1630+ Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection Solved MCQs


Which of the following is/are part(s) of transformation process, is/are considered as a part of organizational development?
I. Implementing Strategic Planning and Alignment
II. Assessing the competitors strengths and weaknesses
III. Assessing the environment and changing organisational structure, systems and culture
IV. Developing the work climate to enhance teamwork, trust and cooperation

A. I, II and III
B. I, II, III and IV
C. I, III and IV
D. I, II and IV
Answer» C. I, III and IV

HRM function does not involve

A. Recruitment
B. Cost control
C. Selection
D. Training
Answer» B. Cost control

Providing new employees with basic information regarding background is

A. employee orientation
B. employee training
C. both A and B
D. none of above
Answer» A. employee orientation

In career development focus, individual goal setting is part of

A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruitment and placement
D. human resource planning
Answer» B. performance appraisal

‘strategic change’ is an example of

A. human process intervention
B. techno structural interventions
C. strategic intervention
D. HRM interventions
Answer» C. strategic intervention

Treating employees as precious human resources is the basis of the approach

A. Hard HRM
B. Soft HRM
C. Medium HRM
D. Utiliarian approach
Answer» B. Soft HRM

Sales commission is an example of

A. time based pay
B. performance based pay
C. bonuses
D. salary incentives
Answer» B. performance based pay

A systematic method to teach skills for job while presenting facts and getting feedback is called

A. job rotation
B. off the job training
C. job instruction training
D. programmed learning
Answer» D. programmed learning

‘integrated strategic management’ is an example of

A. action research
B. survey research
C. marketing research
D. human research
Answer» A. action research

A brief write-up of what the job is all about is ?

A. job finding
B. job summary
C. job analysis
D. job specification
Answer» B. job summary

Effective human resource management could include all of the following responsibilities except

A. placing the right person in the right job
B. training employees
C. controlling labor costs
D. all are responsibilities necessary for effective human resource management
Answer» D. all are responsibilities necessary for effective human resource management

Human Resource Management includes
1. Employee Grievance
2. Organizational climate
3. Job incentives
4. Recruitment
5. Selection
Select the correct answer from the following:

A. 1, 2, 3 and 4
B. 1, 3, 4 and 5
C. 1 and 5
D. All of the above
Answer» B. 1, 3, 4 and 5

Human Resource Planning include

A. Action planning
B. Scenario planning
C. Demand and Supply forecasts
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The following is (are) the option(s) while planning for surplus

A. Reassign the jobs
B. Redesign the jobs
C. Reduce work hours
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The systematic process of making job valuation determinations about a job based upon its content and the way is which it actually functions within the organization is called:

A. Job Determination
B. Job Analysis
C. Job Evaluation
D. Job Grading
Answer» C. Job Evaluation

High performance work system leads to

A. superior employee performance
B. low labor costs
C. safer workplaces
D. less employee turnover rate
Answer» A. superior employee performance

‘unclear standards’ usually results in

A. unfair appraisals
B. fake appraisals
C. true appraisals
D. Both A and B
Answer» D. Both A and B

Which of the following is not a peculiarity of labour market?

A. Worker can sell not only his own labour but also the labour of his fellow workers.
B. The number of buyers is less than the number of sellers.
C. Labour market is normally local in nature.
D. Labour is less mobile.
Answer» A. Worker can sell not only his own labour but also the labour of his fellow workers.

‘Case of Schimdt’ is associated with which School of Management thought?

A. Systems Approach
B. Behavioural School
C. Scientific Management
D. Human Relations School
Answer» C. Scientific Management

Supplemental insurance plans are included in

A. long-term incentives
B. short-term benefits
C. executive perks
D. job ranking
Answer» C. executive perks

Low absenteeism and turnover is the outcome of which of the following core dimensions described by the Job Characteristics Model

A. Autonomy
B. Feedback
C. Task Identity
D. Task Significance
Answer» D. Task Significance

A system which measures ongoing performance and e-mails reports is called

A. direction sharing
B. goal alignment
C. ongoing performance monitoring
D. ongoing feedback
Answer» C. ongoing performance monitoring

According to Fredrick Herzberg, person’s low-level needs are classified as

A. hygiene’s
B. motivators
C. unhygienic
D. unmotivated
Answer» A. hygiene’s

Which type of promotion has been described by W. R. Spriegel?
I. Departmental Promotion
II. Inter-departmental Promotion
III. Inter-plant Promotion
IV. Inter-company Promotion

C. I, II, IV
Answer» A. I, II, III

In which incentive executives are given right to purchase stocks for specific period ?

A. long-term incentives
B. short-term incentives
C. pay scale
D. ranking jobs
Answer» A. long-term incentives

Human Resource Management is ?

A. Employee oriented
B. Employer oriented
C. Legally oriented
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Employee oriented

‘reward systems’ is an example of

A. human process intervention
B. techno structural interventions
C. strategic intervention
D. HRM interventions
Answer» D. HRM interventions

Manpower inventory involves ?

A. the classification of the inventory of workers in an organisation in addition to the qualities.
B. the classification of characteristics of personnel in an organisation, in addition to counting their number.
C. the classification of characteristics of managers’ qualities in addition to their number.
D. the classification of characteristic features of functions for inventory in addition to the total number of functions.
Answer» B. the classification of characteristics of personnel in an organisation, in addition to counting their number.

The Integrated system model is also known as

A. Harvard Model
B. Michigan Model
C. Integrated Model
D. Warwick System Model
Answer» D. Warwick System Model

An aggregate of several related action plans that have been designed to accomplish a mission within a specified time period is known as

A. Programme
B. Process
C. Project
D. Policy
Answer» A. Programme

Focus on long-term issue, that are hardto-reverse are part of

A. coaching
B. mentoring
C. informal training
D. formal training
Answer» B. mentoring

Each band in ‘broad banding’ contains

A. wide range of jobs
B. lesser range of job
C. only one type of job
D. unspecified job description
Answer» A. wide range of jobs

The technique that have been used to evaluate an employee in comparison with other employees

A. Ranking
B. Forced choice
C. Essay evaluation
D. Critical incident technique
Answer» A. Ranking

Which of the following act represents a situation in which employment decisions are NOT affected by illegaldiscrimination?

A. Fair employment
B. Legal compliance
C. Litigation Process
D. Affirmative action
Answer» A. Fair employment

Span of control and management level of executive is included in

A. job complexity
B. complexity in hiring
C. complexity in training
D. complexity in recruitment
Answer» A. job complexity

Which of the following statements about downsizing is not correct?

A. Downsizing helps in getting rid of deadwood.
B. Cost-cutting measure is a reason for downsizing.
C. Mergers and Acquisitions are responsible for downsizing.
D. Technical up gradation cannot be attributed as a reason for downsizing.
Answer» D. Technical up gradation cannot be attributed as a reason for downsizing.

When employee’s high expectations confront reality of boring job, it is called

A. promotions
B. transfers
C. reality shock
D. formal training
Answer» C. reality shock

‘quality circles’ is an example of

A. human process intervention
B. techno structural interventions
C. strategic intervention
D. HRM interventions
Answer» B. techno structural interventions

Interviews can be

A. structured only
B. unstructured only
C. both structured and unstructured
D. none of above
Answer» C. both structured and unstructured

Which of the following is not a type of information that should be provided by application forms?

A. Education
B. Experience
C. work stability
D. Applicant’s age
Answer» D. Applicant’s age

All of the following are examples of human resource job duties except

A. recruiter
B. equal employment opportunity coordinator
C. financial advisor
D. compensation manager
Answer» C. financial advisor

Relationships section of job description defines whom would you

A. supervise
B. report to
C. work with
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Kind of arbitration in which parties are not committed to accept award of arbitrator is classified as

A. binding arbitration
B. non-binding arbitration
C. interest arbitration
D. rights arbitration
Answer» B. non-binding arbitration

Compensation for top executive job is largely based on

A. job complexity
B. employer’s ability to pay
C. executive’s human capital
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

HR’s basic challenges in formulating strategies include(s):

A. Need to support corporate productivity and performance improvement efforts.
B. Employees not play any role in performance improvement efforts
C. Not being involved in designing the company’s strategic plan
D. Management agenda’s
Answer» A. Need to support corporate productivity and performance improvement efforts.

Downside of management by objectives is

A. time consuming
B. large capital is needed
C. large pool of human capital is required
D. both A and B
Answer» A. time consuming

A manager may delegate any of the following except

A. Responsibility
B. Authority
C. Work load
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Responsibility

For forecasting the demand for manpower, the important techniques used are

A. Delphi Techniques
B. Statistical Techniques
C. Work Study Techniques
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

In Lewin organizational change process, ‘creation of sense of urgency’ is called

A. unfreezing stage
B. moving stage
C. refreezing stage
D. all of above
Answer» A. unfreezing stage

During his days at Midvale Steel Company F.W. Taylor saw that employees soldiering - deliberately working at a pace slower than their capabilities. He identified that, worker indulge in soldiering primarily for the following reasons:

A. Fear of losing jobs if they increase their output.
B. Faulty wage systems.
C. Out-dated methods of working
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

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