
50+ Unit 1 Solved MCQs

in Consumer Behavior (for MBA)
These MCQs are Mainly for MBA course

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Master of Business Administration (MBA) .


Chapter: Unit 1

Which of the following is NOT a market research tool?

A. Interviews
B. Questionnaires
C. Introspective reflection
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Introspective reflection

What does OSL stand for?

A. Over Stimulation Line
B. Optimum Stimulation Level
C. Outside Sensory Level
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Optimum Stimulation Level

Disappointment following a purchase is called:

A. Post-purchase annoyance
B. Post-purchase dissonance
C. Post-purchase consonance
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Post-purchase dissonance

Which of the following in NOT a category of pre-purchase expectation?

A. Equitable performance
B. Expected performance
C. Expected performance
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Expected performance

Neutral sources who give opinion about the product are

A. Paid by the manufacturer
B. Not paid by the manufacturer
C. Hired by the manufacturer
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Not paid by the manufacturer

The individual responsible for the flow of information is called:

A. The gatekeeper
B. The initiator
C. The decider
D. None of the above
Answer» A. The gatekeeper

What does OEM stand for?

A. Organisation for Energy Markets
B. Overseas Equipment Markets
C. Original Equipment Manufacturer
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Original Equipment Manufacturer

The last stage of consumer decision making process is

A. Problem recognition
B. Post purchase evaluation
C. Evaluation of alternatives
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Post purchase evaluation

Which one is not a base for market segmentation?

A. Demographic
B. Geographic
C. Mass marketing
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Mass marketing

A consumer can collect information from

A. Internal source
B. External source
C. All of these
D. None of the above
Answer» C. All of these

__________ refers to the information a consumer has stored in their memory about a product or service.

A. Cognitive dissonance
B. Product knowledge
C. Product research
D. Marketing research
Answer» B. Product knowledge

Darla considers herself to be a gourmet, and she has dined at many of the finest restaurants in the United States. On a recent trip to New Orleans, she refused to eat at a restaurant that was purported to have some of the best Cajun food because it had oil cloth and plastic flowers on the tables. Which situational influence explains Darla's refusal to eat at this restaurant?

A. Its marketing mix
B. Task features
C. Current conditions
D. Physical features
Answer» D. Physical features

The price of products and services often influence whether _______________, and, if so, which competitive offering is selected.

A. Consumers will purchase them at all
B. Consumers see a need to buy
C. Consumers will decide to buy immediately
D. People would recommend the product
Answer» A. Consumers will purchase them at all

________ can influence the consumers’ thoughts about products.

A. Marketing and popularity
B. Advertising, sales promotions, salespeople, and publicity
C. Sales promotion, popularity, and marketing
D. Billboards
Answer» B. Advertising, sales promotions, salespeople, and publicity

It important for marketers to devise communications that offer _______________, and are placed in media that consumers in the target market are likely to use.

A. Consistent messages about their products
B. Better pricing
C. Product information to the customers
D. A new marketing strategy
Answer» A. Consistent messages about their products

__________ are factors that have been shown to affect consumer behavior.

A. Brand name, quality, newness, and complexity
B. Advertising, marketing, product, and price
C. Outlets, strategies, concept, and brand name
D. Quality, advertising, product positioning, and strategy
Answer» A. Brand name, quality, newness, and complexity

The reason that higher prices may not affect consumer buying is _______________.

A. Most consumers prefer brand names which have higher prices
B. 70% of the total population looks for quality services and is willing to pay higher prices
C. Consumers believe that higher prices indicate higher quality or prestige
D. Most consumers feel that the price is actually affordable
Answer» C. Consumers believe that higher prices indicate higher quality or prestige

Consumer behavior differs when you are installing a fire protection system for your warehouse full of steel desks and when you are purchasing a fire protection system for your home, which is full of irreplaceable antiques. Which situational influence explains this consumer behavior?

A. Its marketing mix
B. Task features
C. Current conditions
D. Physical features
Answer» B. Task features

In studying consumer behaviour, it is often useful to categorize people on the basis of some similarity. Descriptions such as age, gender, income, or occupation are called:

A. demographics
B. psychographics
C. personal profiles
D. physiognomies
Answer» A. demographics

When consumers are making buying decisions, some observers have said that their behaviour resembles acting in a play, complete with lines, props, even costumes. They may alter their consumption decisions depending upon the part they are playing at the time. This view of consumer behaviour is often called:

A. consumer activism
B. consumption play theory
C. dramatism
D. role theory
Answer» D. role theory

The expanded view of the exchange which includes the issues that influence the consumer before, during, and after a purchase is called:

A. The marketing mix
B. The consumption process
C. The strategic focus
D. The extended exchange theory
Answer» B. The consumption process

Recently marketers have come to realize the value of what is being called relationship marketing. In marketing terms, it means:

A. coordinating the packages of family brands to communicate the same "look"
B. developing friendships with foreign governments so that Canadian products can be sold in their countries at a fair price
C. instituting practices which show companies' awareness of their responsibilities to the environment and society
D. building bonds between brands and customers that will last a lifetime
Answer» D. building bonds between brands and customers that will last a lifetime

Which of the following is NOT one of the criteria which have to be met if the segmentation process is to be valid:

A. the segment is large enough to be profitable
B. consumers within a segment have similar product needs and differ from consumers in other segments
C. the consumers in a segment have to be alike demographically
D. the important differences among segments can be identified
Answer» C. the consumers in a segment have to be alike demographically

Of the following pieces of legislation intended to protect the consumer, which was the earliest:

A. Textile Labelling Act
B. Food and Drug Act
C. Motor Vehicle Safety Act
D. Hazardous Products Act
Answer» C. Motor Vehicle Safety Act

The "pyramid of consumer behaviour" illustrates the focus of several disciplines when studying consumer behaviour. Focus on the individual's consumer behaviour (such as how one reads certain sections of a magazine) is termed:

A. idiosyncratic
B. macro
C. micro
D. unitary
Answer» B. macro

Current consumer research is likely to include attention to the "dark side" of consumer behaviour. This growing emphasis refers to the fact that:

A. it is difficult to measure the contribution of the "art" of consumer behaviour research to the corporate bottom line
B. many consumer behaviour findings are being stolen by competitors, via computers
C. not all consumer behaviour or marketing activity is necessarily beneficial to society
D. understanding of consumption for its own sake should be the focus of research rather than because the knowledge can be applied by marketers
Answer» C. not all consumer behaviour or marketing activity is necessarily beneficial to society

The dominant set of assumptions which has influenced Western research on art and science since the late 16th Century has been termed positivism. All of the following are tenets of positivism EXCEPT:

A. human reason is supreme
B. there is a single objective truth that can be discovered by science
C. we should stress the functions of objects and celebrate technology
D. there are multiple and simultaneous events which shape a particular view of an occurrence and help us interpret the nature of reality
Answer» D. there are multiple and simultaneous events which shape a particular view of an occurrence and help us interpret the nature of reality

Interpretivists tend to challenge the beliefs of the positivists. The interpretivists' view is that:

A. positivists stress science and technology too much
B. we each construct our own meanings of the world we live in
C. symbolic, subjective experience is important
D. there are no right or wrong answers
Answer» D. there are no right or wrong answers

Which of the following is not included in the decision-making unit of a buying organization?

A. individuals who supply the product
B. individuals who make the buying decision
C. individuals who influence the buying decision
D. individuals who control buying information
Answer» A. individuals who supply the product

During which stage of the business buying process is a buyer most likely to conduct value analysis, carefully studying components to determine if they can be redesigned, standardized, or made less expensive?

A. General need recognition
B. Performance review
C. Proposal solicitation
D. Product specification
Answer» D. Product specification

Many marketers use the self-concept premise that people's possessions contribute to and reflect their identities; that is, "we are what we have." Under this premise, consumers ________.

A. Use brand personalities
B. Are affected by subconscious motivations
C. Buy products to support their self-images
D. Conduct the information search
Answer» C. Buy products to support their self-images

Blake is in the process of buying a new car. He is highly involved in the purchase and perceives significant differences among his three favourite models. Blake's next step is most likely to be ________.

A. opinion leadership
B. evaluation of alternatives
C. postpurchase behavior
D. purchase decision
Answer» B. evaluation of alternatives

Bill thought he had received the best deal on his new car. Shortly after the purchase, Bill started to notice certain disadvantages of his new car as he learned more about other cars available. Bill is experiencing ________.

A. purchase decision
B. postpurchase culture
C. selective perception
D. information evaluation
Answer» D. information evaluation

You regularly purchase cleaning supplies for your custodial staff. This purchase is a ________.

A. straight rebuy
B. new task
C. modified rebuy
D. modified straight rebuy
Answer» A. straight rebuy

What is the first stage of the consumer decision process?

A. information search
B. problem recognition
C. alternative evaluation
D. purchase
Answer» B. problem recognition

The level of concern for, or interest in, the purchase process triggered by the need to consider a particular purchase is known as _____.

A. personal involvement
B. product involvement
C. purchase involvement
D. enduring involvement
Answer» C. purchase involvement

Very high levels of purchase involvement tend to produce _____.

A. extended decision making
B. nominal decision making
C. affective decision making
D. limited decision making
Answer» A. extended decision making

_____________ is the buying behaviour of final consumers.

A. Consumer buyer behavior
B. Business buying behavior
C. Global purchasing
D. Reseller buyer behavior
Answer» A. Consumer buyer behavior

In 'stages of adoption process’ customer decides to become regular user in

A. Awareness stage
B. Interest stage
C. Evaluation stage
D. Adoption
Answer» D. Adoption

Adopter group 'laggards' are

A. deliberate
B. guided by respect
C. skeptical
D. tradition bound
Answer» D. tradition bound

Social class group which earns through exceptional ability is best classified as

A. upper middles
B. working class
C. lower uppers
D. upper uppers
Answer» C. lower uppers

Tendency to which results of innovation are communicated to others is classified as

A. relative advantage
B. divisibility
C. communicability
D. compatibility
Answer» C. communicability

Person's own living or interacting and acting pattern is classified

A. lifestyle
B. personality and self concept
C. social class
D. None of above
Answer» A. lifestyle

Needs of customers are triggered by

A. internal stimuli
B. external stimuli
C. both a and b
D. none of above
Answer» C. both a and b

Group which can exert influences on other because of specialized knowledge and skills is called

A. opinion leader
B. leading adopters
C. influential
D. all of above
Answer» B. leading adopters

A need that is aroused up to sufficient level is called

A. want
B. motive or drive
C. Both a and b
D. none of above
Answer» B. motive or drive

Customers keeping such information that supports their attitudes towards brand is classified as

A. selective attention
B. selective distortion
C. selective retention
D. all of above
Answer» C. selective retention

Marketing managers should adapt the marketing mix to ___________________ and constantly monitor value changes and differences in both domestic and global markets.

A. Sales strategies
B. Marketing concepts
C. Cultural values
D. Brand images
Answer» A. Sales strategies

The whole sellers and retailers buying behavior is classified as

A. business buyer behavior
B. derived demand
C. business buying process
D. cognitive dissonance
Answer» A. business buyer behavior

The demand of business buyers is derived from

A. final consumer demand
B. raw materials suppliers
C. production controller
D. logistic managers
Answer» A. final consumer demand

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