100+ Current Trends and Cases in HRM Solved MCQs

Cases for questions Case 1.1 Caplin Company is having a strategic planning session with the director of HR. They are discussing the fit between the company’s overall management philosophy, organizational structure, organizational culture, and their current HR strategies. During the meeting, the management team asks the HR Director to profile the current workforce. The HR Director reports that the workforce used to be 85% white, 50% male. Now it is 50% white, 50% minority with twice as many women as men, but supervisors still tend to be white males. The management team begins to discuss how to control costs, improve quality, and create distinctive capabilities. Several ideas are raised, discussed, and either tabled or assigned to an individual for further exploration. Some managers noted that people tend to come in at start time and take 30 minutes to get down to work and that they begin to pack up for the day 30 minutes before quitting time. People don’t seem all that concerned about working hard and producing quality products. As the team wraps up the day’s meeting, they briefly discuss their commitment to the surrounding community. As a cost-cutting measure, they had eliminated their support of an Adult Literacy program, in which volunteers used company facilities to conduct reading classes. The management team decides that they should reinstate the program and appoints the Director of HR to notify the local literacy council. Case 1.2 As the manager of HR, you are leading the management team of an old established company in a strategic planning session. During the planning session, managers are being forced to think about the future, see the likely changes in the marketplace, and commit to plans to use company resources to enhance their competitive edge. The company decides that as part of its business strategy, it wants to attract and retain the best possible employees. You suggest that the company pay a hiring bonus, use a pay Case 1.3 Your company sells high-tech products throughout the world and is focusing on a differentiation strategy. The business environment for the company is volatile, rapidly changing, and highly complex. The company is highly entrepreneurial and has a strong moral commitment to quality products, employee job satisfaction, and contributing to the surrounding community. Finally, the management team has decided to create a common company culture among the various national and international subsidiaries to reduce cultural differences and tensions. Case 1.4 Crowe, Inc. has been a powerful steel producer for the last 15 years and sees only positive prospects in the future. The company provides employees with long-lasting careers and has only recently seen the potential to lose a significant number of workers. The company is very stable and has an elaborate system for providing employees with promotions and transfers to higher levels within the company. Crowe has a very secure position within its industry and has no need to extend its production and services into different industries. However, some discontent has arisen among lower-level employees. Several employees were fired for on-the-job ethical violations. Those employees let go, in turn, convinced nearly 100 other employees to threaten to leave unless the policies regarding ethical violations are revised. In light of this event, Crowe’s HR department has decided to implement some strategies to curb former employees from causing others to leave, one of these being that in the instance that any exiting employee convinces another to leave the company, the company will take back the small stock option given to him/her. Prior to this, the company’s atmosphere was very congenial and featured camaraderie between employees at all levels. Now, there has been a noticeable negative shift in the attitude of the workers toward Crowe authority. Many employees are now filing more grievances against the management. Some noticeable hostility has also arisen from employees toward upper-level management.

Refer to Case 1.3. The entrepreneurial climate and moral commitment are elements of this firm’s:

A. organizational culture.
B. market posture.
C. organizational structure.
D. overall management philosophy.
E. globalization strategy.
Answer» A. organizational culture.

Refer to Case 1.3. The company’s efforts at building a common culture relate to the strategic HR choice regarding:

A. employee relations.
B. training and development.
C. staffing.
D. work flows.
E. international management.
Answer» E. international management.

Refer to Case 1.3. The company’s differentiation strategy is an example of a(n):

A. HR tactical plan.
B. corporate strategy.
C. emergent strategy.
D. business unit strategy.
E. organizational personality characteristic.
Answer» D. business unit strategy.

Refer to Case 1.4. When Crowe’s employees were fired, this was an example of:

A. unfair disciplinary practices.
B. organizational strategies.
C. the creation of common bonds.
D. employee separations.
E. outsourcing.
Answer» D. employee separations.

Refer to Case 1.4. Crowe’s strategy to handle exiting employees who incite others to quit is what type of strategy?

A. An emergent strategy.
B. An intended strategy.
C. A staffing strategy.
D. An employee separation strategy.
E. An organizational strategy.
Answer» B. An intended strategy.

Refer to Case 1.4. Crowe could be best described as a:

A. defender.
B. evolutionary business.
C. prospector.
D. reactive corporation.
E. company with distinctive competencies.
Answer» A. defender.

Refer to Case 1.4. The corporate strategy that Crowe would most likely espouse is:

A. an evolutionary strategy.
B. a business unit strategy.
C. a decentralizing strategy.
D. a cost-cutting strategy.
E. a steady state strategy.
Answer» E. a steady state strategy.

Refer to Case 1.4. The reactions of employees at Crowe show a change in the company’s:

A. centralization efforts.
B. organizational challenges.
C. staffing practices.
D. environment.
E. organizational culture.
Answer» D. environment.
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