Chapter: Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Name the conjugated protein used as genetic material in living cells

A. Glyco protein
B. Nucleo protein
C. Metallo protein
D. Lip oprotein
Answer» B. Nucleo protein

Who supported Griffith effect by molecular explanation ?

A. Hershay and chase
B. Watson, crick Ninenberg
C. Avery , Mc Carty and Macleod
D. Griffith and Avery
Answer» C. Avery , Mc Carty and Macleod

Synthesis of nucleic acids always takes place in

A. 31 - 51 dicectioon
B. 51 - 31 direction
C. Both ways
D. in any direction
Answer» B. 51 - 31 direction

What is called Griffith effect ?

A. DNA transcription
B. RNA translation
C. Bacterial transformation
D. Bacterial transduction
Answer» C. Bacterial transformation

Genetic information is carried by the long chain molecules which are made up of

A. Amino acids
B. Nucleotides
C. Chromosomes
D. Enzymes
Answer» B. Nucleotides

By which bonds the purine & pyrimidine pairs of Complementary Strands of DNA held together?

A. H - bonds
B. O - bonds
C. C - bonds
D. N - bonds
Answer» A. H - bonds

State the nature of the 2 Strands of DNA duplex.

A. identical & Complementary
B. Anti parallel & complementary
C. Disimilar & non - complementary
D. Anti parallel & Non - complementary
Answer» B. Anti parallel & complementary

The code AUG stands for

A. Glycine
B. Methionine
C. N-formyl methionine
D. A lanine
Answer» B. Methionine

A Codon is made up of

A. Single nucleotide
B. two nucleotides
C. three nucleotides
D. Four nucleotides
Answer» C. three nucleotides

Nucleus of a cell is the site of Synthesis of

B. m - RNA
C. t - RNA
D. All
Answer» D. All

DNA replication requires

A. DNA polymerase only
B. DNA polymerase and ligase
C. Ligase only
D. RNA polymerase
Answer» B. DNA polymerase and ligase

The enzyme involved in transcription is

A. RNA polymerase
B. DNA polymerase I
C. DNA polymerase II
D. DNA polymerase III
Answer» A. RNA polymerase

Enzymes needed for formation of repliction fork

A. RNA polymerase and DNA polymerase I
B. Helicase and gyrase
C. Hexokinase and aldolase
D. Ligase and endo nuclease
Answer» B. Helicase and gyrase

Okazaki fragments are Synthesized on

A. Leading strands of DNA only
B. Lagging Strands of DNA only
C. Leading and LaggingStrands
D. Complementary DNA Strand
Answer» B. Lagging Strands of DNA only

Which of the following is used in DNA multiplication?

A. RNA polymerase
B. DNA endonuclease
C. DNA exonuclease
D. DNA Polymerase
Answer» D. DNA Polymerase

t - RNA attaches aminoacid at its

A. 31 end
B. 51 end
C. Anticodon
D. Loop
Answer» A. 31 end

DNA acts as a template for synthesis of

C. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
D. Protein
Answer» C. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

Antiparallel strand in DNA is due to

A. Disulphide linkage
B. Hydorgen bond
C. Phosphodiester bond
D. Ionic bond
Answer» C. Phosphodiester bond

Multiplication of DNA is called

A. Translation
B. Replication
C. Transduction
D. Transcription
Answer» B. Replication

Which is the smallest RNA ?

A. r RNA
B. m RNA
C. t - RNA
D. nuclear RNA
Answer» C. t - RNA

Genetic information are transfered from nucleus to cytoplasm of cell through

C. Lysosomes
D. Anticodon
Answer» B. RNA

The information from RNA to DNA are transfered by which process

A. Replication
B. Transcription
C. Translation
D. Reverse transcription
Answer» D. Reverse transcription

Which statement is correct ?
(A) Degeneracy of code is related to third member of codon
(B) Single codon, codes for more than one aminoacid
(C) In codon first two bases are more specific
(D) In codons third base is wobble
(E) code is universal

A. A,B,C,D,E
B. A, B, D
C. A., C, D
D. A, C, D, E
Answer» D. A, C, D, E

DNA molecule has uniform diameter due to ?

A. Double stranded
B. Presence of phosphate
C. Specific base pairing between purine and pyrimidine
D. Specific base pairing between purine and purine
Answer» C. Specific base pairing between purine and pyrimidine

In a transcription unit promotor is said to be located towards

A. 31 end of structural gene
B. 51 end of structural gene
C. 51 end of template strand
D. 31 end of template strand
Answer» D. 31 end of template strand

In DNA replication the primer is

A. A Small deoxyribonucleotide polymer
B. A small ribonucleotide polymer
C. Helix destalilizing protein
D. Enzyme taking part in joining nucleotides of new strands
Answer» B. A small ribonucleotide polymer

Non - sense codons take part in

A. formation of unspecified aminoacids
B. Terminating message of gene controlled protein synthesis
C. Releasing t-RNA from polynucleotide chain
D. Conversion of sense DNA in to non-sense one
Answer» B. Terminating message of gene controlled protein synthesis

select the correct sequence of following in DNA replication

A. single stranded binding proteins - Helicase - Topoisomerase - DNA polymerase
B. Helicase - single stranded binding proteins -Topoisomerase - DNA polymerase
C. Helicase - DNA polymerase - Topoisomerase - Single stranded binding proteins
D. Helicase - Topoisomerase - DNA polymerase - Single stranded binding proteins
Answer» B. Helicase - single stranded binding proteins -Topoisomerase - DNA polymerase

Which of the following enzymes can detect and correct the wrong inserted base during DNA replication ?

A. DNA polymerase - I
B. DNA polymerase - II
C. Primase
D. Ligase
Answer» A. DNA polymerase - I

Which one is a ribozyme ?

A. Helicase
B. Ribonuclease - P
C. Peptidyl transferase
D. Both (B) & (C)
Answer» D. Both (B) & (C)

Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

A. Recombinant DNA - DNA forming by union of segments of DNA from diffrent Sources
B. Purines - Nitrogenous bases Cytosine , thymine and Uracil
C. ATP - The principal energy carrying compound inthe cell
D. r-RNA - RNA molecules found in ribosomes
Answer» B. Purines - Nitrogenous bases Cytosine , thymine and Uracil

Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

A. Ribosomal RNA - Carries amino acids to the site of protein synthesis
B. Transcription - Process by which protein in synthesized
C. Translation - Process by which m RNA carries the information from nucleus to ribosomes
D. Anticodon - Site of t-RNA that binds to the m-RNA
Answer» D. Anticodon - Site of t-RNA that binds to the m-RNA

Which is not the step of translation ?

A. Initiation
B. Replication
C. Elongation
D. Termination
Answer» B. Replication

The enzyme amino acyl t-RNA-synthetase facilitates.

A. Joining two neighbouring amino acids on ribosomes
B. A doption of amino acids by a t-RNA molecule
C. Insertion of amino acyl t-RNA into the ribosome sites
D. Transfer of amino acyl t-RNA from the ribosomal ‘A’ site to ‘P’ site
Answer» B. A doption of amino acids by a t-RNA molecule

state the anticodon of initiation codon of protein synthesis

Answer» A. UAC

Which is the energy source for the process of elongation ?

C. Creatine-PO4
D. All the above
Answer» B. GTP

What does a gene consist of ?

A. Promoter
B. Initiation site & termination site
C. coding sequence
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Name the enzymes needed for lactose Catabolism in E.coli ?

A. β - galactosidase, permease transacetylase
B. β - galactosidasee Lactase, transacetylase
C. β - galactosidase, lactase, permease
D. Lactase, permease, transacetylase
Answer» A. β - galactosidase, permease transacetylase

What does operon contain ?

A. Regulator gene + promotor gene
B. Operator gene + structural gene
C. Regulator gene + promotor gene structural gene
D. Regulator gene + promotor gene + operator gene + structural gene
Answer» D. Regulator gene + promotor gene + operator gene + structural gene

Select correct match with respect to lac-operon model ?

A. Active represser + inducer  Inactive repressor
B. Active repressor + corepressor  Inactive repressor
C. Inactive repressor + inducer  Active repressor
D. Inactive repressor + corepressor Active repressor
Answer» A. Active represser + inducer  Inactive repressor

In relation of lac operon in E-coli , Which protein is not regulated by the repressor ?

A. Tryptophan
B. galactosidase
C. Lactose permease
D. Transacetylase
Answer» A. Tryptophan

Which is not correct regarding the activity of helicase during DNA replication ?

A. Cuts hydrogen bomds
B. Requires ATP
C. separates DNA strands
D. Stabilizes single strands
Answer» C. separates DNA strands

Which of the following enzyme is not produced by E. coli during lactose catabolism ?

A. β - galactosidase
B. Thioglactoside translacetylase
C. Lactose dehydrogenase
D. Lactose permease
Answer» C. Lactose dehydrogenase

Which is the incorrect statement regarding HGP ?

A. HGP is an Indian scientific research project
B. In 1990, the Project was initiated
C. A working draft of the genome was announced in 2000
D. In February 2001, the analysis of the working draft was published
Answer» A. HGP is an Indian scientific research project

Humans have approximately _____ times more genes than E.coli

A. 8
B. 15
C. 100
D. 50
Answer» D. 50

Which of the following is not according to the chargoff’s rule ?

A. A = T
B. C = G
C. A + G = T + C
D. A + T / G + C =1
Answer» D. A + T / G + C =1

Select the correct answer / answers from the following
1. Ligase :- Joins short segments of DNA together
2. DNA Polymerase :- cuts DNA at specific sequence
3. Helicase :- Breaks the hydrogen bonds between complementary pairs during DNA replication
4. Gyrase : - Joins weak hydrogen bonds between complementary pairs

A. 1, 2, 3 and 4, are corrent
B. 1 and 2 are correct, 3 and 4 are false
C. 1 and 3 are correct, 2 and 4 false
D. 1, 2, 3 are correct, 4 is false
Answer» C. 1 and 3 are correct, 2 and 4 false

DNA replication in eukaryotes is

A. Unidirectional with many origin
B. Bidirectional with many origin
C. Unidirectional with single origin
D. Bidirectional with single origin
Answer» B. Bidirectional with many origin

Aminoacids lysine, serine and arginine are coded by how many codons ?

A. 6, 4, and 3 respectively
B. 4, 2 and 2 respectively
C. 6 codons
D. 4 codons
Answer» C. 6 codons

Which of the following amino acid is coded by 3 codons ?

A. serine
B. Proline
C. Tryptophan
D. Isoleucine
Answer» D. Isoleucine

How many nucleotides make one okazaki segment in eukaryotes ?

A. 1000-1500
B. 100-200
C. 5000
D. Not fixed
Answer» A. 1000-1500

Which of the following enzymes help in the process of formation of phosphodiester bond during reverse transcription ?

A. DNA - dependant RNA polymerase
B. DNA dependant DNA polymerase
C. RNA - dependant RNA polymerase
D. RNA - dependant DNA polymerase
Answer» D. RNA - dependant DNA polymerase

The two strands of a DNA molecule are separted and one of them is analysed for its A + T / G + C ratio, This is found to be 0.2 What is the A + T / G + C ratio of the other strand

A. 0.02
B. 0.08
C. 0.8
D. 0.2
Answer» D. 0.2

DNA replication in lagging strand of most of the eukaryotic organis ms is

A. conservative and continuous
B. semi conservative but discontinuous
C. conservative and semi - discontinuous
D. semi conservative but continuous
Answer» B. semi conservative but discontinuous

How many bases consist in an average gene ?

A. 3, 00, 000
B. 3000
C. 4, 00, 000
D. 4000
Answer» B. 3000

Match the following using salient features of Human genome project A B
(P) Less than 2 % genome (i) 3 billion nucleotide bases
(Q) Chromosome 1 (ii) 231 genes
(R) Y chromosome (iii) 2968 genes
(S) Human genome (iv) codes for protein

A. (P - iv) (Q - iii) ( R - ii) ( S - i)
B. ( P - iv) (Q - ii) (R - iii) (S - i)
C. (P - iv) (Q - i) (R - ii) (S - iii)
D. (P - i) (Q - iii) (R - iv) (S - ii)
Answer» A. (P - iv) (Q - iii) ( R - ii) ( S - i)

State the use of moleculer medicine ?

A. Improves diagnosis of diseases
B. Used as gene theraphy
C. Used to understand several diseass like Alzheimer’s Parkinsons diseases etc.,
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Among the following which is used for separation of DNA fragments ?

A. centifugation
B. Cell fractionation
C. Cell homogenation
D. Electrophoresis
Answer» D. Electrophoresis

In Which of the following DNA not directly involved ?

A. Repication
B. Transcription
C. Translation
D. Transformation
Answer» C. Translation

Transcription begins when one of the following enzymes binds to promotor site.

A. DNA polymerase
B. RNA polymerase
C. helicase
D. Gyrase
Answer» B. RNA polymerase

What dose A & B represent ?

A. Grycase , Helicase
B. Double Stranded Protein, Helicase
C. Helicase, Single strand binding protein
D. Topoisomerase Helicase
Answer» C. Helicase, Single strand binding protein

State the process and mention the labelled protion.

A. Process of Translation - X-RNA Polymerase- Y-DNA Template- Z-m RNA Transcript
B. process of Transcription - X-RNA Polymerase- Y-DNA Template- Z- RNA Transcript
C. process of Translocation - X-DNA polymerase- Y- Template- Z- Transcript
D. Process of Transformation - X - DNA polymerase- Y - RNA template- Z - RNA transcript
Answer» B. process of Transcription - X-RNA Polymerase- Y-DNA Template- Z- RNA Transcript

What do P, Q, R and S regions of t RNA ?

A. P - Anticodon loop
B. P. D LoopQ - Variable loop Q - T ψ c loopR - T ψ c loop R - Variable loopS - D Loop S - Anticodon loop
C. P - T ψ c loop
D. P - Anticodon LoopQ - D loop Q - T ψ c loop R - Anticodon loop R - D loop S - Variable loop S - Variable loop
Answer» A. P - Anticodon loop

Which state is represent by the above model

A. Repressed state of lac operon
B. Inactive state of Lac operon
C. Active state of Lac operon
D. Induced state of Lac operon
Answer» A. Repressed state of lac operon

What does X replesent in the above diagram

A. Released polypeptide chain
B. Released 3D protein molecule
C. Released secondary protein
D. Released tertiary protein
Answer» A. Released polypeptide chain

What does ‘X’ represent

A. gene
B. segment of DNA
C. seqment of DNA coding for specific protein
D. Both A & C
Answer» D. Both A & C

Write the codon for the anticodon on the t - RNA

Answer» A. AGU

In the genetic code dictionary how many codons are used to code for all the 20 essential amino-acids? (AIPMT - 2003)

A. 20
B. 64
C. 61
D. 60
Answer» B. 64

What would happen if in a gene encoding polypeptide of 50 aminoacids 25th codon (UAU) is mutated to UAA ? (AIPMT - 2003)

A. A Polypeptide of 24 aminoacids will be formed
B. Two polypeptides of 24 and 25 aminoacids will be formed
C. A polypeptide of 49 aminoacids will be formed
D. A polypeptide of 25 aminoacids will be formed
Answer» A. A Polypeptide of 24 aminoacids will be formed

Which one of the following triplet codes, is correctly matched with its specificity for an aminoacid in protein synthesis or as ‘start’ or ‘stop’ codon ?

A. UCG - start
B. UUU - stop
C. UGU - Leucine
D. UAC - Tyrosine
Answer» D. UAC - Tyrosine

What does “Lac” refer to in what we call the lac operon ? (AIPMT - 2003)

A. Lactose
B. Lactase
C. Lac insect
D. The number 1,00,000
Answer» A. Lactose

The following ratio is generally constant for a given species (AIPMT - 2004)

A. A + G / C + T
B. T + C / G + A
C. G + C / A + T
D. A + C / T + G
Answer» C. G + C / A + T

During transcription if the nucleotide sequence of the DNA strand that is being coded is ATACG then the nucleotide sequence in the m RNA would be (AIPMT - 2004)

B. T C T G G
C. U A U G C
D. U A T G C
Answer» C. U A U G C

Which one of the following makes use of RNA template to synthesize DNA (AIPMT - 2005)

A. DNA polymerase
B. RNA polymerase
C. Reverse transcriptase
D. DNA dependant RNA polymerase
Answer» C. Reverse transcriptase

Protein synthesis is an animal cell occurs (AIPMT - 2005)

A. only on the ribosomes present in cytosol
B. only on ribosomes attached to the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum
C. On ribosomes present in the nucleolus as well as in cytoplasm
D. on ribosomes present in cytoplasm as well as in mitochondria
Answer» D. on ribosomes present in cytoplasm as well as in mitochondria

E coli cells with a mutant z gene of the lac operon cannot grow in medium containing only lactose as the source of energy because (AIPMT - 2005)

A. the lac operon is constitutively active in these cells
B. they cannot synthesize functional beta galactosidase
C. in the presence of glucose E Coli cell do not utilize lactose
D. they cannot transport lactose from the medium into the cell
Answer» B. they cannot synthesize functional beta galactosidase

Aminoacid Sequence in protein synthesis is decided by the sequence of (AIPMT - 2006)

A. r RNA
B. t- RNA
C. m RNA
D. c DNA
Answer» C. m RNA

Antiparallel strands of a DNA molecule means that (AIPMT - 2006)

A. One strand turns clockwise
B. One strand turns anticlockwise
C. The phosphate groups of two DNA strands , at their ends share the same position
D. The phosphate groups at the start of two DNA strands are is opposite position (Pole).
Answer» D. The phosphate groups at the start of two DNA strands are is opposite position (Pole).

Polysome is formed by (AIPMT - 2008)

A. a ribosome with several subunits
B. ribosomes attached to each other in a linear arrangement
C. several ribosomes attached to a single m RNA
D. many ribosomes attached to a strand of endoplasmic reticulum
Answer» C. several ribosomes attached to a single m RNA

Whose experiments cracked the DNA and discovered unequivocally that a genetic code is a “triplet” (AIPMT - 2009)

A. Hershey and chase
B. Morgan and sturtevant
C. Beadle and Tatum
D. Nirenberg and Mathai
Answer» D. Nirenberg and Mathai

Select the two correct statement out of the four statement given below about “ Lac opern”(AIPMT-2010)
(i) Glucose or galactose may bind with the repressor and inactivate it
(ii) In the absence of lactose the repressor bind with the operator region
(iii) The Z -gene codes for permease
(iv) This was elucidated by Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod
The correct statements are

A. ii and iii
B. i and iii
C. ii and iv
D. i and ii
Answer» C. ii and iv

Which one of the following does not follow the central dogma of molecular biology ? (AIPMT - 2010)

A. Pea
B. Mucor
C. Chlamydomonas
Answer» D. HIV

The lac opern consists of (AIPMT - 2010)

A. four regulatory genes only
B. One regulatory gene and three structural genes
C. Two regulatory genes and three structural genes
D. three regulatory genes and three structural genes
Answer» C. Two regulatory genes and three structural genes

The 31 - 51Phosphodiester linkages inside a potynucleotide chain serve to join AIPMT - 2010)

A. One DNA strand with the other DNA strand
B. One nucleoside with another nucleoside
C. One nucleotide with another nucleotide
D. One nitrogen base with pentose sugar
Answer» C. One nucleotide with another nucleotide

Ribosomal RNA is actively synthesized by

A. Lysosomes
B. nucleolus
C. nucleoplasm
D. ribosomes
Answer» B. nucleolus

If one strand of DNA has the nitrogenous base sequence as ATCTG, What would be the complementary RNA strand Sequence (AIPMT - 2012)

Answer» B. UAGAC

Semiconservative DNA replication using 15 N was demonstrated by (AIIMS -1994)

A. Meselson
B. Taylor
C. Meselson and stahl
D. Hershey and chase
Answer» C. Meselson and stahl

In operan concept, the operator gene combines with (AIIMS -1986)

A. Regulator protein to switch off structural gene transcription
B. Regulator protein to switch on structural gene transcription
C. Inducer to switch off structural gene transcription
D. Regulator gene to switch off structural gene transcription
Answer» A. Regulator protein to switch off structural gene transcription

Termination of polypeptide chain is brought about by

A. UUG , UAG and UCG
B. UAA , UAG and UGA
C. UUG , UGC and UCA
D. UCG , GCG and ACC
Answer» B. UAA , UAG and UGA

RNA that picks up specific aminoacid from amino acid pool of cytoplasm to carry it to ribosome during protein synthesis is

A. t RNA
B. m RNA
C. r RNA
D. g RNA
Answer» A. t RNA

Correct sequenceof code transfer during polypeptide formation is (AIIMS -1999)

A. DNA , mRNA , t RNA and amino acids
B. DNA , t RNA , r RNA and m RNA
C. m RNA , t RNA , DNA and amino acids
D. r RNA , DNA ,m RNA and t RNA
Answer» A. DNA , mRNA , t RNA and amino acids

Best method to determine paternity is

A. Protein analysis
B. chromosome counting
C. gene counting
D. DNA finger printing
Answer» D. DNA finger printing

DNA is copied from m-RNA molecule with help of

A. Restriction enzyme
B. Reverse transcriptase
C. DNA polymerase
D. Adenosine deaminase
Answer» B. Reverse transcriptase

Nucleotide arrangement in DNA can be seen by

A. X - ray crystallography
B. Electron microscope
C. Ultra centrifuge
D. Light microscope
Answer» A. X - ray crystallography

Pneumococcus experiment proved that (AFMC - 1993)

A. Bacteria do not reproduce asexuallly
B. Bacteria undergo binary fission
C. DNA is genetic material
D. RNA may sometimes control a production of DNA and protein
Answer» C. DNA is genetic material

A DNA nucletotide chain has A G C T T C G A sequence The nucleotide sequence of other chain would be

A. T C G A A G C T
B. G C T A A G C T (AFMC - 1993)
C. T A G C A T A T
D. G A T C C T A G
Answer» A. T C G A A G C T

A functional unit in synthesis of protein is (MPPMT - 1994)

A. Lysosome
B. Peroxisome
C. Polysome
D. Dictyosome
Answer» C. Polysome

VNTR is employed for (AMU - 2002)

A. Protoplasmic culture
B. DNA finger printing
C. Regulation of plant growth hormones
D. Enhancing photosynthesis in desert plant
Answer» B. DNA finger printing

Out of 64 codons 61 code for 20 types of aminoacids It is due to (CBSE - 2002)

A. Overlapping genes
B. Degeneracy of genetic code
C. Wobbling of codons
D. Universality of codons
Answer» B. Degeneracy of genetic code

Okazaki fragments are joined by enzyme (Kerala 2005)

A. DNA helix
B. DNA ligase
C. DNA polymerase II
D. RNA polymerase II
Answer» B. DNA ligase
Question and answers in Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Molecular Basis of Inheritance multiple choice questions and answers, Molecular Basis of Inheritance Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Molecular Basis of Inheritance MCQs with answers PDF download