Chapter: Classification Aids

The most famous botanical garden of the world is…….

A. Lloyd botanical Garden,Darjelling
B. New York Botanical Garden,U.S.A
C. Royal Botanical Garden,Kew,England
D. Royal Botanical Garden, Sydeny, Australia
Answer» C. Royal Botanical Garden,Kew,England

A place of collection of dried plant specimens is————

A. Arbarium
B. Herbarium
C. Botanical Garden
D. All above
Answer» B. Herbarium

One of the largest herbarium is located in——————

A. Kew
B. Geneva
C. Berlin
D. Sweden
Answer» A. Kew

One of the most important functions of botanical garden is that—————

A. One can observe tropical plants here
B. They allow ex-situ conservation of germ plasm
C. They provide the natural habitat for wild life
D. They provide a beautiful area for recreation
Answer» B. They allow ex-situ conservation of germ plasm

In your opinion, which is the most effective way to conserve the plant diversity of an area?

A. By creating biosphere reserve
B. By creating botanical garden
C. By developing seed bank
D. By tissue culture method
Answer» A. By creating biosphere reserve

Kew, London is famous for————

A. Being largest biological reserve
B. Being largest national park
C. Being one of the largest herbarium
D. Diverse flora and fauna
Answer» C. Being one of the largest herbarium

Where the botanical name of plants is labeled?

A. Sanctuary
B. National park
C. Botanical garden
D. All above
Answer» C. Botanical garden

Botanical garden provide———

A. Provide natural habitat for wild life
B. In-situ conservation
C. Ex-situ conservation
D. All above
Answer» C. Ex-situ conservation

Where Rajaji national park is located?

A. Karnataka
B. Uttarakhand
C. Tamilnadu
D. Assam
Answer» B. Uttarakhand

Who prepare red list for endangered species?

A. Botanical survey of India
B. Zoological survey of India
C. Geological survey of India
D. A-ll above
Answer» A. Botanical survey of India

Where endangered animal species are kept for reproduction?

A. Laboratory
B. Zoological park
C. National park
D. Sanctury
Answer» B. Zoological park

Where the Arignar Anna Zoological park is located?

A. New Delhi
B. Mumbai
C. Gangtok
D. Chennai
Answer» D. Chennai

Which of the following is a correct sequence?

A. Labeling-pressing-collection-drying-poisoning-mounting
B. collection-pressing-drying-poisoning-labeling-mounting
C. collection-pressing-drying-poisoning-mounting-labeling
D. collection-pressing-poisoning-drying-mounting-labeling
Answer» C. collection-pressing-drying-poisoning-mounting-labeling

Snake house: Zoological park: Orchidium: —————

A. Museum
B. Herbarium
C. Botanical garden
D. Animal museum
Answer» C. Botanical garden

Cactus house: Botanical garden: Reptile house: —————

A. Museum
B. Herbarium
C. Botanical garden
D. Zoological park
Answer» D. Zoological park

Greenhouse: Botanical garden: Ethonogallary: ———

A. Museum
B. Herbarium
C. Botanical garden
D. Zoological park
Answer» A. Museum

Skeleton gallery: Museum: Fernary: ————

A. Museum
B. Herbarium
C. Botanical garden
D. Zoological park
Answer» C. Botanical garden

At which places museum are more rich and informative?

A. School
B. Colleges
C. Universities
D. Above all
Answer» C. Universities

Ex-situ conservation and inbreeding between animals whose aim is this?

A. Zoological park
B. Zoo’s
C. Botanical garden
D. Museum
Answer» A. Zoological park

What can be developed for conservation of rare genes?

A. Seed bank
B. Gene bank
C. Gene complex
D. genetic code
Answer» B. Gene bank

Staff of Botanical garden gives understanding of————

A. Landscape gardening
B. Horticulture operations
C. Germ plasm bank
D. A and B both
Answer» D. A and B both

Where the British museum of Royal Botanical Garden is located?

A. Pari
B. Kew
C. Kolkata
D. Dehradon
Answer» B. Kew

Where the Herbarium of forest research is located?

A. Pari
B. Kew
C. Kolkata
D. Dehradun
Answer» D. Dehradun

Where the New york Botanical Garden is located?

A. Briton
B. U.S.A.
Answer» B. U.S.A.

Where the Lyoid Botanical Garden is situated?

A. Cheenai
B. Darjilling
C. Luckhnow
D. Shibipur
Answer» B. Darjilling

Match the following with correct combination
(A) Herbarium (a) Ex-situ conservation
(B) Botanical Garden (b) It provide key for Natural classification system
(C) Museum (c) Conservation of Natural Resorcis
(D) Zoological Park (d) Coservation of Biodiversity

A. A-b, B-c, C-d, D-a
B. A-d, B-c, C-b, D-a
C. A-c, B-a, C-d, D-b
D. A-d, B-a, C-b, D-c
Answer» A. A-b, B-c, C-d, D-a

Match the following with correct combination
Column-1 Column-2
(A) Central National Herbarium (a) Paris
(B) Herbarium of forest Research Institute (b) Kolkata
(C) British Museum of Royal Botanical Garden (c) Dehradoon
(d) England

A. A-b, B-c, C-d
B. A-c, B-d, C-a
C. A-a, B-b, C-c
D. A-b, B-d, C-a
Answer» A. A-b, B-c, C-d

Match the following with correct combination
Column-1 Column-2
(A) Natural History Museum (a) France
(B) Government Museum (b) Mumbai
(C) Zoological Survey of India (c) Cheenai
(D) Museum of Natural History (d) Kolkata

A. A-a, B-c, C-b, D-d
B. A-d, B-c, C-a, D-b
C. A-b, B-c, C-d, D-a
D. A-d, B-b, C-a, D-c
Answer» C. A-b, B-c, C-d, D-a

Match the following with correct combination
Column-1 Column-2
(A) Fumigation system (p) Botanical Garden
(B) Conservation (q) Herbarium
(C) Ethenogallary (r) Zoological Park
(D) Ex-situ conservation (d) Museum

A. A-p, B-r, C-q, D-
B. A-s, B-p, C-q, D-r
C. A-q, B-r, C-s, D-p
D. A-q, B-p, C-s, D-r
Answer» D. A-q, B-p, C-s, D-r

Find the correct statements for the following
(A) The mission of museum is preserve cultuaral heritage
(B) Ex-situ conservation had been done in Zoological Park
(C) In-situ conservation had been done in Zoological Park
(D) Breeding of extinct species

A. A,B,C
B. A,B,D
C. B,C,D
D. A,C,D
Answer» B. A,B,D

Find the correct statements for the following
(A) Botanical Garden provide classification Interrelation
(B) Gene diversity improve in Botanical Garden
(C) Endangered plants are protected in Botanical Garden
(D) New varieties are developed through hybridization in Botanical Garden

A. A,B,C
B. B,C,D
C. A, B, D
D. A, C, D
Answer» D. A, C, D

Which of the following statement are correct?
(A) The mission of museum is to preserve biological diversity and cultural heritage
(B) Several major botanical gardens of the world have museum and zoological parks as an integral part of their facilities
(C) Botanical garden is a stare house of plant specimen collected from different localities
(D) New varities are developed through grafting, tissue culture, cloning and hybridization in botanical garden

A. Only B
B. A and D only
C. B and C only
D. C and D only
Answer» B. A and D only

Which of the following statement are correct?

A. Classification enables us to know interrelationship between organisms
B. Classification enables us to give information about bio-resources
C. Bio-diversity increased by classification
D. Flora and fauna can be prepared through classification
Answer» C. Bio-diversity increased by classification

Pick out the correct statements

A. Animal fossil specimens are collected in the museum only
B. Zoological parks are being run and managed by both private and government organizations
C. Flora and fauna of various geographical regions can be prepared through animal taxonomic study
D. Plants from other regions are grown in botanical garden for identification purpose
Answer» B. Zoological parks are being run and managed by both private and government organizations

Which one of the taxonomic aids can give comprehensive account of complete complied information of any one genus or family at a particular time

A. Taxonomic key
B. Flora
C. Herbarium
D. Monograph
Answer» D. Monograph

The zoological parks are working under supervision of ———————

Answer» D. CZA

Who provide information regarding animal behavior, adaptation, nutrition, evolution and ecology?

A. Herbarium
B. Zoological park
C. Museum
D. Ethenogalllary
Answer» B. Zoological park

Ethnogallary is a part of—————

A. Herbarium
B. parks
C. Botanical garden
D. Museum
Answer» D. Museum

How many botanical gardens are documented in “IABG”?

A. 80
B. 800
C. 8000
D. 8
Answer» B. 800

“Specific preservative chemicals for preservation are sprayed on plant specimen”. This process is known as —————

A. Pressing
B. Poisoning
C. Drying
D. Mounting
Answer» B. Poisoning

Who provides key for the preparation of modern system of classification?

A. Zoological park
B. Herbarium
C. Museum
D. Botanical garden
Answer» B. Herbarium

What is used for drying plant specimens?

A. Filter paper
B. Blotting paper
C. Parchment paper
D. Cellophone paper
Answer» B. Blotting paper

Who provide ecological, economical and ethnobotanial data of any plant species?

A. Botanical garden
B. Herbarium
C. Zoological park
D. Photographs
Answer» B. Herbarium

Where dry specimen of plants preserved?

A. Herbarium
B. Botanical garden
C. Glass house
D. National park
Answer» A. Herbarium

Who promote the eco-tourism?

A. Zoological park
B. Herbarium
C. Botanical park
D. Museum
Answer» A. Zoological park

Assertation (A) Botanical gardens are different from public park and gardens Reason (R) Plant species in botanical garden are grown for identification purpose

A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. If A is true and R is wrong
D. If A is wrong and R is true
Answer» A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A

Assertation (A) Herbarium provides research facilities to the students of taxonomic research Reason (R) Herbarium provides key for the preparation of modern system of classification

A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. If A is true and R is wrong
D. If A is wrong and R is true
Answer» B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of A

Assertation (A) Herbarium is a store house of plant specimens collected from different localities Reason (R) In Herbaria, specimens are preserved in specific methods

A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. If A is true and R is wrong
D. If A is wrong and R is true
Answer» A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A

Assertation (A) Botanical garden provides necessary information for verifying and identifying newly collected plant specimens Reason (R) Zoological parks promote eco-tourism for employment and sustainable life

A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. If A is true and R is wrong
D. If A is wrong and R is true
Answer» D. If A is wrong and R is true

Assertation (A) Herbarium provides necessary information for verifying and identifying newly collected plant specimens Reason (R) Zoological parks promote eco-tourism for employment and sustainable life

A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. If A is true and R is wrong
D. If A is wrong and R is true
Answer» B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of A

Assertation (A) In herbaria new varieties are developed through tissue culture, cloning, grafting and hybridization Reason (R) Herbarium provides necessary information for verifying and identifying newly collected plant specimens

A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of R
B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. If A is true and R is wrong
D. If A is wrong and R is true
Answer» D. If A is wrong and R is true

Assertation (A) The biological museum are generally set up in educational institutes such as schools, colleges and universities Reason (R) University museums are much more rich and informative

A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of R
B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of R
C. If A is true and R is wrong
D. If A is wrong and R is true
Answer» B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of R

Assertation (A) The mission of museum is increase in bio-diversity Reason (R) The mission of museum is increase in cultural heritage

A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of R
B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of R
C. If A is true and R is wrong
D. If A is wrong and R is true
Answer» C. If A is true and R is wrong

Assertation (A) Zoological survey of India is located in Mumbai. Reason (R) Government museum is located in Chennai.

A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of R
B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of R
C. If A is true and R is wrong
D. If A is wrong and R is true
Answer» B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of R

Assertation (A) The geographical distribution explained through taxonomy. Reason ( R) Flora and fauna of various geographical regions can be prepared through taxonomy

A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of R
B. A and R both are true and R is not correct explanation of R
C. If A is true and R is wrong
D. If A is wrong and R is true
Answer» A. A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of R
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