate by group members is called

A. values
B. norms
C. conformity
D. decision
Answer» B. norms

The degree of attachment of the members to their group is known as

A. group cohesiveness
B. group conformity
C. group attachment
D. group loyalty
Answer» A. group cohesiveness

A group of persons in an organization for making or recommending certain decisions is termed as.

A. committee
B. formal group
C. task group
D. performing group
Answer» A. committee
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