Chapter: Neural Control and Coordination in Animals

Which of the following option is not correct for the region labelled as "a" in the given diagram.

A. White and fatty compound
B. It is Conductive
C. Region without it called node of Ranvier
D. It is responsible for saltatary conduction
Answer» B. It is Conductive

Which of the given option is correct for autonomous nervous system ?

A. In it medullary sheath is very well developed
B. Node of Ranvier is present in it.
C. It is part of CNS
D. It's nerve do not travel for longer distance in body
Answer» D. It's nerve do not travel for longer distance in body

What does given diagram show ? where is it found ?

A. Unipolarneuron in spinal cord
B. Bipolar neuron ; in eye of human
C. Unipolar neuron; In embroynic stage
D. Unipolar neuron in eye of human
Answer» B. Bipolar neuron ; in eye of human

What does a and b indicate in the given diagram ?

A. Synaptic cleft
B. Synase between axon
C. Synapse between axon and dendron
D. Synapse - between two dendrite
Answer» C. Synapse between axon and dendron

What dose "a" and "b" indicate in the given diagram ?

A. a = Dendrite; b = Nissl's granule
B. a = Axon fibres ; b = Nucleus
C. a = Axon fibres ; b = Mitochondria
D. None of the given
Answer» D. None of the given

What does "b" and "c" indicate in the given diagram in question no 4?

A. b = Synapse; c = dendrite
B. c = Synapse; c = Axon fibres
C. b = axon c = dendrit
D. b = Synaptic bulb; c = Motor nerve
Answer» C. b = axon c = dendrit

What is correct in context with neuron ?

A. Nissl's granule present in it are acidic
B. It's cytoplam is restricted to only cyton
C. Each neuron has one axon and one dendron
D. Cyton possesses large nucleus
Answer» D. Cyton possesses large nucleus

In which animal nervous system is in the form of nerve-net ?

A. Leucosolania
B. Liver-Fluke
C. Planaria
D. Hydra
Answer» D. Hydra

In which animal neverous system consist of brain, ganglion and nerve fiber ?

A. Tape-worm
B. Liver-Fluke
C. Ascaris
D. Allof the given
Answer» C. Ascaris

which option shows correctly matched pairs for the column I and Column II ?
Colum-I Column-II
(P) Unipolar neron (i) Retina
(Q) Bipolar neuron (ii) Cerebral hemisphere
(R) Multipolar neuron (iii) Embroyonic stage

A. (P-iii), (Q-i), (R-ii)
B. (P-ii), (Q-i), (R-iii)
C. (P-iii), (Q-ii), (R-i)
D. (P-ii), (Q-iii), (R-ii)
Answer» A. (P-iii), (Q-i), (R-ii)

What type of process the transmission of nerve impluse is ?

A. Electromagnetic
B. Electro -chemical
C. only Elecrical
D. only Magnetic
Answer» B. Electro -chemical

What is correct for the resting potential

A. On innerside of plasma membrane + ve charge & outerside -ve charge is found
B. On outerside Na+ concentrartion is less ,on innersde k + concentrtion is less
C. On outerside a plasma membrane + ve charge and innerside is -ve charge
D. Electrically it is neutral in resting stage.
Answer» C. On outerside a plasma membrane + ve charge and innerside is -ve charge

That is correct for unstimulated nerve- fibre ?

A. Resting potential
B. Action potential
C. Repolarization
D. Depolarization
Answer» A. Resting potential

Which option is correct for ion chhanel ?

A. They are consist of lipid.
B. They always remain open.
C. They are Permeable to more than one ion
D. They are consist of protein
Answer» D. They are consist of protein

Which option indicates correct chronology of the changes occuring during transmission of nerve impulse ?

A. Nerve fibre - depolarization - action polential - repolarization - activation of Na+ and K+ pump
B. Nerve fibre - depolarization - action polential - activation of Na+ and K+ pump - repolarization
C. Nerve fiber - depolarization - repolarization - action polential - activation of Na+ and K+ pump
D. Nerve fiber - Activation of Na + and K+ pump - depolarization - repolarization -
Answer» A. Nerve fibre - depolarization - action polential - repolarization - activation of Na+ and K+ pump

Which of the following is used to measure membrane potential ?

A. Sphigmomanometer
B. Thermometer
C. Voltmeter
D. Galvanometer
Answer» C. Voltmeter

What is responsible for the opening and closing of ion-channel ?

A. Electrical changes & Chemical Changes
B. More Na+ Conc out side of plasma membrane
C. More K+ Conc innerside of plasma membrane
D. On both Side of membranes Na+ and K+ are in equal proportion
Answer» A. Electrical changes & Chemical Changes

What does "a" and "b" indicate in the given diagram ?

A. a = Synaptic bulb b = Phagocgtosis
B. a = Presynaptic b = Phagocytosis
C. a = Synaptic gap b = Secretion of neurotranmetter
D. a = Presynaptic bulb b = Secretion neurotranmitter
Answer» D. a = Presynaptic bulb b = Secretion neurotranmitter

What does “a” indicate in the given diagram

A. Repolarization
B. Depolarization
C. Resting potential
D. Activation of Na+ and K+ pump
Answer» B. Depolarization

In context with conduction of nerve impulse,what is the function of ion channels ?

A. Maintenance and change in electric potential
B. Transport of ions against diffusion gradient
C. Transport of Na+ ion to the innerside of a the membrane
D. All of the given
Answer» D. All of the given

When sodium and potassium pump is activated, for (a) Na+ ion, (b) K+ ion are exchanged ?

A. a = one , b= two
B. a = two, b= four
C. a = two , b= three
D. a = one, b= three
Answer» C. a = two , b= three

The transfer of ion through ion channel is (a) and (b)

A. a = Bidirectional, b= selectively permeable
B. a =Unidirectional, b= permeable
C. a = Bidirectional , b= semi permeable
D. a = Unidirectional, b= selectively permeable
Answer» A. a = Bidirectional, b= selectively permeable

What is the swollen, structure present at terminal end of each branch of nerve cell called ?

A. Synaptic cleft
B. synaptic vessicle
C. synapse
D. synaptic knob
Answer» D. synaptic knob

Which option is correct for the correctly matched groups for the column i;column ii and column
Column I Column II Column III
(a) Resting membrane (i) Na+ Channel get open (e) Na+ and k + pumps are responsible protential for it
(b) Active potential (ii) Na+ Channel is closed (f) Last for very short time
(c) Depolarization (iii) Na+ ions are more on (g) k + ions move on outerside outer side of membranes
(d) Repolarization (iv) K + ions are more on outer (h) Positive charge of inner side of side of membrane membrane

A. (a-iv-f) (b-iii-e) (c-ii-h) (d-i-g)
B. (a-iv-e) (b-iii-f) (c-ii-g) (d-i-h)
C. (a-iii-e) (b-iv-f) (c-i-h) (d-ii-g)
D. (a-ii-h) (b-i-g) (c-iii-e) (d-iv-f)
Answer» C. (a-iii-e) (b-iv-f) (c-i-h) (d-ii-g)

Which of the following generally transumit nerve inpulse only to the cyton ?

A. Axon
B. Dendrite
C. Synaptic knob
D. Node of Ranvier
Answer» B. Dendrite

What is correct in reference with nerve impulse ?

A. Self-induced and unidirectional
B. Selt-induced and bidirectional
C. Electric potential in the nerve by region increase
D. Ion channel get closed in this region.
Answer» A. Self-induced and unidirectional

____________ is wraped by cerebrum ?

A. Thalamu
B. Hypothalamus
C. Cerebellar hemisphere
D. Mid- brain
Answer» A. Thalamu

The weight of human brain is a and b neuron in it.

A. a = 1000 to 1100g
B. a = 1200 to 1400g b =1000 billion b = 100 billion
C. a = 800 to 1000g
D. a = 1200 to 1400g b = 1000 million b = 100 million
Answer» B. a = 1200 to 1400g b =1000 billion b = 100 billion

Which of the follwing is a thin transparent nonvasscular meninges around CNS ?

A. Dura mater
B. Pia mater
C. Arachnoid
D. Grey matter
Answer» C. Arachnoid

Which of the following option indicates correct chronology of the meninges from cranium to CNS ?

A. Dura mater Arachanoid  Pia mater
B. Pia mater  Arachanoid  Dura mater
C. Pia mater  Dura mater  Arachanoid
D. Arachanoid  Dura mater Pia mater
Answer» A. Dura mater Arachanoid  Pia mater

Which of the following option is the correct option for the inner most meninges of CNS ?

A. very Thick and tough
B. Thin and vascularized
C. Highly vascularized
D. Thin non vascularized
Answer» B. Thin and vascularized

Which of the following is toughest ?

A. Piamater
B. Arachnoid
C. Dura mater
D. None of the given
Answer» C. Dura mater

Which of the following is adherent to brain ?

A. Arachnoid
B. Pia mater
C. Dura mater
D. None of the given
Answer» B. Pia mater

Which of the following does not have lumen ?

A. cerebrum
B. cerebellar hemisphere
C. Diencephalon
D. Medulla
Answer» B. cerebellar hemisphere

Which of the following is not related to fore brain ?

A. lateral ventricle
B. Inferior Collicule
C. Corpus callosum
D. Voluntary locomotion
Answer» B. Inferior Collicule

Which of the following have major co-ordinating centres for sensory and motor signal

A. Brain stem
B. Pons
C. mid brain
D. Thalamus
Answer» D. Thalamus

It has centres to regulate body temperature ?

A. Thalamu
B. Hypothalamus
C. Corpora quadrigemina
D. Pons
Answer» B. Hypothalamus

a and b are the regions of Limbic system

A. a = Thalamus b = Hypothalamus
B. a = Amygdala b = thalamus
C. a = Hippocampus b = Hypothalamus
D. a = Amygdala b = Hippocampus
Answer» B. a = Amygdala b = thalamus

Limbic system along with ________ regulates sexual behaviour ?

A. Hypothalamu
B. Thalamus
C. Cerebral cortex
D. cerebrum
Answer» A. Hypothalamu

Mid brain is located between a and b ?

A. a = cerebral hemisphere
B. a = Hypothalamasb = Diencephalan b = midbrain
C. a = Pons
D. a = Diencephalon b = Medulla oblongata b = Pons
Answer» D. a = Diencephalon b = Medulla oblongata b = Pons

Which option show correctly matched pairs for the column I and column II ?
column I column II
(P) cerebrum (i) 3rd ventricle
(Q) Diencephalon (ii) connect 3rd ventricle with 4th ventricle
(R) Medulla oblongata (iii) 4th ventricle
(S) Iter (iv) 1st and 2nd ventricle
(T) Forman of Manro (v) connects 1st and 2nd ventricle with 3rd ventricle

A. (P - ii), (Q - i), (R - iv), (S - iii), (T - v)
B. (P - iii), (Q - i), (R - iv), (S - ii), (T - v)
C. (P - iv), (Q - i), (R - iii), (S - v), (T - ii)
D. None of the given
Answer» C. (P - iv), (Q - i), (R - iii), (S - v), (T - ii)

Cercbral aqueduct passes through a and it opens into b ?

A. a = mid brain
B. a = Diencephalonb = 4th ventricle b = 3rd ventricle
C. a = Medulla Oblongata
D. a = cerebrum b = 4th ventricle b = Diencephalon
Answer» A. a = mid brain

On which side of the brain corpora quadrigemina is present ?

A. Dorsal
B. Ventral
C. Lateral
D. ventro lateral
Answer» A. Dorsal

What is the function of superior colliculi of mid brain ?

A. To control emotional reflex
B. To control Auditory reflex
C. To control visual reflex
D. To control Audio visual reflex
Answer» C. To control visual reflex

What is posterior choroid pleues ?

A. Non nervous epithelial folded roof
B. Non-nervous epithelial floor
C. Nervous, epithelial folded roof
D. Nervous, epithelial folded floor
Answer» A. Non nervous epithelial folded roof

spot the odd ( in terms of type of reflex)

A. Secretion of saliva on seeing tasty of food
B. Antiperistalsis
C. Peristalsis
D. Heart - beat
Answer» A. Secretion of saliva on seeing tasty of food

Several examples of reflexes are given here, which of the given option indicates all correct examples of Conditoned reflex ? Examples (i) Prejudices (ii) Heart - beat (iii) Peristalsis (iv) dis-liking (v) Habits

A. (i), (ii), (iii)
B. (i), (iii)
C. (i), (iv) and (v)
D. (i) and (iii)
Answer» C. (i), (iv) and (v)

Which layer of an eye is transperant and thin

A. Outer sclera
B. middle - sclera
C. choroid
D. Retina
Answer» A. Outer sclera

Which regions of eye is consist of dense connective tissue ?

A. sclera
B. Sclera and cornea
C. Choroid and retina
D. Retina and ciliary body
Answer» A. sclera

Which of the following option is correct for mechanism of vision

A. Light - photosensitive cell - scotopsin - dissociate - signal to ganglion cell - transmission of signal to visual area
B. Light - Transmission of signals of ganglion cell - photorecepative cell - transmission signals to visual area
C. Light -Transmission of signals to visual degradation of scotopsin - photosensitive cells
D. None of the given
Answer» A. Light - photosensitive cell - scotopsin - dissociate - signal to ganglion cell - transmission of signal to visual area

What is the stiff edge of pinna called ?

A. Tympanum
B. Lobule
C. Fenestra roundata
D. Helix
Answer» D. Helix

Which of the following option is correct for the correct matched pairs for Column I and II and
Column III
Column - I Column II Column III
(a) aqueous humor (i) Depression on retina (f) origin of opticnerve
(b) Vitreous humor (ii) watery fluid (g) secreted by retina
(c) Blind spot (iii) Absence of sensitive cells (h) presence of cone cell
(d) Fovea (iv) thicfluid (i) secreted by Ciliary body

A. (a - ii-i), (b - iv-g), (c - - ii- f) (d - i - h)
B. (a - I - f), (b, II, i) ( c, III - g) ( d - IV - h)
C. (a - I - i), (b - II- h), (C - II - f), (d - IV- g)
D. None of the given
Answer» A. (a - ii-i), (b - iv-g), (c - - ii- f) (d - i - h)

Peremability of which of the following increases during depolarization ?

A. Na+
B. K+
C. Mg+
D. Ag+
Answer» A. Na+

Several statements are given here in reference to cone cells which of the following option indicates all correct statements for cone cells ? Statements
(i) cone cells are less sensitive than Rod cells
(ii) They are responsible for colour vision
(iii) Erythrolobe is photopigment which is sensitive to red colour light
(iv) They are absent in fovea of retina

A. (iii), (ii) and (i)
B. (ii) and (iii) (iv)
C. (iii) and (iv)
D. (i) and (ii) (iv)
Answer» A. (iii), (ii) and (i)

Which of the following of are main divisions of autonomous nervous system

A. limbic system and Hippocampu
B. Sympathetic and limbic system
C. Sympathetic and para sympathetic
D. Brain and spinal cord
Answer» C. Sympathetic and para sympathetic

Which of the following option indicates correct chronology of structures of the ear (from outside is inside ) ?

A. cochlearduct - utricule - sacule
B. Saccule - urticule - cochlearduct
C. utricule - saccule - cochlearduct
D. Utricular - cochlearduct - saccule
Answer» C. utricule - saccule - cochlearduct

Few statements about tympanic membrane are given here which of the following option shows all correct statement for it ?
(i) malleus bone join with it
(ii) it is oval membrane consist of unstriated muscle
(iii) It has cover of skin on its inner side and muscle layer on outerside
(iv) It has upper aperture called fenestra roundata

A. (i)
B. (i) and (ii)
C. (ii) and (iii)
D. (i), (iv), (iii)
Answer» A. (i)

Which of the following option indicates correct chronology of middle ear ossicle (from Thympanum to interal ear)

A. Incus - malleus - stape
B. malleus - Incus - stapes
C. stapes - malleus - Incus
D. malleus - stapes - Incus
Answer» B. malleus - Incus - stapes

It is correct for the function of ear ossicle

A. To amplify sound 40 time
B. To amplify sound 20 times
C. To amplify sound 10 times
D. To reduce harmful effect of sound
Answer» B. To amplify sound 20 times

Which of the following is filled with perilymph ?

A. Area around chochelar ducton outer side
B. In lumen of vestibule
C. In semicircular canal
D. In lumen of sacculus
Answer» A. Area around chochelar ducton outer side

Which of the following option shows correctly matched groups for the column I, column II and
column III
column I column II column II
(a) multiple sclerosis (i) degeneration of intervetebral disc (e) continous pain in back
(b) Parkinson’s disease (ii) Myelin sheath around nerves is damaged(f) Defect in speech
(c) sciatica (iii) Deficiency of dopomine (g) lack of spontaneous movement

A. (a - i - g), (b - ii- f), (c - i e)
B. (a - ii - f), ( b - iii - g), (c - i -e)
C. ( a - iii - e), ( b - ii - f), (c - i - g)
D. (a - iii- f), (b - ii- e), ( c - i- g)
Answer» B. (a - ii - f), ( b - iii - g), (c - i -e)

What is ciliary body ?

A. Thick posterior part choroid
B. Thick anterior part of sclera
C. Thick posterior part of sclera
D. Thick anterior part of choroid
Answer» D. Thick anterior part of choroid

Iris is a continuation of _______

A. ciliarybody
B. choroid
C. Retina
D. None of the given
Answer» A. ciliarybody

Which type of muscle are present in ciliary body ?

A. Radial & oblique
B. Horizontal & oblique
C. Radial and longitudanal
D. All of the given
Answer» A. Radial & oblique

What is macula lutea ?

A. A yellow pigmented area with cone cell
B. fovea centralis of retina, with conecells
C. A yellow pigmented area of Choroid with rod cell
D. Blind spot on retina
Answer» B. fovea centralis of retina, with conecells

which basic Colour Photoreceptors are Present in human eye ?

A. Red Yellow Orange
B. Red green blue
C. Red green Orange
D. green yellow blue
Answer» B. Red green blue

which of the folliwing has nerve centers for the urge of eating ?

A. Pon
B. Thalamus
C. Hypothalamus
D. mid - brain
Answer» C. Hypothalamus

Deficiency abnormality of which of the following is responsible for Alzheimer's dlsease?

A. cortisone
B. Acetyl choline
C. Adrenaline
D. nor - eninephrin
Answer» B. Acetyl choline

What is correct for the “ number ” of vagus Cranial nerve?

A. 6
B. 5
C. 10
D. 12
Answer» C. 10

At which of the following Structure Sensitivity of retina is highest?

A. Rod cells of Fovea centrali
B. Yellows spot
C. Blind Spot
D. None of the given
Answer» B. Yellows spot

Which of the following disorder is not hereditary (J.K.C.M.E.E 2005)

A. sickle cell anaemia
B. haemophilia
C. colour blindness
D. cataract
Answer» D. cataract

Glands responsible for secreting tears are: (H.P.P.M.T 2005)

A. glands of moll
B. lacrimal glands
C. meibomian glands
D. glands of zeis
Answer» B. lacrimal glands

Which of the following cranial nerves are mixed: (BHU 2007) 1. glossopharyngeal 2. trigeminal 3. vagus 4. auditory

A. 1,2 and 3 are correct
B. 1 and 3 are correct
C. 1 and 2 are correct
D. 2 and 4 are correct
Answer» A. 1,2 and 3 are correct

To What the resparatory centres of brain are sensitive?

A. High CO2 Conc in blood
B. Blood suppliy to brain
C. High O2 Conc in blood
D. More blood supply to lungs
Answer» A. High CO2 Conc in blood

Nasal epithelium is formed of : (C.M.C 2003)

A. columnar epithelium
B. keratinised epithelium
C. pseudostratified epithelium
D. glandular epithelium
Answer» D. glandular epithelium

Space between piamater and arachnoid is (J.K.C.M.E.E 2003)

A. subdural
B. supra archnoi
C. eqidural
D. subarachnoid
Answer» D. subarachnoid

Which one is mixed nerve

A. oculomotor
B. trochler
C. hypoglossal
D. glossopharyngeal
Answer» D. glossopharyngeal

Visual area is localised in (A.I.E.E.E 2004)

A. occipital lobe
B. parietal lobe
C. frontal lobe
D. temporal lobe
Answer» A. occipital lobe

In hypothalamus are located various centres of (J.I.P.M.E.R 2004)

A. circulation
B. sleep
C. memory
D. body tempreature
Answer» D. body tempreature

Which option is correct for the few statements are given for the function of cerebram, which of few following option is shows all correct statements.
(i) to control the sensitivity,movement,memory,vocabulary etc. through the frontal lobe
(ii) to control the vision and adaptation through the occipital and frontallobes
(iii) to control the contraction of voluntary muscles through the frontal lobe
(iv) to control the temperature,taste,touch,pain etc, through the parietal lobe

A. (i),(ii),(iii)
B. (iii),(iv),(i)
C. (i),(iii),(iv)
D. (i),(ii)
Answer» B. (iii),(iv),(i)

column I lists the part of the human brain and column II lists the functions. Match the two column and identify the correct choice from those given. (K.C.E.T 2005)
column I column II
a. cerebrum p. controls the pituitary
b. cerebellum q. control vision and hearing
c. hypothalamus r. control the rate of heart beat
d. midbrain s. seat of intelligence
t. maintains body posture

A. (a=s);(b=t);(c=p);(d=q)
B. (a=t);(b=s);(c=r);(d=q)
C. (a=t);(b=r);(c=p);(d=q)
D. (a=t);(b=s);(c=q);(d=p)
Answer» A. (a=s);(b=t);(c=p);(d=q)

It control auditory reflex

A. pon
B. inferior colliculi
C. pineal body
D. superior colliculi
Answer» B. inferior colliculi

In the resting state of the neural membrane,diffusion due to concentration gradients,if allowed would drive: (C.B.S.E 2004)

A. Na+ out of the cell
B. k+ into the cell
C. Na+ into the cell
D. k+ and Na+out of the cell
Answer» B. k+ into the cell

Injury vagus nerve in humams is not likely to affect: (C.B.S.E 2004)

A. gastrointestinal movement
B. cardiac movement
C. tongue movement
D. pancreatic movememt
Answer» C. tongue movement

undirectional transmission of a nerve impulse through nerve fibre is due to the fact that:

A. sodium pump starts operating only at the cyton and then continues into the nerve fiber
B. nerve fiber is insulated by a medullary sheath
C. neurotransmitters are released by the axon endings
D. neurotransmitters are released by dendrites
Answer» C. neurotransmitters are released by the axon endings

Which of the following is not strictly considered a part of neuron? (C.P.M.T 1998)

A. dendrite
B. myelin sheath
C. axon
D. Nissle's bodies
Answer» B. myelin sheath

Centres for sense of smell are located (M.P.P.M.T 1999)

A. cerebellum
B. midbrain
C. olfactory lobes
D. cerebrum
Answer» C. olfactory lobes

Nerve related to diaphragm is (M.P.P.M.T 1999)

A. trigeminal
B. vagus
C. glossopharyngeal
D. phrenic
Answer» D. phrenic

Node of ranvier is the place where (C.B.S.E.P.M.T 2002)

A. myelin sheath and neurilemma are discontinuous
B. axolemma is absent
C. axolemma is discontinuous
D. myelin sheath is discontinuous
Answer» D. myelin sheath is discontinuous

which of the following cranial nerve controls the movement of eye boll ? (B.H.U 2002)

A. trocheclar
B. oculomotor
C. abducen
D. all of the given
Answer» B. oculomotor

Match the following human spinal nerves in column I with their respective number in column II and choose the correct option (Kerala 2005)
column I column II
P. cervical nerves i. 5 pairs
Q. thorocic nerve ii. 1 pair
R. lumbar nerve iii. 12 pair
S. coccygeal nerve iv. 8 pair

A. (P-iv),(Q-iii),(R-i),(S-ii)
B. (P-iii), (Q-i), (R-ii), (S-iv)
C. (P-iv),(Q-i),(R-ii),(S-iii)
D. (P-ii), (Q-iv), (R-i), (S-iii)
Answer» A. (P-iv),(Q-iii),(R-i),(S-ii)

How many pairs of spinal nerve are found in human? (Guj C.E.T 2006)

A. 33
B. 32
C. 31
D. 30
Answer» C. 31

What is Nissl's granule consist of ? (C.B.S.E 2007)

C. protein
D. lipid
Answer» C. protein

Which of the following is correct for motor nerve? (A.I.E.E.E 2004)

A. trochelar
B. hypoglossal
C. oculomotor
D. All the given
Answer» D. All the given

Four healthy people in their twenties got involved in injuries resulting in damage and death of a few cells of the following . Which of the cells are least likely to be replaced by new cells ?(C.B.S.E 2005)

A. liver cell
B. osteocytes
C. neurons
D. malpighian layer of the skin
Answer» C. neurons

One of the examples of the action of the autonomous nervous system is : (C.B.S.E 2005)

A. peristalsis of the intestine
B. knee-jerk response
C. swallowing of food
D. pupillary reflex
Answer» A. peristalsis of the intestine

Mouth becomes watery when we look at a delocious food due to

A. optic respon
B. olfactory response
C. Hormonal response
D. neural response
Answer» A. optic respon

Which of the following cranial nerve is not a motor nerve.

Answer» C. II
Question and answers in Neural Control and Coordination in Animals, Neural Control and Coordination in Animals multiple choice questions and answers, Neural Control and Coordination in Animals Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Neural Control and Coordination in Animals, Neural Control and Coordination in Animals MCQs with answers PDF download