Chapter: Heredity and Variation

Genotype is

A. Genetic composition of many organisms.
B. Genetic composition of plastids.
C. Genetic composition of germ cells.
D. Genetic composition of an individual.
E. cessive
Answer» A. Genetic composition of many organisms.

Mendelism is genetics of

A. Haploids
B. Diploids
C. Prokaryotes
D. All the above
E. cessive
Answer» D. All the above

Which technique is used by Mendel for hybridization ?

A. Emasculation
B. Bagging
C. Protoplast fusion
D. Both A & B
E. cessive
Answer» A. Emasculation

Phenotypic ratio 3:1 proves

A. Dominance
B. Segregation
C. Crossing over
D. Independent Assortment
E. cessive
Answer» B. Segregation

What is the ratio of homozygous plants for both dominant characters in F2 of a Dilybrid cross ?

A. 1/16
B. 3/16
C. 4/16
D. 9/16
E. cessive
Answer» D. 9/16

Which of the following is significance of dominance ?

A. Organisms with dominant genes are more vital
B. Harmful mutations are not expressed due to dominant gene
C. Heterosis is due to dominant gene
D. All the above
E. cessive
Answer» B. Harmful mutations are not expressed due to dominant gene

From a single ear of corn, a farmer planted 200 kernels which produced 140 tall & 40 short plants. The genotypes of these off springs are most likely.

A. TT ,tt
B. TT , Tt , tt
C. TT ,Tt
D. Tt ,tt
E. cessive
Answer» A. TT ,tt

A useful process for determining whether an individual is homozygous or heterozygous is

A. cross - breeding
B. self fertilization
C. Back - crossing
D. Test cross
E. cessive
Answer» B. self fertilization

Heterozygous tall plants were crossed with dwarf plants what will be the ratio of dwarf plants in the following progency ?

A. 50%
B. 25 %
C. 75%
D. 100%
E. cessive
Answer» A. 50%

Genetic recombinations occur through

A. Mitosis & fertilization
B. Mitosis & Meiosis
C. Meiosis & fertilization
D. None
E. cessive
Answer» C. Meiosis & fertilization

Which of the following is the unit of inheritance ?

A. Phenotype
B. Genotype
C. Gene
D. Genome
E. cessive
Answer» C. Gene

Allele is the

A. Alternate trait of gene pair
B. Total number of genes for a trait
C. Total number of chromosomes
D. Total number of chromosomes of a haploid set.
E. cessive
Answer» A. Alternate trait of gene pair

Types of phenotypes of F2 generation of dihybrid cross ?

A. 4
B. 16
C. 8
D. 9
E. cessive
Answer» A. 4

Cross XXYy  xxYy yields Xx YY:XxYy :Xxyy:xxyy offspring in the ratio of

A. 0 : 3 : 1 : 1
B. 1 : 2 : 1 : 0
C. 1 : 1 : 1 : 1
D. 1 : 2 : 1 : 1
E. cessive
Answer» C. 1 : 1 : 1 : 1

Genes do not occur in pairs in

A. Zygote
B. Somatic cell
C. Endosperm cell
D. Gametes
E. cessive
Answer» D. Gametes

Genotype - Phenotype concept was first produced by

A. Bateson
B. Johannsen
C. Sutton&Boveri
D. Punnet
E. cessive
Answer» A. Bateson

1: 1: 1: 1 ratio shows

A. Monohybrid cross
B. Dihybrid cross
C. Back cross
D. Dihybrid test cross
E. cessive
Answer» D. Dihybrid test cross

Test cross is

A. Tt  Tt
B. Tt  TT
C. TT  TT
D. Tt  tt
E. cessive
Answer» D. Tt  tt

In a plant, gene "T" is responsible for tallness and its recessive allele "t" for dwarfness and "R" is reponsible for red colour flower and its recessive allele "r" of white flower colour. A tall and red flowered plant with genotype TtRr crossed with dwarf and red flowered ttRr. What is the percentage of dwarf - white flowered offspring of above cross ?

A. 50%
B. 6.25%
C. 12.5 %
D. 50 %
E. cessive
Answer» C. 12.5 %

In Mirabilis plant the appearance of the pink hybrid (Rr) between cross of a red (RR) and white (rr) flower parent indicates

A. Segregation
B. Dominance
C. Incomplete dominance
D. Heterosis
E. cessive
Answer» C. Incomplete dominance

If there were only parental combinations in F2 of a dihybrid cross then Mendel might have discovered ?

A. Independent assortment
B. Atavism
C. Linkage
D. Repulsion
E. cessive
Answer» A. Independent assortment

Medelian dihybrid and dihybrid with linkage are respectively related with how many chromosomes?

A. 1 pair & 2 pair
B. 2 pair & 1 pair
C. 2 pair & 2 pair
D. 1 pair & 1 pair In dihybrid with linkage , 2 pairs of genes located in similar homobgous chromosomes
E. cessive
Answer» B. 2 pair & 1 pair

If distance between gene on chromosome in more , then gene shows :-

A. Less Linkag
B. strong linkage
C. weak linkage
D. incomplete linkage
E. cessive
Answer» B. strong linkage

Which of the following conditions represent a case of co- dominant genes ?

A. A gene expresses itself , suppressing the phenotypic effect of its alleles.
B. enes that are similar in phenotypic effect when present separately, but when together interact to produce a different trait.
C. Alleles, both of which interact to produce effect in homozygous condition
D. Alleles, both of which interact to produce an independent effect in heterozygous condition.
E. cessive
Answer» D. Alleles, both of which interact to produce an independent effect in heterozygous condition.

A gene located an y - chromosome and therefore, transmitted from father to son is known as

A. Supplementary gene
B. Complementary gene
C. Duplicate gene
D. Holandric gene
E. cessive
Answer» A. Supplementary gene

In multiple allele system a gamete possesses

A. 2 alleles
B. 3 alleles
C. one allele
D. several alleles
E. cessive
Answer» C. one allele

Blood grouping in humans is controlled by

A. 4 alleles in which IA is dominant
B. 3 alleles in which IA and IB are dominant
C. 2 alleles in which none is dominant
D. 3 alleles in which IA is recessive
E. cessive
Answer» B. 3 alleles in which IA and IB are dominant

Muliple alleles are present

A. in different chromosomes
B. at different loci on chromosomes
C. at the same locus on homologous chromosome
D. at the non homologous chromosome
E. cessive
Answer» C. at the same locus on homologous chromosome

what is called pleiotropism ?

A. Phenomenon of multiple effect of a simple gene
B. Phenomenon of multiple effect of multiple genes
C. Phenomenon of multiple effect of multiple alleles
D. all of the above
E. cessive
Answer» A. Phenomenon of multiple effect of a simple gene

In a family, father has a blood group 'A' and mother has a blood group 'B', Children show 50 % probability for a blood group "AB" indicate that -

A. Father is heterozygous
B. Mother is heterozygous
C. Either of parent is heterozygous
D. Mother is homozygous
E. cessive
Answer» C. Either of parent is heterozygous

The longer the chromosome of an organism, the more genetic variability it gets from,

A. Independent assortment
B. Linkage
C. Crossing over
D. Mutation.
E. cessive
Answer» C. Crossing over

Which statement is incorrect about linkage ?

A. It helps in maintaining the valuable traits of new varieties.
B. It helps in forming new recombinants.
C. Knowledge of linkage helps the breeder to combine all desirable traits in a single variety.
D. It helps in locating genes on chromosome.
E. cessive
Answer» C. Knowledge of linkage helps the breeder to combine all desirable traits in a single variety.

Genetic balance theory for sex determination in Drosophila was proposed by

A. Prof. R. P. Roy
B. H. E. Warmbe
C. C.B. Bridges
D. Mc. Chang
E. cessive
Answer» D. Mc. Chang

In Bonellia all larva are genetically and cytologically similar. In this worm mole individuals live inthe uterus of female. If a particular larva settle near proboscis of an adult female, it becomes a male individuals. Larva develops free in water it becomes.

A. Male individuals
B. Female individuals
C. Inter Sex
D. Super female
E. cessive
Answer» B. Female individuals

F2 generation is produced as a result of

A. Crossing F1 individuals with dominant parent
B. Crossing F1 individuals with recessive parent
C. Crossing one of the parental individual with dominant individual.
D. Crossing F1 individuals amongst them selves.
E. cessive
Answer» D. Crossing F1 individuals amongst them selves.

Segregation of genes take place during which phase of cell division ?

A. Metaphase
B. Anaphase
C. prophase
D. Embryo formation
E. cessive
Answer» B. Anaphase

A couple has four daughters. The percentage probability of fifth child to be a Daughter is.

A. 10
B. 50
C. 75
D. 100
E. cessive
Answer» B. 50

In human being sex chromosomal complement is

A. XX - XY
B. XX - XO
C. ZO - ZZ
D. ZW - ZZ
E. cessive
Answer» A. XX - XY

Zea mays has 10 pairs of chromosomes . Linkage groups present in it are

A. 5
B. 10
C. 20
D. 40
E. cessive
Answer» B. 10

Crossing over during meiosis occurs between

A. sister chromatids
B. Non sister chromatids
C. Centromeres
D. Non homologous chromosomes
E. cessive
Answer» B. Non sister chromatids

Incomplete linkage in Drosophila produces off springs with parental and non-parental combinations.State the percentage of non parental combination of Drosophila.

A. 83%
B. 17 %
C. 15 %
D. 85 %
E. cessive
Answer» B. 17 %

What does the term recombination describe ?

A. Generation of non- parental gene combination
B. Generation of parental gene combination
C. Generation of internal gene combination
D. All of the above
E. cessive
Answer» A. Generation of non- parental gene combination

A cross between hybrid and a parent is known as

A. Test cross
B. Back cross
C. Monohybrid cross
D. Reciprocal cross
E. cessive
Answer» B. Back cross

Checkerboard method of calculations was developed by

A. Mendel
B. Bateson
C. punnett
D. Morgan
E. cessive
Answer» A. Mendel

Punnet square is used to know

A. outcome of a cross
B. probable result of a cross
C. Types of gametes
D. Number of gametes
E. cessive
Answer» B. probable result of a cross

) First generation after a cross is

A. First filial generation
B. F1 gneratioon
C. Second filial generation
D. Both (A) and (B)
E. cessive
Answer» D. Both (A) and (B)

) In humans , height shows a lot of variation . It is an example of

A. Multiple alleles
B. Pleiotropic inheritance
C. polygenic inheritance
D. False allelic inheritance
E. cessive
Answer» C. polygenic inheritance

Meiosis produce 4 daughter cells but each daughter cell differ from one another because of

A. Crossing over
B. Independent assortment
C. Change in chromosome number
D. Both A & B
E. cessive
Answer» D. Both A & B

In T. H. Morgan"s Experiment on Drosophilia what will be the result when F1 female flies are crossed with double recessive male files ?

A. 83% parental combinations 17% Recombinations
B. 41.5 % parental combinations 58.5% recombinations
C. 60% parental combinations 40 % recombinations
D. 90 % parental combinations 10% Recombinations
E. cessive
Answer» A. 83% parental combinations 17% Recombinations

which cross yielded a ratio of 7:1 :1:7 ?

A. Test cross (Dihybrid) - Bateson and punnet
B. Test cross (Monohybrid) - Bateson and punnet
C. Test cross (Dihybri
D. - Carrel correns
E. cessive
Answer» C. Test cross (Dihybri

When there is no Possibility of independent assortment of genes during gametogenesis then What Will be the real ratio of F2 in dihybrd cross?

A. 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
B. 11 : 1 : 1 : 3
C. 12 : 1 : 1 : 2
D. 9 : 3 : 2 : 2
E. cessive
Answer» B. 11 : 1 : 1 : 3

What is incorrect statement Gynandromorphs ?

A. Individuals who show male characters and female characters
B. Individuals who show only female characters
C. It happens due to less of X- chromosomes
D. It happens due to binacleated eggs
E. cessive
Answer» B. Individuals who show only female characters

What is Barr body ?

A. One more than the number of X - chromosomes
B. One more than the number of Y-chromosomes
C. One less than the number of X - chromosomes
D. Two less than the number of X - chromosomes
E. cessive
Answer» C. One less than the number of X - chromosomes

What is called Free martin ?

A. Sterile male born along with a fertile female
B. Sterile intersex born along with a fertile female
C. Sterile super male born along with a intersex
D. Sterile female born along with a fertile male
E. cessive
Answer» D. Sterile female born along with a fertile male

Out of the following , Find out the reason for occurrence of free martin in cattles ?

A. Both the twins are connected by a common umbilical cord
B. Gonad of the male develop earlier then those of the female
C. Male hormones reach the female embryo and influence the development of male sex in the female embryo
D. All of the above
E. cessive
Answer» D. All of the above

In this group of plants male is heterogametic and female is homogametic type

A. Gymnosperms
B. Bryophytes
C. pteridophytes
D. angiosperms
E. cessive
Answer» D. angiosperms

Name the Plant possessing two X chromosomes

A. Humulus japanic
B. Dioscoria sinulate
C. Flagellaria
D. Both (A) & (B)
E. cessive
Answer» D. Both (A) & (B)

State the mutant gene Which converts the male flowers into female flowers In Maize plant

B. ta ta
C. TA Ta
D. Both (A) &(C)
E. cessive
Answer» B. ta ta

By which gene sex is determind in Spinach ?

A. Single gene "m" located in the X- chromosome
B. Single gene "m" located in the Y- chromosome
C. Single gene "t" located in the X- chromosome
D. Single gene "t" located in the Y- chromosome
E. cessive
Answer» A. Single gene "m" located in the X- chromosome

Which factor in nature causes discontinuous Variation in a population ?

A. Recombination
B. Shufflng of parental genes
C. Mutation
D. Geneflow
E. cessive
Answer» C. Mutation

This is reversal of mutation

A. Spontneous mutation
B. Zygotic mutation
C. Back mutation
D. Recessive mutation
E. cessive
Answer» C. Back mutation

Which condition among the following is lethal ?

A. (2n-2)
B. (2n +2)
C. (2n +1)
D. (2n- 1)
E. cessive
Answer» A. (2n-2)

State the cause of Philadelphia syndrome

A. Deletion from the long arm of chromosome number 20
B. Duplication in long arm of chromosome number 20
C. Deletion from the long arm of chromosome number 22
D. Deletion from the short arm of chromosome number 22
E. cessive
Answer» C. Deletion from the long arm of chromosome number 22

which statement is incorrect regarding gene mutation

A. Mutations may be gradual or they may not be induced.
B. Mutation is an evolutionary agent
C. Any gene can undergo mutation
D. Mutated gene is harmful to the individual
E. cessive
Answer» A. Mutations may be gradual or they may not be induced.

What happens to excessive phenylalanine accumulation in the blood of phenylketonuria patient ?

A. Get deposited on synovial membrane
B. excreted in urine
C. Get deposited in storage organs
D. All of the above
E. cessive
Answer» B. excreted in urine

Name the enzyme needed for the following biochemical reaction Tyrosine  enzyme Melanin

A. Melanase
B. tyrosinase
C. Tyrosine aminase
D. transaminase
E. cessive
Answer» C. Tyrosine aminase

Which is very common method to study Human Karyotype ?

A. Blood culture method
B. Tissue culture method
C. Pedigree method
D. Statistical method
E. cessive
Answer» A. Blood culture method

Name the disorder caused by trisomy of sex chromosomes.

A. Down’s syndrome
B. Kline felter’s syndrome
C. Turner’s syndrome
D. Edward’s syndrome
E. cessive
Answer» B. Kline felter’s syndrome

What will be expected blood groups in the off spring when there is a cross between AB blood group mother and heterozygous B blood group father ?

A. 25 % AB group 25 % A group 50 % B group
B. 50 % AB group 25 % A group 25 % B group
C. 25% AB group 50% O group 25 % A group
D. 25 % O group 50 % B group 25 % A group
E. cessive
Answer» A. 25 % AB group 25 % A group 50 % B group

Which law of Mendel can be explained on chromosomal basis of inheritance ?

A. Law of dominance
B. Law of segregation
C. Law of independent assortment
D. All the above
E. cessive
Answer» C. Law of independent assortment

Out of the marked portions X, Y and Z, in which region the male worm develop ?

A. X
B. Y
C. Z
D. All the three regions
E. cessive
Answer» C. Z

Which kind of structural abnormality is seen in the above chromosome?

A. Terminal deletion
B. Duplication (Tandem)
C. Duplication (Reverse)
D. Inversion
E. cessive
Answer» B. Duplication (Tandem)

Name the abnormality seen in chromosome number - 2

A. Interstitial Deletion
B. Terminal Deletion
C. Tandem Duplication
D. Reverse Duplicaton
E. cessive
Answer» A. Interstitial Deletion

What does the following pedigree chart represent ?

A. Pedigree of sex - influenced disorder
B. Pedigree of sex - linked disorder
C. Pedigree of polydactylous in man
D. Pedigree of gene mutation
E. cessive
Answer» C. Pedigree of polydactylous in man

What kind of chromosomal aberrations is seen in the given diagram?

A. Deletion
B. Duplication
C. inversion
D. Translocation
E. cessive
Answer» C. inversion

What kind of sex determination is seen in the given chart?

A. Sex determination in drosophila
B. Sex determination in honey bee
C. Sex determination in moth
D. Sex determination in butterfly
E. cessive
Answer» B. Sex determination in honey bee

What do A, B, C represent in the given diagram?

A. Centromere, chromatids chiasma
B. Chromatid, chiasma, centromere
C. Centromere, chiasma, chromatid
D. Chromatid, chiasma centromere
E. cessive
Answer» A. Centromere, chromatids chiasma

What does the diagram represent ?

A. synapsis Zygotene
B. crossing over, Diplotene
C. Tetrad, Pachytene
D. Terminalization, Diakinesis
E. cessive
Answer» B. crossing over, Diplotene

Whose karyotype is represented below ?

A. Female Drosophila
B. Male Drosophila
C. Intersex Fly
D. Super female fly
E. cessive
Answer» B. Male Drosophila

What does the above cross represent ?

A. Incomplete linkage
B. Complete linkage
C. Crossing over
D. Evolution
E. cessive
Answer» B. Complete linkage

The genes Controlling the seven characters of a pea plant studied by Mendel are now known to be located on how many different chromosomes? AIPMT - 2003

A. Seven
B. Six
C. Five
D. Four
E. cessive
Answer» D. Four

Which one of the following traits of garden pea studied by Mendel was a recessive feature? AIPMT - 2003

A. Axial flower position
B. Green Seed colour
C. Green pod colour
D. Round Seed shape
E. cessive
Answer» B. Green Seed colour

Down's Syndrome is caused by an extra copy of chromosome number 21. What percent age of off spring produced by an affected mother and a normal father? AIPMT - 2003

A. 100%
B. 75%
C. 50%
D. 25%
E. cessive
Answer» D. 25%

Lack of independent assortment of two genes A and B in fruitfly the Drosophilia is due to

A. Repulsion
B. Recombination
C. Linkage
D. Crossing over
E. cessive
Answer» C. Linkage

. A male human is heterozygous for autosomal genes A and B and is also hemizygous for haemophilic gene h. What proportion of his sperms will be abh? AIPMT - 2004

A. 1/8
B. 1/32
C. 1/16
D. 1/4
E. cessive
Answer» A. 1/8

. In a plant, red fruit (R) is dominant over yellow fruit (r) and tallness (T) is dominant over shortness (t). If a plant with RRTt genotype is crossed with a plant that is rrtt. AIPMT - 2004

A. 25% will be tall with red fruit
B. 50% will be tall with red fruit
C. 75% will be tall with red fruit
D. All the offspring will be tall with red fruit.
E. cessive
Answer» B. 50% will be tall with red fruit

A normal woman, whose father was colour blind is married with normal man. The sons would be AIPMT - 2004

A. 75% Colour blind
B. 50% colour blind
C. all normal
D. all colourblind
E. cessive
Answer» A. 75% Colour blind

.The recessive genes located on X - chromosome of humans are alwaysAIPMT-2004

A. Lethal
B. Sub - Lethal
C. expressed in males
D. expressed in females
E. cessive
Answer» C. expressed in males

. Inorder to find out the different types of gametes produced by a pea plant having the genotype AaBb it should be crossed to a plant with the genotype AIPMT - 2004

B. AaBb
C. aabb
D. aaBB
E. cessive
Answer» C. aabb

. A woman with normal vision, but whose father was colourblind, marries a colourblind man. AIPMT - 2004 Suppose that the fourth child of this couple was a boy. This boy

A. May be colourblind or may be of normal vision
B. Must be colourblind
C. Must have normal colour vision
D. Will be partially colourblind since he is heterozygous for the colourblind mutant allele.
E. cessive
Answer» A. May be colourblind or may be of normal vision

.Which of the following is not a hereditary disease? AIPMT - 2004

A. Cystic Fibrosis
B. Thalassaemia
C. Haemophilia
D. Cretinism
E. cessive
Answer» D. Cretinism

.Haemophilia is more commonly seen in human males than in human females because

A. a greater proportion of girls die in infancy AIPMT - 2004
B. this disease is due to a Y- linked recessive mutation
C. this disease is due to an X - linked recessive mutation
D. this disease is due to an X- linked dominant mutation
E. cessive
Answer» C. this disease is due to an X - linked recessive mutation

.A woman with 47 chromosomes due to 3 copies of chromosome 21 is characterized by AIPMT - 2005

A. Super Femaleness
B. Triploidy
C. Turner's Syndrome
D. Down's Syndrome
E. cessive
Answer» D. Down's Syndrome

. A man and a woman, who do not show any apparent signs of a certain inherited disease, have Seven Children (2 daughters and 5 sons). Three of the Sons suffer from the given disease but none of the daughters affected. Which of the following mode of inheritance do you suggest for this disease? AIPMT - 2005

A. Sex - linked dominant
B. Sex - linked recessive
C. Sex - limited recessive
D. Autosomal dominant
E. cessive
Answer» B. Sex - linked recessive

.Which one of the following is an example of polygenic inheritance ? AIPMT - 2006

A. Skin colour in humans
B. Flower colour in Miralibilis jalapa
C. Production of male honey bee
D. Pod shape in garden pea
E. cessive
Answer» A. Skin colour in humans

.Phenotype of an organism is the result of AIPMT - 2006

A. genotype and environmental interactions
B. mutations and linkages
C. Cytoplasmic effects and nutrition
D. environmental changes and sexual dimorphism
E. cessive
Answer» A. genotype and environmental interactions

.How many different gametes will be produced by a plant having the genotype AABbCC? AIPMT - 2006

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Nine
E. cessive
Answer» A. Two

.In Mendel's experiments with garden pea, round seed shape (RR) was dominant over wrinkledSeeds (rr), Yellow cotyledon (YY) was dominant over green cotyledon (yy). What are the expected Phenotypes in the F2 generation of the cross RRYY x rryy?

A. Round Seeds with yellow cotyledons, and wrinkled seeds with yellow cotyle dons
B. Only round seeds with green cotyledons
C. Only wrinkled seeds with yellow cotyledons
D. Only wrinkled seeds with green cotyledons
E. cessive
Answer» A. Round Seeds with yellow cotyledons, and wrinkled seeds with yellow cotyle dons

Test cross involves AIPMT - 2006

A. Crossing between two genotypes with dominant trait
B. Crossing between two genotypes with recessive trait
C. Crossing between two F1 hybrids
D. Crossing the F1 hybrid with a double recessive genotype
E. cessive
Answer» D. Crossing the F1 hybrid with a double recessive genotype

. If a colourblind woman marries a normal visioned man, their sons will be AIPMT - 2006

A. all colourblind
B. all normal visioned
C. one - half colourblind and one - half normal
D. three - fourths colourblind and one - fourth normal
E. cessive
Answer» A. all colourblind
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