Chapter: Organism and Population

What is true for the following statements ?
Statement X : Migration of birds is influenced by light.
Statement Y : Reproduction of birds is influenced by light.
Statement Z : In all birds gonads are activated due to increase in intensity of light during summer.

A. True False False
B. False True False
C. True True True
D. True True False
Answer» A. True False False

What is true for the given statements ?
Statement X : Birds and Mammals obtain greater body size in cold region than in warm regions.
Statement Y : Birds and Mammals are Homeothermic (warm blooded)animals.
Statement Z : Reptiles are smaller in cold region.

A. True False True
B. True True False
C. True True True
D. False True True
Answer» D. False True True

“Spiny lizard” absorbs water from the atmosphere which is appropriate similar functional option for the statement ?

A. Tongue of Human
B. Hygroscpic roots of orchid
C. Roots of plants
D. None of these
Answer» B. Hygroscpic roots of orchid

What is true for the following statements ?
Statement X : Marine fishes have chlorine secretory cells. while riverine fishes have chlorine cells.
Statement Y : Compared to marine water, fluid present in fish is hypotonic while reverine water is hypertonic compared to fluid present in fish.

A. True True
B. False False
C. True False
D. False True
Answer» C. True False

Which animal is capable of obtaining water by oxidation of lipid.

A. Rat
B. Earthworm
C. Mole
D. Kangaroo rat
Answer» D. Kangaroo rat

Which is the example of intraspecific competition for food ?

A. Barnacle on rocks of the submerged water
B. Two female dogs and two male dogs
C. Various types of lichens
D. Paramaecium caudatuns and P.aurelia in laboratory.
Answer» B. Two female dogs and two male dogs

Name the animals with freshwater habit in which
(i) endosmosis is possible
(ii) Excess water in removed by green glands
(iii) Greenglands removes water in the from of urine

A. Fresh water fishe
B. ophiocephalus
C. Crustacean astucus
D. None of these
Answer» C. Crustacean astucus

In snakes realised (actual) natality is less than potential natality; because.....

A. all the eggs are not incubated
B. enviornmental boomrang (resistance)
C. Though eggs are incubated they donot reach upto adult stage.
D. All of these.
Answer» D. All of these.

Indentify me “ My functioning is like an orchid.

A. Protopteru
B. Spiny lizard
C. uromastrix
D. Spiny platypus
Answer» B. Spiny lizard

Crustacian Astacus = Green land Marine turtle what is ‘X’ accroding to the information given ?

A. Salt gland
B. Kidney
C. None of these
D. chlorine secretory cells
Answer» B. Kidney

Which of the following is correct statement ?

A. uromatrix lizard stores water in the intestine
B. Camel stores water in its stomach
C. Anabus develops accesary respiratory organs to respire in water.
D. Kangaroo rat undegeoes hibernation.
Answer» C. Anabus develops accesary respiratory organs to respire in water.

Parasitic animal which is part of bio-geo community and included as zoo planktons and mesofauna of tenestrial ecosystem is ....

A. Mole
B. mites
C. Earthworms
D. leech
Answer» B. mites

From the given option which is the appropriate for ecto parasite animal Ascaris, Tapeworm, plas modium, mites

A. phytoplankton
B. mesofauna
C. macrofauna
D. phytoplanktons and mesofauna.
Answer» C. macrofauna

Which living organism is seen in the hot water spring having temperature more than 100 C ..

A. Methanogen
B. Thermoacidophils
C. Helophytes
D. spirokit
Answer» B. Thermoacidophils

Find out population density. Since last 4 years number of lions in a squre forest is 500 (length of forest =10 km)

A. 1.25 lions/year . 2k meter
B. 12.5 lions/ k meter2 - year
C. 1.025 lions/ cm2 month
D. 12.5 lions/ k meter2 - month
Answer» A. 1.25 lions/year . 2k meter

Average human population in a certain time area is 5000 in which 1111 children are produced during an years, find out the birth rate ?

A. 0.1111
B. 0.3333
C. 0.2222
D. 0.4444
Answer» C. 0.2222

In birthrate and deathrate is equal, then what will be the Vital Index ?

A. = 1
B. = 100
C. >100
D. <100
Answer» B. = 100

Which option is correct for the given statement . Statement X : Density dependent factors are intrinsic Reason R : They are generated in population only

A. Both statement are true
B. Both statement are false
C. X is true, y is false
D. X is false, Y is true
Answer» A. Both statement are true

In a population of frog ‘J’ type of population growth curve is seen than which information from the given graph can be true for “ point A”
(i) Vital Index < 100
(ii) Birth rate < death rate
(iii) Birht rate > death rate

A. I
D. I, II
Answer» D. I, II

The given graph shows seasonal changes in the population of Birds of Gujarat in the year 2002. In the given graph what is true for point X ?

A. Vital Index <100
B. Vital Index >100
C. Vital Index =100
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

Producers --->Decomposers ---->’X’, then what will be ‘X’ ?

A. Nostoc
B. Fungi
C. Both of these
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

In given chart,what is the problem seen in living organism staying in‘X’ denoted area ?

A. endosmosis
B. exosmsis
C. a & b both
D. geting water and maintaing it.
Answer» C. a & b both

What is correct for the given statement ?
Statement P : Environmental study is linked with ecology
StatementQ : Ecology is included in environmental study.

A. Both statement are true
B. Both statement are wrong
C. P is right and Q is wrong
D. P is wrong and Q is right
Answer» A. Both statement are true

What is the vital Index, if Birht rate is 0 and Death rate = 5 ?

A. 0
B. 100
C. 1
D. None of these
Answer» A. 0

If the Birth rate is 10 and death rate is 0 then what is VITAL INDEX ?

A. 0
B. 100
C. Infinative
D. 1
Answer» C. Infinative

Which is appropriate for the following statement ?
Statement X : Pacific salmon fish reproduces only once in its life time.
Statement Y : In a reproductive season it lays 2,80,000,000 eggs.

A. True True
B. False False
C. True False
D. False True
Answer» C. True False

Mycobiont Supplies X to phycobiont and phycobiont supplies Y to mycobiont, then what is true for X and Y ?

A. X : Mineral element ; Y : Habitat
B. X : organic nutrients ; Y : Inorganic Nutrient
C. X : Habitat Y : protection
D. X : Minerals Y : organic nutrients
Answer» D. X : Minerals Y : organic nutrients

In a population of salmon fish, potential Natality is 10,000 while realised mortality is 200, then the Vitlal Index =

A. 50,
B. less then 50
C. mor then 50
D. None of these
Answer» B. less then 50

Which of the following is not possible in ecosystem where microflora is absent

A. Photosynthesi
B. Decomposition
C. Assimillation
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

If marine fish is kept in fresh water, will it survive

A. Yes, If chlorine cells are placed in its kidney
B. Yes, If chlorine cells are placed in its green gland
C. No, Because it can not adapt
D. No, they can not survive but of yongones hatching out of their eggs can survive
Answer» C. No, Because it can not adapt

What is true for both the organism showing interspecific compitition ?

A. Both are benefited
B. more or less harmful effect to both
C. one is benefited where as other is at loss
D. None of these
Answer» B. more or less harmful effect to both

If at “t” time population density is N, then what is the equation for the population density at (t+1) time ?

A. N (t+1) = Nt - [CD+E] - [B+I)]
B. N (t+1) = Nt+B+I-D-E
C. N (t+1) = Nt+(B+I)-(D+ E)]
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Write appropriate option for antibiosis

A. Penicillium fungi and certan gram +ve bacteria
B. Penicillium fungi and certan gram -ve bacteria
C. Spirocheate and fermicutes
D. None of these
Answer» A. Penicillium fungi and certan gram +ve bacteria

In which subdivision of aquatic ecosystem thermal stratification in seen ?

A. marine
B. deep fresh water habitat
C. marine and fresh water are
D. None of these
Answer» B. deep fresh water habitat

In which of the following aquatic ecosystems habitat fluid (liquid) is very concetrated compared to body fluid ?

A. Marine
B. Esturine
C. Riverine
D. pond.
Answer» A. Marine

Which of the following is true with reference to temperature diffrence ?

A. 1. Terrestrial Habital > Aquatic Habitat 2. Sea < Deep fresh water lakes
B. 1. Aquatic Habitat > Terrestrial Habitat 2. Sea < Deep fresh water lake
C. 1. Terrestrial Habital = Aquatic Habitat 2. Sea < Deep fresh water lake
D. 1. Terrestrial Habital < Aquatic Habital 2. Sea = Deep fresh water lake
Answer» A. 1. Terrestrial Habital > Aquatic Habitat 2. Sea < Deep fresh water lakes

Water holding capacity of land depends on ?

A. Soil composition
B. Grain size
C. Aggregation of grain
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

What true for the following statements ?
Statement X : During evolution many species, by continous development of their internal environment, made their physiologycal processes more efficient.
Statement Y : Orgenisms show adaptations in order to survive in the enviornment

A. True True
B. False True
C. True False
D. False False
Answer» A. True True

In which of the following organism water is stored in its transformed from and not water as such ?

A. camel
B. Uromatrix
C. Spiny tailed lizard
D. rat
Answer» A. camel

Which path is followed by plants as a part of adaptation in an ecosystem where Kangaroo rat is living ?

A. C3 Path
B. C4 Path
C. CAM Path
D. TCA Path
Answer» C. CAM Path

Which is true for the following statements ?
Statement X : Cursorial animals have spindle shaped body
Statement Y : Because of narrow head they can prepare burrow properly

A. True False
B. False True
C. False False
D. True True
Answer» D. True True

What is the temperature at which archeobacteria can survive ?

A. 90 C
B. 100 C
C. 110 C
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

To whom can we correlate the young one developing from the eggs of Daphnis which are laid at normal room temperature ? (i) queen bee (ii) worker bee (iii) male (drone) bee

A. i, ii
B. i, iii
C. ii, iii
D. i, ii,iii)
Answer» A. i, ii

Which is appropriate option if we take ‘T’ for correct statement and’F’ for wrong statement ?
(i) Energy pyramids are always upright.
(ii) Detritus food chain begins with dead organic matter
(iii) C4 path is the only path seen in xerophytes
(iv) Biodiversity is less in equatorial region because of more sunlight
(v) At normal Temperature daphnis lays parthenogenetic eggs. which develops into male(0 )

Answer» B. TFFFF

Increase and decrease in a population in one of the places in USA, because of sandy cyclone is
given below.
Which type of graph is possible for total no. of individuals in a population v/s month ?
Month Birth rate Imigration Death Emigration
July 40 100 30 20
August 100 200 50 45
September 200 800 100 10
October 100 -- 5000 3000

A. S. Shaped
B. J. Shaped
C. irrupative
D. None of these
Answer» B. J. Shaped

Hygroscopic skin is seen in.....

A. Kangaroo rat
B. Uromatrix
C. Spiny tailed lizard
D. Camel
Answer» C. Spiny tailed lizard

What is true for marine animals ?

A. Because of exosmosis they drink sea water
B. As they drink sea water exosmosis occurs
C. Because of exosmosis body fluid become hypotonic, so they drink sea water
D. None of these
Answer» A. Because of exosmosis they drink sea water

In order to find out VITAL INDEX in Rampur Village, following information was gathered
Death Rate = 1/x Birth Rate = z
Average population = 1/y
What is the Vital Index ?

A. xyz X 100
B. z/xy =100
C. xy/z X 100
D. 100/xyz
Answer» A. xyz X 100

What is the true for the community ecology diagram ?

A. Involvement of 4 individuls of a population
B. Involvement of 4 population of a species
C. Involvement of 4 species of a community
D. Involvement of 4 speces of 4 ecosystem
Answer» C. Involvement of 4 species of a community

Match the column I with column II
Column I Column II
(1) Astacus (p) Hydrophiic skin
(2) Marine turtle (q) green gland
(3) Spiny lizard (r) water storage in intestine
(4) Uromatrix (s) salt glands

A. (1-q), (2-s), (3-p) (4-r)
B. (1-s), (2-q), (3-p) (4-r)
C. (1-s), (2-p), (3-q) (4-r)
D. (1-p), (2-q), (3-s) (4-r)
Answer» A. (1-q), (2-s), (3-p) (4-r)

Which of the following is incorrect if ‘O’ sign is used for benificial and ‘+’ sign for harmful ?

A. Penicillium <--> Gram +ve bacteria ; Penicillium: ‘+’
B. Rhizobium <---> palnt - leguminosae family : Both ‘O’
C. Tiger <--> Rabbit ; Tiger : ‘O’
D. Shank fish <---> Suckerfish ; Suckerfish ; ‘O’
Answer» A. Penicillium <--> Gram +ve bacteria ; Penicillium: ‘+’

What will happen if ‘X’ which is related to this reaction is absent ?

A. Deconposition, essential process like death, will stop
B. Damage to ecosystem
C. Begining of the food chain is not possible
D. All the statements given are correct
Answer» D. All the statements given are correct

In the section of lichen which layer is seen just below “ upper cortex”

A. Medulla
B. Algal layer
C. lowercortex
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

What is true for the given statements ?
Statement X : Protopterus aestivate during winter to overcome dry period
Statement Y : The process of aestivation in protopterus is to overcome unfavourable condition

A. Both statements are true
B. X-Correct Y- wrong
C. Both statements are wrong
D. X- wrong Y- correct
Answer» D. X- wrong Y- correct

What is true for the given statement ?
Statement X : Most of the animals and almost all the plants cannot keep up their internal enviornment constant
Statement Y : process of osmoregulation in plants is an example of this

A. Both statements are true
B. X - correct, Y- wrong
C. Both statements are wrong
D. X- wrong, Y- correct
Answer» A. Both statements are true

X= Arthropods, Y = Mollusca, z = Coelenterates :-If the X by using Y, lives benifical life with z, then which of the following is correct example ?

A. X = cockroachY = pearl oyester Z = Hydra
B. X = Millipede Y = pila Z = jellyfish
C. X = Hermit crab Y = Gastropoda Z = sea anenone
D. All of these
Answer» C. X = Hermit crab Y = Gastropoda Z = sea anenone

From the given option find out the correct pair ?

A. Mesofauna - Earthworm
B. Macrofauna - spider
C. Microfauna - fungi
D. None of these
Answer» C. Microfauna - fungi

Mathc column I with column II
Column - I Column - II
1. Mutualism (p) Barnacles
2. Competition (q) Tiger
3. Predation (r) Mites
4. Parasitism (s) Sea anemone

A. (1-s), (2-r), (3-p) (4-q)
B. (1-r), (2-s), (3-q) (4-p)
C. (1-s), (2-p), (3-q) (4-r)
D. (1-q), (2-r), (3-s) (4-p)
Answer» C. (1-s), (2-p), (3-q) (4-r)

Give correct option for the given true and false statements
(i) Some insects, birds and mammals living in warm and dry climate have more darker black pigments than the races of same species living in cold and humid climate.
(ii) Tempreture variation is much lesser in aquatic habitat compared to terrestrial habitat
(iii) In deep fresh water lakes, there is gradual incrase in tempreture from surface to the bottem
(iv) In an aquatic habitat production increases with insing depth. (T =True, F = False)

Answer» D. FTFT

‘X’ is an example of Mutualism and ‘Y’is an example of succession then which is the correct realtionship ?

A. X = Hermit Grab Y = Gastropod
B. X= Sea anemore Y = mesosere Succession
C. X = Lichen Y = Xerosere
D. X= Lichen Y= Hydrosere
Answer» C. X = Lichen Y = Xerosere

At ‘t’ time, population density is ‘N’ and at t+1 time population density is Nt+1/If Nt+1 - Nt then find out the correct option

A. B-D +I-E  0
B. B-D+I-E = 0
C. B+D-I+E +0
D. B+D-I+E  0
Answer» B. B-D+I-E = 0

Which of the following is not included as the climax community of general processof succession ?

A. Sedge-meadow stage
B. phytoplanktones
C. Forest
D. Grassland
Answer» B. phytoplanktones

How mandy sq. km. area of biosphere is occupied by marine habitat. ?

A. 3,62,000,000
B. 36 crore 20 lacs
C. 36,20 Million
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Whats percentage of earth is occupied by marine habitat ? (1) 71% (2) 4 % (3) 67% (4) 29%

A. 1,2
B. 2,3
C. 1,4
D. 1
Answer» D. 1

What is the composition of soil with high waterlogging capicity ?

A. Sandy soil
B. Black soil (loan soil)
C. Rocky soil
D. Any one of these
Answer» B. Black soil (loan soil)

Recently a village was badly affected by jaundice and Dengue,which of the following will decrease due to this ?

A. No. of person
B. area
C. Birthrate
D. Death rate
Answer» A. No. of person

Which is related to the given statement ? In the begining of summer crow and koel lays eggs.

A. As the light intensity decerease reproductive organs become active
B. In some Birds increase or decrease in intensity of hight- makers reproductive organs active or inactive respecctivity
C. with increase in temperture, gonads become active
D. None of these
Answer» C. with increase in temperture, gonads become active

Population of CBM Village year wise ........
2000 -----> 1000
2005 -----> 400
2010 -----> 600
2012 -----> 800
what will be the appropri/ate graph for this ?

B. Irruptive
C. ‘S’ shaped
D. J shaped
Answer» B. Irruptive

What is correct for the given statement ?
Statement X : Ascaris are permanent parasites
Statement Y : Ascaris lives inside the host’s body

A. Both X&Y are correct
B. Both x & Y are wrong
C. X is wrong Y is true
D. X is correct & Y is true
Answer» A. Both X&Y are correct

Depending on the study of bird population in diffrent areas of North Gujarat for last 10 years (2000 -2010) In which month population of bird is least ?

A. February
B. September
C. April
D. October
Answer» B. September

Which is the correct option for the given table ?write ‘T’ if the given ecample is correct and ‘F’ for
wrong example
Information Example
Breed only once Bamboo
Breeds many time Birds like pigeon, Mammals
Small sized but many offsprings Pray Birds
less in number but big size offsprings Only deep marine shishes

Answer» B. TTFF

Biological control as pest control in agriculture is an example of .....

A. Predation
B. Competition
C. Emigration
D. diseases
Answer» A. Predation

The turtle of Galapagus island and the goats living there both were eating tender grass, state the relationship.

A. Interspecific competition
B. Emigration
C. predation
D. None of these
Answer» A. Interspecific competition

carrying capicity of a population is determind by (BHU 2001)

A. Birth rate
B. Death rate
C. limiting resources
D. Reproductive ability ...
Answer» C. limiting resources

Biotic community means.... [CBSC, PMT - 2001]

A. Group of Birds
B. Group of species
C. Group of interrelated population
D. Groups of interrelated ecosystem
Answer» C. Group of interrelated population

What is true for the members of same species [CBSC, PMT - 2002]

A. Capicity of inter breeding
B. shows same ecological niche
C. show diffrent type of ecological niche
D. They have diffrent Habitat
Answer» A. Capicity of inter breeding
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