Chapter: Transport in Plants

Match A and B :
(p) Simple diffusion (i) Uphill transport
(q) Faciliate diffusion (ii) Membrane protein that have a hydrophilic moiety.
(r) Active transport (iii) Membrane protein that have a hydrophabic moiety.
(s) Water potential. (iv) The potential energy.
(v) Passive transport
p q r s

A. (v) (iii) (i) (iv)
B. (i) (ii) (iii) (v)
C. (v) (ii) (i) (iv)
D. (iii) (v) (ii) (i)
Answer» C. (v) (ii) (i) (iv)

The pressure at which the entry of water across the semipermiable membrane stops is called .....

A. Turgor pressur
B. Root pressure
C. Osmotic pressure
D. Diffusion pressure
Answer» C. Osmotic pressure

What happens in this figure ?

A. Water from beaker will enter the thistle funnel.
B. Water from thistle funnel will enter in the beaker.
C. Nacl enter from beaker to thistle funnel.
D. Osmosis does not occur.
Answer» D. Osmosis does not occur.

A .......... force exists between the walls of xylem vessels and water.

A. Cohesion
B. Gravitational
C. Adhesive
D. Transpiration pull
Answer» C. Adhesive

The process by which water is forcibly pushed beyond endodermis of root is known as ......... .

A. Apoplast pathway
B. Symplast pathway
C. Diffusion
D. Transmembrane transport
Answer» D. Transmembrane transport

By which type of transpiration largest amount of water is lost ?

A. Guttation
B. Cuticular
C. Stomata
D. Lenticular
Answer» C. Stomata

The value of osmotic pressure depends on .......... .

A. Concentration of solute
B. Concentration of solvent
C. Concentration of solution
D. Concentration of substrate
Answer» C. Concentration of solution

If the external solution is more dilute than the cytoplasm is known as .......... .

A. Hypertonic
B. Hypotonic
C. Isotonic
D. ‘a’ and ‘b’ both
Answer» B. Hypotonic

Membrane protein is responsible for transport of

A. Water molecule
B. Transpiration of H2O
C. Active transport
D. Passive transport
Answer» C. Active transport

The +ve value of Ψ P is called ..........

A. Osmotic pressure
B. Root pressure
C. Turgor pressure
D. Imbibation pressure
Answer» C. Turgor pressure

What happens in this figure ?

A. Exo osmosi
B. Endo osmosis
C. Cell swollen
D. Cell remain in same condition
Answer» D. Cell remain in same condition

In older dying leaves to younger leaves the mineral ions are assimilated into .......... .

A. In organic compound
B. Organic compound
C. Deposition of Inorganic compound and organic compou
Answer» B. Organic compound

Which elements are readily mobilized in plants ?

A. S, N, Mo
B. K, N, Mo
C. P, S, N
D. S, N, B
Answer» C. P, S, N

In term of fixing CO2, C4 plants are .......... efficient as C3 plants.

A. Thrice
B. Twice
C. Less
D. Not
Answer» B. Twice

When a cell is placed in 0.50M concentrated sugar solution, there is no change in it. So the external solution is called .......... .

A. Hypertonic
B. Isotonic
C. Hypotonic
D. Colloidal
Answer» B. Isotonic

The pressure that prevails in cell due to number of substances dissolved in cell sap is .......... .

A. Wall pressure
B. Turgor pressure
C. Osmotic pressure
D. Diffusion pressure
Answer» C. Osmotic pressure

The plasmolysed cells regain turgidity and assume original volume under infuence of hypotonic solution. The process is called

A. Plasmolysi
B. Deplasmolysis
C. Endo osmosis
D. Exo osmosis
Answer» B. Deplasmolysis

An animalcell placed in pure water will

A. Swell up and brust
B. Shrink and die
C. Shrink and undergo plasmolysis
D. Swell up and develop turgidity
Answer» A. Swell up and brust

Passage of water across a selectively permeable membrane is

A. Active transport
B. Pinocytosis
C. Facilitated difusion
D. Osmosis
Answer» D. Osmosis

Seeds placed in water imbibe the water becasue of

A. Exosmosi
B. Higher Ψ W
C. Lower Ψ W
D. Pressure of vacuoles
Answer» C. Lower Ψ W

In thistle funnel experiment, entry of water into thistle funnel stops after some time automatically due to

A. Diffusion of sugar out of thistle funnel.
B. External and internal solutions become isotonic.
C. Development of hydrostatic pressure in the thistle funnel.
D. Development of hydrostatic pressure in the beaker.
Answer» C. Development of hydrostatic pressure in the thistle funnel.

In plants the process in which loss of water occurs in form of water vapour is

A. Respiration
B. Guttation
C. Transpiration
D. Exosmosis
Answer» C. Transpiration

Stomatal aperature is surrounded by guard cells and opens when guard cells are

A. Flaccid
B. Turgid
C. Bean shaped
D. Dumb-bell shaped
Answer» B. Turgid

Stomatal frequency indicates.

A. Number of stomata per unit area
B. Rate of water loss
C. Rate of gaseous exchange
D. Width of stomatal aperature
Answer» A. Number of stomata per unit area

In dorsiventral leaf, the number of stomata per unit area are generally.

A. Same on both the surface
B. More on lower surface (epidermis)
C. More on upper surface (epidermis)
D. Absent on upper surface
Answer» B. More on lower surface (epidermis)

In isobilateral leaf, the number of stomata per unit area are.

A. More on upper surface
B. More on lower surface
C. Approximately same on both the surfaces
D. Absent on both the surfaces
Answer» C. Approximately same on both the surfaces

The loss of water in form of water drops is called.

A. Transpiration
B. Respiration
C. Guttation
D. Exosmosis
Answer» C. Guttation

Transpiration is unavoidable evil because of

A. Structure of leaf and harmful effect
B. Beneficial and harmful effect.
C. Maintenance of turgidity for growth
D. Gaseous exchange for photosynthesis and respiration
Answer» D. Gaseous exchange for photosynthesis and respiration

Plants with scotoactive stomata perform

A. C4 photosynthesi
B. CAM photosynthesis
C. C3 photosynthesis
D. An oxygenic photosynthesis
Answer» B. CAM photosynthesis

For keeping stomata open, besides K+ ions the guard cells require a constant supply of

C. Organic acid
D. Protons
Answer» B. ATP

Transpiration is a process related to

A. Osmosi
B. Diffusion
C. Activated transport
D. Facilitated diffusion
Answer» B. Diffusion

Rate of transpiration is inversely related to

A. Humidity
B. Light
C. Temperature
D. Water
Answer» A. Humidity

Scotoactive movement of stomata is that

A. Stomata open at night
B. Stomata open during day
C. Stomata close at night
D. Stomata open both during day and night
Answer» A. Stomata open at night

The most effective light for stomatal opening is_____________

A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Red
D. Blue
Answer» D. Blue

During high wind velocity, the stomata

A. open more widely
B. Close down
C. Remian unaffected
D. Remain unaffected but lose more water due to mass action
Answer» B. Close down

Cobalt chloride is blue in dry state. In contact with moisture, it turns in to

A. Yellow
B. Pink
C. Red
D. Green
Answer» B. Pink

The maximum absorption of water by roots occurs in the (region) zone of

A. Root cap
B. Cell division
C. Cell elongation
D. Root hairs
Answer» D. Root hairs

The movement of water is along

A. Turgor gradien
B. DPD gradient
C. Diffusion gradient
D. Osmotic gradient
Answer» B. DPD gradient

As absorbed water passes towards vascular cylinder, it must enter the cytoplasm of

A. Pericycle cell
B. Endodermal cells
C. Cortical cells
D. Xylem parenchyma
Answer» B. Endodermal cells

Water tightly held to soil particles is called (EAMCET 1996)

A. Bound water
B. Capillary water
C. Hygroscopic water
D. Runaway water
Answer» C. Hygroscopic water

The phenomenon which forces water upward into tracheal elements of xylem in the root region is

A. Transpiration
B. Root pressure
C. Turgor pressure
D. Imbibation pressure
Answer» B. Root pressure

Force for passive water absorption develops in

A. Xylem
B. Aerial parts
C. Root
D. Root hairs
Answer» B. Aerial parts

The phenomenon related to active water absorption is

A. Transpiration
B. Root pressure
C. Osmotic pressure
D. Translocation
Answer» B. Root pressure

Root pressure can be demonstrated by means of

A. wilting
B. Guttation
C. Transpiration
D. Exudation
Answer» D. Exudation

Root pressure theory of ascent of sap is unacceptable because

A. Water can ascend without root or root pressure
B. Root pressure cannot explain ascent of sap beyond 10 metres.
C. Root pressure is more during early morning than afternoon.
D. Root pressur does not occur in spring.
Answer» A. Water can ascend without root or root pressure

Transpiration cohesion theory explains that the upwards pull of water is transmitted from top to bottom by cohesion of molecules caused by

A. Hydrophilic cell wall
B. Hydrogen bonds
C. Oxygen bonds
D. Surface tension
Answer» B. Hydrogen bonds

Root pressure is unable to explain the ascent of sap because it is not found in

A. Bryophyte
B. All plants in all reasons
C. Trees
D. Spring
Answer» A. Bryophyte

Ascent of sap is

A. Upward movement of water in the plant
B. Downward movement of organic nutrients
C. Upward and downward movement of water in the plant
D. Redistribution of inorganic substances in the plant
Answer» D. Redistribution of inorganic substances in the plant

In xylem, the ascent of sap takes place in

A. Tracheids with associated xylem parenchyma
B. Xylem parenchyma
C. Walls of tracheary elements
D. Lumen of tracheary elements
Answer» B. Xylem parenchyma

Swelling of wooden frames during rains is caused by

A. Endo osmosi
B. Imbibation
C. Capillarity
D. Osmosis
Answer» A. Endo osmosi

Dry seeds when placed in waeter swell up due to

A. Imbibition
B. Absorption
C. Diffusion
D. Adsorption
Answer» B. Absorption

A cell is plasmolysed after being kept in hypertonic solution. What will be present between cell wall and plasmalemma ?

A. Isotonic solution
B. Hypertonic solution
C. Air
D. Hypotonic solution
Answer» D. Hypotonic solution

Raisins placed in water swell up due to (CPMT 1988, KCET 2008)

A. Plasmolysi
B. Adsorption
C. Diffusio
D. Endo osmosis
Answer» C. Diffusio

Root hairs absorb water from soil when (AFMC 1988, JIPMER 1986)

A. Osmotic concentration is same in the two
B. Solute concentration is higher in soil solution
C. Solute concentration is higher in root hairs
D. Absorption is active
Answer» D. Absorption is active

A cell placed in strong salt solution will shrink because (JIPMER 1986)

A. Cytoplasm will decompose
B. Mineral salts will break the cell wall
C. Salt water enters the cell
D. Water comes out by exoosmosis
Answer» A. Cytoplasm will decompose

Osmosis defined as

A. Flow of solvent (water) through a semipermiable membrane from less concentrated solution to more concentrated solution.
B. Flow of solute from a semipermeable membrane
C. Flow of water without a membrane
D. None ot the above
Answer» A. Flow of solvent (water) through a semipermiable membrane from less concentrated solution to more concentrated solution.

A cell increase in volume if the external medium is (Har. PMT 2005)

A. Hypotonic
B. Hypertonic
C. Isotonic
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Hypotonic

If a cell gets reduced in size when placed in solution, the solution is (CPMT 1988, AFMC 2009)

A. Hypertonic
B. Hypotonic
C. Weak
D. Saturated
Answer» A. Hypertonic

In a hypertonic solution a cell’s water potential

A. Decrease
B. Increases
C. First increases then decreases
D. No change
Answer» A. Decrease

An example of selectively permeable membrane is (CPMT 1988)

A. Plasmalemma
B. Cell wall
C. Mitochondrial membrane
D. Chloroplast membrane
Answer» B. Cell wall

When beet root cylinders are washed and then placed in cold water, anthocyanin does not come out. This indicates that most likely the plasma membrane is (AFMC 1990)

A. Permeable to enthocyanin
B. Impermeable to anthocyanin
C. Differentially permeable to anthocyanin
D. Dead structure
Answer» D. Dead structure

Water potential is equal to (CBSE 1988, AMV 1997)

A. Ψ S + OP
B. Ψ S = TP
C. Ψ P + Ψ W
D. Ψ P + Ψ W
Answer» D. Ψ P + Ψ W

Purple cabbage leaves do not pass out colour in cold water but do so in hot water becasue (AFMC 1988)

A. Hot water enters the cell faster
B. Pigment is not soluble in cold water
C. Hot water destroys cell walls
D. Hot water kills plasmalemma and makes it permeable
Answer» A. Hot water enters the cell faster

Which one option does not involve osmosis ? (MPPMT 1991)

A. Water passing from one xylem element to the other above it.
B. Water passing from soil to root hair
C. Water passing into mesophyll cell from xylem
D. Water passing from root hair cell to cortical cell
Answer» B. Water passing from soil to root hair

A bottle filled with previously moistened mustard seeds and water was screw capped tightly and kept in a corner. It blew up suddenly after about half an hour. The phenomenon involved is

A. Diffusion
B. Imbibition
C. Osmosis
D. DPD (CBSE 1990)
Answer» B. Imbibition

When concentration of solutes is low in the soil, absorption of water is (CMPT 1987, KCET 2007)

A. Stopped
B. Increased
C. Retarded
D. Normal
Answer» D. Normal

Guard cells differ from epidermal cells in having. (CPMT 1993, CBSE 2011)

A. Mitochondria
B. Vacuoles
C. Cell wall
D. Chloroplast
Answer» B. Vacuoles

Wilting in plants occurs when (CPMT 1987, 1991, 2002, AFMC 2005, BHU 2006, WB 2008)

A. Phloem is blocked
B. Xylem is removed / blocked
C. Pith is removed
D. A few leaves are removed
Answer» B. Xylem is removed / blocked

Guttation is the process of elimination of water from plants through (BHU 1986, JIPMER 1987, MPPMT 1995, Orissa 2003)

A. Stomata
B. Hydathodes
C. Lenticels
D. Wounds
Answer» D. Wounds

What is the action spectrum of transpiration ? (RPMT 1995, CET Chd. 2006)

A. Green and ultraviolet
B. Orange and red
C. Blue and far red
D. Blue and red
Answer» A. Green and ultraviolet

Stomata open during day time because the guard cells (CPMT 1987)

A. Produce osmotically active sugars or organic acids
B. Are thin walled
C. Are bean shaped
D. Have to help in gaseous exchange
Answer» D. Have to help in gaseous exchange

Stomatal opening is under the control of (KCET 1988, Manipur 2005)

A. Epidemal cell
B. Pallisde cells
C. Spongy cells
D. Guard cells
Answer» B. Pallisde cells

Maximum transpiration takes place from

A. Stem
B. Leaves
C. Roots
D. Flowers and fruits
Answer» B. Leaves

It is produced during water stress that brings stomatal closure. (AMU 1992, CBSE 1993, 1994, 2001, RPMT 2000, JIPMER 2000, Orissa 2009, MP PMt 1992)

A. Ethylene
B. Abscisic acid
C. Ferulic acid
D. Coumarin
Answer» D. Coumarin

Transpiration is least in (CBSE 1998, BHU, 1987, KCET 2006)

A. Good soil moisture
B. Hight wind velocity
C. Dry environment
D. High atmospheric humidity
Answer» C. Dry environment

Transpiration is high in (MP PMT 1993)

A. Rainy season
B. Winter
C. High temperature
D. Low wind velocity
Answer» D. Low wind velocity

Potometer is an instrument that measures (Pb. PMT 1998, Manipur 2005)

A. Respiration
B. Photosynthesis
C. Growth
D. Transpiration
Answer» D. Transpiration

Wilting appears due to excessive. (MP PMT 1989, RPMT 2000, AFMC 2001, Pb. PMT 2001)

A. Respiration
B. Photosynthesis
C. Absorption
D. Transpiration
Answer» A. Respiration

Transpiration is regulated by movement of (JIMER 2004)

A. Guard cell
B. Subsidiary cells
C. Epidermal cells
D. Mesophyll cells
Answer» B. Subsidiary cells

Rate of transpiration is reduced with (CPMT 1987, MPPMT 1999)

A. Rise in temperature
B. Decrease in light intensity
C. Increase in wind velocity
D. Increase in water uptake
Answer» B. Decrease in light intensity

In terrestrial habitats, temperature and railfall conditions are influenced by (CBSE 1989)

A. Water transformation
B. Transpiration
C. Thermoperiodism
D. Translocation
Answer» A. Water transformation

Conversion of starch to organic acids is required for (CBSE 1992)

A. Stomatal opening
B. Stomatal closing
C. Stomatal formation
D. Stomatal activity
Answer» C. Stomatal formation

Element involved in stomatal regulation its opening and closing is(CPMT 1989, 2004, Kerala 2000, Manipal 2001, Pb. PMT 2001, Uttrakhant 2001, DPMT 2002, Wardha 2003, 2011, AMU 2005)

A. Zinc
B. Magnesium
C. Potassium
D. Iron
Answer» A. Zinc

In guard cells when sugar is converted into starch, the stomatal pore (CBSE 1997)

A. Closed completely
B. Opens partiall
C. Opens fully
D. Remains unchanged
Answer» A. Closed completely

Water will be absorbed by root hairs when the externael medium is (JIPMER 1986, AFMC 1993)

A. Hypotonic
B. Hypertonic
C. Isotonic
D. Viscous
Answer» C. Isotonic

Root hairs occur in the zone of (Kerala 2003)

A. Cell division
B. Cell elongation
C. Cell maturatio
D. Mature cells
Answer» C. Cell maturatio

Path of water movement from soil to xylem is (CPMT 1989, Kerala 2008)

A. Meta xylem - protoxylem - cortex - soil - roothair
B. Cortex - root hair - endodermis - pericycle - protoxylem - meta xylem
C. Soil - root hair - cortex - endodermis - pericycle - protoxylem - meta xylem
D. Pericycle - soil - root hair - cortex endodermis - protoxylem metaxylem
Answer» C. Soil - root hair - cortex - endodermis - pericycle - protoxylem - meta xylem

Water in plants is transported by or ascent of sap takes place through (BHU 1991, DPMT 1987, CPMT 1983, 1996, MHTCET 2009)

A. Cambium
B. Phloem
C. Xylem
D. Epidermis
Answer» A. Cambium

Water rises in the stem due to (RPMT 2000)

A. Cohesion and transpiration pull
B. Turgor pressure
C. Osmotic pressure
D. Root pressure (negative)
Answer» C. Osmotic pressure

The principal pathway of water translocation in angiospermis is (CBSE 1990)

A. Sieve cell
B. Sieve tube elements
C. Xylem vessel system
D. Xylem and phloem
Answer» B. Sieve tube elements

Which contributes most to the transport of water from soil to the leaves of a tree ? (CPMT 1989, MPPMT 1989)

A. Root pressure
B. Cohesion of water and transpiration pull
C. Capillary rise of water inside xylem
D. Hydrolysis of ATP
Answer» D. Hydrolysis of ATP

Cohesive force of water is due to (EAMCET 1989, EPMT 2005)

A. O-bond
B. OH-bonds
C. S-bonds
D. H-bonds
Answer» C. S-bonds

Diffusion of water through selectively permeable membrane is (CPMT 1993)

A. Diffusion
B. Imbibation
C. Osmosis
D. Translocation
Answer» C. Osmosis

A higher plant cell covered with cutin and suberin is placed in water, after 15 minutes, the cell (BHU 1993)

A. Will be killed
B. Size will increase
C. Size will remain unchanged
D. Size will decrease
Answer» D. Size will decrease

Plant cell kept in hypertonic solution will get (MPPMT 1994)

A. Lysed
B. Turgid
C. Deplasmolysed
D. Plasmoysed
Answer» B. Turgid

The movement of free atoms from higher concentration to lower concentration is called. (RPMT 1995)

A. Osmosi
B. Diffusion
C. Endosmosis
D. Exosmosis
Answer» A. Osmosi

Plasmolysis is due to (CPMT 1995)

A. Exosmosi
B. Endosmosis
C. Osmosis
D. Adsorption
Answer» C. Osmosis

Cotton fibres dipped in water absorb water through (RPMT 1996)

A. Endosmosi
B. Exosmosis
C. Capillarity
D. Imbibition
Answer» B. Exosmosis

With rise in turgidity, wall pressure will (CBSE 1997)

A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Fluctuate
D. Remain unchanged
Answer» A. Decrease

Root pressur is due to (MPPMT 1993, Har. PMT 2003, Orissa 2011)

A. Active absorption
B. Passive absorption
C. Increased transpiration
D. Increased photosynthesis
Answer» D. Increased photosynthesis
Question and answers in Transport in Plants, Transport in Plants multiple choice questions and answers, Transport in Plants Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Transport in Plants, Transport in Plants MCQs with answers PDF download