Chapter: Reproduction in Organisms

Which animals have developed capacity of regeneration ?

A. Hydra, Starfish
B. Plasmodium
C. Earthworm
D. Spongilla
Answer» A. Hydra, Starfish

Sporulation occurs in...........

A. Plasmodium
B. Hydra
C. Starfish
D. Spongilla
Answer» A. Plasmodium

Which plant reproduce vegetatively by roots ?

A. Oxali
B. Bryophyllum
C. Onion
D. Dahlia
Answer» D. Dahlia

Which plant performs vegetative reproduction with the help of floral buds ?

A. Agave
B. Bryophyllum
C. Ginger
D. Asparagus
Answer» A. Agave

Which part of the plant bryophyllum performs vegetative reproduction ?

A. Stem
B. Floral buds
C. Underground roots
D. Buds on life margin
Answer» D. Buds on life margin

What types of chromosomes are always present in gametes ?

A. Haploid
B. Diploid
C. Triploid
D. Tetraploid
Answer» A. Haploid

Which physiological process is necessary for birth, growth, death, production of offspring and for continuity of the species ?

A. Digestion
B. Transportation
C. Reproduction
D. Nutrition
Answer» C. Reproduction

In which type of reproduction single parent is essential for reproduction ?

A. Asexual
B. Sexual
C. Vegetative
D. Fragmentation
Answer» A. Asexual

In which type of reproduction two individual of opposite sex are essential ?

A. Asexual
B. Sexual
C. Vegetative
D. Fragmentation
Answer» B. Sexual

In which type of organism asexual reproduction is seen ?

A. Unicellular
B. Bicellular
C. Multicellular
D. Both a and c
Answer» D. Both a and c

How does Amoeba reproduce ?

A. Binary fission
B. Budding
C. Sporulation
D. Both a and c
Answer» D. Both a and c

What are ciliated spore ?

A. Non-motile spore
B. Zoospores
C. Homospores
D. Heterospores
Answer» B. Zoospores

Non-flagellate spores are called conidia ? In which organism they are seen ?

A. Pencillium
B. Hydra
C. Amoeba
D. Chlamydomonas
Answer» A. Pencillium

Which animals reproduce by exogenous budding ?

A. Hydra
B. Spongilla
C. Plasmodium
D. Amoeba
Answer» A. Hydra

Which animal reproduce by multiple fission ?

A. Hydra
B. Plasmodium
C. Spongilla
D. Euglena
Answer» B. Plasmodium

In which metohd of asexual reproduction the division of cytoplasm is not possible ?

A. Amitotic division
B. Binary fission
C. Division
D. Budding
Answer» A. Amitotic division

During which process cyst is formed ?

A. Binary fission
B. Multiple fission
C. Sporulation
D. Budding
Answer» C. Sporulation

In which method pseudopodiospores are formed ?

A. Binary fission
B. Multiple fission
C. Sporulation
D. Budding
Answer» C. Sporulation

In which organism other than amoeba,sporulation is seen ?

A. Paramoecium
B. Plasmodium
C. Hydra
D. Planaria
Answer» B. Plasmodium

In which animal,formation of exogenous budding takes place from parent body ?

A. Hydra
B. Planaria
C. Amoeba
D. Paramoecium
Answer» A. Hydra

Which special method of reproduction is found on Nephrolepis ?

A. Offset
B. Stolons
C. Runner
D. Suckers
Answer» B. Stolons

Which of the following is not a natural method of vegetative reproduction ?

A. Sucker
B. Cutting
C. Runners
D. Offsets
Answer» B. Cutting

How many chromosomes are there in meiocyte of Apple ?

A. 17
B. 34
C. 20
D. 10
Answer» A. 17

In which animal conjugation occurs as a sexual reproduction ?

A. Bird
B. Hydra
C. Paramoecium
D. Spirogyra
Answer» C. Paramoecium

Devlopment of zygote taking place outside the body is called ?

A. Viviparou
B. Oviporous
C. Omnivorous
D. Frugivorous
Answer» B. Oviporous

By which asexual reproductive method do Dictyota, Fucus and Yeast reproduces ?

A. Budding
B. Sporulation
C. Fragmentation
D. Fission
Answer» A. Budding

Which algae reproduce by fragmentation ?

A. Ulothrix, Oedogonium
B. Spirogyra, Zygnema
C. Sargasum, Oscillatoria
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

In which plants motile ciliated spores are produced during spore formation ?

A. Chlamydomona
B. Spirogyra
C. Dictyota
D. Fucus
Answer» A. Chlamydomona

What divides first during the method of fission ?

A. Cytoplasmic membrane
B. Cytoplasm
C. Nucleus
D. Cell organelles
Answer» C. Nucleus

In Amoeba, the plane of cytoplasmic division is in which direction ?

A. One direction
B. Two direction
C. Three direction
D. Any direction
Answer» D. Any direction

Which type of division happens in Euglena ?

A. Transversal
B. Longitudinal
C. Peripheral
D. Radial
Answer» B. Longitudinal

Other than Euglena, which of the following organism divides by longitudinal division ?

A. Amoeba
B. Paramoecium
C. Vorticella
D. Plasmodium
Answer» C. Vorticella

In which method of asexual reproduction the offspring's are genetically identical,to the parents ?

A. Amitotic division
B. Multiple fission
C. Division
D. Binary fission
Answer» D. Binary fission

Non-motile and non-flagellate spores are commonly seen in which plants ?

A. Penicillium
B. Aspergillus
C. Mucor
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

The plants which bears only one kind of spores during Sporophytic, stage are known as ........

A. Spore
B. Heterosporous
C. Homosporous
D. Gametes
Answer» C. Homosporous

The plants which bears only two types of hetero spores during Sporophytic stage is known as.........

A. Spore
B. Somatic spores
C. Homosporous
D. Heterosporous
Answer» D. Heterosporous

Which type of spores are produce by pteridophytes and gymnosperms ?

A. Spore
B. Somatic spores
C. Heterospores
D. Homospores
Answer» C. Heterospores

How does vegetative reproduction takes place in flowering plants ?

A. Natural
B. Artificial
C. By chemicals
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

Which of the following pair is incorrect ?

A. Lawn grass-runner
B. Pistia-offset
C. Nephrolepis-stolons
D. Sellaginella-Suckers
Answer» D. Sellaginella-Suckers

Which of the following Plant shows root cutting ?

A. Sugarcane
B. Croton
C. Rose
D. Lemon
Answer» D. Lemon

In Which plant stem is used for vegetative propagation of the plant ?

A. Lemon, grape
B. Hibiscus, mogra
C. Sugarcane, rose
D. Mango, apple
Answer» C. Sugarcane, rose

In which of the following organism, internal bud formation is seen ?

A. Amoeba, Plasmodium
B. Amoeba, Paramecium
C. Planaria, Hydra
D. Spongilla, sycon
Answer» D. Spongilla, sycon

What are Internal buds known as ?

A. Gene
B. Clone
C. Gemmules
D. Bud
Answer» C. Gemmules

Which method of asexual reproduction can be said as method of regeneration ?

A. Binary fission
B. Sporulation
C. Budding
D. Fragmentation
Answer» D. Fragmentation

Which of the following group of animals show regeneration ?

A. Planaria, Hydra, Starfish
B. Starfish, Amoeba, Plasmodium
C. Amoeba, Hydra, Paramoecium
D. Amoeba, Planaria, Starfish
Answer» A. Planaria, Hydra, Starfish

Which asexual reproduction process is seen in bacteria?

A. Budding
B. Sporulation
C. Fragmentation
D. Fission
Answer» D. Fission

For which plants layering method of vegetative propagation is used ?

A. Lemon, Grape
B. Sugarcane, Rose
C. Mango, Apple
D. Guava, Litchi
Answer» A. Lemon, Grape

What do a stock have ?

A. Bud
B. Branches
C. Leaves
D. Possess regular or irregular roots
Answer» D. Possess regular or irregular roots

Grafting is useful for production of......

A. Agriculture
B. Horticulture
C. For inducing flowering
D. Fruit yield plants
Answer» D. Fruit yield plants

Which gametes take part in sexual reproduction ?

A. Male gamete
B. Female gametes
C. Neutral gametes
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

During which phase an living organism becomes sexually mature ?

A. Childhood
B. Adolesence
C. Old age
D. None of these
Answer» B. Adolesence

In plants, the phase from germination to grow till its maturity is known as ?

A. Linear growth phase
B. Germination phase
C. Flowering phase
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Linear growth phase

Which phase of conjugation is impossible in gametes ?

A. Post-fertilization phase
B. Fertilization phase
C. Pre-fertilization phase
D. Gamete phase
Answer» D. Gamete phase

Two gametes having similar appearance are called as.....

A. Gamete
B. Isogametes
C. Heterogametes
D. Isospores
Answer» B. Isogametes

In which plants isogametes are seen?

A. Cladophora
B. Ulothrix
C. Spirogyra
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

Morphologically distinct gametes are called as

A. Isogamete
B. Heterogametes
C. Gametes
D. Iso-spores
Answer» B. Heterogametes

Which organisms have diploid body organization?

A. Monera and Fungi
B. Algae and Bryophyte
C. Pteridophytes and Angiosperms
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

Which organisms have diploid body organization?

A. Pteridophytes, angiosperm
B. Angiosperms
C. Most of the animals
D. All three
Answer» D. All three

Normally male gametes are..... .

A. Stationary
B. Ordinary
C. Nutritive
D. Motile
Answer» D. Motile

Normally Female gametes are.... .

A. Stationary
B. Ordinary
C. Nutritive
D. Motile
Answer» A. Stationary

By which medium gametes of Algae, Bryophytes and Pteridophytes move ?

A. Air
B. Water
C. Lipids
D. Tissue
Answer» B. Water

Which structure provides surface for the settlement of pollen grains in angiosperm plants ?

A. Anther
B. Style
C. Stigma
D. Pollen tube
Answer» C. Stigma

The process of transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma is known as ...... .

A. Distribution of pollen grain
B. Transportation of pollen grains
C. Formation of pollen grains
D. Pollination
Answer» D. Pollination

Where do pollen grains germinate ?

A. Anther
B. Style
C. Stigma
D. Pollen tube
Answer» C. Stigma

Which structare is produced by germination of pollen grain ?

A. Pollen tube
B. Style
C. Tube
D. Vessels
Answer» A. Pollen tube

In which organ the growth of pollen tube is observed, till it reaches the ovules ?

A. Pollen tube
B. Style
C. Ovary
D. Stigma
Answer» B. Style

Devlopment of zygote result in formation of............... .

A. Seed
B. Fruit
C. Embryo
D. Seed coat
Answer» C. Embryo

During conjugation, the-bridge is formed of........... .

A. Nucleu
B. Inter cytoplasm
C. Chromosomes
D. Cytoplasm
Answer» D. Cytoplasm

The process oforgan formation start of................ .

A. Due to growth
B. Due to development
C. Due to differentiation
D. Due to division
Answer» C. Due to differentiation

The fertilized eggs of reptile and birds are covered with calcareous shell. Due to this the zygote passes from which phase ?

A. Growth phase
B. Vegetative phase
C. Development phase
D. Incubation phase
Answer» D. Incubation phase

In Angiosperms, which parts of the flowers wither and fall off ?

A. Sepal
B. Petals
C. Stamens
D. All the three
Answer» D. All the three

In Angiosperms which part of the flowers attached with plant body.

A. Calyx
B. Carolla
C. Gynoecium
D. Androecium
Answer» C. Gynoecium

In asexual reproduction embryosac develop from which part ?

A. Pollengrain
B. Ovum
C. Ovary
D. Mother megaspore
Answer» D. Mother megaspore

In amorphophalus and colocasia vegetetive reproduction occur by which plant organ ?

A. Tuber stem
B. Bubil
C. Corm
D. Offsets
Answer» C. Corm

What is the eye of potato ?

A. Root
B. Stem
C. Bud
D. Flower
Answer» C. Bud

Which type of vegetetive reproduction occurs in Grape and Hibiscus ?

A. Cutting
B. Layering
C. By seed
D. Grafting
Answer» B. Layering

Find out mismatched from the following.

A. Lawn grass-runner
B. Mango-Grafting
C. Lemon-by embryo grafting
D. Bamboo-Grafting
Answer» D. Bamboo-Grafting

Which one is the best ?

A. Stock
B. Scion
C. Cutting
D. All a, b, c
Answer» D. All a, b, c

Which method is used for vegetetive reproduction the devlopment of banana plant ?

A. Cutting
B. Layering
C. Grafting
D. Bud Grafting
Answer» A. Cutting

Which organism becomes reproductive due to deficiency of mitosis and meiosis ?

A. Dog
B. Ameoba
C. Grasshopper
D. Earthworm
Answer» B. Ameoba

In wich circumstances psuedopodial spore are produced ?

A. Normal
B. Favourable
C. Unfavourable
D. Specific condition
Answer» C. Unfavourable

Which asexual reproduction three layered encysts develop ?

A. Binary fission
B. multiple fisssion
C. Sporulation
D. Fragmentation
Answer» C. Sporulation

Which type of asexual reproduction takes place in sycon and spongilla ?

A. Exo budding
B. Endo budding
C. Fragmentation
D. Division
Answer» B. Endo budding

Asexual reproduction takes place by which method in dictyota and fucus ?

A. By Bud method
B. By Binary fission
C. By Multiple fission
D. By Fragmentation
Answer» A. By Bud method

Flagellated spore is known as___________.

A. Non-flaglleted spore
B. Motile spore
C. spore
D. Hetero spore
Answer» B. Motile spore

Conidia spore is known as ___________

A. Motile spore
B. Non-flaglleted spore
C. spore
D. Hetero spore
Answer» B. Non-flaglleted spore

In which reproductive system plants,Animals & Fungi or differentiated morphologically, histologically, and physiologicaly ?

A. Asexual
B. Sexual
C. Vegetative
D. Artificial reproduction
Answer» B. Sexual

Which are the various stages of sexual reproduction ?

A. Growth, Development, Diffrentiation.
B. Pre fertilization, Fertilization, Post fertilization.
C. Fertilization, Post Fertilization, Pre Fertilization.
D. Gametogenesis, Gamete transfer, Gamete Fertilization.
Answer» B. Pre fertilization, Fertilization, Post fertilization.

How many chromosome number are seen in Onion and Housefly during meiosis ?

A. 32,12
B. 16,12
C. 16,06
D. 32,06
Answer» C. 16,06

In which development of zygote takes place in female is called as........ in animals.

A. Oviparou
B. Viviparous
C. Ovoviviparous
D. None
Answer» B. Viviparous

Match the appropriate pairs.
Column - I Column - II
(P) Binary fission (i) Paramoecium
(Q) Multiple fission (ii) Hydra
(R) Sporulation (iii) Amoeba
(S) Budding (iv) Plasmodium

A. P-iii, Q-i, R-iv, S-ii
B. P-i, Q-ii, R-iii, S-iv
C. P-iv, Q-iii, R-ii, S-i
D. P-ii, Q-iii, R-iv, S-i
Answer» A. P-iii, Q-i, R-iv, S-ii

Match the appropriate pairs.
Column - I Column - II
(P) Binary fission (i) Paramoecium
(Q) Transverse binary fission (ii) Euglena
(R) Longitudinal (iii) Hydra
(S) Budding (iv) Ameoba

A. P-i ,Q-ii,R-iii, S-iv
B. P-iv, Q-i, R-ii, S-iii
C. P-iv, Q-ii, R-iii, S-i
D. P-iii, Q-iv,R-i, S-ii
Answer» B. P-iv, Q-i, R-ii, S-iii

Match the appropriate pairs.
Column - I Column - II
(P) Fission (i) Ulothrix, Saprolegnia
(Q) Budding (ii) Oedogonium, Chlamydomonas
(R) Fragmentation (iii) Algal, Fungi, Monera
(S) Sporulation (iv) Dictyota, Fucus, Protosiphon

A. P-i, Q-ii,R-iii, S-iv
B. P-ii, Q-iii, R-iv, S-i
C. P-iii, Q-iv, R-i, S-ii
D. P-iii, Q-iR-ii, S-iv
Answer» C. P-iii, Q-iv, R-i, S-ii

Match the appropriate pairs.
Column - I Column - II
(P) Dahlia (i) Axillary bud
(Q) Turmeric (ii) Buds on the margin of leaf
(R) Bryophyllum (iii) Floral bud
(S) Oxalis (iv) Rhizome
(T) Discoria (v) Cluster of tuberous root

A. P-i, Q-ii,R-iii, S-iv, T-v
B. P-v, Q-iv, R-iii, S-ii, T-i
C. P-ii, Q-iii, R-iv, S-v, T-i
D. P-v, Q-iv, R-ii,S-iii, T-i
Answer» D. P-v, Q-iv, R-ii,S-iii, T-i

Match the approriate pairs.
Column - I Column - II
(P) Terminalia (i) Layerings
(Q) Rose (ii) Root cutting
(R) Hibiscus (iii) Grafting
(S) Mango (iv) Stem cutting

A. P-i, Q-ii,R-iii, S-iv
B. P-iv, Q-iii, R-ii, S-i
C. P-ii, Q-iv, R-i, S-iii
D. P-ii, Q-iv, R-iii, S-i
Answer» C. P-ii, Q-iv, R-i, S-iii

Match appropriate pairs.
Column - I Column - II
(P) Juvenile phase (i) Cell produed duringmeiosis
(Q) Gametogenesis phase (ii) Conjugation phase of heterogenous meiotic cells
(R) Gamete transfer phase (iii) Phase during which specific maturation occurs
(S) Fertile phase (iv) The phase during which heterogenous meiotic division occur

A. P-i, Q-ii,R-iii, S-iv
B. P-iii, Q-i, R-iv,S-ii
C. P-ii, Q-iii, R-iv, S-i
D. P-iii, Q-i, R-ii, S-iv
Answer» B. P-iii, Q-i, R-iv,S-ii

Match the appropriate pairs.
Column - I Column - II
(P) Gametogenesis (i) The process of transfer of gametes
(Q) Transfer of gamete (ii) Transfer of pollen by self or carrier in a angiosperms
(R) Pollination (iii) Two heterogenous gametes conjugate to form zygote
(S) Fertilization (iv) Formation of gametes

A. P-iv, Q-i, R-ii, S-iii
B. P-i, Q-ii, R-iii, S-iv
C. P-ii, Q-iii, R-iv, S-i
D. P-iv, Q-iii, R-iv, S-ii
Answer» A. P-iv, Q-i, R-ii, S-iii

In a given figure which part is correct ?

A. Nucleu
B. Cytoplasm
C. Cell membrance
D. All (a, b, c)
Answer» C. Cell membrance

In a given figure which type of asexual reproduction take place ?

A. Fission
B. Binary fission
C. Transverse binary fission
D. Longitudinal binary fission
Answer» C. Transverse binary fission

In a given figure which type of asexual reproduction take place ?

A. Fission
B. Binary fission
C. Transverse binary fission
D. Longitudinal binary fission
Answer» D. Longitudinal binary fission
Question and answers in Reproduction in Organisms, Reproduction in Organisms multiple choice questions and answers, Reproduction in Organisms Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Reproduction in Organisms, Reproduction in Organisms MCQs with answers PDF download