Chapter: Unit 4

A dyadic relationship between two persons: a manager who is offering help, and employee to whom such help is given.

A. Counselling
B. Helping
C. Mentoring
D. time Management
Answer» A. Counselling

It is a relationship in which at least one of the parties has the intent of promoting the growth, development, maturity, improved functioning, improved coping with life of other.

A. Counselling
B. Helping
C. Mentoring
D. Time Management
Answer» B. Helping

An adjustment in your attitude and behavior towards meeting daily demand.

A. Counselling
B. Helping
C. Mentoring
D. Time Management
Answer» D. Time Management

The use of an experienced person to teach and train someone with less knowledge in the given area.

A. Counselling
B. Helping
C. Mentoring
D. Time Management
Answer» C. Mentoring

A person who looks at the negative aspect of every situation.

A. Optimist
B. Pessimist
C. Type A personality
D. Type B personality
Answer» A. Optimist

Different types of pay plans related to performance are:

A. Individual or piece rate system
B. Group
C. Organizations
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Within the umbrella of group reward system comes.

A. Equal pay
B. Individual performance based pay
C. Pay with group threshold
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Success of the organization can be measured in terms of

A. Profitability
B. Profit
C. Sales
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

A structured questionnaire method for collecting data about the personal qualities of employees is called

A. Functional job analysis
B. Management position description questionnaire
C. Work profiling system
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Work profiling system

The method that depends mainly on the ability and experience of the supervisors for gathering relevant information about the job is called the

A. Task inventory analysis method
B. Technical conference method
C. Diary maintenance method
D. Critical incident method
Answer» A. Task inventory analysis method

The discussion of an employees’ problem with the general objective of helping the worker cope with it.

A. Counseling
B. Training
C. Education
D. Job rotation
Answer» D. Job rotation

A broader, long educational programme offered to carry out non-technical functions more effectively.

A. Counseling
B. Training
C. Education
D. Development
Answer» B. Training

The act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job

A. Counseling
B. Training
C. Education
D. Development
Answer» D. Development

An approach that puts material to be learned into highly organized, logical sequences that trainee could respond

A. Counseling
B. Training
C. Education
D. Vestibule training
Answer» D. Vestibule training

Learning principle includes all but

A. Participation
B. Repetition
C. Feedback
D. Repatriation
Answer» D. Repatriation

Needs assessment should consider all but

A. the person
B. supervisor input
C. key changes
D. training objectives
Answer» B. supervisor input

Technological obsolescence of engineers can be easily prevented by

A. Behavior modeling
B. Lectures
C. Coaching
D. Lab. Training
Answer» D. Lab. Training

Training evaluation criteria include all but

A. Reactions
B. Learning
C. Behavior
D. Relevance results
Answer» C. Behavior

Many employees feel their firm's pay for performance plans are ineffective because:

A. Not everyone reacts to a reward the same way.
B. Not all rewards are suited to all situations.
C. The person must expect to receive a rewa
Answer» C. The person must expect to receive a rewa

____ helps in identifying the knowledge skill and attitude set that enables an individual to deliver the best performance in his job

A. Competency modeling
B. Competency planning
C. People competency
D. Competency training
Answer» A. Competency modeling

Which of the following options is not one of the approaches to HRM?

A. Human Resource approach
B. Systems approach
C. Contingent approach
D. Statistical approach
Answer» D. Statistical approach

Which approach states that no one management action or design will be suitable for all situations?

A. Human behavior approach
B. Role approach
C. Systems approach
D. Contingent approach
Answer» D. Contingent approach

HR department maintains a set of proposals and actions that act as reference points for managers in their dealings with employees. What is this called?

A. HR Guide
B. HR ethics
C. HR policy
D. Managerial policy
Answer» C. HR policy

Which of the following HR approaches is most popular currently

A. Human resources approach
B. Scientific management approach
C. Systems approach
D. Technical approach
Answer» A. Human resources approach

All except one of the following are the different aspects of HRD

A. Job evaluation
B. Training and development
C. Career planning
D. Performance appraisal
Answer» A. Job evaluation

________ helps organizations identify employee strengths and weaknesses to determine avenues for their career development

A. Gap analysis
B. Individual assessment
C. Organizational assessment
D. Opportunity analsis
Answer» B. Individual assessment

Understanding the career aspirations of an employee, determining his capabilities and competencies and identifying the gaps is termed

A. Need analysis
B. Gap analysis
C. Opportunity analysis
D. Employee analysis
Answer» A. Need analysis

The process of rewarding employees by giving them a stake in the company, which further enhances their performance is called the

A. Gain sharing
B. Annual bonus
C. Employee stock plan
D. Profit sharing
Answer» C. Employee stock plan

The problem with self-ratings is that:

A. Supervisors rate employees too highly.
B. Supervisors accentuate differences and rigidify positions.
C. Employees rate themselves higher than do supervisors.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

The effect of negative aspect of employees’ performance overshadows the evaluation of entire performance.

A. Halo Effect
B. Horn Effect
C. Stereotyping
D. Status Effect
Answer» B. Horn Effect

Objective-based rating scales are:

A. Subjectively determined
B. Based on a points-based system
C. Measures of performance against objectives set
D. Manager-allocated rating scales
Answer» C. Measures of performance against objectives set

To be effective a point based rating systems require:

A. Close management control
B. Comprehensive, reliable and consistent information
C. Objectivity in assessments
D. 360% assessments
Answer» C. Objectivity in assessments

The process of evaluating an employee’s current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards is called _____.

A. recruitment
B. employee selection
C. performance appraisal
D. organizational development
Answer» C. performance appraisal

The 'coaching of employees' does not include

A. planning
B. preparation
C. follow-up
D. compensating employees
Answer» D. compensating employees

The mentoring by employees dealt with

A. longer span of time
B. shorter span of time
C. resetting salary schedules
D. self-managing teams
Answer» A. longer span of time

Counseling the employees for second careers inside the firm is an example of

A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» B. preretirement counseling

Mentoring is very useful when the mentors works for

A. same department
B. different department
C. informal training
D. formal training
Answer» A. same department

Competency Mapping includes mapping the employee with respect to his/her:

A. Traits
B. Self-Concept
C. Skills and Knowledge.
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

____________is a process with the help of which the employer, or the human resource team decides, that where would a person work best, as per his aptitude and temperament.

A. Training
B. Performance Appraisal
C. Competency Mapping
D. Performance Monitoring
Answer» C. Competency Mapping

In traditional focus, providing opportunities for learning is part of

A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. human resource planning
Answer» A. training and development

In career development focus, information about individual interests and preferences is part of

A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. human resource planning
Answer» D. human resource planning

When employee's high expectations confront reality of boring job, it is called

A. promotions
B. transfers
C. reality shock
D. formal training
Answer» C. reality shock

Strategy employees seek to interesting jobs and greater advancement opportunities is included in

A. promotions
B. transfers
C. reality shock
D. formal training
Answer» B. transfers

Direct non financial and financial payments received by employees for continuous work with company are classified as

A. benefits
B. stock ownership
C. loyalty scholarships
D. all of above
Answer» A. benefits

Mentoring is very useful when mentors works for

A. same department
B. different department
C. informal training
D. formal training
Answer» A. same department

In career development, providing individual development plans for employees is part of

A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager
Answer» C. employer role

Pay plan having a mix of 75% base salary and 25% incentives is classified as

A. combination plan
B. non commission plan
C. competitive plan
D. non competitive plan
Answer» A. combination plan

Factors influencing bonuses

A. eligibility
B. fund size
C. individual performance
D. All of above
Answer» D. All of above

All incentive plans are surely

A. pay for performance
B. pay for skills
C. pay for tenure
D. pay for knowledge
Answer» A. pay for performance

Which of the following terms refers to an appraisal that is too open to interpretation?

A. unclear standards
B. halo effects
C. strictness
D. biased
Answer» A. unclear standards

All of the following are considered best practices for administering fair performance appraisals EXCEPT _

A. explaining how subordinates can improve their performance
B. clarifying in advance what the performance expectations are
C. basing the appraisal on observable job behaviors
D. using subjective performance data for appraisals
Answer» D. using subjective performance data for appraisals

What usually occurs when employees rate themselves for performance appraisals?

A. Ratings are reliable but invalid.
B. Ratings are subject to halo effects.
C. Logrolling leads to unrealistic ratings.
D. Ratings are higher than when provided by supervisors.
Answer» D. Ratings are higher than when provided by supervisors.

In most firms, a rating committee used for performance appraisals consists of ____ members.

A. 1-2
B. 3-4
C. 5-6
D. 9-1 0
Answer» B. 3-4

Which of the following terms refers to the process of allowing subordinates to rate their supervisor's performance anonymously?

A. supplemental evaluation
B. downward feedback
C. upward feedback
D. peer evaluation
Answer» C. upward feedback

Which of the following terms refers to a performance appraisal based on surveys from peers, supervisors, subordinates, and customers?

A. 360-degree feedback
B. team appraisals
C. upward feedback
D. rating committee
Answer» A. 360-degree feedback

A performance appraisalsassumes that an employee understood what his or her performance standards were prior to the appraisal.

A. True
B. False
C. According to situation
D. none
Answer» A. True

When an employee's performance is so poor that a written warning is required, the warning should _

A. identify the standards by which the employee is judged
B. provide examples of employees who met the standards
C. be mailed to the employee and to an EEOC representative
D. provide examples of times when the employee met the standards
Answer» A. identify the standards by which the employee is judged

Which component of performance management refers to communicating a firm's higherlevel goals throughout the organization and then translating them into departmental and individual goals?

A. role clarification
B. goal alignment
C. performance monitoring
D. direction sharing
Answer» D. direction sharing

Rewards offered to labors involved in production, are categorized as;

A. Salary
B. Fringe benefits
C. Wage
D. Commission
Answer» C. Wage

A written statement of policies and principles that guides the behaviour of all employees is called

A. code of ethics
B. word of ethics
C. ethical dilemma
D. None of the above
Answer» A. code of ethics

An empirical inquiry into the actual rules or standards of a particular group is

A. normative justice
B. descriptive justice
C. interpersonal justice
D. None of the above
Answer» B. descriptive justice

The HR policy which is based on the philosophy of the utmost good for the greatest number of people is covered under the

A. utilitarian approach
B. approach based on rights
C. approach based on justice
D. None of the above
Answer» A. utilitarian approach

Which of the following is not usually the objective of a code of ethics?

A. to create an ethical workplace
B. to evaluate the ethical components of the proposed actions of the employees
C. to improve the public image of the company
D. to enhance the profits of the business continuously
Answer» D. to enhance the profits of the business continuously

Which of the following is not a core principle of the Society for Human Resource Management’s Code of Ethics?

A. professional responsibility
B. fairness and justice
C. professional development
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Which of the following factors shapes the ethical behaviour of the members of an organization?

A. The supervisor’s behavior
B. organizational culture
C. code of ethics
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Payoffs associated with properly implemented ethics programs include:

A. increased stakeholder confidence.
B. greater client/customer and employee loyalty.
C. increased profits.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The implied, enforced, or felt obligation of managers, acting in their official capacities, to serve or protect the interests of groups other than themselves, is known as:

A. valuing diversity.
B. legal compliance.
C. social responsibility
D. professionalism.
Answer» C. social responsibility

Taking a stand on anti-animal testing, human rights protection, and environmental conservation is an example of a firmʹs:

A. ethics policy.
B. sense of social responsibility.
C. mission statement.
D. desire for legal compliance.
Answer» B. sense of social responsibility.

The broad objectives of HR associations across the country include:

A. assisting in the provision of training in the field of HR
B. providing opportunities for information exchange.
C. serving as a voice for HR practitioners.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.
Question and answers in Unit 4, Unit 4 multiple choice questions and answers, Unit 4 Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Unit 4, Unit 4 MCQs with answers PDF download