Chapter: Cell Cycle and Cell divisons

Approximately how many cells are present in the body of an adult person ?

A. 1014
B. 1015
C. 1018
D. 1021
Answer» A. 1014

The period between two successive cell divisions in called........

A. Duplication
B. Growth phase
C. Cell cycl
D. Interphase
Answer» C. Cell cycl

Which is fundamental property of all living organisms ?

A. Respiration
B. Germination
C. Growth
D. Photosynthesis
Answer» C. Growth

The two chromatids of a metaphase chromosome represents :

A. homologous chromosome of a diploid set
B. replicated chromosomes to be separated at anaphase
C. non-homologous joined at the centromere
D. maternal and paternal chromosomes joined at the centromere
Answer» B. replicated chromosomes to be separated at anaphase

With how many cell reproduction starts ?

A. Two cell
B. Single cel
C. Many cells
D. Somatic cell
Answer» B. Single cel

Which of the following is present in maximum number in an adult person ?

A. Somatic cell
B. Gamete
C. Reproductive cell
D. Zygote
Answer» A. Somatic cell

What is synthesized during G2 – phase ?

A. Protein
B. Micro tubules
D. (a) and (b)
Answer» D. (a) and (b)

Synthesis of RNA and protein takes place in which phase of the cell cycle ?

A. S-phase
B. M-phase
C. G1-phase
D. Metaphase
Answer» C. G1-phase

During which phase can nucleolus be observed clearly ?

A. Metaphase-II
B. Early Prophase
C. Anaphase
D. Metaphase
Answer» B. Early Prophase

Which structure can be observed at the surface of centromere during metaphase ?

A. Kinetochore
B. Chromatophore
C. Kinetophore
D. Chromatophore
Answer» A. Kinetochore

Mitosis actually means……

A. Reduction in number of chromosomes
B. Division of nucleus only
C. Division of cytoplasm only
D. Both nuclear (Karyokinesis) and cytoplasmic divisions.
Answer» D. Both nuclear (Karyokinesis) and cytoplasmic divisions.

The role of mitosis is not merely to divide a cell into two daugher cells but to ensure genetic continuity from one cell generation. The mechanism ensuring genetic continutity is;

A. Formation of two cells with identical DNA
B. The new cells have half the number of chromosomes.
C. Formation of cell by new chromosome
D. Formation of two daughter cells
Answer» A. Formation of two cells with identical DNA

Substances that interface with microtubule function interfare with cell division because....

A. Microtubules are distributed equally in the new cells
B. Microtubules are involved in precise separate set of chromosomes get into each daughter cells.
C. Without microtubules, cytokinesis cannot take place and a membrane is form
Answer» B. Microtubules are involved in precise separate set of chromosomes get into each daughter cells.

The stage of mitosis during which the nucleolus disintegrates and chromosomes appear is known as

A. Interphase
B. Metaphase
C. Prophase
D. Anaphase
Answer» C. Prophase

Chromosomes can be counted during :

A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphas
D. Telophase
Answer» B. Metaphase

The nuclear membrane disintegrates and spindle appears at :

A. Prometaphase
B. Early prophase
C. Late telophase
D. Late prophase
Answer» D. Late prophase

The separation of two chomatids of each chromosome during early anaphase is initiated by :

A. The interaction of centromere with the chromosomal fibres.
B. The elongation of metaphytic spindle
C. Attachment of spindle fibres with Kinetochore
D. All the above
Answer» C. Attachment of spindle fibres with Kinetochore

The telophase stage of mitosis is…….

A. The last stage of karyokinesis
B. More or less opposite of prophase stage.
C. The stage where spindle fibres are abosorbed in cytoplasm
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The term ‘karyokinesis’ is used for….

A. Disappearance of nuclear mimbrane during metaphase
B. Changes occuring at anaphase, when chromosomes move to the opposite poles.
C. Event occuring during interphase
D. Over all changes occurring in nucleus during the cell division.
Answer» D. Over all changes occurring in nucleus during the cell division.

How many mitotic divisions must occur in a cell to form 1024 cells ?

A. 20
B. 10
C. 40
D. 64
Answer» B. 10

The difference in the division of a plant cell and animal cell is in.....

A. Cell membrane formation
B. Spindle formation
C. Movement of chromosomes from equatorial plane
D. Coiling of the chromosomes
Answer» A. Cell membrane formation

During which phase of prophase-I of meiosis does the process of synapsis occur ?

A. Pachytene
B. Zygotene
C. Leptotene
D. Diplotene
Answer» B. Zygotene

In mitosis the daughter cells resemble to their parent cell. But in meiosis they differ not only from parent cell in having half the number of chromosomes, but also differ among themselves qualitatively in genetic constitution due to.....

A. Segragation and crossing over only
B. Independent assortment and segregation only
C. Crossing over, independent assortment and segregation
D. Independent assortment and crossing over only
Answer» C. Crossing over, independent assortment and segregation

Which is the longest phase of meitoic division ?

A. Prophase-I
B. Metaphase-I
C. Anaphase-I
D. Telophase-I
Answer» A. Prophase-I

At which stage, the homologous chromosomes separate due to repulsion, but are yet held by chiasmata :

A. Zygotene
B. Pachytene
C. Diplotene
D. Diakinesis
Answer» C. Diplotene

If there are four chromosomes present during prophase – I, how many chromosome are there in each cell at the end of anaphase - II

A. 4
B. 8
C. 2
D. 16
Answer» C. 2

Meiosis – II is :

A. Cell division
B. Mitotic division
C. Commonly cell elongation
D. Reduction division
Answer» B. Mitotic division

Significance of meiosis is associated with :

A. DNA duplication
B. Asexual reproduction
C. Sexual reproduction
D. Growth of the body
Answer» C. Sexual reproduction

The minimum number of meiotic divisions required to obtain 100 pollen grain of wheat is.....

A. 40
B. 25
C. 150
D. 200
Answer» B. 25

The number of meiotic divisions required to produce 400 seeds in a pea plant is.....

A. 200
B. 700
C. 500
D. 400
Answer» D. 400

Significance of meiosis.........

A. The number of chromosomes is maintained in all cells.
B. It is important process for evolution
C. Due to division, cell can maintain their efficient size.
D. A very significant contributing of mitosis is cell repair
Answer» B. It is important process for evolution

In which of the following matters mitosis and meiosis are similar ?

A. Both are precede by DNA replication
B. Both have pairing of homologous chromosomes
C. Both process occurs in all kinds of cells
D. Both include separation of paired chromosomes.
Answer» B. Both have pairing of homologous chromosomes

During which of the following phases of mitosis asters appear around the centroles ?

A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase
Answer» A. Prophase

During which stage of meiosis crossing over takes place ?

A. Leptotene
B. Zygotene
C. Dikinesis
D. Pachytene
Answer» C. Dikinesis

At which of the following stage4s of cell cycle proteins and microtubules, required for mitosis, are synthesized ?

A. G2 phase
B. G1 phase
C. Interphase
D. M phase
Answer» A. G2 phase

If the initial amout of DNA is denoted as 2C then it increases into :

A. 2C
B. 4C
C. 8C
D. 6C
Answer» B. 4C

A. During interphase, chromosomes are recognized as chromatin network. R. Chromosomes are highly dispersed during this phase.

A. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. A is true and R is wrong
D. I is wrong and R is true
Answer» A. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.

A. G1 phase is also called growth phase. R. There is a lot of biosynthetic activity during

A. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. A is true and R is wrong
D. A is wrong and R is true
Answer» A. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.

A. The meiotic division-I is also called reduction division. R. During this the chromosomes are distributed in two cells in half their number.

A. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. A is true and R is wrong
D. A is wrong and R is true
Answer» A. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.

A. During meiosis, the genetic material is replicated twice whereas the cell divides one. R. Meiosis takes place in plants and animals during the formation of reproductive cells.

A. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. A is true and R is wrong
D. A is wrong and R is true
Answer» D. A is wrong and R is true

A. Number of chiasmata is more in longer chromosomes. R. The number of chiasmata depends on the length of chromosomes.

A. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. A is true and R is wrong
D. A is wrong and R is true
Answer» A. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.

Statement – P : G1 stage is the last stage or interphase. Statement – Q : Systhesis of DNA takes place in G2 stage.

A. Statement P and Q both are correct
B. Statement P is correct statement Q is wrong
C. Statement P is wrong and statement Q is correct
D. Statement P and Q both are wrong
Answer» D. Statement P and Q both are wrong

Statement – P : Interphase is divided in three sub phases. Statement – Q : G1 phase is the initial phase of interphase.

A. Statement P and Q both are correct
B. Statement P is correct statement Q is wrong
C. Statement P is wrong and statement Q is correct
D. Statement P and Q both are wrong
Answer» A. Statement P and Q both are correct

Statement – P : In ‘S’ stage centrosome is duplicated Statement – Q : In the prophase centrioles separate from each other and move towards the opposite poles.

A. Statement P and Q both are correct
B. Statement P is correct statement Q is wrong
C. Statement P is wrong and statement Q is correct
D. Statement P and Q both are wrong
Answer» C. Statement P is wrong and statement Q is correct

For the statement ‘X’ and statement ‘Y’ which of the following option is correct ? Statement – ‘X’ :During meiosis the genetic material is replicated once. Statement – ‘Y’ : Genetic material is not replicated during interkinesis.

A. Both statements ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are correct
B. ‘X’ is correct and ‘Y’ is wrong
C. Both statements ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are wrong
D. ‘X’ is wrong and ‘Y’ is correct
Answer» A. Both statements ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are correct

Match the following :
Coulmn-I Coulmn-II
(A) Prophase (i) Nuclear membrane and other orgenelles reorganise
(B) Metaphase (ii) Arrangement of chromatids on the poles
(C) Anaphase (iii) Formation of cytoplasmic fibres of proteins
(D) Telophase (iv) Arranged on equatorial plane
(E) Cytokinesis (v) The formation of syncytium

A. (A - i) (B - ii) (C - iii) (D - iv) (E - v)
B. (A - iii) (B - iv) (C - ii) (D - i) (E - v)
C. (A - v) (B - iv) (C - iii) (D - ii) (E - i)
D. (A - ii) (B - iii) (C - iv) (D - v) (E - i)
Answer» B. (A - iii) (B - iv) (C - ii) (D - i) (E - v)

Match the following :
Coulmn-I Coulmn-II
(A) Laptotene (i) Nucleolus disappears
(B) Zygotence (ii) Appearance of recombination nodules
(C) Pachytene (iii) Develoment of Synapsis
(D) Diplotene (iv) Chromosome appears filamentous
(E) Daikinesis (v) Genes exchange at chaismata

A. (A - iv) (B - iii) (C - ii) (D - v) (E - i)
B. (A - i) (B - ii) (C - iii) (D - iv) (E - v)
C. (A - v) (B - iv) (C - iii) (D - ii) (E - i)
D. (A - ii) (B - iii) (C - iv) (D - r) (E - i)
Answer» A. (A - iv) (B - iii) (C - ii) (D - v) (E - i)

Match the following :
Coulmn-I Coulmn-II
(A) Prophase-I (i) Chromosomes move toward one plane along with centromere.
(B) Metaphase-II (ii) Half the number of chromosomes in seen
(C) Anaphase-I (iii) Longest phase of meiosis-I
(D) Telophase-I (iv) Two nuclei are seen

A. (A - iii) (B - i) (C - ii) (D - iv)
B. (A - i) (B - ii) (C - iii) (D - iv)
C. (A - ii) (B - iii) (C - iv) (D - i)
D. (A - iv) (B - i) (C - i) (D - iii)
Answer» A. (A - iii) (B - i) (C - ii) (D - iv)

Match the following :
Coulmn-I Coulmn-II
(A) Cytokinesis (i) Reformation of nuclear Membrane and golgi body
(B) Metaphase (ii) Synthesis of RNA and protein
(C) Telophase (iii) Centromers of chmosomes are arranged on equatorial plate.
(D) Interphase (iv) Contraction of chomosomes starts (v) The formation of synctium

A. (A - i) (B - ii) (C - iii) (D - iv)
B. (A - iv) (B - iii) (C - i) (D - ii)
C. (A - iv) (B - ii) (C - i) (D - iv)
D. (A - iv) (B - iii) (C - ii) (D - i)
Answer» C. (A - iv) (B - ii) (C - i) (D - iv)

Select correct statement’s for cell cycle.
(i) Yeast cell can complete on cell cycle in every 90 minutes
(ii) A period between creation of a cell and division of that cell.
(iii) Cell cycle is mainly divided into interphase and differentiation like two phases.

A. (i) and (ii) only
B. (i) and (iii) only
C. (ii) and (iii) only
D. (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer» A. (i) and (ii) only

Which of the following statement is/are correct for prophase of mitosis ?
(i) At the end of this phase nuclear membrane and nucleolus disintegrate.
(ii) At the end of this phase two chromosome and a centromere holding them together.
(iii) This phase begins with the condensation of chromatids along their lengths.

A. (i) only
B. only (i) and (ii)
C. only (ii) and (iii)
D. (i) and (iii)
Answer» A. (i) only

Which of the following statement is/are correct for Prophase-I ?
(i) During diplotene, the members of each pair of homologous chromosomes start moving away from one another.
(ii) In zygotene, bivalent chromosomes appear tetravalent.
(iii) In diakinesis, chromatids become separated even at the site of chiasmata.

A. only (i)
B. only (ii)
C. only (i) and (iii)
D. (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer» C. only (i) and (iii)

Which of the following statement is/are correct for Meiosis-II ?
(i) Chromosomes are arranged on equatorial plate in prophase-II
(ii) Nucleolus disappear during telophase-II
(iii) In anaphase-II, the chromatids with their independent centromeres are called chromosomes.
(iv) In metaphase-II, centromere of each chromosome becomes attached to filament of bipolar spindle.

A. only (i) and (ii)
B. only (iii) and (iv)
C. only (i), (ii) and (iii)
D. (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer» B. only (iii) and (iv)

Find out the incorrect pair.

A. Telophase – Chromatin is observed
B. G1 phase – New DNA is synthesized
C. Prophase – nuclear membrane disintegrates
D. Zygotene - Synapsis
Answer» B. G1 phase – New DNA is synthesized

Find the incorrect pair.

A. Bipolar spindle – Cytoplasmic fibres of protein
B. Prophase – Chromosome made up of two chromatids and centromere
C. Anaphase – Equatorial plate
D. Metaphase - Kinetochore
Answer» C. Anaphase – Equatorial plate

From the following which pair does not match ?

A. S – state – Synthesis of DNA
B. Meiosis – One parental cell produces two daughter cells
C. Anaphase – Each chomatid with independent centromere.
D. Zygotene - Synapsis
Answer» B. Meiosis – One parental cell produces two daughter cells

“The number of chiasmata depends on chromosomes” – What is the mistake in the given statement ?

A. Width of chromosome – Word in not mentioned
B. Size of chromosome – Word is not mentioned
C. Number of chromosome – Word is not mentioned
D. Length of chromosome – Word is not mentioned
Answer» D. Length of chromosome – Word is not mentioned

Which is the true statement for mitosis ?

A. Cell formed by it performs diverse functions i.e. show division of labour
B. The number of chromosomes in the new cells are half than that of the parent cell.
C. Two cells are formed as a result of this division are identical in all aspects.
D. Cells formed as a result of mitosis have different genetic characters.
Answer» C. Two cells are formed as a result of this division are identical in all aspects.

Which of the following statement is true for mitosis ?

A. Cytokinesis and karyokinesis occur together
B. Cytokinesis and karyokinesis are random
C. Cytokinesis preceedes karyokinesis
D. Karyokinesis preceedes cytokinesis
Answer» D. Karyokinesis preceedes cytokinesis

Indentify the correct sequence of karyokinesis stages :

A. Prophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Telophase
B. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
C. Prophase, Telophase, Metaphase, Anaphase
D. Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase, Anaphase
Answer» B. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

When synapsis is completed all along the chromosome, the cell is said to have entered a stage called :

A. zygotene
B. pachytene
C. diplotene
D. diakinesis
Answer» B. pachytene

Which process is indicated by given diagram ?

A. Cell division during formation of reproductive cells.
B. Cell division in somatic cells.
C. (a) and (b) both
D. Amitosis
Answer» A. Cell division during formation of reproductive cells.

Which of the following cell can complete one cell cycle in 90 minutes ?

A. Plant cell
B. Animal Cell
C. Angal cel
D. Yeast Cell
Answer» D. Yeast Cell

Which plant material is best suited for studying mitosis in class room ?

A. Root tip
B. Anther
C. Pieces of bark
D. Shoot apex
Answer» A. Root tip

Mitosis can occur in

A. Haploid and diploid cells both
B. Pollen mother cells
C. Haploid cell only
D. Diploid cell only
Answer» A. Haploid and diploid cells both

Genetic homogeneity and exact similarity between chromosomes of various cell within the same type of issue of plant is due to :

A. Cytokinesi
B. Meiosis
C. Mitosis
D. Fertilization
Answer» C. Mitosis

Spindle fibres are composed of :

A. Lipid
B. Pectins
C. Proteins
D. Cellulose
Answer» C. Proteins

In the plant cell, cytokinesis occurs by

A. Separation of the cytoplasm from the periphery to central region.
B. Separation of the cytoplasm throughout the equatorial plane simultaneously
C. Separation of the cytoplasm from cell centre to its periphery
D. Following of cytoplasm from two side at right angles to the plane of spindle pole
Answer» C. Separation of the cytoplasm from cell centre to its periphery

Cytokinesis is generally, but not always, seen in mitosis. If cells undergo mitosis and do not follow cytokinesis then it would result in :

A. Cells with abnormal small nuclei
B. Ensuring genetic homogeneity of cell
C. A cell with a single large nucleus
D. A cell with two or more nuclei
Answer» D. A cell with two or more nuclei

How many time is the genetic material replicated during meiosis ?

A. Twice
B. Once
C. Four times
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Once

How does the pairs of homologous chromosomes appear during zygotene phase ?

A. Univalent
B. Trivalent
C. Tetravalent
D. Bivalent
Answer» D. Bivalent

In which of the following stages chromosomes are not seen clearly ?

A. Leptotene
B. Prophase-II
C. Diplotene
D. Metaphase-III
Answer» B. Prophase-II

Crossing over involves.......

A. Duplication of chromosome
B. Deletion of chromosomes
C. Exchange of genetic matetial
D. Addition of chromosome
Answer» C. Exchange of genetic matetial

Crossing over occurs between.......

A. Non – homologous chromatids of non homologous chromosomes
B. Non – sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes
C. Sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes
D. Sister chromatids of non homologous chromosome
Answer» B. Non – sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes

During meiosis centromere divides :

A. Only one at anaphase - II
B. Only once at anaphase – I
C. Twice in meiosis – I & II
D. Twice in each cell at the end of anaphase – I & II
Answer» A. Only one at anaphase - II

Which of the following occurs only during meiosis ?

A. Pairing of homologous chromosome
B. Separation of duplicated stands
C. Cytokinesis
D. Disappearance of nucleolus
Answer» A. Pairing of homologous chromosome

Select the correct option from Column-I and Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Leptotene (p) Synapsis
(B) Zygotene (q) Formation of bipolar spindle
(C) Pachytene (r) Condensation of chromosomes
(D) Diakinesis (s) Crossing over

A. (A - s) (B - s) (C - p) (D - q)
B. (A - r) (B - r) (C - s) (D - p)
C. (A - r) (B - r) (C - s) (D - q)
D. (A - q) (B - q) (C - s) (D - r)
Answer» C. (A - r) (B - r) (C - s) (D - q)

Select the correct option from Column-I and Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) G1 phase (p) Synthesis of new DNA
(B) G2 phase (q) Synthesis of DNA does not occur
(C) S phase (r) DNA synthesis stops

A. (A - r) (B - p) (C - q)
B. (A - p) (B - r) (C - q)
C. (A - r) (B - q) (C - p)
D. (A - q) (B - r) (C - p)
Answer» D. (A - q) (B - r) (C - p)

Due to crossing over, an opportunity for the exchange of genes becomes possible.

A. S - phase
B. Cell Cycle
C. Significance of meiosis
D. G2 phase
Answer» C. Significance of meiosis

Which of the following statement is true for prophase ?

A. At the end of this phase chromosomes disappear.
B. In this phase condensation of chromosome takes place along their lengths.
C. At the end of this phase nuclear membrane is formed
D. Centriole divides and arranged on opposite pole.
Answer» B. In this phase condensation of chromosome takes place along their lengths.

Syncytium means........

A. small disc shaped structures at the surface of the centromeres.
B. a condition arises when karyokinesis is not followed by cytokinesis.
C. process of constriction of cytoplasm from peripheral region of cell that extends towards the centre.
D. a multinucleate condition arises when karyokinesis and cytokinesis is over.
Answer» B. a condition arises when karyokinesis is not followed by cytokinesis.

In animal cell........

A. constriction of cytoplasm begins from the peripheral region of the cell.
B. middle lamella made up of pectin develops.
C. constriction of cytoplasm begins from the centre of the cell.
D. (a) and (b) both
Answer» C. constriction of cytoplasm begins from the centre of the cell.

Given below is a schematic break-up of the phases/stage of cell cycle :

A. C Karyokinesis
B. D Synthetic phase
C. A Cytokinesis Metaphase
D. B Metaphase
Answer» B. D Synthetic phase

Spindle fibre shorten.

A. Prophase
B. Telophase
C. Metaphase
D. Anaphase
Answer» D. Anaphase

Nucleus is reformed

A. Telophase-I
B. Prophase-II
C. Anaphase-II
D. Metaphase-II
Answer» A. Telophase-I

Pair of homologous chromosomes become arranged at the equatorial plane of the cell.

A. Metaphase-II
B. Metaphae-I
C. Metaphase
D. Zygotene
Answer» B. Metaphae-I

The period between two successive divisions is called......

A. Cell division
B. Cellcycle
C. Interphase
D. G1 phase
Answer» B. Cellcycle

The chromosomes are distributed in two cells in half thir number is called.

A. Mitosi
B. Cytokineis
C. Heterotypic division
D. Cellcycle
Answer» C. Heterotypic division

What is the average cell cycle span of a human cell ?

A. 17 Hrs.
B. 20 Hrs.
C. 24 Hrs.
D. 30 Hrs.
Answer» C. 24 Hrs.

During cell cycle DNA replication takes place in.......

A. G1 - phase
B. S - phase
C. G2 - phase
D. M - phase
Answer» B. S - phase

During which of the following phase of mitosis asters appear round the centrioles ?

A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase
Answer» A. Prophase

At Which sub stage of meiosis crossing over takes place ?

A. Leptotene
B. Zygotene
C. Pachytene
D. Diplotene
Answer» C. Pachytene

During which of the following stage of division nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear ?

A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase
Answer» D. Telophase

What is average cell cycle span of a Yeast cell ?

A. 70 min.
B. 85 min.
C. 90 min.
D. 120 min.
Answer» C. 90 min.

Interphase can be divided into how many sub phases ?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 8
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

In how many phase the mitosis can be divided ?

A. 4
B. 8
C. 3
D. 5
Answer» A. 4

The result of meiosis is the formation of.......

A. 4 cell
B. 2 cells
C. 8 cells
D. 6 cells
Answer» C. 8 cells

The locations at which crossing over occurs are known as......

A. Centromere
B. Kinetochore
C. Chiasmata
D. Centriole
Answer» C. Chiasmata

Complete disintegration of nuclear membrane and nucleolus take place during which stage of mitosis ?

A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase
Answer» A. Prophase

Which of the following structure will not be common to mitotic cell of a higher plant ?

A. Cell plate
B. Centromere
C. Centriole
D. Spindle fibre
Answer» C. Centriole
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