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Which of the following method is used to inform employees about the company's job openings?

A. Job publishing
B. Job declaration
C. Job posting
D. Job listing
Answer» A. Job publishing

Which of the following is a test validation method that determines whether a test measures certain traits that are important in performing a job or not?

A. Concept validity
B. Criterion validity
C. Construct validity
D. Content validity
Answer» C. Construct validity

During which of the following interview, an interviewer asks probing and open-ended questions?

A. Structured interview
B. Unstructured interview
C. Formal interview
D. Planned interview
Answer» B. Unstructured interview

Which of the following source can be used to ensure the authentication of the information Provided by the job applicant?

A. Reference check
B. Criminal record
C. Application form
D. Credit history
Answer» A. Reference check

Which of the following department of an organization performs the managerial function of matching organizational needs with the skills & abilities of the employees?

A. Finance department
B. Marketing department
C. Production department
D. Human Resource department
Answer» D. Human Resource department

Which of the following component of attitude represents a person’s opinions, knowledge, and information?

A. Affective component
B. Cognitive component
C. Behavioural component
D. Objective component
Answer» B. Cognitive component

The mental process to interpret environment as per one's own understanding is known as:

A. Perception
B. Personality
C. Attitude
D. Ability
Answer» A. Perception

Which of the following act represents a situation in which employment decisions are NOT affected by illegal discrimination?

A. Fair employment
B. Legal compliance
C. Litigation process
D. Affirmative action
Answer» A. Fair employment

If in a country women advocates are not encouraged to be appointed as high court judges; which of the following constraint applies in this situation?

A. Grievance practices
B. Equal employment opportunity
C. Glass ceiling effect
D. Reverse discrimination
Answer» B. Equal employment opportunity

Job posting is:

A. Internal advertisement by an organization to attract candidates from the existing employees, against a vacancy.
B. The system of transferring existing employees to comparable new jobs available in the organization.
C. An arrangement of in house training of employees for career advancement.
D. Grouping together of a family of similar jobs, under a single title to establish uniformity of standards in controls and compensations.
Answer» A. Internal advertisement by an organization to attract candidates from the existing employees, against a vacancy.

Realistic job preview is a:

A. Technique for listing elements of job before selecting someone to perform it.
B. Performance appraisal technique.
C. A selection device that enables the candidates to learn both the negative and positive information about the job and organization.
D. None of the given options
Answer» C. A selection device that enables the candidates to learn both the negative and positive information about the job and organization.

Job analysis can be performed in all of the following ways except:

A. Observing hourly work
B. Reviewing interviews conducted with departing employees
C. Studying diaries or daily journals that manager kept over a three- month period
D. Giving workers checklists to indicate which tasks on the list are performed during job execution
Answer» A. Observing hourly work

Considering continuous process improvement activities in organizations, Should “Zero defects” really be a goal?

A. Yes perfection is reasonable goal.
B. No, 0.1 percent errors can be corrected much more efficiently than they can be prevented
C. Yes most industries find this an attainable goal.
D. Sometimes, for some mistakes, cost benefits can not be calculated
Answer» D. Sometimes, for some mistakes, cost benefits can not be calculated

Organizational efficiency is expressed as:

A. Planning for long-run goals
B. Making the best use of scarce resources
C. Goal attainment
D. Meeting deadlines
Answer» B. Making the best use of scarce resources

Goal setting is:

A. Top down process
B. Bottom up process
C. A process of top down support and bottom up development
D. A function of senior management
Answer» C. A process of top down support and bottom up development

When the firm changes the way it operates, the process is known as:

A. Downsizing
B. Brain drain
C. Restructuring
D. Outsourcing
Answer» C. Restructuring

Which one is not included in the hiring process?

A. Recruitment
B. Socialization
C. Selection
D. Job specification
Answer» D. Job specification

Extents of individual freedom and discretion employees have in performing their jobs is Known as

A. Capitation
B. Flextime
C. Empowerment
D. Autonomy
Answer» D. Autonomy

Which of the following measures are taken to assess the intensity of employees’ satisfaction and their attitude toward the training program?

A. Continuous feedback
B. Profitability rate
C. Market share
D. Productivity levels
Answer» A. Continuous feedback

Organization, where employees are provided with the opportunity to learn on continuous basis is known as:

A. Formal
B. Informal
C. Bureaucratic
D. Learning
Answer» D. Learning

Under which of the following no screening of applicant pool is conducted before making final selection?

A. Walk-in applicants
B. Employee referrals
C. Employment agency
D. School placement
Answer» A. Walk-in applicants

Which of the following is NOT a concern of Human Resource Development (HRD)?

A. Employee training
B. Employee orientation
C. Employee rights
D. Employee appraisals
Answer» C. Employee rights

Employee commitment has suffered in recent years because of::

A. Downsizing
B. Training issues
C. Appraisals
D. Performance standards
Answer» C. Appraisals

The process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, motivations; acquires information about opportunities; identifies career goals; and establishes action plans to attain those goals is called _____.

A. Organizational development
B. Career management
C. Career development
D. Career planning
Answer» C. Career development

Following are the stages of socialization process, except:

A. Pre-arrival stage
B. Encounter stage
C. Metamorphosis stage
D. Completion stage
Answer» D. Completion stage

Which performance appraisal technique lists traits and a range of performance?

A. Alternation ranking
B. Graphic rating scale
C. Management By Objective
D. Paired comparison
Answer» B. Graphic rating scale

Which of the following is part of an employee’s role in his or her own career development?

A. Providing timely performance feedback
B. Participating in career development discussions
C. Establishing goals and career plans
D. Offering a variety of career options
Answer» C. Establishing goals and career plans

_________________ is achieved by combining capital, raw material & human resource by an organization.

A. Sales
B. Capital
C. Input
D. Output
Answer» D. Output

Unofficial part of an organization formed on the basis of common interests is known as:

A. Formal organization
B. Informal organization
C. Bureaucratic organization
D. Virtual organization
Answer» B. Informal organization

The re-arrangement of organizational structure & change in organizational culture is accomplished during:

A. Task analysis
B. Organizational analysis
C. Person analysis
D. Management analysis
Answer» B. Organizational analysis

Which of the following statement reflects the 'Age Discrimination Act' for workers?

A. At the age of 40 to 70, workers can not be retired by force
B. At the age below 18, workers can never be hired
C. Having 10 years of experience, workers should be promoted
D. Workers can never be rehired if retired once
Answer» A. At the age of 40 to 70, workers can not be retired by force

Providing training & development opportunities, and career information & programs, are all part of the ------------------’s role in career development.

A. Individual
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Company
Answer» C. Supervisor

Which of the following method includes the exchange of information between organizational member & the applicant through a goal-oriented conversation?

A. Counseling simulations
B. Vocational interest test
C. Role playing
D. Employment interview
Answer» D. Employment interview

_______________________ is an obligation to perform certain tasks/activities.

A. Duty
B. Responsibility
C. Position
D. Work
Answer» B. Responsibility

If the workforce of an organization represents true proportion of the community sectors in all its job classifications, it represents the ______ of its affirmative action.

A. Performance
B. Gaps
C. Effectiveness
D. Discrepancies
Answer» C. Effectiveness

Studying organizational behaviour helps managers:

A. To see the value of workforce diversity
B. To analyze the efficiency of organization
C. To analyze the efficiency of organization
D. To become more effective in society
Answer» D. To become more effective in society

If a company is employing the fresh graduates as well as the professional experts, the management is said to be enhancing _____________.

A. Stereotyping
B. Variety
C. Diversity
D. Uniformity
Answer» C. Diversity

The cognitive component consists of a person’s:

A. Emotions
B. Knowledge
C. Attitude
D. Feelings
Answer» B. Knowledge

Which of the given term is used to represent the segments of jobs held by an individual throughout his/her life time?

A. Responsibility
B. Career
C. Occupation
D. Position
Answer» B. Career

What is another term used for 360-degree feedback?

A. Feedback loop
B. Multi-source assessment
C. Upward reporting
D. Round communication
Answer» B. Multi-source assessment

Which one of the following is an outcome of 'organizing' function of management?

A. Organization’s strategy
B. Motivation & commitment
C. Organization’s structure
D. Performance measurement
Answer» C. Organization’s structure

Which of the following is a stated outcome of 'Job Analysis'?

A. Job description
B. Job specification
C. Job evaluation
D. All of the given options
Answer» D. All of the given options

Which of the following is MOST important to manage workforce diversity?

A. Lower cohesiveness
B. Support group
C. Top-level commitment
D. Resistance to change
Answer» C. Top-level commitment

Training to the raters of performance appraisal is an important responsibility of:

A. Top management
B. HR department
C. Line managers
D. Production department
Answer» B. HR department

Graphic rating scales are subjected to all of the following problems, except:

A. Halo effects
B. Complexity
C. Central tendency
D. Leniency
Answer» B. Complexity

Which of the following is responsible for implementing the developed strategies?

A. Human resource
B. Physical resource
C. Rules & policies
D. In stalled equipment
Answer» A. Human resource

In which of the following area organizations are legally bound to maintain consistency in HR policies?

A. Compensation system
B. Training & development
C. Safety measures
D. None of the given options
Answer» D. None of the given options

How can companies provide career counselling, development advice, and therapy for employees seeking to grow in their careers?

A. Provide career coaches
B. Encourage role reversal
C. Establish a corporate campus
D. Offer online career centres
Answer» A. Provide career coaches

Which ONE of the following is not a part of Human Resource Development?

A. Training
B. Education
C. Development
D. Rewards
Answer» B. Education

What type of screening mode is used to reduce absenteeism and establish a baseline for future insurance claims?

A. Physical examinations
B. Personality tests
C. Polygraph tests
D. Substance abuse screening
Answer» A. Physical examinations

Which of the following is part of the organization’s role in an employee’s career development?

A. Communicating the mission, policies, and procedures
B. Providing timely performance feedback
C. Participating in career development discussions
D. Seeking out career information
Answer» A. Communicating the mission, policies, and procedures

Which of the following term is said to be a part of Organizational Structure?

A. Goal attainment
B. Hierarchy level
C. Performance standards
D. Supporting staff
Answer» B. Hierarchy level

“On going process of evaluating & managing both the behaviour & outcomes in the workplace” is known as;

A. Training & development
B. Performance appraisal
C. Compensation management
D. Job analysis
Answer» B. Performance appraisal

HRIS helps managers to perform _______________________ more effectively & systematically.

A. Management functions
B. Controlling functions
C. Planning functions
D. HR functions
Answer» D. HR functions

Rewards offered to labors involved in production, are categorized as;

A. Salary
B. Fringe benefits
C. Wage
D. Commission
Answer» C. Wage

The goal of pre-retirement educational programs is to;

A. Improve job satisfaction
B. Increase employee commitment
C. Minimize medical claims from retirees
D. Ease the transition from working life to retirement
Answer» D. Ease the transition from working life to retirement

Organizations put maximum effort in measuring performance of organizational people because;

A. It makes procedures cost effective
B. It helps in detecting the problems
C. It leads to product innovation
D. It assists in implementing new technology
Answer» B. It helps in detecting the problems

Willingness, capacity & opportunity to perform are said to be;

A. Performance outcomes
B. Determinants of performance
C. Performance appraisals
D. Types of performance standards
Answer» B. Determinants of performance

One of the major barriers to career advancement experiencing by working ladies is;

A. Difficulty in balancing work and family life
B. Top management is usually male oriented
C. Lack of educational opportunities
D. Common perception that woman can not be better boss
Answer» A. Difficulty in balancing work and family life

Alternative work arrangements include all of the following EXCEPT;

A. Part-time work
B. Flexible hours
C. On-site child care
D. Job sharing
Answer» C. On-site child care

Mr. Ahmed is a cashier and he feels dissatisfied at work. What best justifies this situation?

A. His job may not be structured to suit his preferences
B. It involves physical toughness
C. It requires mental toughness
D. It involves too much customer interaction
Answer» A. His job may not be structured to suit his preferences

The _____ problem occurs when supervisors tend to rate all their subordinates consistently high.

A. Central tendency
B. Leniency
C. Strictness
D. Halo effect
Answer» B. Leniency

The relationship between critical incident method & BARS (behaviourally anchored rating scale) is;

A. No relationship exists
B. Different methods to evaluate performance
C. Both are similar PA methods
D. Comparison method is used for PA, while BARS is related to training
Answer» C. Both are similar PA methods

What is another term for 360-degree feedback?

A. Feedback loop
B. Multi-source assessment
C. Upward feedback
D. Circle feedback
Answer» B. Multi-source assessment

The point method to evaluate job is an extension of;

A. Ranking method
B. Factor comparison method
C. Classification method
D. Point factor method
Answer» B. Factor comparison method

Job evaluation is based on the :

A. Physical skills required by the job
B. Relative job worth for an organization
C. Complexity of the job to perform
D. Conceptual skill required by the job
Answer» B. Relative job worth for an organization

Who is in the best position to observe and evaluate an employee’s performance for the purposes of a performance appraisal?

A. Peers
B. Customers
C. Top management
D. Immediate supervisor
Answer» D. Immediate supervisor

Groups are called ______________ if jobs are similar.

A. Classes
B. Grades
C. scales
D. Roles
Answer» A. Classes

Train the raters prior to conduct the performance appraisal is an important responsibility of;

A. Top management
B. HR department
C. Line managers
D. Production department
Answer» B. HR department

Currently Organizations are providing benefits to their employees;

A. To attract new blood in the organization
B. To create stronger customer relationship
C. To enhance the market share
D. All of the above
Answer» A. To attract new blood in the organization

Following are all examples of direct compensation except :

A. Pension
B. Salary
C. Bonus
D. Income
Answer» A. Pension

One of the main flaws of Classification method to evaluate the jobs is :

A. It is an expensive method
B. Only beneficial for small organizations
C. Maximum probability of biasness
D. Not useful when jobs are different
Answer» D. Not useful when jobs are different

Which of the following measurement methods rates employee performance? relative to other employees?

A. Graphic rating scale
B. Comparative method
C. Essay method
D. Critical incident method
Answer» B. Comparative method

HRM is associated with the management of;

A. General people
B. Financial resources
C. Organizational people
D. Community members
Answer» C. Organizational people

Cost of human resources refers to;

A. Company profits
B. Employee shares
C. Salary packages
D. Earned revenues
Answer» C. Salary packages

Top level managers require __________________ skills the most;

A. Technical
B. Interpersonal
C. Conceptual
D. Mechanical
Answer» C. Conceptual

Matching the job description with the individuals’ qualification is an important aspect of;

Answer» C. HRIS

HR managers are generally the _______________ managers;

A. Line
B. Middle
C. Staff
D. Top
Answer» C. Staff

Manufacturing was the main concern of personnel department during;

A. Mechanistic period
B. Catalytic period
C. Organist period
D. Strategic period
Answer» A. Mechanistic period

SWOT Analysis is a tool for;

A. Determining organization’s mission
B. Developing organizational goals
C. Formulating strategies
D. Environmental scanning
Answer» D. Environmental scanning

Jobs are identified & grouped while;

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Leading
D. Controlling
Answer» B. Organizing

According to the Hawthorne studies, the productivity of employees;

A. Increased by increasing light
B. Decreased by decreasing light
C. Increased by observing them
D. No change in their productivity
Answer» C. Increased by observing them

Organizational goals should be;

A. Achievable
B. Ambiguous
C. Random
D. Vague
Answer» A. Achievable

Which one of the following is NOT the source of workforce diversity?

A. Age
B. Gender
C. Education
D. Resentment
Answer» D. Resentment

To anticipate the human resource needs of the organization based on some previous data or managerial judgment is known as;

A. Demand forecasting
B. Supplies forecasting
C. Financial forecasting
D. Sales forecasting
Answer» A. Demand forecasting

The thorough & detailed study regarding jobs within an organization is represented by;

A. Job analysis
B. Job description
C. Job specification
D. Job evaluation
Answer» A. Job analysis

A practice used by companies to assign their costly activities to outside providers, (for the purpose of cost saving), rather than completing it internally is called;

A. Planning
B. Decentralization
C. Restructuring
D. Outsourcing
Answer» D. Outsourcing

Organizational behaviour depicts the;

A. Jargons used within the organization
B. collective behaviour of an organization
C. Effect of society’s common behaviour on an organization
D. Culture prevails in an organization
Answer» B. collective behaviour of an organization

Leaders perform;

A. Decisional roles
B. Informal roles
C. Informational roles
D. Interpersonal roles
Answer» D. Interpersonal roles

Organizations take inputs from its;

A. Rules & Policies
B. Internal Environment
C. External Environment
D. Legislations
Answer» B. Internal Environment

As organizational activities are interrelated, it is said to be;

A. A closed system
B. An isolated system
C. An open system
D. A clogged system
Answer» C. An open system

Management sciences department is one of the _______________ of the VU;

A. System
B. Subsystem
C. Board
D. Structure
Answer» B. Subsystem

Shifting from manual to computerized system is resulted due to;

A. Workforce diversity
B. Technological advancement
C. Stake holder’s involvement
D. Globalization
Answer» B. Technological advancement

_________ is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees, attending to their labour relations, health and safety and fairness concerns.

A. Labour Relations
B. Organizational Behaviour
C. Human Resource Management
D. Organizational Health and Safety Management
Answer» C. Human Resource Management

Which of these refers to the temporary, part time and self-employed workers?

A. Internal labour force
B. Contingent work force
C. High-performance work systems
D. Downsized employees
Answer» B. Contingent work force

Which basic function of management includes delegating authority to subordinates and establishing channels of communication?

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Leading
D. Staffing
Answer» B. Organizing

Over the past 25 years, all of these areas of legal environment have influenced HRM except:

A. Equal employment opportunity legislation
B. Employees pay and benefits
C. Employee competition legislation
D. Job security
Answer» C. Employee competition legislation

One of the most popular methods of increasing employee responsibility and control is _______.

A. Outsourcing
B. "Military model" of management
D. Work teams
Answer» D. Work teams

Which of these is a major dimension of HRM practices contributing to company competitiveness?

A. Compensating human resources
B. Acquiring and preparing human resources
C. Managing the human resource environment
D. All of the given options
Answer» D. All of the given options

How has technology changed HRM practices?

A. Recruiting using the web generates smaller, more focused applicant pools.
B. Employee training is offered through scheduled classes rather than on demand.
C. Electronic resumes take less time to evaluate than paper resumes.
D. None of the given options.
Answer» C. Electronic resumes take less time to evaluate than paper resumes.
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