Chapter: Biodiversity and its Conservation

Which is the right option for the tallest and the smallest Gymnosperm plant ?

A. Eucalyptus and Zamia pygmea
B. Wolffia globosa and Eucalyptus
C. Sequoia sempervirens and Zamia pygmea
D. Sequoia sempervirens and Wolffia globosa
Answer» C. Sequoia sempervirens and Zamia pygmea

Which one is odd for species diversity ?

A.  diversity
B.  diversity
C.  diversity
D.  diversity
Answer» D.  diversity

How many biosphere reserves are present in India ?

A. 41
B. 34
C. 14
D. 43
Answer» C. 14

Which is the correct option the Amazon rain forest ?
I. In this rain forest there might be at least two million insects species waiting to be discovered and named.
II. This forest is known as lungs of the planet.
III. In this forest digging of mine is performed by dynamine.
IV. This forest are destroyed for the cultivation of soyabeans.
V. This forest contains world famous Biodiversity

A. i, ii, iv, v
B. i, ii, iii, iv
C. ii, iii, iv, v
D. iii, v, iv
Answer» A. i, ii, iv, v

Which micro organism is responsible for synthesis of antibiotics ?

A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Fungus
D. Algae
Answer» C. Fungus

In which region of South America maximum species of birds can be found ?

A. Equador
B. Brazil
C. Colombia
D. Peru
Answer» C. Colombia

Which scientist has classified species diversity ?

A. Thoeprestu
B. Lineus
C. Whittaker
D. Treshaw
Answer» C. Whittaker

Which group is meant for Endemic species of birds ?

A. Nilgiri pipit, Rofous babbler, Lesser-Florican
B. Lesser-Florican, Nilgiri wood pigeon, Malabar parakeet
C. Malabar parakeet, Niligiri pipit, Rofous babbler
D. all the above
Answer» A. Nilgiri pipit, Rofous babbler, Lesser-Florican

How many Indian plant species are used to extract essential oils and scents ?

A. 50
B. 500
C. 50,000
D. 5000
Answer» B. 500

Which is the correct option.

A. There is chance in Natural selection in evolution process due to alpha biodiversity
B. There is chance in Natural selection in process of evolution due to genetic diversity
C. There is chance in Natural selection in process of evolution due to Ecosystem biodiversity
D. There is chance in Natural selection in process of due to biocommunity diversity
Answer» B. There is chance in Natural selection in process of evolution due to genetic diversity

Which is the state plant of Gujarat ?

A. Polyalthia
B. Prosopis
C. Ficus
D. Neem
Answer» D. Neem

Which can be used for cryopreservation at 196°C temprature ?

A. liquid N2
B. Free N2
C. liquid Co2
D. Solid N2
Answer» A. liquid N2

How many protected areas are present in India ?

A. 89
B. 581
C. 492
D. 34
Answer» B. 581

What can be done by the number of species in habitat ?

A. Measurement of species diversity in habitat
B. Measurement of gene diversity of species in habitat
C. Measurement of interaction of biocommunities
D. Measurement of function of Ecosystem
Answer» A. Measurement of species diversity in habitat

Which type of relation is found in between richness of species and variety of phylum ?

A. Hyperbola
B. Circular hyperbola
C. Rectangular hyperbola
D. Reciprocal
Answer» C. Rectangular hyperbola

Which is the right option for national animal and bird of India ?

A. Peacock & Lion
B. Flamingo & Tiger
C. Peacock & Tiger
D. Flamingo & Lion
Answer» C. Peacock & Tiger

Which is the right sequence for Ecological diversity ?

A. Biomes  habitat  Ecosystem population
B. Biomes Ecosystem habitat  niches
C. Biomes  Ecosystem  population  niches
D. Biomes  habitat  niches  Ecosystem
Answer» B. Biomes Ecosystem habitat  niches

Which one is maintained in botanical garden of Waghai in Gujarat ?

A. Fibrous plant
B. Etable plants
C. Economical plants
D. medicinal plant
Answer» D. medicinal plant

Where the knowledge of biodiversity is applicable ?

A. To study, classification of animals and plant
B. To study, Ecosystem
C. To study, Biogeological region
D. all the given
Answer» D. all the given

How many botanical gardens are registered in IABG ?

A. 1500
B. 80,000
C. 800
D. 900
Answer» C. 800

Which information is correct for our country ?

A. India is one of the twelve mega biodiversity countries of the world.
B. India comprises 2.4% biodiversity of world.
C. India contains more than 7 % plant species of wor
Answer» A. India is one of the twelve mega biodiversity countries of the world.

Species diversity is responsible for which phenomena ?

A. process of Evolution
B. speciation
C. For alternative types (allele) of gene.
D. For stability and normal function of Ecosystem
Answer» D. For stability and normal function of Ecosystem

Which is the wild flower of symbol of Gujarat state ?

A. Calotropis procera
B. Eicchornia cresipis
C. Indian laburnum
D. Oscimum sanctum
Answer» C. Indian laburnum

Which statement is correct for buffer zone of biosphere reserve ?

A. It is legally protected
B. Authority takes cooperation with local people.
C. Environmental Education is facilitated by this zone.
D. Hunting and felling of trees occur in this zone.
Answer» C. Environmental Education is facilitated by this zone.

Biodiversity of which organism is more in Eastern Ghat in comparison to Western Ghat ?

A. Reptilia
B. Amphibian
C. Aves
D. Mammals
Answer» B. Amphibian

What is Ecosystem diversity ?

A. similarity of species diversity in Ecosystem
B. Variation in species diversity in Ecosystem
C. Mutation in species diversity in Ecosystem
D. Homozygosity in species diversity in Ecosystem
Answer» B. Variation in species diversity in Ecosystem

How can the biodiversity can be conserved ?

A. By maintenance of different species
B. By maintenance of genes of different species.
C. By maintenance of different Ecosystem
D. all of the given
Answer» D. all of the given

Which regions are included in Biodiversity Hot-spot ?

A. Sanctuary
B. National park
C. Only Hotspot
D. all the given
Answer» A. Sanctuary

How many mangroves species are founds in marine bio diversity of India?

A. 45
B. 341
C. 54
D. 431
Answer» A. 45

Which one is odd for India ?

A. 7th rank in agriculture species.
B. origin place of 166 species of crop plants.
C. Primary centre for domestication of ginger, turmeric, citrus, cardamom.
D. It contains 12 mega biodiversity region.
Answer» A. 7th rank in agriculture species.

Which one is the correct pair ?

A. Bali Tiger – Endangered specie
B. Caspian Tiger – Extinct species
C. Javan Tiger – Rare species
D. all the given.
Answer» B. Caspian Tiger – Extinct species

Which one is correct for tropical forest of Gujarat ?

A. Thorn forest
B. Moist deciduous forest
C. Dry deciduous forest
D. all the given
Answer» D. all the given

For which animal sunderbans is declared as a National Park ?

A. Lion
B. Rhino
C. Tiger
D. Wild ass
Answer» C. Tiger

Which one is odd for Amzon rain forest ?

A. Africa
B. Russia
C. Mauritius
D. Java
Answer» D. Java

Among the recently extinct animal, Guagga is of which country ?

A. Mammals-472
B. Reptile-42
C. Birds-1300
D. piceis-3000
Answer» A. Mammals-472

Which reason is responsible for extinction of host fish and parasites.

A. co-extinction
B. Alien species invasions
C. over exploitation
D. loss of habitat
Answer» A. co-extinction

Which rock species of Western Ghat is extinct due to quarrying?

A. Tectona and Terminalia
B. Bamboo and Boswelia
C. Bignonia and Habanera
D. Madhuea and Acacia
Answer» B. Bamboo and Boswelia

Which organisation is active for conservation of biodiversity at world level ?

C. a and b both
Answer» C. a and b both

Which statements are true.
1. At present there are 14 biosphere reserves in India.
2. Biospheres includes 3 zones.
3. Bandipur, Periyar, Kaziranga and Hazirabaugh are biosphere reserve
4. UNO has formulated the concept of biosphere reserve.
5. Core Zone is the inner most region of biosphere reserve.

A. 1, 2, 4
B. 3, 5, 2
C. 1, 3, 4, 5
D. 1, 2, 5
Answer» D. 1, 2, 5

Find odd one out :-

A. Project Elephant
B. Tiger Project
C. Gir Lion Project
D. Project Wild ass
Answer» D. Project Wild ass

Which one is correct for individual of the same species ?

A. Population
B. Biotic Community
C. Ecosystem
D. All the given
Answer» A. Population

Which animal is remnant gene pool in the world ?

A. Flamingo
B. Painted Frog
C. Wild ass
D. Spring tailed Lizard
Answer» C. Wild ass

Find odd one out :

A. Nanda devi
B. Great Nicobar
C. Mannar
D. Thar
Answer» D. Thar

Animals and plants are used as a food that means.....

A. Destruction value of biodiversity
B. Utility value of biodiversity
C. Ecosystem services
D. all the given
Answer» A. Destruction value of biodiversity

Which option is correct for endemism..
1. Any group which can be found in small region.
2. Any group which can be found in large region.
3. Group of species which can be found in definite region.
4. Any group which can be not found anywhere else.
5. Endemic species which can be found everywhere.

A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 3, 4
C. 2, 3 ,5
D. only 2 and 5
Answer» B. 1, 3, 4

In which zone there is no disturbance. (AFMC-2002)

A. Buffer zone
B. Core Zone
C. Transition zone
D. All the given
Answer» B. Core Zone

Which is the example of ex-situ conservation ? (Orrisa – 2002)

A. National park
B. Sanctuary
C. Biosphere reserve
D. Zoo
Answer» D. Zoo

Which type of information is obtained form Red-List ? (Kerala – 2002)

A. Red coloured fishe
B. Red eyed birds
C. Endangered plants and animals
D. Red coloured insects
Answer» C. Endangered plants and animals

Which is true for wild life conservation ? (CPMT – 2002)

A. Hunting of prey
B. ex-situ conservation
C. In-situ conservation
D. B and C both
Answer» D. B and C both

Which is the main cause of extinction of wild life ? (CBSE – 1999)

A. Destruction of habitat
B. Hunting for flesh
C. Pollution of medicine and water
D. All the given
Answer» A. Destruction of habitat

At which place animals and plants are most protected ?

A. Botanical garden
B. National Park
C. Zoos
D. Sanctuary
Answer» B. National Park

For which animal Gir National Park is famous ? (BV-2001)

A. Tiger
B. Asiatic Lion
C. Leopard
D. Deer
Answer» B. Asiatic Lion

Which is not applicable institute conservation ? (KCET – 2007)

A. National Park
B. Sanctuary
C. Botanical Garden
D. Biosphere reserve
Answer» C. Botanical Garden

Which one is protected in national park ? (Maharashtra CET – 2008)

A. Micro organism
B. Only plants
C. Plants and animals
D. None
Answer» C. Plants and animals

What is called the area which is remain around the core zone of biosphere region ? (HPPMT 2006)

A. Buffer
B. Transition zone
C. Developed zone
D. Peripherial zone
Answer» A. Buffer

Which is the Hot spot of India ? (AIPMT – 2006)

A. Gangatic plain
B. Western Ghat
C. Eastern Ghat
D. Arravali mountain
Answer» B. Western Ghat

Which is included in types of biodiversity ? (AMU – 2004)

A. Gene
B. Species
C. Ecosystem
D. All the given
Answer» D. All the given

Which is the most appropriate method for conservation of wild life ? (JharkhandCEE-2008)

A. Vaccination
B. Hybridization
C. conservation in natural habitat
D. Killing of predator
Answer» C. conservation in natural habitat

Where Mangroves forest found ? (Orissia – 2003)

A. Dry region
B. Coastal region
C. Open area
D. tropical region
Answer» B. Coastal region

Where is the genes of rare plants species to stored ? (AIPMT 2000)

A. Gene bank
B. Gene Library
C. Herberium
D. none of them
Answer» A. Gene bank

Which is the Hotspot region ? (PMT 2005)

A. Region which is having volcanoes
B. Region which is having possibility of earth quake
C. Coastal region which is having species diversity
D. Region which is having Tsunami
Answer» C. Coastal region which is having species diversity

For which animal Project Gir is famous ? (AIIMS 1996)

A. Elephant
B. Hangul
C. Tiger
D. Lion
Answer» D. Lion

MAB means …....................... (CBSE 1997)

A. Man and biosphere programme
B. Mammal and biological programme
C. Mammal and biosphere programme
D. Men and biological programme
Answer» A. Man and biosphere programme

Who publish Red-list ? (KCET 1997)

Answer» B. IUCN

In India different types of mangoes species are example of ….. (AIIMS 2005/2008)

A. species diversity
B. Genetic diversity
C. Induced mutation
D. Breeding
Answer» B. Genetic diversity

Which pair contains maximum diversity and endemic species in India ? (AIIMS -2008)

A. Sunderban and runn of Kutch
B. Eastern Ghat and West Bangal
C. East Himalaya and Western Ghat
D. Kerala and Punjab
Answer» C. East Himalaya and Western Ghat

Which number is correct for Indentfied popular species ? (PUMET 2010)

A. 1.1 to 1.1 million
B. 0.5 to 1.0 million
C. 2.5 to 3.0 million
D. 1.7 to 1.8 million
Answer» D. 1.7 to 1.8 million

IUCN means …................... (DUMET 2010)

A. International union for conservation of nature and natural resources
B. Indian union for conservation of nature and natural resources
C. International union for conservation of nature and nutrients resources
D. Indian Union chemical nomenclature
Answer» A. International union for conservation of nature and natural resources

In India, which example has maximum varieties ?

A. Wheat
B. Rice
C. Mango
D. Tea
Answer» C. Mango

In India, Western ghat is known as Hot-spot because of ….. (KCET 2007)

A. Evergreen forest
B. High endemism
C. more height
D. Topical climate
Answer» B. High endemism

What is important of gene diversity ? (HP PMT 2006)

A. Maintenance of specie
B. speciation
C. Research of genetic code
D. Maintenance and research of spices
Answer» B. speciation

How many plant species are there in India ? (DPMT 2008)

A. 40,000
B. 80,000
C. 58,000
D. 45,500
Answer» D. 45,500

Which is the modern concept of conservation ?

A. Biosphere reserve
B. sanctuary
C. National park
D. Protected forest
Answer» A. Biosphere reserve

Match the following.
Column – 1 Column – 2
(p) Tulsi (i) Calotropis procera
(q) Akdo (ii) Prosopis cineria
(r) Asopalav (iii) Polyalthia longifolia
(s) Khejdo (iv) Osimum saltum

A. (q - i), (r – ii), (s - iii), (p - iv)
B. (s - i), (p – ii), (r - iii), (q - iv)
C. (s - i), (q – ii), (p - iii), (r - iv)
D. (q - i), (s – ii), (r - iii), (p - iv)
Answer» D. (q - i), (s – ii), (r - iii), (p - iv)

Match the following.
Column – 1 Column – 2
(p) Shool paneshwar (I) Sloth Bear
(q) Ratan mahal (ii) chinkara
(r) Velavadar (iii) Flying squirrel
(s) Narayan sarovar (iv) Black Buck

A. (r - i), (p – ii), (s - iii), (q - iv)
B. (q - i), (p – iii), (s - iv), (r - ii)
C. (q - i), (p – iii), (s - ii), (r - iv)
D. (p- i), (q – ii), (s - iii), (r – iv)
Answer» C. (q - i), (p – iii), (s - ii), (r - iv)

Match the following.
Column – 1 Column – 2
(p) Rare species (i) Guagga
(q) Extinct species (ii) Painted Frog
(r) Recently extinct species (iii) Passenger Pegion
(s) Endemic species (iv) Malabar Parakeet

A. (q - i), (r – ii), (s - iii), (p - iv)
B. (p - i), (q – ii), (s - iii), (r - iv)
C. (r - i), (p – ii), (q - iii), (s - iv)
D. (p - i), (s – ii), (r - iii), (q – iv)
Answer» C. (r - i), (p – ii), (q - iii), (s - iv)

Match the following.
Column – 1 Column – 2
(p) Assam (i) Corbatt National Park
(q) Uttar Pradesh (ii) Marine National Park
(r) Gujarat (iii) Kaziranga National Park
(s) Madhya Pradesh (iv) Kanha Patiala Park

A. (p - i), (q – ii), (s - iii), (r - iv)
B. (r - i), (s – ii), (q - iii), (p - iv)
C. (s - i), (q – ii), (r - iii), (p - iv)
D. (q - i), (r – ii), (p - iii), (s – iv)
Answer» D. (q - i), (r – ii), (p - iii), (s – iv)

Match the following.
Column – 1 Column – 2
(p) Biosphere reserve (i) Eastern Himalayan
(q) Hot-spot (ii) Amazon
(r) Biodiversity of Gujarat (iii) Great Nicobar
(s) Greatest biodiversity (iv) Marine National Park

A. (r - i), (p – ii), (s - iii), (q - iv)
B. (r - i), (q – ii), (p - iii), (s - iv)
C. (p - i), (r – ii), (q - iii), (s - iv)
D. (q - i), (s – ii), (p - iii), (r – iv)
Answer» D. (q - i), (s – ii), (p - iii), (r – iv)

Match the following.
Column – 1 Column – 2
(p) Endemic species (i) Sping Tailed Lizard
(q) Alien species (ii) Nilgiri pipit
(r) Habitat loss (iii) African cat fish
(s) over exploitation (iv) Lion tailed Macaque

A. (p - i), (q – ii), (r - iii), (s - iv)
B. (q - i), (r – ii), (s - iii), (p - iv)
C. (q - i), (r – ii), (p - iii), (s - iv)
D. (s - i), (p – ii), (q - iii), (r – iv)
Answer» D. (s - i), (p – ii), (q - iii), (r – iv)

Match the following.
Column – 1 Column – 2
(p) Keoladeo Ghana Sanctuary (i) Gujarat
(q) chilka sarovar sanctuary (ii) Rajasthan
(r) Sultanpur sanctuary (iii) Orrisa
(s) Thol sanctuary (iv) Hariyana

A. (p - i), (r – ii), (s - iii), (q - iv)
B. (r - i), (s – ii), (p - iii), (q - iv)
C. (q - i), (p – ii), (r - iii), (s - iv)
D. (s - i), (p – ii), (q - iii), (r – iv)
Answer» C. (q - i), (p – ii), (r - iii), (s - iv)

Match the following.
Column – 1 Column – 2
(p) National Bureau of Plant (I) Conservation of biodiversity Genetic Resources
(q) World Wild life Fund (ii) Conservation of gene of domesticated animal
(r) National Bureau of fish (iii) Conservation of gene of crop plant Genetic Resources
(s) National Bureau of Animal (iv) Conservation of gene of Economically valuable Genetic Resources species

A. (r - i), (p – ii), (q - iii), (s - iv)
B. (r - i), (q – ii), (p - iii), (s - iv)
C. (r - i), (p – ii), (s - iii), (q - iv)
D. (q - i), (s – ii), (p - iii), (r – iv)
Answer» D. (q - i), (s – ii), (p - iii), (r – iv)

Match the following.
Column – 1 Column – 2
(p) Bhal region (i) Mangrove diversity
(q) Forest of Vijaynagar (ii) Gugal
(r) Narayan Sarovar (iii) Indigenous variety of Wheat
(s) Marine Wild life (iv) White Musli

A. (r - i), (s – ii), (q - iii), (p - iv)
B. (s - i), (p – ii), (r - iii), (q - iv)
C. (r - i), (s – ii), (p - iii), (q - iv)
D. (s - i), (r – ii), (p - iii), (q – iv)
Answer» D. (s - i), (r – ii), (p - iii), (q – iv)

Which is the correct one regarding to bird sanctuaries in Gujarat ?

A. Thol, Nalsarovar, Narayan sarovar
B. Nalsarovar, Shoolpaneshwar, Vansda
C. Thol, Narayan sarovar, Velavadar
D. Ratanmahal, Nalsarovar, Vansda
Answer» A. Thol, Nalsarovar, Narayan sarovar

Which option is correct for the ‘z’ in given figure.

A. There is no disturbance
B. Different activities are perform for conservation
C. Indicated zone is buffer.
D. All the given
Answer» B. Different activities are perform for conservation

Which region is shown ‘y’ indicated zone above figure ?

A. core zone
B. Transition zone
C. buffer zone
D. Internal Area
Answer» C. buffer zone

Which one is correct option for the given figure?

A. Nalsarovar
B. Thol sarovar
C. Narayan sarovar
D. Sultanpur sarovar
Answer» C. Narayan sarovar

What is indicated by ‘x’ and ‘y’ in given figure ?

A. x = 3 lac species of plant y = 40,000 species of vertebrates
B. x = 8,00,000 species of insects y = 3,00,000 species of plants
C. x = 8,00,000 species of insects y = 3,00,000 species of plant
D. x = 3,00,000 species of plant y = 8,00,000 species of insects
Answer» D. x = 3,00,000 species of plant y = 8,00,000 species of insects
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