Chapter: Environmental Issues

Pollution is any undesirable change in physical, chemical and biological characteristics of.

A. Land
B. Soil
C. Air and Water
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

To protect and improve the quality of our environment which act was passed and in Which year?

A. The environment act 1986
B. The environment act 1988
C. The Air (Prevention and control of pollution) act 1981
D. The Water (Prevention and control of pollution) act 1974
Answer» A. The environment act 1986

What is the effect of air pollution on living organisms?

A. Reduce growth and yield of crops
B. Cause premature death of plants
C. Premature leaf fall
D. Both A and B
Answer» D. Both A and B

Which gas is responsible for increase in atmospheric temperature?

A. O2
B. CO2
C. SO2
Answer» B. CO2

99% of SPM in the exhaust of thermal power plant can be separated by.. .

A. Electrostatic precipitator
B. Solvents
C. Scrubber
D. Chimney
Answer» D. Chimney

In an Electrostatic precipitators the velocity of air blown between the plates must be.

A. Low
B. High
C. Moderate
D. Very high
Answer» A. Low

The Scrubber is used to remove gases like…

A. SO2
B. NO2
C. CO2
D. SO3
Answer» A. SO2

Particulate matter of which size causes greatest harm to human health?

A. 2.5 micrometer or less in diameter
B. More than 2.5 micrometer
C. More than 3.5 micrometer
D. Less than 3.5 micrometer
Answer» A. 2.5 micrometer or less in diameter

Which type of damage can be caused by Particulate matter of 2.5 micrometer or less in diameter to human health?

A. Breathing and respiratory symptom
B. Inflammation and damage to lungs
C. Premature death of an individual
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Which is the main cause of atmospheric pollution in major cities?

A. Industrialization
B. Noise
C. Automobiles
D. Dust particles and SPM
Answer» C. Automobiles

Which catalyst should be fitted into filters in order to reduce emission of poisonous Gases?

A. Selenium
B. Rhodium
C. Magnesium
D. Manganese
Answer» B. Rhodium

Which metal is the main air pollutant in metro cities?

A. Lead
B. Copper
C. Magnesium
D. Iron
Answer» A. Lead

Which catalyst converts unburnt hydrocarbons into CO2 andH2O?

A. Platinum-Palladium
B. Platinum-Chloride
C. Palladium- Chloride
D. Lead
Answer» A. Platinum-Palladium

What is the effect of catalytic converter on carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide of exhaust?

A. Converts them into CO2 andH2O
B. Converts them into CO2 andNitrogen gas
C. Converts them into CO2 andNH4
D. It converts them into CO2 andNO2
Answer» B. Converts them into CO2 andNitrogen gas

In which year noise was also included as an air pollutant?

A. 1981
B. 1987
C. 1986
D. 1984
Answer» B. 1987

Sound waves of_____ decibels causes damage to eardrum or permanently impair hearing?

A. 150db or more
B. 120db or more
C. More than 80db
D. 110db
Answer» A. 150db or more

Which type of pollution causes altered breathing pattern, increased heartbeats and sleeplessness?

A. Noise pollution
B. soil pollution
C. Radioactive pollution
D. Thermal pollution
Answer» A. Noise pollution

According to 1990s survey which city ranked 4th among the 41 most polluted cities of the world?

A. Ankleshwar
B. Delhi
C. Japan
D. China
Answer» B. Delhi

Name the metropolitan city leading the country in its levels of air pollution.

A. Ankleshwar
B. Delhi
C. Chennai
D. Bangalore
Answer» B. Delhi

Which is the drastic change seen in Delhi public transport after 2002?

A. All the buses run by CNG
B. Use of unleaded petrol
C. Use of LPG in buses
D. All the buses run by methanol
Answer» A. All the buses run by CNG

Which is correct according to EURO II norms?

A. Sulphur can be controlled at 350ppm in diesel and 150ppm in petrol
B. Sulphur can be controlled at 150ppm in petrol
C. Lead can be controlled at 350ppm in diesel
D. Lead can be controlled at 150ppm in petrol
Answer» A. Sulphur can be controlled at 350ppm in diesel and 150ppm in petrol

Which harmless gases are produced by smokes stakes of thermal power plant and smelters?

A. N2, O2
B. CO2
C. CO, N2
D. SO2
Answer» A. N2, O2

For reducing vehicular pollution which measures are taken by Delhi government?

A. Phasing out old vehicles
B. Use of unleaded and low sulphur petrol and diesel
C. Use of catalytic converter in vehicles
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

In which cities Bharat stage II is applied from 1st april’2005?

A. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Baroda, Surat
B. Delhi, Mumbai, Kanpur, Baroda, Surat
C. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Baroda, Pune
D. Mumbai,Pune,Bangalore,Surat,Ahmedabad
Answer» D. Mumbai,Pune,Bangalore,Surat,Ahmedabad

A substantial fall in the level of which gases have been found between1997 to2005 in Delhi?

A. CO2,SO2
C. CO2,SO2 ,NO2
Answer» A. CO2,SO2

To safeguard our water resource the amendment was passed in the year.

A. 1974
B. 1981
C. 1986
D. 1987
Answer» A. 1974

Which chemical of petrol inactivates the catalysts of filter for reducing emission of poisonous gases?

A. Lead
B. Rhodium
C. Straunsium
D. Iron
Answer» A. Lead

Which colloidal material is seen in domestic sewage?

A. Sand and silt
B. Fecal material and bacteria
C. Sodium and calcium
D. Phosphorus
Answer» B. Fecal material and bacteria

What happens to the O2 level and BOD of river water at sewage discharge point?

A. Sharp decline in O2 level and rise in BOD
B. O2 level and BOD both increases
C. No change in BOD but O2 level increases
D. No change in O2 level but BOD increases
Answer» A. Sharp decline in O2 level and rise in BOD

What is the reason for mortality of fish in water body?

A. Biodegradation of organic matter by microbes
B. Due to algal bloom
C. Due to decrease in BOD
D. a and b both
Answer» A. Biodegradation of organic matter by microbes

Which plant is known as ‘Terror of Bengal’?

A. Chara
B. Wulffia
C. Hydrilla
D. Eichhornia
Answer» D. Eichhornia

Which is world’s most problematic aquatic weed?

A. Chara
B. Wulffia
C. Hydrilla
D. Eichhornia
Answer» D. Eichhornia

Which compound used in refrigerator is a source of chlorine

A. Freon
D. None
Answer» A. Freon

What is biological magnification of DDT in large size fish eating birds?

A. 25ppb
B. 25ppm
C. 2.5ppm
D. 0.25ppm
Answer» B. 25ppm

By which method large number of particles of pollutants are separated?

A. Cyclone collector
B. Porous filter
C. Electrostatic precipitator
D. By using solvent
Answer» C. Electrostatic precipitator

Which of the following is not responsible for pollution?

A. Wood
B. SO2
C. Unsaturated carbon
D. Solar energy
Answer» D. Solar energy

The population of eagles and hawks is declining because of,

A. Food scarcity
B. game lovers
C. Harmful effects of pesticides
D. Very few dead animals are found in fields
Answer» C. Harmful effects of pesticides

BOD of a river was found to be very low, this means the water

A. Was clean
B. Was polluted
C. Contains algae
D. Contains other dissolved minerals
Answer» A. Was clean

More pollution loads in lake, no self purification because.

A. There is no O2 to sustain microbial activity
B. No sunlight available
C. Microbes die
D. Pollutants settles down at the bottom
Answer» A. There is no O2 to sustain microbial activity

Warmth on the surface of the earth is due to

A. Solar radiation
B. Green house effect
C. Geothermal energy
D. All above
Answer» B. Green house effect

Thinning of eggshell and their premature breaking is due to

A. Eutrophication
B. Global warming
C. Green house effect
D. Biological magnification
Answer» D. Biological magnification

Aging of lake is accelerated by

A. Cultural Eutrophication
B. Biological magnification
C. Biological accumulation
D. Algal bloom
Answer» A. Cultural Eutrophication

Which chemicals increase growth of aquatic organism?

A. Nitrogen and phosphoru
B. Calcium and iron
C. Nitrogen and calcium
D. Nitrogen and iron
Answer» A. Nitrogen and phosphoru

Arrange the following statements with reference to accelerated eutrophication in proper manner.
(p)Silt and debris pile up at the bottom of the lake
(q)Marsh plants take roots in the shallows begin to fill the lake basin
(r)Introduction of large number of nitrogen and phosphate in the pond
(s)Encouragement of growth of aquatic organisms.

A. p,q,r,s,
B. r,s,q,p
C. r,s,p,q
D. s,r,p,q
Answer» C. r,s,p,q

Give full form of FOAM.

A. Friends of Arcata Marsh
B. Friends of Arctic Marsh
C. Friends of Antarctic Marsh
D. Foam of Arcata Marsh
Answer» A. Friends of Arcata Marsh

In which cities Ecosan toilets are working?

A. Kerala and Srilanka
B. Shrinagar and Kerala
C. Kullu and Srilanka
D. Tamilnadu and Kerala
Answer» A. Kerala and Srilanka

Recycling of e-waste is done in developing countries like…

A. China, India, Pakistan
B. India, Pakistan Shrilanka
C. China, Pakistan, Bangaladesh
D. China, India, Shrilanka
Answer» A. China, India, Pakistan

Name the metals recovered during recycling process of e-waste.

A. Gold, Nickle, Copper, Silicon
B. Gold, Copper, Silver, Magnecium
C. Gold, Silver, Copper, Selenium
D. Nickle, Copper, Silicon Silver
Answer» A. Gold, Nickle, Copper, Silicon

Increase in the concentration of a nonbiodegradable substance of various tropic level is called

A. Eutrophication
B. Global warming
C. Biological bloom
D. Biological magnification
Answer» D. Biological magnification

Deforestation results in

A. Change in climatic condition
B. Reduce rain fall
C. Loss of biodiversity
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Chipko movement is associated with prevention of

A. Air pollution
B. Cutting of trees
C. River pollution
D. Construction of dams
Answer» B. Cutting of trees

Jhum refers to.

A. Crop Cultivation
B. Social forestry
C. Shifting cultivation
D. Large scale agriculture
Answer» C. Shifting cultivation

Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight causes a reaction that produces

A. Fluoride
C. SO2
D. Ozone
Answer» D. Ozone

The biological amplification of DDT in various tropic levels is known as

A. Eutrophication
B. Global warming
C. Biological bloom
D. Biological magnification
Answer» D. Biological magnification

BOD is related to

A. Detergent
B. Inorganic pollutants
C. Organic pollutants
D. Organophosphorus
Answer» C. Organic pollutants

CFC’s splits up in stratosphere to release chlorine by the action of..

D. All of these
Answer» B. UVB

Noise was recognized as air pollutant through amendment of

A. Environment act
B. the air act
C. Noise act
D. All of above
Answer» A. Environment act

If there was no CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, the temperature of earth’s surface would be. CBSE1995

A. Dependent on amount of O2 in the atmosphere
B. Higher than present
C. Less than present
D. The same
Answer» C. Less than present

With the help of Electrostatic precipitators how much particulate pollutants can be removed?

A. 50%
B. 99%
C. 40%
D. 100%
Answer» B. 99%

Enrichment of a water body with organic waste results in sudden algal bloom. This phenomenon is known as

A. Eutrophication
B. Aqua bloom
C. Biological bloom
D. Biological magnification
Answer» A. Eutrophication

Which of the following is mismatched?

A. Fossil fuel burning - Release of CO2
B. Nuclear power station - Radioactive waste
C. Solar energy – Green house effect
D. Biomass combustion – Release of CH4
Answer» C. Solar energy – Green house effect

Which of the following is not causing pollution?

A. Thermal power plant
B. Nuclear power plant
C. Automobiles
D. Hydroelectric power plant
Answer» D. Hydroelectric power plant

Soil conservation can be best achieved by having …

A. Wind screen
B. Good plant cover
C. Restricted human activity
D. Low rain fall
Answer» B. Good plant cover

Biological treatment of water pollution can be done by

A. Lichen
B. Phytoplankton
C. Algae
D. None of these
Answer» B. Phytoplankton

Eichornia is a…

A. Desert plant
B. Water plant
C. Terrestrial plant
D. Parasitic plant
Answer» B. Water plant

Who created the Haryana Welfare Club?

A. Ramesh Dagar
B. Sunderlal Bahuguna
C. Ahmad Khan
D. Suresh Dagar
Answer» A. Ramesh Dagar

What is the major problem of using nuclear energy?

A. Accidental leakage
B. It is very costly
C. Safe Disposal
D. Both A and C
Answer» D. Both A and C

Which is the recommended depth to burry nuclear waste?

A. 500mt
B. 5000mts
C. 600mts
D. 50mts
Answer» A. 500mt

Name the natural phenomenon responsible for heating of earth’s surface and atmosphere?

A. Global warming
B. Green house effect
C. Eutrophication
D. Aforestation
Answer» B. Green house effect

What is the average temperature of earth maintained by green house effect?

A. 15°c
B. 18°c
C. 25°c
D. 30°c
Answer» A. 15°c

In which form earth ‘s surface reemits heat?

A. UV radiation
B. Infrared radiation
C. Gamma rays
D. rays
Answer» D. rays

Which gases are commonly known as green house gases?

A. CO2 & CH4
B. CO2 & NH4
C. CO & N2
D. NH4, CO ,SO2
Answer» A. CO2 & CH4

What is correct for the region labeled as a,b,c and d?

A. a- CO2 60% ,b- CH4 20% , c- CFC 14% ,d-N2O 6%
B. a- CFC60% ,b- CH4 20% , c- CO2 14% ,d-N2O 6%
C. a- CFC60% ,b- CO2 20% , c- CH4 14% ,d-N2O 6%
D. a- CFC60% ,b- CH4 20% , c- N2O 14% ,d- CO2 6%
Answer» A. a- CO2 60% ,b- CH4 20% , c- CFC 14% ,d-N2O 6%

.In the given chart of biological magnification what does a and b indicate? Fish eating birds-DDT -25ppm

A. a=phytoplanktons,b=insects eating bird
B. a= Zooplanktons , b=large fish Small fish-DDT - 0.5ppm
C. a=DDT-0.03ppm,b=DDT-2ppm
D. a=DDT-0.04ppb,b-DDT-2ppb Water- DDT -0.0003ppm
Answer» B. a= Zooplanktons , b=large fish Small fish-DDT - 0.5ppm

Name the disease caused by water pollution?

A. Polio
B. Typhoid
C. Tuberculosis
D. Leprosy
Answer» B. Typhoid

Which disease is not caused by water pollution?

A. Cholera
B. Typhoid
C. Tuberculosis
D. Dysentery
Answer» C. Tuberculosis

Which is the main pollutant content of domestic sewage?

A. Biodegradable organic matter
B. Biodegradable inorganic matter
C. Flurohydro carbons
D. Dissolve salts
Answer» A. Biodegradable organic matter

What I the result of El Nino Effect?

A. Melting of polar icecap
B. Rise in sea level
C. Melting of Himalayan snow caps
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

What are the reasons for soil erosion and desertification?

A. Over cultivation
B. Unrestricted grazing
C. Deforestation
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Heavy metals can be defined as elements with density…

A. >5g/cm3
B. <5g/cm3
C. <5g/m3
D. >5g/cm3
Answer» A. >5g/cm3

What should be the forest cover recommended by National forest policy1988?

A. 30% in plains and 76% in hill
B. 33% in plains and 67% in hills
C. 35% in plains and 76% in hills
D. 22% in plains and 70%in hills
Answer» B. 33% in plains and 67% in hills

Name the community known for its peaceful coexistence with nature?

A. Bishnoi
B. Bikaneries
C. Krishnoi
D. Jhodhapuries
Answer» A. Bishnoi

Bad ozone is formed in ——— layer of atmosphere ?

A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Ozonosphere
Answer» A. Troposphere

What is snow blindness?

A. Can not see due to Cataract
B. Cannot see in the snow
C. Inflammation of cornea
D. Inflammation of eyeball
Answer» C. Inflammation of cornea

Which atoms are released by the action of UV rays on CFC?

A. O
B. C
C. Fl
D. Cl
Answer» D. Cl

In which part of atmosphere degradation of ozone takes place?

A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Ozonosphere
Answer» B. Stratosphere

Measurement of ozone layer is done by ——— unit.

A. Du
B. Db
C. Ds
D. dv
Answer» A. Du

Formation of ozone gas in upper layer depends on

A. U V ray
B. Infrared
C. gamma rays
D. rays.
Answer» A. U V ray

In the water of flooded river what type of change is seen in BOD?

A. Increase
B. Decreases
C. Remains same
D. Drastic decrease
Answer» A. Increase

The death of fishes due to Eutrophication is because of

A. Increase O2 content
B. Decrease CO2 content
C. Decrease O2 content
D. ) Increase CO2 content
Answer» C. Decrease O2 content

When huge amount of sewage is dumped in a river the BOD will

A. Increase
B. Decreases
C. Remains same
D. Drastic decrease
Answer» A. Increase

The Montreal protocol was made effective from..

A. 1987
B. 1989
C. 1976
D. 1986
Answer» B. 1989

What do you understand by greenhouse effect?

A. Increase in temperature due to increase in O2 concentration of the atmosphere
B. Decrease in temperature due to decrease in O2 concentration of the atmosphere
C. Increase in temperature due to increase in CO2 concentration of the atmosphere
D. Decrease in temperature due to decrease in CO2 concentration of the atmosphere
Answer» C. Increase in temperature due to increase in CO2 concentration of the atmosphere

In which sphere of atmosphere the ozone layer is seen?

A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Homosphere
D. Thermosphere
Answer» B. Stratosphere

The release of phosphates and nitrates in lakes and ponds leads to

A. Reduce algal growth
B. Eutrophication
C. Nutrient enrichment
D. Both B and C
Answer» D. Both B and C

Deforestation has an alarming effect on

A. Soil erosion
B. increase in grazing area
C. weed control
D. All of these
Answer» A. Soil erosion

Amruta Devi Bishnoi Wild life Protection award has recently instituted for

A. Extraordinary courage and dedication in protecting wildlife
B. Extraordinary courage and dedication in protecting plants
C. Extraordinary courage and dedication in protecting wild animals
D. Extraordinary courage and dedication in Protecting Environment
Answer» A. Extraordinary courage and dedication in protecting wildlife

Which is the main factor of water pollution?

A. Ammonia
B. Smog
C. detergents
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

Which one of these has highest levels of DDT deposition?

A. Eel
B. Phytoplankton’s
C. Sea gull, Eagle
D. Crab
Answer» C. Sea gull, Eagle

Exhaust of motor vehicles produces pollutants like

B. Hydrocarbons
C. SO2
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these
Question and answers in Environmental Issues, Environmental Issues multiple choice questions and answers, Environmental Issues Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Environmental Issues, Environmental Issues MCQs with answers PDF download