Chapter: Locomotion and Movement

What is important character of all living organism ?

A. Movement
B. Locomotion
C. Reproduction
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

Which is not a example of movement in human ?

A. Movement of jaw
B. Movement of eyelash and tongue
C. Movement of appendices
D. Hearing process
Answer» D. Hearing process

By which Amoeba, Paramoecium and Hydra respectively indicate movement ?

A. Pseudopodia, cilia, tentacle
B. Cilia, flagella, tentacles
C. Tentacles, Cilia, Pseudopodia
D. Cilia,Tentacles, Pseudopodia
Answer» A. Pseudopodia, cilia, tentacle

Which are the example of autonomous movement in organism ?

A. Running, Walking
B. Flying, Swimming
C. Gliding, Sliding
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

By which process performs plant movement its parts ?

A. Photropism
B. Geotropsim
C. Chemotropism
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

What are the main aims of locomotion in animal ?

A. For shelter, search of food
B. For the escape of enemy, for predation
C. To get a place for reproduction
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

What is not included in the type of the movement in organisms ?

A. Amoeboid movement
B. Ciliary movement
C. Muscular movement
D. joining process
Answer» D. joining process

Who shows amoeboid movement ?

A. Amoeba
B. Leucocytes
C. Macrophage
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

In which of the following cilliary movment can be seen ?

A. In trachea
B. In oviduct
C. In vasa efferentia
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

From which germinal layer muscle tissue origins ?

A. Ectoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Endoderm
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» B. Mesoderm

What percent of the total body weight of an adult humans is made up of muscle ?

A. 40 - 50 %
B. 30 - 40 %
C. 60 - 70 %
D. 45 - 55 %
Answer» A. 40 - 50 %

Which are characteristic properties of muscles ?

A. Electricity, excitability
B. Contractility
C. Extensibility, elasticity
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

How many type of muscles in living organisms

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» C. 3

Which types of muscles are present in organisms ?

A. Striated muscle
B. Visceral muscle
C. Cardiac muscle
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

Which muscle is controlled by autonomous nervous system ?

A. Striated muscle
B. Visceral muscle
C. Cardiac muscle
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» A. Striated muscle

Which muscle is controlled by sympathetic nervous system ?

A. Striated muscle
B. Cardiac muscle
C. Non Striated muscle
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

Which muscle is present in digestive track, reproductive track and respiratory track ?

A. Visceral muscle
B. Non Striated muscle
C. Voluntary muscle
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

Which band is present in Cardiac muscle ?

A. Intercalated disc
B. A- band
C. I-band
D. All a, b, c.
Answer» D. All a, b, c.

Which muscle does not fatigue and possesses abundant blood supply during life span ?

A. Striated muscle
B. Non Striated muscle
C. Skeleton muscle
D. a and b both
Answer» D. a and b both

Which muscle possesses multinucleate structure (Syncytium) ?

A. Striated muscle
B. Skeleton muscle
C. Non Striated muscle
D. a and b both
Answer» D. a and b both

By which name's isotropic and anisotropic band respectively known ?

A. I - band, A - band
B. I - band, Intercalated-dise
C. A - band, Z - band
D. H - band, Z - band
Answer» A. I - band, A - band

Which line is located in the center of H region ?

A. Krause membrane
B. M- line
C. Z - band
D. Hensen’s line
Answer» B. M- line

The space between two successive Z-band is known as.....

A. A - band
B. I - band
C. Krause membrane
D. Sarcomere
Answer» D. Sarcomere

Which band is called krause membrane ?

A. A
B. Z
C. I
D. H
Answer» B. Z

The functional unit of skeleton muscle is called as......

A. Myofibril
B. Sarcomere
C. Hensen’s line
D. Krause membrane
Answer» B. Sarcomere

What is the name of rod shaped fibrous protein ?

A. Troponin
B. Actin
C. Tropomyosin
D. Meromyosin
Answer» C. Tropomyosin

Which are two forms of actin fiber ?

A. Monomer-G- protei
B. Polymeric H- actin
C. Polymeric F-actin
D. a and c both
Answer» D. a and c both

What the is name of complex, small globular protein ?

A. Troponin
B. Tropomyosin
C. Actin
D. Meromyosin
Answer» A. Troponin

Which is the essential mineral element for muscle contraction ?

A. Ca++
B. Mg++
C. K+
D. Na+
Answer» A. Ca++

Which is essetial for transmission of messages ?

A. Adrenalin
B. Acetylcholine
C. Norqdrenalin
D. Vasopressin
Answer» B. Acetylcholine

Which chemical is envolved duribg anaerobic respiration of glycogen of muscle ?

A. Ethy alcohol
B. Lactic acid
C. Co2
D. a and c both
Answer» B. Lactic acid

Which chemical is responsible to make skeleton muscle fatigue ?

A. Lactic acid
B. Pyruvic acid
C. Ethyl alcohol
D. Acetaldehyde
Answer» A. Lactic acid

Which is/are the type of skeleton muscle ?

A. Red muscle
B. White muscle
C. Non-striated muscle
D. a and b both
Answer» D. a and b both

In which muscle amount of myoglobin is high ?

A. Red muscle
B. White muscle
C. Non-striated muscle
D. a and b both
Answer» A. Red muscle

Which muscle is known as an aerobic muscle ?

A. Red muscle
B. White muscle
C. Non-striated muscle
D. a and b both
Answer» A. Red muscle

The study of skeleton system is called as......

A. Myology
B. Cardiology
C. Osteology
D. Histology
Answer» C. Osteology

By which tissue skeleton system is made up of ?

A. Epithelial tissue
B. Connective tissue
C. Nervous tissue
D. Muscle tissue
Answer» B. Connective tissue

How many bones are present in the struture of skeleton system of human ?

A. 206
B. 210
C. 308
D. 146
Answer» A. 206

What is included in axial skeleton ?

A. Skull and vertebral column
B. Ribs
C. Sternum
D. a and b both
Answer» D. a and b both

What is included in the structure of skull ?

A. Bones of cranium
B. Bones of face
C. Sternum
D. a and b both
Answer» D. a and b both

How many bones, the skull is made of ?

A. 23
B. 22
C. 21
D. 20
Answer» B. 22

How many flat bones are present in a cranium ?

A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
Answer» A. 6

Who makes the floor of the buccal cavity ?

A. Hyoid bone
B. Vomer
C. Mandible
D. Frontal
Answer» A. Hyoid bone

How many bone are present in each middle ear of human ?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
Answer» A. 3

How many vertebrae are present in the structure of vertebral column of human ?

A. 26
B. 33
C. 38
D. 29
Answer» A. 26

Where cervical vertebrae are found ?

A. Thorax region
B. Lumbar region
C. Throat
D. Tail
Answer» C. Throat

Which flat bone is present in the middle line of thorax region of human ?

A. Sternum
B. Collar
C. Vertebral column
D. Femur
Answer» A. Sternum

How many pairs of ribs are found in human ?

A. 12
B. 14
C. 18
D. 24
Answer» A. 12

How many true pairs of ribs are found in human ?

A. 7
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
Answer» A. 7

How many False pairs of ribs are found in human ?

A. 2
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
Answer» A. 2

Which are floating rib in human ?

A. ll th and 12th
B. 9th and 10th
C. 7th and 8th
D. 5th and 7th
Answer» A. ll th and 12th

What is the number of thoracic vertebrae in human ?

A. 12
B. 5
C. 7
D. 8
Answer» A. 12

What is the number of bones present in each leg of human ?

A. 30
B. 35
C. 25
D. 40
Answer» A. 30

What is the formulae of phalanges of hand and leg of human ?

A. 2,3,3,3,3
B. 0,2,2,3,3
C. 2,2,3,3,3
D. 0,2,3,3,3
Answer» A. 2,3,3,3,3

What are the number of tarsal and metatarsal respectively in each limb of human ?

A. 5, 7
B. 7, 5
C. 8, 3
D. 5, 14
Answer» B. 7, 5

How many bones are present in the axial skeleton of human ?

A. 80
B. 100
C. 125
D. 106
Answer» A. 80

How many numbers of carpals and metacarpals are present respectivly in each forelimb of human ?

A. 8,5
B. 5,8
C. 10,8
D. 14, 30
Answer» A. 8,5

By which bone half part of the pectoral girdle is made ?

A. Clavicle
B. Scapula
C. a and b
D. Sternum
Answer» C. a and b

By which structure complete pelvic girdle is formed ?

A. Two Ilium
B. Ischium
C. Two Coxal bone
D. Acetabulum
Answer» C. Two Coxal bone

What is incorporated in pelvic girdle ?

A. Ilium, Ischium, pubi
B. llium, Ischium, Clavicle
C. Ilium, Ischium, Scapula
D. Humerus, Clavicle, scapula
Answer» D. Humerus, Clavicle, scapula

Which bone is occurs in Shank ?

A. Radio-Ulna
B. Tibio-fibula
C. Humerus
D. Femur
Answer» B. Tibio-fibula

What is the number of cervical vertebrae in human ?

A. 4
B. 7
C. 9
D. 14
Answer» B. 7

The number of tarsals in each limb of human ?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Answer» C. 7

By the help of what amoeboid movement is possible ?

A. Flagellary
B. leg
C. Cilia
D. Pseudopodia
Answer» D. Pseudopodia

Which movement is seen in Paramoecium ?

A. Flagella’
B. Amoeboid
C. Ciliary
D. Pseudopodia
Answer» C. Ciliary

Through what the movement of internal organs of body occur ?

A. Skeleton muscle
B. Voluntary muscles
C. Non-striated muscles
D. All type of muscles
Answer» C. Non-striated muscles

It is type of non-striated muscles ?

A. Voluntary muscle
B. Skeleton muscles
C. Involuntary muscles
D. None of the given
Answer» C. Involuntary muscles

Which is the functional unit of voluntary muscles ?

A. H-band
B. A-band
C. I-band
D. Sarcomere
Answer» D. Sarcomere

Where cardiac muscle is present ?

A. In all internal Organ
B. In lungs
C. In heart
D. In hand
Answer» C. In heart

How many vertebrae are in found adult human ?

A. 33
B. 28
C. 24
D. 26
Answer» D. 26

Which are the three type of muscle found in human ?

A. Voluntary muscle, Involunrary muscle and circular muscle
B. Striated muscle, Non-striated muscle and Voluntary muscle
C. Involuntary muscle, Autonomous muscle and Transverse muslce
D. Skeleton muscle, Visceral muscle, And cardiac muscle
Answer» D. Skeleton muscle, Visceral muscle, And cardiac muscle

Which of the following is not true ?

A. Cilia – Paramoecium
B. Tentacles – Hydra
C. Pseudopodia – Amoeba
D. Flagella – Hydra
Answer» D. Flagella – Hydra

Which of the following pair is improper ?

A. A-band, I- band – Striated muscle
B. A-band, I- band Intercalated disc – Striated muscle
C. H- line – Nonstriated muscle
D. Z- line – Striated muscle
Answer» C. H- line – Nonstriated muscle

Which of the following pair is improper ?

A. Axial skeleton – 80 bone
B. Cranium — 8 bones
C. Vertebral column – 26 vertebrae
D. Ribs – 22 pairs
Answer» D. Ribs – 22 pairs

Make correct pairs from the column - I and column - II.
Column I Column - II
(P) Cervical vertebrae (i) 4
(Q) Thoracic vertebrae (ii) 5
(R) Lumbar vertebrae (iii) 7
(S) Sacrum vertebrae (iv) 12
(T) Coccygeal vertebrae (iv) 5

A. (P-ii) ( Q -iv ) ( R- ii) ( S - v) ( T - i)
B. ( P-ii) ( Q -iii) ( R- i) ( S - v) (T - iv)
C. ( P-iii) ( Q -iv) ( R- ii) ( S - v) ( T - i)
D. ( P-v ) ( Q -iii) (R- ii) ( S - i) ( T - iv)
Answer» C. ( P-iii) ( Q -iv) ( R- ii) ( S - v) ( T - i)

Make proper pairs.
Column -I Column - II
(P) Red muscle (i) Muscle of eye ball
(Q) White muscle (ii) Flight muscle of bird
(R) Immovable joint (iii) In-between humerus and
(S) Synovial joint (iv) Bones of skull

A. ( P-iv ) (Q -iii) (R- i) ( S - ii)
B. ( P-ii) ( Q -i) (R- iiv) (S - iii)
C. (P-iii) (Q-iv) (R-i)(S-ii) pectoral girdle
D. ( P-ii) ( Q-i) (R-iv ) (S - iii)
Answer» B. ( P-ii) ( Q -i) (R- iiv) (S - iii)

Make correct pairs from the column -I and column - II.
Column -I Column - II
(P) Skull bone (i) Two curves
(Q) Vertebral column (ii) Second vertebrae
(R) Carpals (iii) 22
(S) Axis (iv) 08
(T) Clavicle (iv) four curves

A. ( P-ii) ( Q -iv ) ( R- ii) ( S - v) ( T - i)
B. ( P-ii) ( Q -iii) ( R- i) ( S - v) (T - iv)
C. ( P-iii) ( Q -v) ( R- iv ) ( S - ii) (T- i)
D. (P-v)(Q-iii) ( R-ii) (S-i)(T-iv)
Answer» C. ( P-iii) ( Q -v) ( R- iv ) ( S - ii) (T- i)

Make proper pairs.
Column -I Column - II
(P) F- actin (i) Facial bone
(Q) Ethmoid (ii) Myosin
(R) ATPase (iii) Polymerize protein
(S) Lacrymal bone (iv) Bones of skull

A. ( P-iv ) ( Q -iii) (R- i) ( S - ii)
B. ( P-ii) ( Q -i) ( R- iiv) ( S - iii)
C. ( P-iii) ( Q -iv) (R- ii) ( S - i)
D. ( P-ii) ( Q -i) (R- iv ) ( S - iii)
Answer» C. ( P-iii) ( Q -iv) (R- ii) ( S - i)

Whaich is the smallest bone of fore limb ? (CPMT- 2002)

A. Humeru
B. Femur
C. carpals
D. Fibula
Answer» A. Humeru

In which bone triangular acromion is present ? (CPMT- 2002)

A. Radia
B. Scapula
C. Femur
D. Humerus
Answer» C. Femur

Humerus bone is found : (DPMT- 1985)

A. Radia
B. Ulna
C. arm
D. Fore arm
Answer» C. arm

Hinge joint occurs between : (CPC - 2003 )

A. Humerus and radio-ulna
B. Femur and pelvic girdle
C. Humerus and Pectoral girdle
D. Skull and atlas
Answer» A. Humerus and radio-ulna

Total numbers of vertebrae in human skeleton. (JIMERT 2002)

A. 30
B. 32
C. 33
D. 35
Answer» C. 33

Number of bones present in an arm is : (AFMC - 2004 )

A. 30
B. 32
C. 35
D. 40
Answer» A. 30

Ribs are attached to : (Wardha- 2001 )

A. Scapula
B. Sternum
C. Clavicle
D. Ilium
Answer» B. Sternum

In humans, coccyx is formed by the fusion of vertebrae (NCERT- 1978)

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» B. 4

What is formed by the bones of pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle and limbs ? (CPMT- 1987)

A. Body skeleton
B. External skeleton
C. Axial skeleton
D. Appendiculr skeleton
Answer» D. Appendiculr skeleton

Number of floting ribs in human body is : (JIMER- 2000)

A. 6 pair
B. 5 pairs
C. 3 pairs
D. 2 pairs
Answer» D. 2 pairs

Ankle joint is : (Pb.P.M.T- 1997)

A. Pivot joint
B. Ball and soket joint
C. Hinge joint
D. Gliding joint
Answer» D. Gliding joint

Sarcomere is distance between : ( BHU-2001, CBSE- 2004, RPMT- 2002)

A. Two I- band
B. A and I bands
C. Two consecutive Z- lines
D. Z and A bands
Answer» C. Two consecutive Z- lines

Which is the skull bone ? (CBSE- 1998)

A. Atla
B. Femur
C. Tibia
D. Nasal
Answer» D. Nasal

How many bones are there in appendicular skeleton ? (BV - 2003)

A. 80
B. 120
C. 126
D. 206
Answer» C. 126

Where is hinge joint found ? (APMEE- 2002)

A. Elbow and shoulder
B. Elbow and Knee
C. Atlas and odontoid process
D. Knee and ankle
Answer» B. Elbow and Knee

Number of ball and soket joints present in human body is : (Wardha- 2003)

A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 8
Answer» B. 4

Synovial joints is : (Orrisa - 2004)

A. Ball and soket joint
B. Pivot joint
C. Hinge joint
D. A11 the above
Answer» D. A11 the above

Give the number of Cranium bones ? (JKCMEE - 2005)

A. 8
B. 10
C. 14
D. 20
Answer» A. 8

Cervical vertebrae are located in : (HPPMT - 2005)

A. Thoracic region
B. Abdominal region
C. Neck region
D. Hip region
Answer» C. Neck region

Lumbar vertebrae are located in : (HPPMT - 2005)

A. region
B. Thorax
C. Abdominal regionNeckn
D. Hip region
Answer» C. Abdominal regionNeckn

Ratio of which is more in red muscle ? (JIMER -2002)

A. Myoglobin
B. Actin
C. Myosin
D. Albumin
Answer» A. Myoglobin

Friction is lessened in ball and soket joint by (MPPMT -1990)

A. Coelomic fluid
B. Synovial fluid
C. Pericardial fluid
D. Mucin
Answer» B. Synovial fluid
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