Chapter: Biomolecules-2

Which of the following cell organelle is stored the information of synthesize Proteins?

A. Mitochondria
B. Nucleus
C. Chloroplast
D. Cell membrane
Answer» B. Nucleus

Which of following elements are stored the information of Proteins?

A. Lipid
B. Polysaccharide
C. Amino acid
D. Nucleic acid
Answer» D. Nucleic acid

Find out the Miss matched pairs:

A. Protein – important compounds of nucleus
B. Nucleic acid – major components of chromosomes
C. Amino acid – an amphoteric compound
D. Enzymes – Colloidal catalysts
Answer» A. Protein – important compounds of nucleus

Which of the following are linked together to form Proteins ?

A. Phosphate
B. Nitrogen base
C. Sugar
D. Amino acids
Answer» D. Amino acids

Which one of the following is incorrect for Protein:

A. They transport some nutrients across cell membrane
B. They are heteropolymer of amino acids
C. They possess C, H, O, N and P in their constitution
D. They are very important compounds of cytoplasm
Answer» C. They possess C, H, O, N and P in their constitution

Total numbers of amino acids are involved in protein synthesis in Plants:

A. 10
B. 22
C. 13
D. 20
Answer» D. 20

Which one is the most abundant protein in the animal world?

A. Collagen
B. keratin
D. Hemoglobin
Answer» A. Collagen

Full form of RUBISCO is:

A. Ribulose Bisulphate Carboxylase Oxygenare
B. Ribuose Biphosphate Carboxylase Oxygenare
C. Ribuose Bisulphate Carboxylase Oxygenare
D. Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase Oxygenare
Answer» D. Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase Oxygenare

Match the items in column – I with appropriate items in column – II and pick up correct ans
Column – I Column – II
(P) RUBISCO (i) contractile protein
(Q) Keratin (ii) insoluble protein
(R) Hemoglobin (iii) most abundant protein
(S) globular (iv) conjugated protein

A. iii ii iv i
B. iii iv ii i
C. iv I iii ii
D. I ii iv iii
Answer» A. iii ii iv i

Polypeptide chain of amino acid is:

A. Nucleic acid
B. Glycogen
C. Protein
D. Cellulose
Answer» C. Protein

At high temperature proteins are:

A. Destroyed
B. inactive
C. denatured
D. a or b
Answer» D. a or b

The structure of protein can be destroyed by which rays

A. Ultra violet rays
B. Infra red rays
C. Radio waves
D. Micro waves
Answer» A. Ultra violet rays

Amino acid is an amphoteric compound because:

A. It contains an amino group and a carboxyl group
B. It contains an amino group and a functional group
C. It contains a functional group and a carboxyl group
D. It contains one H and a-R group
Answer» A. It contains an amino group and a carboxyl group

The unique property of each amino acid is determined by its particular:

A. –COOH group
B. –NH2 group
C. –R group
D. peptide bond
Answer» C. –R group

Which of the following is the most widely classification method of amino acid:

A. Whittaker method
B. Linnaeus method
C. Ernest chain method
D. Lehninger method
Answer» D. Lehninger method

Which one is the correct group of amino acids with polar and negatively Charged –R group?

A. Glutamate, Tyrosine
B. Argentine, Lysine
C. Tryptophan, Proline
D. Glutamate, Aspartic acid
Answer» D. Glutamate, Aspartic acid

Find out the one group of amino acids which are related with each other:

A. Valine, Histidine
B. Serine, Tyrosine
C. Glutamate, Proline
D. Lysine, Laucine
Answer» B. Serine, Tyrosine

Aspartic acid and lysine are linkage each other with which bond:

A. Ester bond
B. Glycoside bond
C. Phosphodiaster bond
D. Peptide bond
Answer» D. Peptide bond

Match column – I and column –II and select the correct option:
Column – I column – II
(P)Arginine (i) polar and negatively changed ‘R’ group
(Q) Glassine (ii) non polar ‘R’ group
(R) Methionine (iii) polar and positively changed ‘R’ group
(S) Aspartic acid (iv) polar and ‘R’ group

A. iii iv ii i
B. ii I iv iii
C. I iv ii iii
D. iii ii iv i
Answer» A. iii iv ii i

Amino acids are attached each other with which bond?

A. Ester bonds
B. Hydrogen bonds
C. Sulphur bonds
D. peptide bonds
Answer» D. peptide bonds

Dipeptide means:

A. Two similar amino acids attached by peptide bond
B. Two dissimilar amino acids attached by peptide bond
C. Two similar or dissimilar amino acids attached by peptide bond
D. Two similar or dissimilar proteins attached by peptide bond
Answer» C. Two similar or dissimilar amino acids attached by peptide bond

Which macromolecule is the most diverse in cell and controlling biochemical Properties?

A. Polynucleotide
B. Polysaccharide
C. Polypeptide
D. polysomes
Answer» C. Polypeptide

The primary structure of proteins is due to

A. Ionic bonds
B. Peptide bonds
C. Hydrogen bond
D. S-S Linkages
Answer» B. Peptide bonds

Proteins means

A. Micromolecule
B. Macromolecule
C. Soluble
D. Colloidal
Answer» B. Macromolecule

The structure of protein can be denatured by

A. At high temperature
B. In dilute solution of acid
C. In the presence of CO2
D. a, b, c all
Answer» A. At high temperature

Polypeptide means:

A. A polypeptide chain is formed by more than two nucleotides
B. A polypeptide chains is formed by more than two amino acids
C. A polypeptide chains is formed by many similar amino acids
D. A polypeptide chain is formed by many similar nucleotides
Answer» B. A polypeptide chains is formed by more than two amino acids

Which bimolecular fights against infectious organisms?

A. Lipid
B. Nucleic acid
C. Protein
D. Enzyme
Answer» C. Protein

Which one of the following is an amphoteric compound?

A. Fatty acid
B. Glutamic acid
C. Nucleic acid
D. Cellulose
Answer» B. Glutamic acid

Proteins Consist which one of the following

A. One polypeptide
B. One polypeptide chain
C. One or more polypeptide chain
D. One  and other – chain
Answer» C. One or more polypeptide chain

Which one of the following statement about amino acid is incorrect?

A. They are classified on the basis of the ‘R’ group
B. The structure of almost all amino acids are similar except their ‘R’ group
C. All protein molecules are a heteropolymer of amino acid
D. They are very important compounds of cytoplasm
Answer» D. They are very important compounds of cytoplasm

Which of the following process is formed by – COOH linked to – NH2 (peptide bond)

A. Hydrogenation
B. Dehydrogenation
C. Reduction
D. Oxidation
Answer» B. Dehydrogenation

End of every polypeptide chain is known as:

A. Template
B. Signal
C. Antenna
D. Terminal
Answer» D. Terminal

Which are the terminals of polypeptide chain?

A. ‘R’ and ‘N’ terminal
B. ‘P’ and ‘R’ terminal
C. ‘H’ and ‘N’ terminal
D. ‘N’ and ‘C’ terminal
Answer» D. ‘N’ and ‘C’ terminal

The secondary structure of protein means

A. The flat and sheet like polypeptide chain
B. The helically coilde like polypeptide chain
C. The folding of polypeptide chain due to the presence of hydrogen bond
D. a, b, c all
Answer» D. a, b, c all

Which of the following is correct for the quaternary structure of protein?

A. It represents a three dimensional form of whole protein
B. It forms with interaction between different polypeptide Chain.
C. a and b both
D. It forms the three dimensional arrangement of the atoms within a single polypeptide chain
Answer» C. a and b both

Which is the correct option for the following diagram?

A. Fibrous protein
B. Globular protein
C. Polypeptide chain
D. Three dimensional form of protein
Answer» C. Polypeptide chain

What –‘X’ indicates in the given figure?

A. N-terminal
B. P-terminal
C. C-terminal
D. H-terminal
Answer» C. C-terminal

What is the shape of the three dimensional structure of protein?

A. Flat sheet like
B. Globular
C. Fibrous
D. b or c
Answer» D. b or c

Which of the following bond groups are involved in the formation of quaternary Protein?

A. Peptide bond, covalent bond
B. Disulphide bond, Ionic bond
C. Easter bond, phosphodiester bond
D. b and c both
Answer» B. Disulphide bond, Ionic bond

Which one is not correct for hemoglobin?

A. It is known as conjugated protein
B. It is the combination 0f 2- α and 2-β chain
C. It is a protein which imparts color to the body
D. It is molecule which contains four hacme groups.
Answer» C. It is a protein which imparts color to the body

Find out the miss matched pair

A. Melanin-imparts color to the body
B. Hemoglobin – transport of oxygen
C. Chlorophyll – must for photosynthesis
D. Immunoglobulin- responsible for movements of body
Answer» D. Immunoglobulin- responsible for movements of body

Which of the following statement is incorrect about lmmunoglobulin?

A. It has the property of immunity
B. It consist of more than one polypeptide chain
C. It present in blood cell
D. b and c both
Answer» C. It present in blood cell

What does the following diagram show?

A. Quaternary structure of protein
B. polypeptide chain
C. Molecule structure of protein
D. Secondary structure of protein
Answer» B. polypeptide chain

The classification of the protein in two types depends on

A. Structure and function
B. Types of amino acid
C. Numbers of amino acid
D. none above
Answer» A. Structure and function

Nuclein separated in to which components?

A. Protein + chromosome
B. Protein + Nucleic acid
C. Nucleic acid + nitrogen base
D. Nuceicoside + Nucleotide
Answer» B. Protein + Nucleic acid

Which one of the following is the major component of chromosome?

A. Nucleic acid
B. Protein
C. Nitrogen base
D. Lipid
Answer» A. Nucleic acid

Nucleic acid contains which group of molecules in their constitution?

A. C, H, N and S
B. C, H, O, N and S
C. C, H, N, O, and P
D. C, H, N and O
Answer» C. C, H, N, O, and P

Nucleic acids means

A. A major components of chromosomes
B. Polynucleotide of structural units known as nucleotides
C. Small gene carrying bodies in the nuclei of complex cells
D. Both a & b
Answer» D. Both a & b

Which are the structural units of DNA?

A. Nitrogen base
B. Pentose sugar
C. nucleotide
D. phosphoric acid
Answer» C. nucleotide

Which one group is the subunit of nucleotide?

A. Pentose sugar, nitrogen
B. Purina, pyrimidine, phosphorus
C. Nitrogen base, sugar
D. pentose sugar, Nitrogen base , phosphoric acid
Answer» D. pentose sugar, Nitrogen base , phosphoric acid

Which of the following will be characteristically different in different living organism?

A. Protein
B. Nucleic acid
C. Enzyme
D. Carbohydrate
Answer» B. Nucleic acid

Which one is not a polymer?

B. Hemoglobin
C. Nucleotide
D. Enzyme
Answer» C. Nucleotide

The illustration given below is which nitrogen base:

A. Uracil
B. Cytosine
C. Thymine
D. Ribose
Answer» C. Thymine

The illustration given below is which nitrogen base:

A. Guanine
B. Cytosine
C. Uracil
D. Adenine
Answer» D. Adenine

The following diagram represents the nitrogenous bases of nucleic acid Molecules Identify the correct combination:

A. A= Guanine , B= Uracil
B. A= Adenine , B= Thymine
C. A= Cytosine , B= Adenine
D. A= thymine , B= Guanine
Answer» A. A= Guanine , B= Uracil

What is Ribonucleoside?

A. Ribose + Nucleic acid
B. Ribose + Nitrogen base
C. Ribose + Phosphate
D. Ribose + Adenine
Answer» B. Ribose + Nitrogen base

What ‘A’ and ‘B’ indicates in the given diagram?

A. A= CH2OH, B= OH
B. A= CH2OH, B= H
C. A= CH, B= OH
D. CH2, B= H
Answer» D. CH2, B= H

Which two sequential carbon number of nucleotides join through phosphodiaster bond?

A. 3 and 5
B. 1 and 4
C. 1 and 6
D. 2 and 5
Answer» A. 3 and 5

What is Guanine?

A. Purine
B. Hormone
C. Enzyme
D. Pyrimidine
Answer» A. Purine

Ribonucleoside formed from ribonucleotide while:-

A. It made from sugar
B. It made from nitrogen base
C. It made from phosphate
D. a, b, c all above
Answer» C. It made from phosphate

DNA is localized in which cell organelle?

A. Vacuoles
B. Lysosomes
C. Golgi apparatus
D. Nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast
Answer» D. Nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast

A DNA stand is directly involved in the synthesis of all the following except –

A. Another DNA Stand
B. t- RNA
C. m-RNA
D. Protein
Answer» D. Protein

Nucleic acids were discovered by whom?

A. Crick
B. Wilkinson
C. meischer
D. Watson
Answer» C. meischer

Nucleic acids are related with which activity?

A. Digestion
B. Respiration
C. Reproduction
D. Heredity
Answer» D. Heredity

What ‘A’ and ‘B’ indicates in the given structure?

A. A= CH2, B= N
B. A= (>C=0), B= NH
C. A= NH, B= NH
D. A=NH2, B=NH
Answer» D. A=NH2, B=NH

Chemically DNA differs from RNA by:

A. Thymine and deoxyribose present in DNA and Uracil and ribose in RNA
B. Uracil and deoxyribose in DNA and thymine and ribose in RNA
C. Deoxyribose in DNA and ribose in RNA
D. Two nucleotide in DNA and one nucleotide in RNA
Answer» A. Thymine and deoxyribose present in DNA and Uracil and ribose in RNA

Nucleic acids are polymers of which molecules?

A. Nucleosides
B. Nucleotides
C. Polypeptides
D. polysomes
Answer» B. Nucleotides

A molecule of ATP is structurally most similar to a molecule of?

B. Protein
C. Lipid
D. Amino acid
Answer» A. RNA

Which is the site of protein synthesis?

A. Chromosomes
C. Polysomes
D. Tonoplast
Answer» C. Polysomes

Select the specific base pairs of DNA:

A. Adenine and Cytosine
B. Guanine and Adenine
C. Adenine and Thymine
D. Guanine and Uracil
Answer» C. Adenine and Thymine

The DNA stands are antiparallel because of:

A. Ester bond
B. Phosphodiester bond
C. Disulphide bond
D. Hydrogen bond
Answer» B. Phosphodiester bond

The distance between two chains of DNA molecules is:

A. 34 A°
B. 20 A°
C. 3.4 A°
D. 10 A°
Answer» B. 20 A°

The length of one complete spiral of DNA is:

A. 34 A°
B. 3.4 A°
C. 20 A°
D. 340 A°
Answer» A. 34 A°

Which one of the following bases is found only in RNA and not in DNA?

A. Guanine
B. Adenine
C. Uracil
D. Thymine
Answer» C. Uracil

The scientists who discovered the structure of DNA molecule

A. Miller and mandal
B. Khorana and Nirenberg
C. Calvin and Wilkinson
D. Waston and Crick
Answer» D. Waston and Crick

Mention the example of dinuclotide in the given structure.

A. RNA with UA
B. RNA with CG
C. DNA with TA
D. DNA with CG
Answer» A. RNA with UA

The structure of DNA like a spiral ladder because

A. Purine and Pyrimidine are on the opposite side
B. Purine and Pyrimidine linked with hydrogen bond
C. All nucleotides join through a phosphodiester bond
D. Two polynucleotide chains arranged parallel to each other and are spirally Twisted
Answer» D. Two polynucleotide chains arranged parallel to each other and are spirally Twisted

The hydrogen bonds between adenine and guanine are

A. 2
B. 3
C. 1
D. 0
Answer» D. 0

Which of the following is correct?

A. A=T
B. C=G
C. G=A
D. A=C
Answer» A. A=T

Nitrogen bases do not contain

A. Phosphorus
B. Nitrogen
C. Hydrogen
D. Carbon
Answer» A. Phosphorus

Which one is two ringed nitrogenous base?

A. Thymine
B. Adenine
C. Cytosine
D. Uracil
Answer» B. Adenine

Which of the following ratio is constant in the DNA of all the species?

A. A+U / T+C
B. A+G/ C+T
C. A+C / T+G
D. A+T / C+G
Answer» D. A+T / C+G

m-RNA is the polymer of

A. Ribonucleotide
B. Ribonucleoside
C. Deoxyribonucleotide
D. Ribosome
Answer» A. Ribonucleotide

Which of the following is incorrect?

A. m-RNA is degreased after its function is over
B. t-RNA are synthesized by m-RNA
C. r-RNA is localized in the ribosome
D. m-RNA carries genetic code in to cytoplasm
Answer» B. t-RNA are synthesized by m-RNA

Which is longest of all RNA?

A. m-RNA
B. t-RNA
C. r-RNA
D. None above
Answer» A. m-RNA

The common instant source of energy of cellular activities is

A. Mitochondria
Answer» D. ATP

Which one is known as adapter molecule?

B. m-RNA
C. t-RNA
D. r-RNA
Answer» C. t-RNA

The RNA transporting amino acid to the protein synthesizing site known as

A. t-RNA
B. r-RNA
C. m-RNA
D. Any one of a, b, c
Answer» A. t-RNA

Match the column and find out the correct combination
Column –I Column –II
(P) Keratin (i) co-enzyme
(Q) ATP (ii) pyrimidline
(R) Cytosine (iii) polynucleotide
(S) NAD (iv) Purine
(T) Guanine (v) polypeptide

A. P-v, Q-iii, R-ii, S-i, T-iv
B. P-v, Q-iii, R-iv, S-I, T-ii
C. P-iii, Q-v, R-i, S- ii, T-iv
D. P-v, Q-i, R-ii, S-iii, T-iv
Answer» A. P-v, Q-iii, R-ii, S-i, T-iv

Which is the special function of t-RNA?

A. Pick up code for m-RNA and bring it to r-RNA
B. Do protein synthesis
C. Carries the coded genetic information in to the cytoplasm
D. An adapter for attaching amino acid to m-RNA template during Protein synthesis
Answer» D. An adapter for attaching amino acid to m-RNA template during Protein synthesis

Which are proportionally more compounds in all RNA’s?

A. m-RNA
B. t-RNA
C. r-RNA
D. a, b, c all
Answer» C. r-RNA

Which is the part of DNA molecules that varies among DNA molecule

A. Pentose sugar
B. nitrogen base
C. phosphate
D. a & b both
Answer» B. nitrogen base

which kind of arrangement lies in the two polynucleotide chain of DNA?

A. Antiparallel and complementary
B. parallel and complementary
C. Independent
D. None above
Answer» A. Antiparallel and complementary

If the one base chain sequence of DNA is ACGTTGG then what will be the base Sequence of opposite chain

Answer» A. TGCAACC

What is ATP?

A. Pentose sugar + adenine + 3 molecule phosphate
B. Hexose sugar + adenine + 3 molecule phosphate
C. Amino acid + adenine + 3 molecule phosphate
D. a or b both
Answer» A. Pentose sugar + adenine + 3 molecule phosphate

What is enzyme?

A. All proteins which are in all living cell
B. Chemicals which act as biological catalysts
C. All amino acid which are in polypeptide chain
D. All above
Answer» B. Chemicals which act as biological catalysts

Which of the following is not true for enzyme

A. Water soluble and colloidal in nature
B. Lowers the activation energy level
C. Used up in the biochemical reaction
D. Affected by the change in temperature
Answer» C. Used up in the biochemical reaction

What is Ribozymes?

A. Only nucleic acids
B. ony protein
C. Some nucleic acids that behave like enzyme
D. M ore than one Ribosome
Answer» C. Some nucleic acids that behave like enzyme

Enzymes are present in which parts of plant?

A. Only in leaves
B. Only in fruits
C. In apical meristem of root and shoot
D. in all the living cell of plant body
Answer» D. in all the living cell of plant body

What is an apoenzyme?

A. Protein
B. Amino acid
C. metallic ions
D. Carbohydrates
Answer» A. Protein
Question and answers in Biomolecules-2, Biomolecules-2 multiple choice questions and answers, Biomolecules-2 Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Biomolecules-2, Biomolecules-2 MCQs with answers PDF download