Chapter: Human Reproduction

Which of the following character is seen in female ?

A. Muscles arestrong
B. Mammary gland is well developed
C. Voice is heavy
D. Mammary gland is namesake only
Answer» B. Mammary gland is well developed

Which of the following character is seen in male?

A. Muscles are comparitively weak
B. Voice is shrill
C. Voice is heavy
D. Beard and mustache is not seen
Answer» C. Voice is heavy

Where testes are situated?

A. Abdominal cavity
B. Dorsalside of abdominal cavity
C. (a) and (b) both
D. Scrotal sac.
Answer» D. Scrotal sac.

Which hormone is released from testes ?

A. Testosterone
B. Estrogen
C. Progesterone
D. Relaxin
Answer» A. Testosterone

Which hormone is realeased from ovaries ?

A. Testosterone
B. Estrogen
C. Progesterone
D. (b)and(c)both
Answer» D. (b)and(c)both

Which of the following gland is seen in male reproductive system ?

A. Seminal vesicle
B. Prostate gland
C. Bulbourethral gland
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

How much lower the temperature of scrotal sac as compare to the normal body temperature ?

A. 3oc
B. 4oc
C. 5oc
D. 6oc
Answer» A. 3oc

What is the size of testis?

A. 6 cm length and 2.5 cm diameter
B. 5 cm length and 2.5 cm diameter
C. 5 cm length and 3.5 cm diameter
D. 6 cm length and 3.5 cm diameter
Answer» B. 5 cm length and 2.5 cm diameter

Which connective tissue surrounds testis ?

A. Fibrous tissue
B. Spongy connective tissue
C. Tunica albuginea
D. None of them
Answer» C. Tunica albuginea

Seminiferous tubule in testis are lined with Which type of cells ?

A. Germinal cell
B. only germinal cells
C. Sertoli cell
D. Both a and c
Answer» D. Both a and c

In testis which cells produce sperms?

A. Germinal cell
B. Epithelial cell
C. Sertoli cell
D. Both a and c
Answer» A. Germinal cell

Which cells provides nutrition to the sperms ?

A. Germinal cell
B. Epithelial cell
C. Sertoli cell
D. None of them
Answer» C. Sertoli cell

In testis which cells are present in the interstitial space between seminiferous tubules?

A. Sertoli cell
B. Germinal cells
C. Leydigs cells
D. (a)and(b)both
Answer» C. Leydigs cells

Which cells secretes testosterone ?

A. Sertoli cell
B. Germinal cells
C. Interstitial cells
D. (a)and(b)both
Answer» C. Interstitial cells

Where seminiferous tubules of each lobe empty sperms ?

A. Vas deference
B. Vasa efferentia
C. Epididymus
D. Seminal vesicles
Answer» B. Vasa efferentia

Where is situated epididymis ?

A. External surface of the testi
B. Above the testis
C. Below the testis
D. Internal surface of the testis
Answer» A. External surface of the testi

What is length of epididymis?

A. 6 c.m
B. 6 feet
C. 6 meter
D. 6 inch
Answer» C. 6 meter

Function of epididymis is ...

A. A temporary storagesite
B. For the immature sperms complete their maturation process
C. Gain the ability of swimming (motility)
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

When sperms are transported in to vas deference from epididymis ?

A. Male is not sexually stimulated
B. Male is sexually stimulated
C. The walls of the epididymis contract
D. First -b and after -c process occurs
Answer» D. First -b and after -c process occurs

What is length of vas deference ?

A. 45 inch
B. 45 mm
C. 45 cm
D. 4.5 meter
Answer» C. 45 cm

Through which of the following vas deferens runs upward from epididmis and enter the abdominal cavity ?

A. Ejaculatory duct
B. Inguinal canal
C. Urethra
D. (a)and(b)both
Answer» B. Inguinal canal

The distal end of vas deference is expanded and in this region the opens ?

A. Prostate gland
B. Bulbourethral gland
C. Seminal vesicle
D. Ejaculatory duct
Answer» C. Seminal vesicle

What is the region present between part of seminal vesicle and duct of urinary bladder called ?

A. Ejaculatory duct
B. Duct of urinary
C. Urethra
D. Seminal vesicle duct
Answer» A. Ejaculatory duct

Duct of which gland join with urethra before it passed through pen*s ?

A. Prostate gland
B. Bulbourethral gland
C. Seminal vesicle gland
D. (a)and(b)both
Answer» B. Bulbourethral gland

In male accessory reproductive glands which is incorrect ?

A. Seminal vesicle
B. Prostate gland
C. Urinary bladder
D. Bulbourethral gland
Answer» C. Urinary bladder

The seminal vesicle are located at ?

A. Over urinary bladder
B. Base of the urinary bladder
C. Near urinary bladder
D. Besides urinary bladder
Answer» B. Base of the urinary bladder

What percentage of s*men is produced by seminal vesicles ?

A. 50%
B. 55%
C. 60%
D. 65%
Answer» C. 60%

Which substances present in seminal vesicles is thick and yellowish secretion ?

A. Sugar
B. Vitamin-c
C. Fat
D. (a)and(b)both
Answer» D. (a)and(b)both

What is provided to sperms by secretion of seminal vesicles ?

A. Nourishment
B. Activating
C. Lubricant
D. (a)and(c)both
Answer» A. Nourishment

Where is prostate gland is located ?

A. Over urinary bladder
B. Base of the urinary bladder
C. Posterior region of the urinary
D. Side of the urinary bladder
Answer» C. Posterior region of the urinary

What is provided to sperm by secretion of prostate gland ?

A. Nourishe
B. Activating
C. Lubricant
D. (a)and (c) both
Answer» B. Activating

Where is bulbourethral gland located ?

A. Beneath the prostate
B. Lateral side of urethra
C. Over urinary bladder
D. (a) and (b) both
Answer» D. (a) and (b) both

Which gland secrete alkaline fluid ?

A. Seminal vesicle gland
B. Prostate gland
C. Bulbourethral gland
D. (b) and (c) both
Answer» D. (b) and (c) both

What is the function of bulbourethral gland secretion ?

A. Nourishes sperms
B. role in activating sperms
C. Serves as a lubricant during sexual intercourse
D. Enhancing the motility of sperms
Answer» C. Serves as a lubricant during sexual intercourse

Mixture of which of the following constitute s*men ? OR

A. Sperm
B. Secretion of accessory glands
C. Organic substance
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

What is PH of s*men ?

A. 7.3 to 7.7
B. 7.2 to 7.6
C. 7.4 to 7.8
D. 7.5 to 7.9
Answer» B. 7.2 to 7.6

What is PH of vaginal fluid ?

A. 3.5 to 4.0
B. 3.6 to 4.1
C. 3.7 to 4.2
D. 3.8 to 4.3
Answer» A. 3.5 to 4.0

The average volume of s*men for each ejaculati*n is ......

A. 3 to 4 ml
B. 3.5 to 4.5 ml
C. 4 to 5 ml
D. 4.5 to 5.5 ml
Answer» A. 3 to 4 ml

Which cylindrical organ is located at frontal region of scrotal sacs ?

A. Epididymu
B. Vas deference
C. pen*s
D. (a) and (b) both
Answer» C. pen*s

Internally the pen*s is............

A. Composed of three cylindrical mass of conective tissue bound together
B. Composed of three cylindrical mass of tissue bound together by fibrus tissue
C. Composed of three cylindrical mass of epithelium tissue bound together
D. Composed of three mass of tissue only
Answer» B. Composed of three cylindrical mass of tissue bound together by fibrus tissue

When does pen*s get erected ?

A. If masses of tissue filled with air
B. If masses of tissue filled with blood
C. If masses of tissue filled with hormones
D. (b) and (c) occurs both
Answer» B. If masses of tissue filled with blood

Which is accessory part of female reproductive system ?

A. Vulva
B. Pudendum
C. Mammary gland
D. v*gina
Answer» C. Mammary gland

What is size of ovaries ?

A. 3 c.m long , 2 c.m wide , 1 c.m thick
B. 2 c.m long , 2 c.m wide , 1 c.m thick
C. 3 c.m long , 2 c.m wide , 2 c.m thick
D. 2 c.m long , 2 c.m wide , 2 c.m thick
Answer» A. 3 c.m long , 2 c.m wide , 1 c.m thick

Where are ovaries situated ?

A. In upper pelvic cavity
B. Below pelvic cavity
C. At one on each side of uterus
D. (a) and (c) both
Answer» D. (a) and (c) both

The ovaries maintain their position by ....

A. Series of ligament
B. Connective leyer
C. Epithelium layer
D. Muscular filament
Answer» A. Series of ligament

What is the entry point for blood vessel and nerves into the ovaries called ?

A. Hilus part
B. Hilus
C. Hilus pors
D. None of them
Answer» B. Hilus

Which tissue layer covers the ovary ?

A. Columnar epithelium
B. Squamous epithelium
C. Cuboidal epithelium
D. Ciliary epithelium
Answer» C. Cuboidal epithelium

What is the surrounding layer of the ovary called ?

A. Germinal epithelium
B. Tunica albuginea
C. Stroma
D. Collagenovs
Answer» A. Germinal epithelium

What is called a capsule of collagenous connective tissue immediately after the germinal epithelium of ovaries?

A. Stroma
B. Tunica albuginea
C. Ovarian epithelium
D. None of them
Answer» B. Tunica albuginea

Which tissue layer of tunica albuginea

A. Connective tissue
B. Collagenous connective tissue
C. Epithelial tissue
D. Collagenous epithelium tissue
Answer» B. Collagenous connective tissue

What is called a region of connective tissue deep to the tunica albuginea ?

A. Stroma
B. Follicular epithelium
C. Graffian follicles
D. Corpus luteum
Answer» A. Stroma

Ovarian stroma is composed by ..... ?

A. Cortex
B. Medulla
C. Follicles
D. (a) and (b) both
Answer» D. (a) and (b) both

Stroma of ovarian cortex contains .....

A. Ovarian follicle
B. Corpus luteum
C. Graffian follicles
D. (a) and (c) both
Answer» A. Ovarian follicle

What is the structure consist of ova and their surrounding tissues in various stages of development its called ?

A. Primary follicle
B. Ovarian follicles
C. Graffian follicles
D. Corpus luteum
Answer» B. Ovarian follicles

What is the structure consist of mature ovum and its surrounding tissues its called ?

A. Mature ovum
B. Ovarian follicles
C. Graffian follicle
D. Corpus luteum
Answer» C. Graffian follicle

Graffian follicle after ovulation produces glandular body, it is called ...

A. Graffian follicle
B. Corpus luteum
C. Mass of graffion follicle
D. both a and b
Answer» B. Corpus luteum

Which hormones is produced by corpus luteum ?

A. Estrogen
B. Progesterone
C. Testosterone
D. (a) and (b) both
Answer» B. Progesterone

What is length of fallopion tube ?

A. 10 c.m
B. 10 m.m
C. 12 c.m
D. 12 m.m
Answer» A. 10 c.m

The uterine tube from side runs forwards and becomes associated with it ...

A. v*gina
B. Uterus
C. Urethra
D. Ovary
Answer» B. Uterus

Where an ovum is fertilization occors ?

A. v*gina
B. Uterus
C. Fallopion tube
D. Infundibullum
Answer» C. Fallopion tube

Where is uterus situated ?

A. Between the urinary bladder and rectum
B. Between the urinary bladder and urethra
C. Between the urinary bladder and ovary
D. Between the urinary bladder and intestine
Answer» A. Between the urinary bladder and rectum

What is the shaped of uterus ?

A. Inverted appleshaped
B. Inverted pear shaped
C. Inverted mango shaped
D. None of this
Answer» B. Inverted pear shaped

The wall of the uterus is made of ..........layer .

A. Three
B. Two
C. one
D. Four
Answer» A. Three

In which layer of uterus the fertilized egg is implanted ?

A. Endometrium
B. Myometrium
C. Epimetrium
D. None of this
Answer» A. Endometrium

It is a bulky middle layer of the uterus and its plays an active role during the delivery of a baby ...

A. Endometrium
B. Myometrium
C. Epimetrium
D. None of thiss
Answer» B. Myometrium

The distal narrow end of the uterus is called........

A. v*gina
B. Cervix
C. Hymen
D. (a) and (c) both
Answer» B. Cervix

Which part is connected to the uterus through cervix ?

A. v*gina
B. Hymen
C. Mucosal membrane
D. (a) and (c) both
Answer» A. v*gina

It is a fold at the distal end of the v*gina ...

A. Hymen
B. Mucosal membrane
C. Cervix
D. clitori*s
Answer» B. Mucosal membrane

What is called cushion of fatty tissue in female external genitalia ?

A. Mons pubi
B. Labia majora
C. Labia minora
D. clitori*s
Answer» A. Mons pubi

Which region of vulva are located below the mons pubis ?

A. Labia majora
B. Labia minora
C. clitori*s
D. None of this
Answer» A. Labia majora

What is called a tiny finger like structure which lies at the upper junction of the two labia minora.

A. Peni
B. clitori*s
C. Mons
D. Pubis
Answer» B. clitori*s

Which is part of vulva is considered equivalent to the male pen*s

A. Clitori
B. Hymen
C. Mons
D. Pubis
Answer» A. Clitori

During puberty stage, which sex hormone stimulate the enlargement of breast ?

A. Progesterone
B. Estrogen
C. Testosterone
D. (a) and (b) both
Answer» B. Estrogen

What is called the process of gamete formation in the sexually reproducing animals

A. Spermatogenesi
B. oogenesis
C. Gametogenesis
D. None of this
Answer» C. Gametogenesis

Which cells produces of spermatids.

A. Secondary germinal cell
B. Primary germinal cells
C. Spermatogonium
D. Spermatocytes
Answer» B. Primary germinal cells

Name the process involve in multiplication phase of spermatogenesis ?

A. Mitotic
B. Meiosis
C. Amitosis
D. (a) and (b) both
Answer» A. Mitotic

In spermatogenesis which cells are produce at the end of multiplication phase ?

A. Primary spermatocyte
B. Spermatogonia
C. Secondary spermatocyte
D. Spermatids
Answer» B. Spermatogonia

In spermatogenesis which cells are produce at the end of the growth phase ?

A. Primary spermatocyte
B. Spermatogonia
C. Secondary spermatocyte
D. Spermatids
Answer» A. Primary spermatocyte

In spermatogenesis which processes occur for secondary spermatocyte ?

A. Mitotic
B. Meiosis
C. Amitosis
D. (a) and (b) both
Answer» B. Meiosis

In spermatogenesis which cells are produced at the end of the maturation phase ?

A. Primary spermatocyte
B. Spermatogonia
C. Secondary spermatocyte
D. Spermatids
Answer» D. Spermatids

The metamorphosis of the spermatids in to the sperms is known as.......

A. Multiplication phase
B. The growth phase
C. The maturation phase
D. Spermiogenesis
Answer» D. Spermiogenesis

Which enzyme is produced by acrosome ?

A. Testosterone
B. Hyaluronidase
Answer» B. Hyaluronidase

The acrosome is formed by the.....

A. Mitochondria
B. Golgicomplex
C. Ribosomes
D. Nucleus
Answer» B. Golgicomplex

These form a middle piece of the sperm

A. Mitochondria
B. Golgicomplex
C. Ribosomes
D. Nucleus
Answer» A. Mitochondria

In oogenesis which cells are produced at the end of maultiplication phase ?

A. Primary oocyte
B. Secondary oocyte
C. First polar body
D. Secondary polar body
Answer» A. Primary oocyte

In oogenesis which substance are present in primary oocyte of growth phase

A. Fat and protein
C. ATP and enzyme
D. Above all
Answer» D. Above all

In oogenesis which cell body are concentrated in cytoplasm of primary oocyte of the growth phase ?

A. Mitochondrial
B. Golgicomplex
C. Ribosomes
D. Above all
Answer» D. Above all

In oogenesis which cells are produced at the first division of primary oocyte in maturation phase ?

A. Secondary oocyte
B. First polar body
C. Secondary polar body
D. (a) and (b) both
Answer» D. (a) and (b) both

Which stage of cell at the time of ovulation.

A. Secondary oocyte
B. First polar body
C. Secondary polar body
D. Primary oocyte
Answer» A. Secondary oocyte

When sperm penetrate secondary oocyte during its unequal meioticdivision, how many polar body (bodies) is are produced ?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. None of this
Answer» C. Three

The events of the menstrual cycle are the cyclic changes in the....

A. Endometrium
B. Myometrium
C. Epimetrium
D. All of this
Answer» A. Endometrium

The events of menstrual cycle are comprised of .... days.

A. 27 day
B. 28 days
C. 29 days
D. 30 days
Answer» B. 28 days

In menstrual cycle which period is known as menstrual phase ?

A. 1 to 5 day
B. 6 to 14 days
C. 15 to 28 days
D. 14 to 15 days
Answer» A. 1 to 5 day

Which period is of the cycle is known as a proliferative phase ?

A. 1 to 5 day
B. 6 to 14 days
C. 15 to 28 days
D. 14 to 15 days
Answer» B. 6 to 14 days

In menstrual cycle on which day ovulation occurs ?

A. on 12th day
B. on 13th day
C. on 14th day
D. on 15th day
Answer» C. on 14th day

In menstrual cycle during which days rising estrogen levels ?

A. 1 to 5 day
B. 6 to 14 days
C. 14 to 15 days
D. 15 to 28 days
Answer» B. 6 to 14 days

In menstrual cycle on which days rises progesterone levels ?

A. 1 to 5 day
B. 6 to 14 days
C. 14 to 15 days
D. 15 to 28 days
Answer» D. 15 to 28 days

The sperms emptied in the v*gina start moving towards oviducts through the uterus which is helpful in their locomotion

A. Contraction of uterine wall
B. Contraction v*gina passage
C. The slimy secretion of oviduct wall
D. All these
Answer» D. All these

What time is taken by the sperm emptied in v*gina, to move toward uterus ?

A. 4 to 5 hr
B. 5 to 6 hrs
C. 3 to 4 hrs
D. 2 to 3 hrs.
Answer» B. 5 to 6 hrs

In fertilization which part of sperm enters the secondary oocyte ?

A. Tail
B. Head
C. Middle part
D. (b) and (c) both
Answer» D. (b) and (c) both
Question and answers in Human Reproduction, Human Reproduction multiple choice questions and answers, Human Reproduction Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Human Reproduction, Human Reproduction MCQs with answers PDF download