Chapter: Personal Selling and Relationship Management

Ask for order, review points of agreement, help in writing up the order, ask which model the customer wants, note that customer will lose out if not ordered now; offer incentives to buy now – lower price, larger quantity for same price are several techniques of ______________________.

A. Approach
B. Pre-approach
C. Follow-up
D. Closing
Answer» D. Closing

What P stands for?

A. response or the internal response tendency, that is, the act of Purchasing a brand or patronizing a supplier
B. predisposition or the inward response tendency, that is, force of habit
C. present drive level
D. “incentive potential,” that is, the value of the product or its potential Satisfaction to the buyer
Answer» B. predisposition or the inward response tendency, that is, force of habit

A sale forces organization that assigns each salesperson to a geographical territory in which that salespersons have to sell the company's full line is

A. Product sales force
B. Customer sales force
C. Complex structure
D. Territorial sales force
Answer» D. Territorial sales force

Reduce buyer concerns that might have arisen after the sale, reveal problems, assure buyer of salesperson's interest, ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business is called

A. Approach
B. Follow- up
C. Closing
D. Pre-approach
Answer» B. Follow- up

Companies using team of salespeople specialized in sales, marketing, engineering, finance and technical support used for managing complex accounts is known as

A. Outside sales force
B. Inside sales force
C. Telemarketing
D. Team selling
Answer» D. Team selling

The salespeople of sales force sell their product may be relevant to a wide variety of products, types of customers, and broad geographic area.

A. Product sales force
B. Customer sales force
C. Complex structure
D. Territorial sales force
Answer» C. Complex structure

The salespeople who travel to call on customers is known as

A. Outside sales force
B. Field sales force
C. Inside sales force
D. Both 1 and 2
Answer» D. Both 1 and 2

J.A Howard gave a formula for ‘’Behavioral Equation” B=P*D*K*V What V stands for?

A. response or the internal response tendency, that is, the act of Purchasing a brand or patronizing a supplier
B. predisposition or the inward response tendency, that is, force of habit
C. present drive level
D. intensity of all cues: triggering, product, or informational
Answer» D. intensity of all cues: triggering, product, or informational

What is the next step after “negotiation” in personal selling process?

A. The opening
B. Need and problem identification
C. Closing the sale
D. Dealing with objectives
Answer» C. Closing the sale

__________________________ is the most effective promotional tool in making buyers preferences, convictions and most importantly actions.

A. Personal selling
B. Promotion mix
C. Dealers promotion method
D. Sales promotion
Answer» A. Personal selling

Designing sales force strategy and structure, recruit and select, training, compensation, supervise and evaluation are the major steps of

A. Designing sales force
B. Sales force management
C. Sales force strategy
D. Structure of sales force
Answer» B. Sales force management

Fringe benefit, variable amount, fixed amount, expenses are the part of ___________________ in Salesforce Management.

A. Recruiting
B. Training
C. Supervising
D. Compensating
Answer» D. Compensating

Providing knowledge of product, personality development, communicating the criteria to the salesperson are _____________________ in sales force management.

A. Formal evaluation
B. Qualitative evaluation
C. Product evaluation
D. Training evaluation
Answer» B. Qualitative evaluation

Salespeople who sells their product directly to the customers on telephone is called

A. Outside sales force
B. Inside sales force
C. Telemarketing
D. Team selling
Answer» C. Telemarketing

Contribution to net profit, evaluation of current vs past, ranking, clearing standards and sales vs expenses are ________________________ in sales force management.

A. Training evaluation
B. Qualitative evaluation
C. Formal evaluation
D. Product evaluation
Answer» C. Formal evaluation

________________________ is a specialist form of personal selling.

A. Point of selling
B. Mis-selling
C. Group selling
D. Face to face selling
Answer» D. Face to face selling

J.A Howard gave a formula for ‘’Behavioral Equation” B=P*D*K*V What K stands for?

A. response or the internal response tendency, that is, the act of Purchasing a brand or patronizing a supplier
B. predisposition or the inward response tendency, that is, force of habit
C. present drive level
D. “incentive potential,” that is, the value of the product or its potential Satisfaction to the buyer
Answer» D. “incentive potential,” that is, the value of the product or its potential Satisfaction to the buyer

What is the next step after “closing the sale” in personal selling process?

A. The opening
B. Need and problem identification
C. Closing the sale
D. Follow up
Answer» D. Follow up

Asking referrals from the customers, reward proper scouting, identifying good leads from bad ones is _______________ step of personal marketing.

A. Approach
B. Handling objections
C. Pre-approach
D. Prospecting and qualifying
Answer» D. Prospecting and qualifying

What is the next step after “the opening” in personal selling process?

A. negotiation
B. Need and problem identification
C. Closing the sale
D. Dealing with objectives
Answer» B. Need and problem identification

The salesperson meets the prospective to get the relationship off to make a good start, opening lines, follow-up remarks, is __________________________step of personal marketing.

A. Approach
B. Handling objections
C. Pre-approach
D. Prospecting and qualifying
Answer» A. Approach

Company XYZ is a manufacture of motors and pumps employs regional salesperson to sell its product to wholesaler and cities is an example of

A. Public relation
B. Personal selling
C. Promotion mix
D. Trade promotion
Answer» B. Personal selling

The salesperson gives the description of the product, showing how the product will make or save the money for the buyer, need satisfaction approach, concentrate on customer benefits, requirement of good listening and problem solving-skills, demonstration aids is ________________________________step of personal marketing.

A. Approach
B. Presentation and demonstration
C. Pre-approach
D. Prospecting and qualifying
Answer» B. Presentation and demonstration

Use of positive approach, seek out hidden objections, ask the buyer for clarifications and objections is ______________

A. Approach
B. Pre-approach
C. Handling objections
D. Prospecting and qualifying
Answer» C. Handling objections

Emphasize long term interests instead of closing a sale, form transaction orientation to relationship marketing, customers want “whole solution” packages, quick responses; often problem if ,separate sales forces for each product is

A. Follow-up
B. Approach
C. Relationship marketing
D. Closing
Answer» C. Relationship marketing

Salespeople who conduct business from their offices through telephones and visiting to customers site is known as

A. Outside sales force
B. Inside sales force
C. Telemarketing
D. Team selling
Answer» B. Inside sales force

__________________ involves the use of satisfied customers to convince the buyer of the effectiveness of the salesperson’s product.

A. Demonstration
B. Guarantees
C. Trail orders
D. Reference selling
Answer» D. Reference selling

A sales force organization under which salespeople sells their product only to the certain customers or industries is

A. Product sales force
B. Customer sales force
C. Complex structure
D. Territorial sales force
Answer» B. Customer sales force

A sales force organization under which salespeople sells only a portion or particular product of the company's product.

A. Product sales force
B. Customer sales force
C. Complex structure
D. Territorial sales force
Answer» A. Product sales force

The salesperson learns as much as possible about the prospective customer before making sales call by consulting standard industries and online sources, set call objectives, selecting best approach and time is ________________ step of personal marketing.

A. Approach
B. Handling objections
C. Pre-approach
D. Prospecting and qualifying
Answer» C. Pre-approach

The selling concept by which sellers and buyers come in direct contact is

A. Sales promotion
B. Personal selling
C. Public relation
D. Promotion mix
Answer» B. Personal selling

Which of the following not comes under Pre Demonstration in Personal Selling?

A. Make the process as brief as possible
B. Make the process as complex as possible
C. Rehearse the approach to likely objection with colleague
D. Know the product’s selling point
Answer» B. Make the process as complex as possible

What are the objectives of personal selling?

A. Distinguish the various phase of selling process.
B. Close a sale
C. Know how to deal with buyer
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

While developing ________________________ salesperson must know about the characteristics desired of the salespeople by buyers.

A. Presentation skills
B. Selling skills
C. Personal selling skills
D. Marketing skills
Answer» C. Personal selling skills

J.A Howard gave a formula for ‘’Behavioral Equation” B=P*D*K*V What B stands for?

A. response or the internal response tendency, that is, the act of Purchasing a brand or patronizing a supplier
B. predisposition or the inward response tendency, that is, force of habit
C. present drive level
D. “incentive potential,” that is, the value of the product or its potential Satisfaction to the buyer
Answer» A. response or the internal response tendency, that is, the act of Purchasing a brand or patronizing a supplier

Which theory is summarized as “Everything was Right” theory?

A. Situation Response Theory
B. Right set of circumstances theory
C. Buying formula theory of selling
D. Both 1 and 2
Answer» D. Both 1 and 2

What is the next step after “Need and Problem identification” in personal selling process?

A. The opening
B. Presentation and demonstration
C. Dealing with objectives
D. Negotiation
Answer» B. Presentation and demonstration

Which among the following is not any stage of personal selling process?

A. The opening
B. Need and problem identification
C. Selling the product
D. Negotiation
Answer» C. Selling the product

What is AIDA?

A. Attention Interest Desire Action
B. Attract Interest Desire Action
C. Attention Interest Design Action
D. Attract Interest Design Action
Answer» A. Attention Interest Desire Action

_________________ is product reliability, after-sales service and delivery supported by penalty clauses so that the buyer can claim the cost if something go wrong during the given period by the salesperson.

A. Demonstration
B. Guarantees
C. Trail orders
D. Reference selling
Answer» B. Guarantees

Purchase process if differentiated by a mental sequence of events that goes on in prospects mind is

B. Buying formula theory
C. Selling theory
D. Marketing theory
Answer» B. Buying formula theory

Which among the following are the methods for handling and overcoming objections in personal selling?

A. Third party compensation
B. Turn an objective into benefit
C. Deny objections tactfully
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Which among the following explains “Behavioral Theory Equation”?

A. Drives
B. Cues
C. Response
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Which among the following is a type of cue in “Behavioral Theory Equation” in personal selling?

A. No triggering cues
B. Triggering cues
C. Information cues
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

J.A Howard gave a formula for ‘’Behavioral Equation” B=P*D*K*V What D stands for?

A. response or the internal response tendency, that is, the act of Purchasing a brand or patronizing a supplier
B. predisposition or the inward response tendency, that is, force of habit
C. present drive level
D. “incentive potential,” that is, the value of the product or its potential Satisfaction to the buyer
Answer» C. present drive level

Which theory is also known as “Situation Response Theory”?

A. AIDAS theory
B. Buying formula theory of selling
C. Behavioral equation theory
D. Right set of circumstances theory
Answer» D. Right set of circumstances theory

___________________ reduces risk because they prove the benefits of the product.

A. Demonstration
B. Guarantees
C. Trail orders
D. Reference selling
Answer» A. Demonstration

For making advertisement s more effective, the manufacturers improve ____________and launch new products.

A. Existing products
B. Advertisement style
C. Marketing channel
D. Sponsors
Answer» A. Existing products

It is advisable to use ____________________ as a source of advertising.

A. Social media
B. Email
C. Radio
D. Television
Answer» D. Television

Selecting time, choosing media types, deciding on reach of frequency and media vehicle for advertisements are part of

A. Media strategy
B. Media execution
C. Selecting media
D. Measuring communication
Answer» C. Selecting media

To introduce the new products to world of consumers is the main goal of

A. Entertainment
B. Advertising
C. Boost the sales
D. Online marketing
Answer» B. Advertising

Advertisement through radio was very popular till the middle of last century because of _______________.

A. Its effectiveness
B. More popular than newspaper
C. Mass reach
D. Cost of advertisement
Answer» C. Mass reach

Advertising creates employment as it increases the volume of sales and___________

A. Production
B. Marketing
C. Promotion
D. Personal selling
Answer» A. Production

Lower costs, greater global advertising coordination consistent worldwide image are the ______________________ of international marketing decision.

A. Standardization drawbacks
B. Advertisement regulations
C. Standardization benefits
D. Typical responses
Answer» C. Standardization benefits
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